Rudi Godden

Rudi Godden

Рождение : 1907-04-18,

Смерть : 1941-01-04


Rudi Godden


Die lustigen Vagabunden
Berthold 'Bertl' Menzinger - Maler
On account of a bet, the painter Menzinger and his friend Schratt decide to travel the country as unemployed bums (no doubt, because there were so few unemployed and homeless people in Germany just a few years earlier). For two weeks, they wander around Germany; then they're confused with some robbers and they land in jail. How does it feel to imitate the homeless now, guys?
Rudolf Schrader
Rudi, who’s been quite the ladies’ man, finally wants to settle down and marry Hilde. So as to not get into a touchy situation with all his many women, he plans to bring them all together the night before his wedding. While sitting alone in his apartment and burning all his old photos and love letters, he notices a woman in the garden. She assets, that she’s hiding from a stubborn admirer and he stupidly offers her to come in … and then it all begins! First, his wife-to-be Hilde shows up, who wants to spend the night before their wedding together. While Rudi tries to hide the unknown woman in his bedroom, a hotel detective shows up and claims he’s following a thief.
Unfaithful Eckehart
Fritz Flotter
An exchanged suitcase and a burglary with an actress give occasions to whirl a family with daughters-in-law and brides hard in a mess. Old mistake comedy according to pattern.
Das Gewehr über
Gestütaufseher Charlie Kühne
Die goldene Maske
Paul Popp
Robert and Bertram
After the two vagabonds Robert and Bertram flee from prison, they get to know the innkeeper’s daughter Lenchen at the “Silver Swan” Inn. Because her father is in desperate need of money, Lenchen is to marry the creditor Biedermeier instead of her beloved military recruit Michel. In order to prevent that, Robert and Bertram travel to the capital and, under false names, manage to make their way into the house of the Jewish commercial advisor Ipelmeyer, to whom Biedermeier is deep in debt. During an evening costume ball, the bums steal the family jewels and give them to Lenchen’s father. Lenchen and Michael get married and Robert and Bertram flee in a balloon into the sky.
Привет Жаннин!
Pierre Tarin
Французская балерина Жанин, одаренная чечеточница, мечтает о музыкальной карьере в Париже. Но сначала она хочет отомстить графу Рене, заступившемуся за ее лучшую подругу Шарлотту. Джанин хочет, чтобы он влюбился в нее и впоследствии разочаровал его. На балу-маскараде, на котором Джанин притворяется маркизой, происходит их первая встреча. Джанин очень разочарована в «хорошем джентльмене», но не подозревает, что этот джентльмен тоже делает вид. Человек, которого она считает графом Рене, — это Пьер, композитор и пианист. И граф Рене, и Пьер рассчитывают получить взаимную выгоду, изменив свою личность. Рене хочет прогуляться и совершить завоевания инкогнито, а Пьер надеется на встречу с влиятельным музыкальным издателем Памионом.
Das Leben kann so schön sein
Hannes Kolb, Versicherungsvertreter
The young marriage of the insurance agent Hannes and his wife Nora is being worn down by financial difficulties and overcrowded living conditions. Hannes is unable to sell enough policies and life becomes ever worse for the two. Nora attempts to earn some extra money, but even that proves to be a burden on their relationship, not the least because her boss is hitting up on her. She's expecting Hannes' child, too, but he is starting to turn further and further away from her.
Die kleine und die große Liebe
Einmal werd' ich Dir gefallen
Herbert - sein Neffe
The Stars Shine
German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.
Musketier Meier III
Meier III
Артисты цирка
Известный канатаходец Трукса пьёт в баре Artisan в Нью-Йорке. Когда он встречает молодого человека Хусена, то дает ему своё сценическое имя Трукса. Он должен занять место настоящего Трукса на цирковом шоу в Винтергартене, Берлин.