Franz Grothe

Рождение : 1908-09-17, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 1982-09-12


Treffpunkt Herz
Madame Bovary
Original Music Composer
Прекрасные времена в Шпессарте
Третий фильм трилогии пародийных комедий о привидениях рассказывает о событиях, случившихся в отеле "Шпессарт", где его владелица Анна-Луиза Зандау готовится к свадьбе с американским офицером Фрэнком Грином…
Liselotte von der Pfalz
Original Music Composer
Kurt Hoffmann's remake of his own 1953 movie based on the play by Curt Goetz.
Dr. med. Hiob Prätorius
Heirate mich, Cherie
Original Music Composer
The House in Montevideo
A respectable professor inherits a house and money in Montevideo from his wild sister, on the condition that he himself behaves in a disreputable way.
Meine Tochter und ich
Original Music Composer
Im sechsten Stock
Zwei unter Millionen
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A music comedy directed by Dietrich Haugk based on the play by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.
Eine Frau fürs ganze Leben
Original Music Composer
Sweetheart of the Gods
Original Music Composer
Biography of the famous German actress Renate Müller, who died in 1937 under unsettled circumstances; While doing her first movie for the UFA in Berlin, she meets the elderly secretary-general Dr. Simon and is impressed by his charm. Although her Nazi-friend Volker discourages her to befriend a Jew, they start dating. While she ascends to one of the most famous German actresses of her time, Simon is suffering more and more under the Nazi regime.
Человек проходит сквозь стену
Чиновник налогового управления Бухсбаум жил спокойной, однообразной жизнью и чувствовал себя даже счастливым. Но в один не очень прекрасный день в отдел был назначен новый начальник, сразу же возненавидевший чрезмерно деликатного Бухсбаума, а в квартиру рядом с той, где жил Бухсбаум, вселилась беспокойная соседка — учительница музыки. Неожиданно Бухсбаум обнаружил у себя сверхестественный талант — он может проходить сквозь стены! И он пользуется этим не только для того, чтобы насолить своему придирчивому начальнику, но и для собственного удовольствия.
Beautiful Adventure
Original Music Composer
The teacher Dorothee Durand, young and single, travels from England to the picturesque south of France to find the remaining remnants of her family. Her search takes her to Nimes, where she meets the likewise single Marius, a hotelier, who immediately falls in love with the beautiful woman. And so it turns out that after traveling through half of France, Dorothy not only finds her relatives, but also ...
12 девушек и 1 мужчина
Original Music Composer
Полиция ведет расследование ограбления, произошедшего на лыжном курорте в Альпах. Чтобы не привлекать внимания преступников, под видом отпускника туда отправляется молодой жандарм Флориан Тайлер. Однако, приехав на курорт, он куда больше внимания уделяет девушкам, приехавшим кататься на лыжах, чем расследованию...
Liebe auf krummen Beinen
Original Music Composer
Der Engel, der seine Harfe versetzte
Original Music Composer
A comedy directed by Kurt Hoffmann.
The Priest and the Girl
A priest falls in love with a rich man's daughter.
Arms and the Man
1865: Swiss captain Bluntschli fights as mercenary in the war between Bulgaria and Serbia. When his group's attacked by a few Bulgarian troopers, he learns that he's got the wrong ammunition for his cannon and has to flee. His flight leads him right into the bedroom of his enemy's fiancée.
Мы — вундеркинды
Original Music Composer
На фоне исторических событий в Германии прошлого века постепенно расходятся жизненные дорожки двух бывших одноклассников — Ганса Бёкеля и Бруно Тиша. Их ребяческая выходка плохо заканчивается для Ганса, а хитрому Бруно удается избежать наказания. Десять лет спустя Бруно — молодой, но уже успешный брокер, а Гансу приходится подрабатывать продажей газет, чтобы как-то свести концы с концами. В1933 году Бруно щеголяет в нацистской форме и наслаждается жизнью, а Ганс остается без работы и средств к существованию. После войны пути бывших друзей пересекаются снова.
The Trapp Family in America
Original Music Composer
Hoch klingt der Radetzkymarsch
Der schwarze Blitz
Original Music Composer
Michael Kirchner, nicknamed "The Black Lightning", is a passionate alpine skier. Now he must eliminate the tough opponent Herbert Tanner to be the representative of the national team.
Clear the stage for Marika
A dance and music film tailored completely for Marika Rokk: After her divorce, the wife of a composer uses her wit and charm to engage Marika as a singer and dancer on the stage. This manages to give life once again to the extinguished love between her and her former husband.
Харчевня в Шпессарте
Original Music Composer
Графиня Франциска с женихом едут в свой родовой замок Зандау. На ночь им приходится остановиться в харчевне в глухом месте Шпессарт. Ночью в харчевню врываются бандиты, чтобы похитить графиню и получить за нее выкуп…
A Piece of Heaven
Original Music Composer
Immer wenn der Tag beginnt
Original Music Composer
Die Heilige und ihr Narr
Junger Mann, der alles kann
Original Music Composer
Goodbye, Francesca!
Original Music Composer
Königin Luise
Original Music Composer
The Trapp Family
Original Music Composer
"The Trapp Family" is a true story based on the popular novel by the Baroness Von Trapp of Austria. The film was made in 1961, a few years before the other film based on the Trapp Family's life was released - a little movie named "The Sound of Music".
Wenn wir alle Engel wären
Die wilde Auguste
Original Music Composer
Я часто думаю о Пирошке
Original Music Composer
Андреас, молодой немецкий студент, приезжает в Венгрию по программе обмена. В венгерской деревне он влюбляется в дочь начальника станции Пирошку и проводит с ней много времени. У них очаровательное лето, пока Андреас не получает приглашение присоединиться к другой молодой женщине на соседнем курорте. Пирошка ревнует и следует за ним, доставляя неприятности. Андреасу и Пирошке понадобится много времени, чтобы снова поговорить друг с другом. Когда Андреас должен покинуть Венгрию в конце своего отпуска, он полон решимости когда-нибудь вернуться.
Девушки без границ
Original Music Composer
Helga, a stewardess, meet a passenger, Eric, during a flight to Athens. They fall in love, but he is married. Later Helga is involved in a flight crash. One of the severely injured passengers is Eric's wife Maria.
Drei Mädels vom Rhein
Original Music Composer
Rosen im Herbst
Ave Maria
Karin Twerdy used to be an opera singer but now, in order to pay for her daughter Daniela's education in a religious school, she performs in a shady nightclub. Industrialist Dietrich Gontard, the father of Karin's school friend Christa, falls for her. But when he learns the truth about her he is outraged and rejects her. At a loss and not to stand in the way of Daniela's future, Karin chooses to disappear...
Original Music Composer
They Call It Love
Fanfaren der Ehe
Original Music Composer
Vater braucht eine Frau
Original Music Composer
A widowed father advertises for a new maid, but his children secretly seek a woman to be his new wife.
The House in Montevideo
Observing staunch moral attitudes, professor Traugott Nägler, his wife Marianne, and their swarm of children life a happy and idyllic life in a small town. But when their oldest daughter Atlanta inherits a house in Montevideo that belonged to the deceased sister of the professor, the family′s life is about to change dramatically.
Фанфары любви
Два безработных музыканта искали хоть какой-нибудь источник пропитания. Нашли — работу в женском оркестре.
Original Music Composer
About the power of love and that love is such a strong force that humans are willing to commit the most ruthless acts to achieve it. And the one who loses in the game of love, can die as a result of it. This is how love is, according to "Furioso".
Chased by the Devil
A doctor discovers a new medical cure with dangerous side effects, and takes the drug himself to test its limitations.
Frauenarzt Dr. Prätorius
In the face of two world wars, Professor Prätorius, a philanthropist and a surgeon, wants to exterminate the one danger to mankind, the microbe of stupidity, as he states in a spontaneous lecture to his male and female students. When he tries to help a pregnant girl he gets involved more and more in her life and is forced to marry her.
Kätchen für alles
Nichts als Zufälle
Девушка моей мечты
Темпераментная и обворожительная «звезда» варьете Юлия решает отдохнуть от поклонников и славы. Но директор театра не разделяет стремления популярной актрисы к уединению — он «категорически против»! Зная об этом, любимица публики решает бежать «в отпуск» тайком, и в результате директорских козней и нелепых случайностей оказывается в пути без денег, документов и билета. Строгие контролеры «звезду» театра не узнали, и Юлия среди ночи осталась одна на глухом полустанке. В отчаянии девушка из мечты постучалась в первый попавшийся дом. Она искала только участия, а нашла любовь…
Hab’ mich lieb!
Tanz mit dem Kaiser
The young emperor Joseph II of Austria and Hungary is not interested in romance and marriage, and every time his mother makes arrangements for him to meet eligible young ladies, he escapes under some pretense. This time he is off on a 'tour of inspection' with his trusted friend von Kleber. Things become complicated when von Kleber, pretending to be the emperor so as to protect the real Joseph from discovery, falls in love with Christine, the landlady of their lodgings. And when Christine later writes to the emperor, her letter is read by the mother of the real emperor, as keen as ever to see him getting married, and so the lady is invited to the imperial court.
Women Are Better Diplomats
A seductive dancer (Marika Rökk) helps her uncle to fight against the closing of his casino. Through her feminine charm she achieves diplomatic success.
Alarm auf Station III
Original Music Composer
Napoleon Is to Blame for Everything
English Lord Arthur Cavershoot is a passionate Napoleon scholar who badly neglects his wife Josephine for his obsession with the French emperor. When the cranky historian travels to a Napoleon conference in Paris, his smart spouse secretly follows him. Unnoticed by her, the city of love threatens to spark a romance between Arthur and a chorus girl.
Diskretion – Ehrensache
Die fromme Lüge
The stand-alone opera singer Carmen Casini dare not admit to her adult son, the spoiled race car driver Cecil, that she ruined her voice on a stormy day at the racetrack and that her career is thus at an end. Meanwhile, Cecil has fallen in love with the pretty Colette … without suspecting that her father, the wealthy Bartell, was a former lover of his mother and that he’s Cecil’s daddy. Thus, both Carmen and Bartell try to prevent the unfolding love-relationship between brother and sister, because this ain’t the Ozarks, you know! Only after the unhappy Cecil tries to commit suicide after an argument with his mother do Carmen and Bartell realize they still love one another. Suicide attempt be damned; let’s go out on a date! A movie that screams “Fun for the whole family.”
Звезда варьете
Звезда ревю Мариетта влюбляется и бросает сценическую карьеру. Театр стоит перед банкротством. Только когда её муж убедит себя в том, что она останется верной ему, Мариетта сможет продолжать работать.
The Love of the Maharaja
Peter, Paul and Nanette
So Ended a Great Love
The political advisor to the French emperor Napoleon, and the Austrian emperor Franz I, arrange a marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian archduchess Marie-Luise in order to prevent another war.
Zwischen zwei Herzen
Original Music Composer
Don't Be Afraid of Love
The unemployed secretary Käte applies a job by mistake in the piano factory of the entrepreneur Helmut Hofert. He does not really have any need for an additional secretary at the moment, but Käte is very attractive.
Dream Castle
A film actress falls for an extra on her set, he turns out to be a prince.
Waltz War
Die Herren vom Maxim
Music Director
Gilgi: One of Us
A young woman born illegitimately comes to terms with the challenge of getting married.
The Last Company
Original Music Composer
13 German soldiers have to fight off a French regiment.