Ernst Stankovski
Рождение : 1928-06-16, Wien, Austria
Смерть : 2022-01-26
Arthur Langer
The discovery of a horse on the balcony of a neighbour’s apartment one winter’s night completely transforms the life of 10-year-old Mika, who embarks on a series of crazy adventures to save the horse before it’s too late.
It's carnival in Paris and lawyer Paul is with his wife Angèle from London to visit his journalist friend Georges and his wife Marguèrite. At the upcoming opera ball, the two women want to put their husbands to the test.
Konrad Adenauer
A docudrama about Germany's former chancellor Helmut Kohl, whose 16-year tenure during the 80s and 90s included the reunification of the country after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Экранизация одноименной пьесы популярного венгерского драматурга Георга Табори. Чернейшая комедия, рассказывающая о молодых годах Адольфа Гитлера-Шикльгрубера. Юный Адольф приезжает в Вену, где заводит дружбу с престарелым евреем Шломо Херцлем. Гитлер и не предполагает, что общается с лютым расовым врагом и следует всем советам и пожеланиям нового знакомца.
Onkel Theo
After Wunschkinder und andere Zufälle (2003) and Die Hochzeit meiner Töchter (2006), the story of the Reimer family is told again. While mother Hilde has married her late love Theo, her lesbian daughter Anja is waiting for a sign from her friend Karin from Brazil.
Berthold Geier
Herr Nolde
Onkel Volker
Hilde Reimer is overjoyed when her three grown-up daughters and their partners move into the old family villa. The only thing that really bothers Hilde is that her three girls are still not married, despite having children and being very much in love.
Dr. Saalburg
Herr Wegener
Art expert Katharina Diezmann is out of the blue, when one day the little Brazilian Marcia is standing at her door. Years ago Katharina had taken over a sponsorship for the eleven-year-old, but never expected that she would ever meet her. The little girl is in Berlin with her samba group over Christmas and has only one wish: finally to see real snow!
Manfred Fels
Karl Ressel
A holocaust survivor now living as a respected writer in Manhattan is the only person who can identify a suspected Nazi back in his native Austria. When a beautiful reporter eager for a scoop tries to lure him back, Geburtig must decide whether to confront his past.
Axel Sandberg
Dr. Lukas Hoffmann
Dr. Haas
Eugen Bischoff
Leo Perutz' thriller deals with the persecution of a psychotic murderer in Vienna in 1909 who seems to lead his victims into a brilliantly hidden form of suicide.
Eugen Stark
Leo Perutz' thriller deals with the persecution of a psychotic murderer in Vienna in 1909 who seems to lead his victims into a brilliantly hidden form of suicide.
Picking up where "God Does Not Believe In Us Anymore" leaves off, Freddy struggles to find work after arriving in New York in 1940. His world of refugee acquaintances includes the depressed daughter of a poet/delicatessen owner, an aging surgeon who cannot find work, and a lovable charlatan photographer. Corti's trilogy continues with "Welcome in Vienna"
Daniel Holl
Prosper Alpanus
Anwalt Wondrak
The intertwined lives of people of both Polish and German extraction who live on the pre-World War II border between the two countries are explored in this drama. Valeska is the Polish/German matriarch of a family living on the German side of the border. Her son is involved with the Hitler youth, but nonetheless keeps secret the presence on family land of a Jew who is hiding from the authorities. When the son inadvertently kills a soldier to prevent his sister from being raped, he runs away after borrowing money from the Jewish man. When soldiers come to the family's door looking for the missing soldier who had been billeted there, the Jewish man commits suicide. In another episode, one of the family's daughters marries a German soldier in a ceremony presided over by a Polish priest.
Sekretär Liebetraut
Sir Gotz von Berlichingen, a knight who fights for God and his Emperor, is the bitter enemy of the Bishop of Bamberg, who has managed to persuade Gotz's old friend Adalbert of Weislingen to fight for him. He allows Adalbert to kidnap him and bring him to his castle, where he tries to convince his old friend to come over from the "dark side". Complications ensue.
Der Fremde
Dr. Kersten
A German comedy from 1972 directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb. Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft reminisces about his own time as a student.
Martin Morley
1. Offizier Meier-Pollex
Captain Ebbs is an older, experienced seaman who has, however, only sailed on freighters. While his current old barge, the Martin Luther, has to go into the shipyard for an overhaul, the shipping company gives him command of the elegant cruise ship Julia to temporarily replace a colleague who has fallen ill. The rough Ebbs finds his way into his new job only with difficulty and initially puts his foot in his social mouth.
Graf Sternburg
Der Ehemann, André
Monsieur Marquis
An officer and a count who live in opposite ends of the same castle bet each other who will be the first to bed their respective new 'virgin' maid. The winner will get ownership of the castle. In order to attain his goal, the officer ignores his lusty fiancee but she soon finds a luitenant to turn her attention to. Eventually a whole stable of local prostitutes gets in on the act.
Юная дочь лесничего Оленька Скворцова – часть живой природы, ее прямое продолжение в самом гармоничном виде. Встретив Оленьку в лесу, ни граф Корнеев, ни его спутник не могли вообразить, в какую историю вовлечет их всех эта очаровательная девушка. Сложные перипетии, вызванные чувствами любви и ревности, приводят к трагической развязке…
Johann Strauß
Advokat Derville
William Blake
Herr von Watzdorf
John Mallorie
Capt. Legrand
Baron Jules
Oberleutnant Doschensky
John Carlton
Musical comedy about a marriage registrar.
Dr. Felix Schneider
Edward Bradley
Lloyd Hilton
Peter Bertram
Otto Ohne
Oberleutnant Lukas
Он скромно идет своей дорогой, ни к кому не пристает, и к нему не пристают журналисты с просьбой об интервью. Если бы вы спросили, как его фамилия, он ответил бы просто и скромно: «Швейк». И действительно, этот тихий, скромный человек в поношенной одежде - тот самый бравый солдат Швейк, отважный герой, имя которого еще во времена Австро-Венгрии не сходило с уст всех граждан чешского королевства и слава которого не померкнет и в республике. Я искренне люблю бравого солдата Швейка и, представляя вниманию читателей его похождения во время мировой войны, уверен, что все будут симпатизировать этому непризнанному герою. Он не поджег храма богини в Эфесе, как это сделал глупец Герострат для того, чтобы попасть в газеты и школьные хрестоматии. И этого вполне достаточно.
Albert Leroi
Bo Swedenhjelm
Mike Ellis
Leutnant Montschi
Dr. Fellner
Musical comedy set in a high school.
Frank O'Ryan
Willi Goede
Otto Friedrich Dennert is a celebrated veteran of the Essen police force. While investigating a series of killings of women he reaches retirement age. The case is taken over by a new team, including Dennert's son Harry. Convinced that they have arrested the wrong person, Dennert begins investigating by himself with assistance from the criminal underworld.
Fritz Lobheimer
Jovan Bendix
Karl Haller
Jürgen Godeysen
Juergen Godeysen
Herr Sanders
Конрад, сын овдовевшего инженера, против воли своего отца, повсюду ищет кандидатку в роли новой мамы. В кафе он встречает певицу Тею Морено, которая понравилась ему так сильно, что он пригласил ее к себе домой. Девушке понравился мальчик, а вскоре и его папа. Но она скрывала, что является знаменитой оперной певицей, и когда это выяснилось, Конрад сильно разозлился. Тея уходит из дома мальчика и отца. Но Конрад сожалеет о своем поведении и отправляется на оперный концерт, чтобы вернуть свою «новую маму».