Tyron Ricketts
Рождение : 1973-06-29, Weiz, Styria, Austria
As a 16-year-old girl, Christina experienced her great love – with 39-year-old Jakob. When he died in an accident, he left an irrevocable gap in her life. Twenty years later, young Patrick rescues Christina from a thunderstorm. From the beginning, he reminds her of Jacob, from his friendly and confident nature to his characteristic gestures. The two become lovers. Christina is happy with Patrick, in whom she sees more and more the Jacob she has found again. But the more the two men become one person for Christina, the more irritated Patrick becomes. When he begins to see more than coincidence in their encounter, Christina has disappeared.
Dr. Kouyaté
Когда бывший главный редактор Карин Бергер и журналист-расследователь Ромми Кирхгоф случайно становятся свидетелями несчастного случая со смертельным исходом на крупной стройке, они решают раскрыть происки строительной мафии...
Why has the German film and television industry so far not found a natural way of dealing with people with a migration background? The documentary "Kino Kanak" begins a complex search for traces.
Christian Bachman
a Neo-Noir feature shot entirely on location in Northern Iceland, during the 24-hour daylight of mid-summer.
A woman on the run from ruthless kidnappers discovers her savior is the man jailed for attacking her 15 years earlier.
A woman on the run from ruthless kidnappers discovers her savior is the man jailed for attacking her 15 years earlier.
Set in New York, the film tells the story of the friendship between two European immigrants; Maria and Lena during one intense week, as they struggle to find happiness and test the limits of their freedom.
Beardless Bob
Ryan Lessiter
Jerry Delgado
Franco Toko
Freddy Kowalski and Emile Ramzy are paramedics in Hamburg and race night after night through the city, regardless of congested intersections, red lights and oncoming traffic. They are real life savers. One day they witness a murder and decide to go to the bottom of the thing itself. They come across an explosive corruption scandal that brings them in danger. Without knowing it, they hold the most important keys to investigate the crime itself in their hands.
Используя переломный момент в истории Восточной Европы, трое молодых людей эмигрируют летом 1990 года из России в Германию. Прибыв в Восточный Берлин, они начинают новую жизнь.
Robert Makeni
Аллен Мэнерик помещён в психиатрическую лечебницу для душевнобольных преступников за совершение жестокого убийства из мести. Здесь ему приходится иметь дело с серьёзно больными и весьма опасными пациентами, пока ему, в рамках программы по реабилитации, не заменяют режим содержания на более свободный. Там он встречает Миа — очаровательную заключённую с маниакально-депрессивным синдромом. Постоянно преследуемый воспоминаниями, Аллен ищет искупления, когда неожиданные события вынуждают его встать на защиту Миа от насилия и хаоса этого учреждения.
Simon Taylor
Detective Kreutzer follows a case of a jazz singer murdered in a club. What unravels as the detective gets closer to the truth, surprises even Kreutzer himself.
Bodyguard Marcus
The holiest night, the loneliest people. A singer, a killer and Santa Clause. United in their destiny.
An African refugee, whose identity is unknown, is being interrogated in prison. He refuses to speak and eat, seems traumatized. When the prison guard, who is looking after the prisoner, finds a hidden photograph, he realizes there is something out of the ordinary about this refugee. Inside the dreary prison cell there is a friendly relationship developing between the two of them. The prison guard is the only one who learns about the refugees past and motives. What connects the two of them is the shared fate of having lost a loved one. The guard decides to help the refugee, even if it means risking his own job. But time is getting short and the deportation machinery is already in full play.
On the escape of the violent Poles 1946, the child of Rosemarie get lost. And Rosemaries tries to find her daughter.
Ida is a woman who was adopted to Finland from Africa as a child. Ida is an unemployed seamstress approaching her thirties and still lives at home with her activist mother Kati. Kati wants to fix her daughter's life and offers her a job at her work. Encouraged by her new friend Ville, Ida, however, sets out for Berlin in order to find a job and to prove to her mother that she can manage on her own. Meanwhile, Kati has been told that she is seriously ill, but she does not want to mention it to Ida in fear of standing in the way of her daughter's struggle for independence. Ida wants to have a life of her own, but what will she have left at the end of the day?
Over one wild Cologne night, three women in search of the perfect partner and perfect life discover that a little bit of magic changes everything...
Franz Böhm
Black Deutschland is a made-for-television documentary film, directed by Oliver Hardt and produced by de-Arte. The documentary is filmed in different cities in Germany and features people from all across the black diaspora who reside in Germany.
Manager I
Работая уборщиком в психиатрической больнице, Ник Келлер в последнюю секунду спасает от самоубийства девушку Лайлу, что приводит к непредвиденным последствиям: Лайла тайно выслеживает Ника и однажды вечером неожиданно появляется в дверях его квартиры. В ночной сорочке и босиком. Все попытки избавиться от Лайлы кончаются неудачей. Девушка твёрдо решила остаться у него навсегда. И вот необычная парочка отправляется в путешествие, которое их сблизит и навсегда изменит их жизни…
Koofi Danqua
Alleinerziehende Mutter Leslie geht aus lauter Verzweiflung eine Scheinehe mit Koofi ein, der seinen Job als Computerfachmann aufgrund einer Flaute in der Branche verloren hat und damit auch seine Blue Card. Ein Beamter der Ausländerbehörde jedoch schöpft verdacht. Nun müssen Koofi und Leslie alles daran legen, eine glaubwürdige Ehe vorzuspielen.
Herr Mukatabe
Olaf is to take care of the family's cleaner's store, while his dad is away on a fair. In the evening he runs into three Brazilian ladies thrown out of a limousine not knowing where to go. Olaf invites them to stay with him and his deaf pot-smoking grandfather, which at first just causes some confusion as he soon is to marry his girlfriend Vera. The next day it's topsy-turvy all over.
Mark Demski (Jan Sosniok) discovers his girlfriend is cheating on him and thinks it has happened because of his small penis. Sad, he dumps the girl and promises himself never again to fall in love, but he fails. When he encounters Lara Singer (Doreen Jacobi) he must fight with his own fears.
The film describes what it’s like growing up in Germany as Afro-German, with all its facets. The film was made after the racist killing of the black German Adrinio in 2000 by Neo Nazis.
AFRO Deutscher
The film describes what it’s like growing up in Germany as Afro-German, with all its facets. The film was made after the racist killing of the black German Adrinio in 2000 by Neo Nazis.
Red Cap
1936 год. Немецкий чемпион Макс Шмеллинг одержал победу над американским боксером-тяжеловесом Джо Луисом. Вернувшись на родину победителем, Макс получил всеобщее признание и уважение. Когда же, спустя два года, Шмеллинг проиграл Луису в матче-реванше, он потерял расположение властей и публики, а Джо, в свою очередь, вознесся к вершинам спортивной славы…
A horror thriller directed by Leon Boden.
2. Zivilpolizist
Судьба сводит героев картины в больнице, где врачи выносят им смертный приговор. Счет времени их жизней идет на часы. Дальнейшие события в фильме разворачиваются в стремительном темпе. Украв машину с миллионом немецких марок в багажнике, они сбегают из больницы. Их преследуют наемные убийцы, они становятся грабителями поневоле, за ними гонится полиция, они попадают в бордель. Но тем не менее продолжают мчаться вперед, навстречу своей Судьбе.
A surfing accident washes a rich Afro-German out to the open sea. He is rescued by African refugees who are on their way to Europe in a small boat. Indistinguishable from the refugees, he is sold to slave traders as they land back on the African shore.
Michael Schreiber
A surfing accident washes a rich Afro-German out to the open sea. He is rescued by African refugees who are on their way to Europe in a small boat. Indistinguishable from the refugees, he is sold to slave traders as they land back on the African shore.