Susanne Wuest
Рождение : 1979-09-26, Vienna, Austria
Susanne Elisabeth Wuest (born September 26, 1979) is an Austrian actress.
Initially a piano enthusiast as a child, Wuest has since carved out a career in film. She appeared as the vampire Lisa in the web-series, Judas Goat for the Edinburgh film company, Seventh Crow. It was a 5 part mini-series that then went on to win several Scottish film awards. Her leading roles in films include Antares and Goodnight Mommy.
Paula is hoping to be up front, leading a glamorous life, with her own storyline, thrilling scenes, and lots of music — unlike her mother, who is stuck in the background as a Supporting Character with limited dialogue and a lack of emotion. That’s why Paula is attending the School for Main Characters, to prove she has what it takes to be a rousing lead. She’s at the top of her class in cliffhanging and can do slow motion and panicked screaming in her sleep, but so far she has failed to stir emotions.
Frau Drescher
The high-rise building block near the forest is famous for its carefully curated community. As a dog disappears and her daughter refuses to leave the bathroom, security officer Anna faces an absurd battle against the fear, that slowly spreads among the residents and shakes the utopia with a view.
The white, gray and black rooms of a common past and the separate present, the surrounding dreams and fantasies about one‘s own life and the lives of others: when Olga, Yvonne and Manon - three former best friends meet again after twenty years, the facades of their life contracts are removed layer by layer. But they separate again before the résumés collapse.
Executive Producer
Office drone Maria Barbizan leads what looks like a meaningless life. She’s lonely, and she doesn’t really exist, at her job or within her family. One day, she does everything we’ve all dreamed of – she throws her purse and old life in the trash, and joins an enigmatic contest to win... a car. Locked in a room with four strangers, each more eccentric than the next, she must go through a series of challenges – a “competition to probe the very essence of mind-body articulation”, lead by Homunculus, an intriguing and curious host.
Maria Barbizan
Office drone Maria Barbizan leads what looks like a meaningless life. She’s lonely, and she doesn’t really exist, at her job or within her family. One day, she does everything we’ve all dreamed of – she throws her purse and old life in the trash, and joins an enigmatic contest to win... a car. Locked in a room with four strangers, each more eccentric than the next, she must go through a series of challenges – a “competition to probe the very essence of mind-body articulation”, lead by Homunculus, an intriguing and curious host.
Like most singles of his generation, Tim has a "problem": he is apparently unable to have a relationship. But when he falls in love with his female reflection, Ghost, he suddenly finds himself on the other side of dating-hell.
Monika Schneider
Police officer Harry Österreich is a first responder at a traffic accident. Despite his best efforts, an entire family dies at the scene. Harry is shaken by the experience and increasingly obsessed by the fate of the extinguished family.
When his wife leaves him, struggling Bulgarian photographer Zack sets out on a wild trip from London to Berlin. It is a journey that reveals the truth about his lost love - and ultimately to uncomfortable discoveries about himself.
Слепой киллер, Момо, выполняя очередное задание, встречает маленькую девочку не в то время и не в том месте. Хотя его задача - убрать всех находящихся в доме - он не может спустить курок и застрелить малышку. И теперь на них идёт охота - чтобы выбраться из Берлина живым, герою предстоит столкнуться с целой армией бывших друзей и новых врагов.
История двойняшек Роберта и Елены, столкнувшихся со сложностями стадии половой зрелости и инцеста.
The Princess
События фильма развиваются в Будапеште 1913 года. В центре сюжета 20-летняя девушка, которая прибывает в столицу Венгрии после детства в сиротском доме. Она планирует взяться за работу в магазине, который принадлежал ее родителям. Но внезапно ее прошлое дает о себе знать, вынуждая девушку начать искать ответы на мучающие ее вопросы о семье.
5300 лет назад. На территории Эцтальских Альп обитает неолитическое племя. В результате нападения врага погибает жена Келаба, и он становится одержим местью.
Miss Ossine
Вена, 18 век. Подлинная история Марии Терезии фон Паради, одаренной пианистки и близкой подруги Моцарта, потерявшей зрение в детстве. Разочаровавшись в возможностях современной медицины, семья отдает Марию в руки доктора Месмера. Благодаря экспериментальным методикам Месмера к девушке постепенно начинает возвращаться зрения, что негативно сказывается на ее музыкальных способностях.
Fleur Martens
Thanks to the latest DNA technology, Bruno van Leeuwen finally has a proof in his hands, with which the rapist of the then nine-year-old Vicky can be convicted. Piet Martens, the neighbor of the girl's family, was the culprit. But despite the new evidence, he can not be brought to justice because the crime is now time barred. Martens leaves the police headquarters as a free man. Then Vicky falls on Martens and hits him with a bottle. The police separate the two and Martens' lawyer reports to Vicky about dangerous assault.
Kati has had her dream man at home for five years: attractive, loyal and professionally successful as a doctor. Unfortunately, "her" Felix now spends so much time at work in the hospital that Kati too often feels alone. When she met the good-looking, charming artist Mathias, it hit her like Felix did back then. Shortly before her last inhibitions fall, fate shuffles the cards in an unbelievable way: after a car accident, Kati wakes up in the past - exactly on the day five years ago when she accidentally met Felix
Cowboy has a vision. He wants to save the planet with his movement of Free Swingers. That's why he applies for a grant at The Central Agency, who then sends a representative named Fey of Sweden to approve Cowboy's proposal. She demands results and he decides to stage a charity bicycle rally featuring a roster of two-wheeled Berlin misfits. Meanwhile Cowboy's neighbor kills his mother's budgie and sets the Devil of Hermannplatz on him to sabotage his plans. Pretty bad timing considering that he also has to rescue his stubborn mother from a shady retirement home. Torn between Cowboy's budding crush on Fey of Sweden, his hot neighbor Angel and his innate drive towards chaos, the rally soon turns into a race against time. Soon his mother will be taken away from him and the rally racers are doing anything other than what they should: cycling.
Maja (Stimme)
A misanthropist ex-hacker is suspected of sabotaging a famous happiness-research facility. He is forced to prove his innocence and stumbles into a wild adventure, during which he involuntarily becomes an idealistic activist, has to deal with strange, possibly supernatural rabbits and his crazy family - and regains a little belief in happiness.
Volmer Institute Staff
Молодой, но перспективный брокер из динамично развивающейся компании приезжает в закрытый санаторий в Альпах, чтобы срочно забрать и вернуть в лоно родного офиса своего босса. Но тот категорически не хочет никуда уезжать, так как давно и плотно подсел на местную лечебную воду с витаминами и биодобавками. Тем более, в результате несчастного случая молодой человек и сам становится вынужденным пациентом водной здравницы. После приема внутрь нескольких стаканов с чудодейственной амброзией бедняге начинает казаться, будто бы у него вытекли глаза и выпали передние зубы, а под кожей завелись черви. Терзаемый смутными сомнениями, он начинает собственное расследование.
Marthe is a girl with a special gift: she can cure illnesses. But the time she lives in is marked by superstition and godliness. When Marthe can not help the burgrave's wife from her village, the girl has to flee. Your path crosses that of Ritter Christian, who moves eastward into the Mark Meissen with a group of Frankish settlers. In the Middle Ages an unimaginably long and arduous way. Christian has a hard time avoiding the fascination of Marthe, but their diverse backgrounds make a relationship impossible and the settlers are afraid of the weird girl.
'Elisa' portrays the claustrophobic and extremely painful relationship between nine year old Elisa and her mother.
Anna Huntingtan
Bettina Finte
На окраине кукурузного поля в сельской глуши стоит дом. 10-летние близнецы ждут возвращения своей матери. Когда она приходит, ее лицо закрывают бинты после пластической операции. С этого момента все меняется — отчужденная и холодная, она постепенно изолирует их семью от внешнего мира. Мальчики начинают подозревать, что эта женщина — не их мать, и пытаются выяснить правду любой ценой
Gretas Mutter '89
The tusk from a mammoth and a whale skeleton are found in a grotesque mix of bricks and destruction - a zoological museum has been blown up. Images of the bisected building with all the scattered remains of stuffed animals are broadcast worldwide along with the statement sent out by the underground group of artists who claim responsibility: "This is not entertainment. It is not a political statement. It is not even news... This is art!"
Two directors shoot a documentary about the controversial director and pugnacious actor Peter Kern. But he cannot be easily rammed into the classical form of a documentary.
After 20 years in prison, the former angel of death at Lainz hospital has been released, and she now works in the Prater amusement park, at a restaurant that specializes in roast knuckle of pork. Observing the guests and how they behave reawaken old emotions, and she poisons a pork knuckle to punish the happy people. The movie audience can use their remote control devices to decide who dies.
Anny Ondra
Фильм основан на биографии известного немецкого боксера Макса Шмелинга, бывшего в 1930—1932 годах чемпионом мира в тяжелом весе. Расцвет карьеры Шмелинга пришелся на время правления в стране нацистов, когда знаменитый боксер помимо своей воли стал символом режима. Понимая, что победы на ринге делают его практически неприкосновенным для правящей партии, Шмелинг решает остаться в стране, несмотря на то, что это решение подталкивает его к непростому моральному выбору. Будучи женатым на девушке еврейского происхождения, помогая своим друзьям и соседям спасаться от преследования, спортсмен в то же самое время должен примерно исполнять обязанности символа нацистской Германии — посещать приемы и позировать репортерам рядом с Гитлером и Геббельсом. Но у Шмелинга есть преимущество перед теми, кого он считает своими врагами — он точно знает: чтобы победить, нужно изучить уязвимые места соперника.
Edith Heller
The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.
Freundliche Krankenschwester (segment "Krankes Haus")
Thirteen German directors present short films exploring the state of their country.
Фильм состоит из трех новелл об ужасах семейной жизни, разворачивающихся в декорациях одной из многоэтажек в венском пригороде. Герои, состоящие в счастливом, казалось бы, браке, беззастенчиво изменяют друг другу, превращая свою жизнь в ад.
All sorts of trouble arise within a Viennese middle-class family, when they are visited by a bunch of Russian relatives.
Commissar Bruno van Leeuwen from Amsterdam might finally be able to solve a 30 year old case due to technological advances.