Philippe Brenninkmeyer

Philippe Brenninkmeyer

Рождение : 1964-11-03, Wimbledon, London, England, UK


Philippe Brenninkmeyer


The Last Front
In the war-struck country of Belgium, one man puts up a last fight.
Under Spanish Skies
After the death of her husband, a reclusive artist invites lifelong friends to her farm in Spain and reveals a shocking plan. Before the weekend ends, the friends must share secrets from the past and force her to make a choice.
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Dörte muss weg
Aaron van der Hejden
The Homeboy
Armin has virtually abandoned any hope of finding happiness in the perpetual struggle of life – until he meets the woman of his dreams at last. Everything with Tina could be simply perfect... if it weren’t for her son Hendrik, a 25-year-old failed artist with a looming presence who still lives at home and won’t tolerate another man anywhere near his beloved mummy. Soon Hendrik declares war on Armin, who has no choice but to engage in a bitter though surreptitious struggle with Tina’s unpleasant offspring, if he wants to keep the woman he loves…
An idyllic town in the Alps. Here Marianna spends her Easter holidays with her children. Her husband, a showmaster, could not travel because of his job. Zazy lives in the same place and teaches dressmaking there. She is not really happy with that, she would rather go into show business. Together with her friend Tomek she dreams of a life in luxury. In the tailoring Zazy meets Marianna, who has become friends with the owner of the store. When he does not return after a trip with Marianna, Zazy senses the chance to make her dream of a TV career come true.
Dr. Hansen
Разумное сомнение
DA Jones
Жизнь окружного прокурора переворачивается с ног на голову, когда он оказывается вовлеченным в перестрелку и за его преступление другого человека арестовывают и обвиняют в убийстве.
Till Then
An unspoken connection between two elderly neighbors, who share a daily ritual but who have never actually met, deepens when they face the inevitable... together.
Темные круги
Молодые родители переезжают из шумного города в сельскую местность. Но на новом месте их не ждал покой. Новые хозяева дома начинают видеть ужасные видения, вызванные их ребенком. Похоже домом владеют темные сверхъестественные силы, которые пробудились от долгой спячки…
Dr. Vickery
После тщетных попыток супружеской пары зачать ребенка, муж уговаривает друзей ограбить банк спермы, чтобы выкрасть образец, пожертвованный им еще в молодости.
I Heart Shakey
Mattias Ober
Shakey is a family film about a 35-year-old widower named J.T. O'Neil, his precocious 10-year-old daughter and their devoted mutt Shakey. After moving from a small town to Chicago and missing the fine print in their rental contract, J.T. is forced to try and get rid of his lovable pooch. Shakey and Chandler won't have it and hatch a plan to keep Shakey and teach J.T. a valuable lesson about loyalty and the importance of keeping family together.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Gefährliche Brandung
Paul Gilmore
All Alone
An over-populated, concrete-filled Los Angeles drives Maggie into fear and isolation. On the edge, her cries for change are neglected by her husband Ben. When she turns to her dysfunctional but affluent friends, Alex and Kyle, they propose an overnight camping trip to get away from the confines of the city and escape to the solitude of the mountains. Deep in the mountains, they encounter a self-proclaimed radical environmentalist, Birch. Although worlds apart, she and Maggie have an undeniable chemistry, encouraging Maggie to find her inner strength. New information sends the foursome on a journey where masks are ripped away and secrets are revealed. Accusations lead to violence, and desperation fuels an irreversible chain of events. Survival is uncertain...
Love Shack
Oliver Snowden-Hicks
A dysfunctional family of adult film stars reunites for a memorial porn shoot following the death of legendary producer Mo Saltzman. Along the way, the film's hapless director must contend with dueling divas, bickering couples, emotionally-scarred tag-team brothers, and a dominatrix with low self-esteem. Given its all-star cast and lofty pedigree, the film should be the greatest porno of all time
Days of Forgiveness
Gray Sheridan
Julianne returns to take over the vineyards of her ex-husband. The reunion between the two is tense, but the man has never stopped loving her ... and she don´t stopped to blame he for the death of her daughter.
Im Schatten des Pferdemondes
Dr. Eric Gustavson
Two family owners of important horse stables living faced by old rivalries. When one of them asks the help of a doctor of horses to treat the disorder one of the most outstanding equine, the conflict passes into the field of the personal.
Detektiv wider Willen
Wolf Bernheimer
30 Karat Liebe
Percy van der Walt
Love a Dream
Charles Hamilton
No doubt: the attractive Japanology student Anna and the aspiring architect Max are destined for each other. But her love is under no auspicious star. When Anna receives a one-year scholarship in Japan, she chooses her career and a strong bond. Max is deeply disappointed and tries to forget Anna. Five years later, the two meet again.
Пивной бум
Herr Referee
Американцы Тодд и Ян Вулфхаус приезжают в Германию на ежегодный фестиваль пива «Октоберфест» чтобы развеять здесь прах своего дедушки. Здесь они случайно попадают на супер-секретные пивные игры, этакие олимпийские игры по распитию пенного напитка. Братьев подчистую обыгрывают, напоив их до бессознательного состояния. Но ребята обещают вернуться через год, чтобы взять реванш. У себя на родине они собирают команду любителей пива, состоящую из заядлых выпивох. Сильная печень и воля к победе — это все что надо, чтобы выиграть пивные игры…
Choking Man
Germanic Man
The social anxiety of a morbidly shy Ecuadorian dishwasher working in a Queens diner provides the psychological engine that powers this blend of drama and magical realism.
House of Harmony
Richard Barclay
A beautiful Chinese girl, Meiling, has a forbidden love affair with a young American man in Singapore. He leaves Singapore and never returns. Meiling gives birth to their Eurasian daughter whom she names Perfect Harmony. When she grows up, Perfect Harmony journeys to America to search for her father.
The Cradle Will Fall
Dr. Edgar Highley
The suicide of a pregnant woman begins to look like murder and a county prosecutor is called in to investigate.
Der Augenblick der Begierde
Rosamunde Pilcher: Bis ans Ende der Welt
German Man
Тони, Мак, Рэббит, Фостер и Фава — полицейские штата Вермонт, живут просто припеваючи. Патрулируя небольшую территорию, близь канадской границы, полицейские обленились настолько, что уже просто откровенно «забивают» на работу. Но когда в городе урезают бюджет, что начинает сильно угрожать их карману, 5 друзей объединяются в борьбе за выживание. Чтобы вернуть все на круги свои необходимо раскрыть убийство и найти все возможные наркотики. Супер полицейские предпринимают попытку раскрыть преступления, тем самым спасти свою работу и доказать местному отделению полиции, что они — лучшие.