Hilde Van Mieghem

Hilde Van Mieghem

Рождение : 1958-04-14, Antwerpen, Belgium


Hilde Van Mieghem


Старые шпионские игры
В свое время Адерет был одним из лучших секретных агентов в мире. Но время идёт, и вот уже начальство считает его слишком старым и отправляет шпиона в вынужденную отставку. Последний шанс восстановить былую репутацию появляется благодаря секретной операции, которая наводит Адерета на след поставщика химического оружия. Пока он выслеживает Анджелу, руководство посылает за ним молодого оперативника Дэниэла. Вновь ввязавшись в знакомую игру в кошки-мышки, старый разведчик постепенно понимает, что из охотника превратился в жертву.
Well-known novelist and literary monument, 55-year-old Jan Meerman's successful life is thrown upside down when his 85-year-old mother, Josée Verbeke, unexpectedly has a severe stroke. Jan no longer recognizes his once lively mother as her verbal witticisms have been replaced by pitiful cries and gibberish. In these difficult times Jan faces the upcoming deadline of his new novel. The confrontation he has to engage with the decline of his mother makes him question his priorities.
Tödliche Geheimnisse
Margret Olson
Dark Diamond
Olga Ulmann
Pier Ulmann lives from hand-to-mouth in Paris, between construction work and petty theft that he commits on behalf of Rachid, his only “family”. But life catches up with him the day his father is found dead in the street after a long decline. The black sheep of a rich Antwerp family who deals in diamonds, he has left his son nothing, apart from the story of his banishment from the Ulmann family and a thirst for revenge.
Soeur Geraldine
The "Devil's Evil Guitar" has been removed from the world by the supreme being, and rock and roll is a thing of the past in this newly puritanical environment. But what happens when the guitar is sent back by Vicious, an angel punk?
Madly in Love
The film focuses on the tumultuous romance in the lives of four women in The Hague. Teenage daughter Eva, her mother Judith, aunt Barbara and older sister Anna make it under one roof Hague together a nice game of. They are beautiful, courageous and sensible, but sometimes they just do not know in a world full of tender love, serial dating, slaked lust, affairs, children's desires and indestructible old loves.
A frank and funny romantic comedy set in Antwerp, filmed in a quirkily inventive style, Madly in Love has a lot to say about human relationships. It focuses on the four women of the Miller family: teen daughter Eva, her mother Judith, aunt Barbara and older half-sister Michelle, as they work their way through the chaos called love. The result is a roller coaster ride of first crushes, lust, affairs, baby fever, and indestructible love. The four women are beautiful, courageous and sensible, but are also sometimes a bit lost. Can their male counterparts handle this dangerous cocktail of determination and female hormones?
A frank and funny romantic comedy set in Antwerp, filmed in a quirkily inventive style, Madly in Love has a lot to say about human relationships. It focuses on the four women of the Miller family: teen daughter Eva, her mother Judith, aunt Barbara and older half-sister Michelle, as they work their way through the chaos called love. The result is a roller coaster ride of first crushes, lust, affairs, baby fever, and indestructible love. The four women are beautiful, courageous and sensible, but are also sometimes a bit lost. Can their male counterparts handle this dangerous cocktail of determination and female hormones?
A rich American couple, a family of Dutch criminals, a French gay couple, a working class family from Germany and an illegal Moroccan youth and his kid brother, are all in Amsterdam, each with their own story. Different reasons make their paths intertwine, leading to a dramatic climax that changes their lives for ever.
Vox Populi
Vox Populi is a black comedy about an experienced politician suffering from a midlife crisis. When he comes into contact with the common-man's logic of his new in-laws, this has a far-reaching effect on both his political and his personal life.
The Architect
Eva Winter
Accepting a prize, architect Georg Winter explains that an architect has the good fortune of measuring every completed building against the rightness of his original idea. Soon Georg himself is forced to take stock of the achievements and mistakes he has made in his personal life. An intense drama in which the four members of the family travel to a mountain village to bury Georg's mother. They get stranded in bad weather. This unexpected isolation throws new light on the past and present life of the parents and the two almost-adult children.
Love Belongs to Everyone
Shy, gentle half-wit Dennis, whose only obsession is train-spotting, is released early on account of good behavior after a rape sentence. His parents who run a modest barbershop, skeptic André and Rita, desperately try to keep him out of girl trouble, but his victim's sister Barbara starts a hate campaign. After another girl reports abuse, Dennis is jailed and beaten black and blue daily. Barbara's boyfriend, lawyer Thomas Verelst, accepts to help 'pro deo' (no cost) and pleads that Dennis belongs in a mental institution.
The Wedding Party
Nele Schneider-Rebholt
In rural Westphalia, Franz Berger struggles to keep his inn open. On this day, a bluff, overbearing bully, Hermann Walzer, has booked the dining room for a wedding banquet for his son Mark. There's bad blood between Berger and Walzer, so when the first course, shrimp cocktail, is off, Hermann storms out with the wedding party vowing not to pay. Franz locks the loo door, taking prisoners of the bride and Hermann's wife while he also locks the estate's outer gates, leaving Hermann and the rest outside. Walzer, a pheasant hunter, lays siege; shotguns, rifles, grenades, a shovel, and other weapons leave no one safe. Will it take death to bring these men to their senses?
The Kiss
Denise Lenaerts
Sarah, a beautiful and gifted 15-year-old from a wealthy but chaotic family, holds on to one dream: to run away from home and to become a professional ballet dancer.
The Kiss
Sarah, a beautiful and gifted 15-year-old from a wealthy but chaotic family, holds on to one dream: to run away from home and to become a professional ballet dancer.
The Kiss
Sarah, a beautiful and gifted 15-year-old from a wealthy but chaotic family, holds on to one dream: to run away from home and to become a professional ballet dancer.
Die achte Todsünde: Das Toskana-Karussell
Eva accidentally witnesses (and tapes) the suicide of a girl. The tape is stolen but retrieved by Dieter, with whom she starts an affair.
A young mother called Maria is returning home after a long abscence. Her kids have created their own fantasies as to why their mother has been away for such a long time.
Die achte Todsünde: Gespensterjagd
In this film within a film, a Belgian serial killer escapes prison and finds that a filmmaker is making a movie about his life. A maverick director, a merciless producer, an insubordinate star, and a conviced serial killer all try to survive the deadliest place on Earth: a movie set.
Hombres complicados
A businessman gets in serious financial troubles. When his mother dies, he thinks he's saved, but she only leaves 50.000 francs (1.500 USD). His brother Bruno, a customs officer, wants to use the money for her funeral, but our businessman prefers to use it to shake off his attackers. He promises them they will get through customs without problems with a certain package... Now his only problem is to convince Bruno...
Blazen tot honderd
In the course of four seasons we follow the process as Maurits mourns the death of his mother. His intensely sad father, a restorer of paintings, is not able to offer him any solace. Maurits denies his mother's death and withdraws to the flood plains of the river. There he meets Moniek. During their journey of discovery through the plains, their tender friendship turns into love. But Maurits anger and sorrow sometimes turn to extreme emotions and that frightens Moniek. A dead dog takes them over the top and Moniek never wants to see him again.
Two Women, Two Men
Nick and Charlotte are a married couple. As both are more than busy earning money, there is no time for love or sex - only Tuesdays. Soon, Charlotte finds a lover, Luis, who is an unsuccessful, married artist. He and his wife Eva also have no time for sex, as Eva has to support her artist and the couple's 3 and 6 year old kids by working in a restaurant. The secret affair of Luis and Charlotte lasts quite a while, they decide to spend a romantic week in Venice, Italy. But by accident, Eva finds out about the couple and their destination. She forces Nick, Charlotte's husband, to join her on a trip to Venice in order to restore her marriage as well as his.
The Sugar Bowl
Moeder (Mother)
A short look into the life of a loving girl with an abusive mother and a father who stands by during his wife's frequent fits of violence.
The Sugar Bowl
A short look into the life of a loving girl with an abusive mother and a father who stands by during his wife's frequent fits of violence.
The Sugar Bowl
A short look into the life of a loving girl with an abusive mother and a father who stands by during his wife's frequent fits of violence.
The Sugar Bowl
A short look into the life of a loving girl with an abusive mother and a father who stands by during his wife's frequent fits of violence.
Россини, или извечный вопрос: Кто с кем спал?
Fanny Zigeuner
Каждый вечер итальянский ресторанчик «Россини» собирает своих чудных посетителей. Вечные завсегдатаи — все как на подбор одиночки — считают ресторан своим первым домом. Загруженного работой косметического хирурга, сумасшедшую журналистку, весёлого продюсера, загадочного поэта, прекрасную Валери, истеричного неврастеника и персонал ресторана собрал под своей крышей гостеприимный «Россини». Здесь-то и разворачиваются жизненные драмы, рушатся планы, сбываются мечты; здесь встречают любовь и навсегда расстаются с друзьями.
It Will Never Be Spring
Lin Lemmerse
A female writer bases her newest book on the affair she had with her publisher in this Dutch drama. Lin is the glamorous writer who finds herself pulled out of a canal by two riverboat men. Her story is told in flashback. Her recently published book "Wildgroei"(Dutch for "Wild Growth") chronicled her one-sided passion for her publisher Emile who chose Lin's sister Marot instead.
Seventh Heaven
Seventh Heaven or De zevende zemel is a 1993 Dutch romantic comedy film directed by Jean-Paul Lilienfeld.
Female Anarchist
В кафкианском пространстве Праги действуют безличные силы, сводящие Кафку с ума. Здесь он предстает в роли клерка и сочинителя, обреченного стать жертвой параноидального состояния.
Играй или умри
French Teacher
Главный герой фильма старшеклассник Кис влюблен в своего одноклассника Шарля. Они сидят вместе за одной партой. Шарль — красавчик, любимчик одноклассников и естественно хулиган, а Кис — отличник и тихоня, над которым все зло подшучивают и издеваются, в том числе и Шарль, не подозревая, что Кис в него влюблен. Не по своей воле подросток оказывается среди хулиганов с их причудливо-неоднозначными психо-сексуальными играми и авантюрами. Но проходит время и о чудо, Кису кажется удается завоевать внимание и расположенность Шарля. Однажды, когда дома не было родителей, Кис приглашает Шарля к себе в гости. Кумир приходит к нему домой и… кто бы мог подумать, что драма плавно перерастет в триллер, в котором хэппи энда не будет…
Laura Ley
Laura Ley
Sailors Don't Cry
Hilde earns just enough to support herself and her son, but when his father returns the troubles begin.
Pink Palace, Paradise Beach
Are you happy? You don't have to answer right away. There is an island in the Mediterranean where the question concerning happiness is taken very seriously. A man comes and is drawn into a confusing game. A child an a mysterious woman play an important role in the game. He is mistaken for someone else and gradually sees the possibility of leaving his former life behind and finding happiness on the island. Is this only an illusion which should be rejected?
Blonde Dolly
Dolly / Sylvia / Kitty
Prostitute Dolly co-finances the purchase of a Vermeer painting with art expert Eddy Cremer. When they find out the painting is fake, she returns to the red light district, where conditions have worsened over time.
White Madness
A heroin-addicted artist (Thom Hoffman) hugs his self-imposed isolation. While he was in an empty factory to painting, he heroin syringe. He dreams that he is like an eagle above the people flies out. When his mother becomes disabled after a failed suicide attempt, she asks him. He is looking for her for the first time in twelve years again. Together they take a radical decision.
Toute une nuit
Following over two dozen different people in the almost wordless atmosphere of a dark night in a Brussels town, Akerman examines acceptance and rejection in the realm of romance.
Hugo Claus rewrote and directed Friday as the cinematic version of his original 1969 play of the same name. Just as in the play, the story begins with the theme of incest, as the father Georges (Frank Aendenboom) returns from serving his jail sentence for that crime. Unlike the earlier play, however, the film does not emphasize that aspect of the story. When Georges gets home he finds out that his wife Jeanne (Kitty Courbois) has had an illegitimate child by a younger man, Erik (Herbert Flack), and now both of them must somehow try to return to a normal life, given their only too obvious lapses in moral judgment. As the husband and wife try hard to accommodate each other's failings and start to get to know each other again, Erik comes back into the picture. Now the three of them must resolve the deep-seated conflicts that brought them to this emotionally-wrought juncture of love and betrayal.