Katja Weitzenböck

Katja Weitzenböck

Рождение : 1967-06-10, Tokyo, Japan


Katja Weitzenböck
Katja Weitzenböck


Von Schrauben und Vögeln
Zimmer mit Stall - Feuer unterm Dach
Ein Sommer in Prag
GOLD. Der Film der Nibelungen
Karina Bergmann, Kriemhild, die Ältere
Unser Traum von Kanada
Engel der Gerechtigkeit: Geld oder Leben
Dr. Patricia Engel
A drama directed by Sigi Rothemund.
Engel der Gerechtigkeit - Kopfgeld
Dr. Patricia Engel
Engel der Gerechtigkeit: Ärztepfusch
Dr. Patricia Engel
Engel der Gerechtigkeit - Brüder fürs Leben
Dr. Patricia Engel
Victor and the Secret of Crocodile Mansion
Viktors Mutter
Victor is both thrilled and mystified when his family moves into his grand-uncles somber mansion filled with African masks, taxidermy crocodile mounts - and a dark secret: Four decades ago, his grand-cousin Cecilia, at the same age as he is now, lost her life in the mansions impressive staircase, and the circumstances of her death still remain obscure.
Alle Zeit der Welt
Karina Beckmann
The small watchmaking workshop in the province is all that Rudolf owns. Here he brings timepieces of all kinds to run, while his own life is at a standstill. This changes with the visit of his brother Klaus, who demands the beneficial part of the business. In order to prevent the imminent sale of the old-established shop, Rudolf resorts to the white lie. He spends his colleague Karina as his pregnant bride. Because a newly founded family can not escape the economic basis! In this comedy, Katja Weitzenböck and Johannes Herrschmann fall so in love with each other that time stands still.
Engel der Gerechtigkeit
Dr. Patricia Engel
Холодный день в январе 2006. В маленькой шведской деревушке было по-зверски убито 18 человек. Каждый убитый был либо родственником судьи из Стокгольма Бригитты Рослин, либо тем или иным образом имел отношение к её жизни. Полиция подозревает одного наркомана, считая, что именно он ответственен за этот безумный акт. Бригитта не согласна с полицией и начинает своё собственное расследование, которое приводит её в далекий китайский город Гуанчжоу к местной элите... Экранизация одноименного романа Хеннинга Манкеля.
Meine Familie bringt mich um
Rosamunde Pilcher: Herzensfragen
Lady Nicole Sherberton
The lieutenant Fraser is expelled from the army for saving the honor of his Superior. Since this gratefulness uses him as chauffeur in his familiar mansion. There it knows Lady Claire.
Sea of Death
Britta Schneider
In the German North Sea a new cellular life form endangers mankind.
Einmal Toskana und zurück
Dr. Tanja Pechthold
After many years of happy marriage, Juliane and her husband Max have grown apart and are now close to divorce. Actually, the two still understand each other quite well, but when Max shows up at the graduation party of their son together with his much younger girlfriend, it comes to a scandal. Annoyed and disappointed by her still-husband, Juliane travels to Tuscany, where she meets the German olive grower Nikolaus. From the first moment, it seems to spark huge between the two. But when Max shows up, old feelings come back to life.
Maren Schubert
Эта жизнь для тебя
Молодой пианист Лука, лауреат международного конкурса, в день своего триумфа попадает под машину и остается навсегда прикованным к инвалидному креслу. Находясь в реабилитационной клинике, он знакомится с Родериком, своим сверстником, пораженным тем же недугом…
Die Blüten der Sehnsucht
Anna Stelzer
Dr. Anna Stelzer is a separated woman who decides to change of scenery when his son Mark diseased heart. Both end up spending their vacation in Summerhill, a heavenly place in Malaysia. There they meet the owner of one of the largest tea plantations in the area, Paul Pflüger, and her daughter Asha, who immediately engage with close friends. However, despite the tranquility in the place, on the village seems to weigh a mysterious curse: all women who have married a foreigner died after giving birth to her first child.
Liebe auf den dritten Blick
Dianne Schönleber
Diane falls from the clouds when she receives the anonymous message that her husband is cheating on her business trip to Verona. Immediately she makes her way to Italy to get to the bottom of it. In fact, Heiko does not just have a lover - he even gives her out to his business partners as his wife. In her grief, Dianne finds support with the likeable Anton Brück, whom she has already met on the train. When he takes down the depressed Dianne for an important business lunch and there Heiko and his "wife" appear, the amorous entanglements really get going
Fürchte dich nicht
Ariane Auer
Charlotte Link: Die Täuschung
Robin Pilcher - Jenseits des Ozeans
Jennifer Newman
Erbin mit Herz
Frauke Helsing
For more than ten years, the Viennese children's book dealer Felice Frank has not heard from Alexander Helsing, the father of her little daughter Lilli. All the more surprised is the young woman, when she suddenly learns of the death of Alexander. But not only that: at the opening of the will in Hamburg, it turns out that the deceased bequeathed all his company shares in the family large shipping company to his daughter Lilli - and to the age of majority of the child Felice should manage these shares. However, the dead man's conservative family does everything in his power to disgust the unpleasant business partner.
Die Farben der Liebe
Susanne Pauli
Karin Belolavek
Пингвин Амундсен
12-летняя Анна не может поверить своим глазам: ее дядя, ученый-полярник Корнелиус, привез с собой из Антарктиды живого пингвина! Амундсен, как назвала его Анна, оказался очень дружелюбным. У него даже есть собственная тайна: он знает, где находится затонувший корабль со сказочными сокровищами. Корнелиус, мечтающий о том, что этот подводный клад поможет ему в финансировании его научных исследований, надеялся, что Амундсен приведет его к сокровищнице. Но когда о секрете Амундсена узнали гангстеры, Корнелиусу пришлось скрыться вместе с пингвином. И теперь спасти дядю и Амундсена может только Анна…
Liebe zartbitter
Tina Böhlen
After the dashing Bavarian Lena Mayerhofer catches her future husband having a fling with her bridesmaid, she flees to Berlin to take over her Aunt Käthe's long-established bakery. Her gay friend Donald is there to give her advice and support.
Club der Träume - Mexiko, Yucatan
Club der Träume - Türkei, Marmaris
Crissie Kalteisen
A holocaust survivor now living as a respected writer in Manhattan is the only person who can identify a suspected Nazi back in his native Austria. When a beautiful reporter eager for a scoop tries to lure him back, Geburtig must decide whether to confront his past.
Schneemann sucht Schneefrau
Theresa Mayr-Thorwald
Joe Müller, a single father, is electrified: in front of him stands an outraged woman who insults him badly. Still, he falls in love. As it turns out: not exactly the right one. Tessa, who is in the hospital with her son, is upset because her counterpart does not apologize for the accident caused by his daughter. But then she also finds Joe more than just nice. When Joe finds out that the magical Tessa is the new, ambitious CEO of the architectural firm "Planfactory", who has given him notice without even knowing him, he plans a revenge campaign.
Der Paradiesvogel
Dr. Andrea Welte
Der Mörder in dir
Jana Callesen
Das Tattoo - Tödliche Zeichen
Das Schloß meines Vaters
Karoline Hansen
Ein Mann für gewisse Sekunden
Jenna Wissbach
Im Fegefeuer der Lust
Schalom, meine Liebe
À chacun son tour
A German police commissioner investigates the murders of several Tour de France yellow jerseys.
Seitensprung in den Tod
Индеец в Париже
Miss Van Hodden
Преуспевающий и очень занятой брокер из Парижа приезжает в дельту Амазонки, чтобы получить развод от жены, бросившей его много лет назад почти сразу же после свадьбы. Он с удивлением узнает, что она воспитала там, вдали от цивилизации, его сына, о существовании которого он и не подозревал. Отец берет дикого сынишку в Париж, где происходит масса забавных приключений, связанных с любовью, бизнесом и … русской мафией.