Christiane Hörbiger

Christiane Hörbiger

Рождение : 1938-10-13, Vienna, Austria

Смерть : 2022-11-30


Christiane Hörbiger (born 13 October 1938 in Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian television and film actress. She is one of the three actress daughters of Austrian actors Attila Hörbiger (1896–1987) and Paula Wessely (1907–2000). Her sisters are Elisabeth Orth and Maresa Hörbiger. She is also the aunt of German-Austrian actor Christian Tramitz. She has played roles in various German and Austrian TV movies and TV series. For example, from 1998 until 2002 she played the eponymous role in the Austrian TV series Julia—eine ungewöhnliche Frau (Julia—An Extraordinary Woman). In 1995, she was a member of the jury at the 45th Berlin International Film Festival.[1] Her only foray so far into voice acting has been the role of Mrs Caloway (the dairy cow) in the German-language version of Disney's Home on the Range. Today Christiane Hörbiger lives mainly in Vienna. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Christiane Hörbiger
Christiane Hörbiger


Der Fall der Gerti B.
Tatort Staatsarchiv
A murder case is drawing more attention to the family history of historian Adelgunde. In cooperation with a young Russian girl, who knows surprisingly much about her father, Adelgunde finds out about strictly guarded family secrets.
Einmal Sohn, immer Sohn
Lilo Maertens
Lilo Maertens has been the editor of a women's magazine for several years. Now the women's rights activist is close to her 80th birthday and has to admit slowly but surely that she has to hand over the management. After eye surgery, Lilo is initially out of action and has to stay with her son Ruben and his wife Jutta. From then on she made life difficult for the couple. Only Finn finds access to his grandma.
Jedermann liebt Karli Spiehs – Einer Legende auf der Spur
Муза убийцы
Madeleine Montana
Детективы Мадлен Монтана когда-то были очень популярны, но эти времена прошли, хотя Мадлен не хочет с этим смириться. И вдруг неожиданно она вновь оказывается в центре внимания: в Вене происходит серия убийств и все они будто скопированы из её романов. Кто же этот таинственный убийца: давний поклонник, маньяк или здесь какой-то тонкий расчет?
Die letzte Reise
Katharina Krohn
The family of Katharina Krohn is shocked when they learn that she is a member of a Swiss organization that helps people who have decided to leave this life, even though she has no life-threatening disease like many of the other members, but because she has lost the will to face life after the death of her husband.
Bis zum Ende der Welt
Maria Nikolai
Secret Hope
Hanna Berger
After the surprising death of her husband, Hanna Berger meets another stroke of fate. Her husband had concealed her desolate financial circumstances, and now she is completely destitute. Without money and without housing, it only remains the social services and finally the street. She can not reveal herself to her daughter. Too deep are the ditches between the two women. But Hanna does not want to give up. She is proud and determined to find out again from this devastating situation with her own strength.
Stiller Abschied
Charlotte Brüggemann
Charlotte, in her early 70s, is not a woman to fool. With energy and assertiveness, she leads the family-owned company since the death of her husband. But lately, irritating incidents are piling up: Charlotte gets bumpy, forgets appointments and messes things up. Alone Katrin, the life partner of her son Markus, speaks out, what nobody wants to admit: Charlotte suffers from dementia. But even though she herself feels that something is wrong with her, the proud woman refuses any help. Until the situation threatens to escalate.
Schon wieder Henriette
Henriette Frey
Zurück ins Leben
Maria Niemann
Маленькая леди
Конец XIX-го века, Нью-Йорк. Девятилетняя Эмили счастливо живёт со своей овдовевшей матерью в рабочем районе. Мир Эмили внезапно перевернулся, когда в один прекрасный день появляется господин из Европы и объявляет Эмили, что она является единственной наследницей богатой графини. Холодная и властная вселяет страх в сердца окружающих, но Эмили видит только одинокую женщину. Именно тогда, когда графиня понимает, что Эмили стала для неё родной, во дворце появляется женщина со своим сыном, утверждая, что он, а не Эмили, является законным наследником, — и она может это доказать…
Oma wider Willen
Henriette Dietrichstein
A new collaboration between director Sigi Rothemund (Siggi Götz) and writer Erich Tomek.
Therese geht fremd
Therese Engel
Das Glück ist ein Kaktus
Dr. Edith Iden
Agnes Wieland
Agnes, the proud managing director of a renowned Viennese jewelery business, has been happily married to the jeweler Leo Wieland for 17 years. He designs for her the exclusive collections and proves her despite the obvious age difference - Leo is a lot younger than his wife - every day his great love. But everything changes when Agnes receives a devastating diagnosis from her doctor: lung cancer. By chance, the couple will one day get to know little Max and his attractive mother Vera. In the terminally ill Agnes matures a plan: Vera would be a perfect partner for Leo.
Meine Schwester
Katharina Wallner
Katharina Wallner is the owner of a long-established business for film videos. After the will of her disinherited landlord Heinz Ortner she should now close the lovingly run shop. So far, she was able to withstand Ortner's harassment, but the dreamy old lady is annoyed at the end. Her sister Hannah, surprisingly returning from South America, encourages Katharina to do something about the homeowner. When Ortner lies dead in the stairwell the next morning, Katharina comes over a terrible suspicion.
Die lange Welle hinterm Kiel
Margarete Kämmerer
In a luxurious cruise a woman recognizes the voice of the man who killed her husband 50 years ago during World War II. The reunion brings bitter memories in women. Based on the novel" The long wave after the keel" by Pavel Kohout.
Wie ein Licht in der Nacht
Carla Binder
Luises Versprechen
Luise Seeliger
Annas zweite Chance
Anna Ewald-Klahsen
Визит старой дамы
Claire Zachanassian / Klara Wäscher
Небольшой немецкий городок Гюллен из-за экономического кризиса находится на грани разорения. Высшие чины и простые жители теряются в догадках, как и чем можно спасти город. И тут в Гюллен приезжает одна из богатейших женщин мира — Клара Цаханассян, много десятилетий тому назад жившая тут. Она предлагает городу фантастическую сделку. Клара готова выплатить Гюллену два миллиарда евро, если один из жителей города, её давний знакомый, Альфред Илл… умрёт. Настоящая буря поднимается в Гюллене сразу после заявления Клары…
Niete zieht Hauptgewinn
Marie Gruber
Alma ermittelt – Tango und Tod
Alma Mitterteich
Die Geschworene
Hanni Winter
Heute fängt mein Leben an
Hedi Ohlsen
For a lifetime, Hedi Ohlsen subordinated her needs to the family. She raised a child, took care of the house and learned the unloved profession of dental assistant for the sake of her husband Johannes. And although John has left her for a younger one, Hedi still cares for her elderly mother-in-law Agnes. As this now blesses the time and Hedi finally wants to start her own life, suddenly her pregnant daughter Leonie is attacking at the door. She has quit, no money and no father for the child Hedi is to raise for her. Is the dream of late freedom back?
Die Frau im roten Kleid
Ines Kupfer
Лесной разбойник
Приключенческий фильм для всей семьи о странных, волшебных и смешных событиях. Похожий на Бармалея лесной разбойник пришел из темного леса, напугал бедную бабушку и лишил ее любимого занятия - готовить кофе. С этим не могли смириться юные шалопаи - Каспер и Сеппел. Полицейский, такой же страшный как лесной разбойник, решил восстановить справедливость. К этой компании присоединились прекрасная фея, злой маг и чародей, гадалка и ее маленькая "собачка" Васти. Чем закончится это захватывающее волшебное приключение?
Hella Fischer
Mathilde liebt
Mathilde Kramer
Neue Freunde, neues Glück
Nele Ungureit
Alpenglühen zwei - Liebe versetzt Berge
Rosa Mayrhofer
Utta Danella - Das Familiengeheimnis
Jona Goltz
Journalist Jakob Goltz visits his parents at Bodenee for the first time in many years. The encounter with his hard-hearted mother Jonah tears up old wounds in Jacob, who has only sad memories of his childhood. When his wife Madlon plunges into an affair with Jonas estate manager Rudolf, Jacob's worst fears seem to be reaffirmed: All those who are close to his mother become unhappy. But Jakob does not suspect that Jonah has a sad secret in him
Leaf and Blossom - The Inheritance
Victoria Baumann
Aunty Agatha has passed away at a healthy ninety years. She had known all along, that her family wanted nothing more than to get their hands on her riches. That's why she devised a cunning plan before leaving her kin - in a state discord: She hires former journalist Vincent to give her eulogy. Vincent's ex-wife Victoria, who runs an exclusive florist's shop branded "Leaf and Blossom" is to provide the floral arrangements for her funeral. Of course aunt Agatha didn't tell either half of the former couple, whose marriage didn't end too harmoniously either, that their ex was involved. When the will is read Agatha's family doesn't take it well that Victoria and Vincent are also bequested and it doesn't help that the total value of the legacy seems to be much lower than they hoped for. But aunty is sending her avaricious offsprings onto a deviously plotted scavenger hunt that's leading them to the real fortune. Victoria and Vincent of course are given the crucial clues to take the lead.
Rosa Mayrhofer
The Praying Mantis
Beatrix 'Trixi' Jancik / Schernthaler
Trixi Jancik leads a risky double life. At home, she is an obedient housewife. But when she puts on a disguise and goes to the racetrack to indulge in her secret passion, she catches a glimpse of a better life. Although she blows her grocery money, she has tasted the kind of luxury she can normally only dream about. A minor squabble at home brings the situation to a head and marks a turning point in her life: Trixi fixes her husband a lethal cocktail of pills.
Klaras Hochzeit
Der Preis der Sehnsucht
Petra Klinger
Jimmy the Kid
Letzte Chance für Harry
Daniela Koch
Two Berlin archetypes - Harald Juhnke and Günter Pfitzmann - convince in this touching big-city fairy tale in insistent roles as typical Berlin characters with everyday wit, temperament and improvisational talent.
Busenfreunde 2 - Alles wird gut!
Gerda Kroll
Ein Schutzengel auf Reisen
Sonja Schretter
Hunger - Addicted to Love
Lauras Mutter
Laura loves Simon and Simon loves Laura. But Laura does not love herself enough to let Simon closer to her. The reason being something nobody is allowed to know: she tries to suffocate any kind of feelings by giving in to eating attacks. When Simon finds out, their relationship threatens to break apart.
Klara Herzog
Hofrat Geiger
Marianne Mühlhuber
Ich begehre dich
Alexandra Meyberg
Zum Glück gibt's meine Frau
Rosamunde Pilcher: Karussell des Lebens
The young Prue Shackleton travels from London to Cornwall to visit her beloved aunt Phoebe, who has just become a widow. On the train she meets Charlotte, a sad little girl who comes from a broken home.
Alles auf Anfang
Lore Kuballa
Movie-making cliches are parodied in this German comedy which features to warring actresses, meddling producers, indulgent directors, and an ignored writer. Not only must they contend with each other, they must also deal with the bankers who have the power to shut them down at any moment. The story begins at the premier of director Viktor Rote's newest film "The Tin Cat," which stars his popular wife Riki Rote. The film's writer and Viktor's brother Richard is miffed when he is not allowed into the screening. Viktor's ambitious mistress and aspiring star the Nina is also not invited in. The film is a hit so Rote is allowed to begin his new film by producer George Kuballa. George is also head of the studio. His rich and frequently rejected wife is Lore, a major financial studio backer who prefers spending her time consorting with her handsome young chauffeur.
Von Frau zu Frau: Die Sammlerin
Alena Westorp
Probefahrt ins Paradies
Schwester Ursula
Freya von Hepp
Schtonk! is a farce of the actual events of 1983, when Germany's Stern magazine published, with great fanfare, 60 volumes of the alleged diaries of Adolf Hitler – which two weeks later turned out to be entirely fake. Fritz Knobel (based on real-life forger Konrad Kujau) supports himself by faking and selling Nazi memorabilia. When Knobel writes and sells a volume of Hitler's (nonexistent) diaries, he thinks it's just another job. When sleazy journalist Hermann Willié learns of the diaries, however, he quickly realizes their potential value... and Knobel is quickly in over his head. As the pressure builds and Knobel is forced to deliver more and more volumes of the fake diaries, he finds himself acting increasingly like the man whose life he is rewriting. The film is a romping and hilarious satire, poking fun not only at the events and characters involved in the hoax (who are only thinly disguised in the film), but at the discomfort Germany has with its difficult past.
Frau Held
The former waiter Ernst Held believes himself to be called higher and seeks self-realization as a poet. When he recites poems to his wife's beautician in an ambiguous situation, his wife puts him out the door. Completely destitute, the thwarted poet must therefore return to the lowlands of life and become the head in the Munich pub "Goldener Löffel".
Linda Ludwig
Das andere Leben
Wer einsam ist, der hat es gut weil keiner da, der Ihm was tut
Johanna Kessler
The hungarian revolution 1956. Judith, an Austrian and her Hungarian friend, Taddek, want to escape to Austria. A friend of theirs, a Viennese photographer, helps organize their escape. Taddek doesn't appear at the arranged meeting place, so Judith and the photographer leave without him. Years pass without a word from Taddek..
Mrs. Harris - Ein Kleid von Dior
Eileen Matthews
Victoria's Mother
The tragic romance between the son of a miller and a landlord's daughter. Based on the novel by Knut Hamsun.
Brennendes Geheimnis
Mathilde Blumberg
Der Talisman
Eine egoistische Liebe
Clara Dawes
Die Welt des Robert Stolz
Was Ihr wollt
Temptation in the Summer Wind
Professor's Assistant
Fun on a boat.
Mensch, ärgere dich nicht
Frl. Glöckner
Main Thing Holidays
Ursula Kannenberg
Der Schlafwagenkontrolleur
Die Fee
Tee und etwas Sympathie
Laura Reynolds
Das Märchen
Fanny Theren
Stella Goodman
Der Verschwender
Fünfter Akt, siebente Szene. Fritz Kortner probt Kabale und Liebe
This documentation of a Kortner stage rehearsal shows in detail and fascinatingly how Kortner developed psychological tensions with meticulous precision in linguistic expression and gestural construction.
An der schönen blauen Donau
Christine Gasser
Katharina Knie - Ein Seiltänzerstück
Katharina Knie
Leutnant Gustl
Anna Riedl
Das Mädl aus der Vorstadt
Näherin Rosalie
Eine Nacht in Venedig
Gerda Weyringer
Der Unschuldige
Christine Erdmann
Der Bauer als Millionär
Schweyk im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Der Zerrissene
Der Degen mit den Genien
Immer die Radfahrer
Angelika Zander
Der Edelweißkönig
Marei Roth
По пьесе Людвига Аценгрубера «Крестьянин-клятвопреступник» о трагической судьбе батрачки Паули Рот.
Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe
Baroneß Mary Vetsera
Die Wirtin zur Goldenen Krone
Der Major und die Stiere