Walter Janssen

Walter Janssen

Рождение : 1887-02-07, Krefeld, Germany

Смерть : 1976-01-01


Walter Janssen


Something For Everyone
Father Georg
An opportunistic young man working as a servant to a European countess uses his sexual talents to better his station in life.
Friedrich Ebert und Gustav Stresemann, Schicksalsjahre der Republik
Lloyd George
Abschied vier Uhr früh
Pfarrer Dempsey
Der Reichstagsbrandprozeß
Freispruch für Old Shatterhand
Professor Bernhardi
Prof. Cyprian
Dann geh zu Thorp
Das Kartenspiel
Heute nacht in Samarkand
General Quixotte
Ein Weihnachtslied in Prosa oder Eine Geistergeschichte zum Christfest
Zwei alte Damen feuern
Medizinalrat Dr. Hitzacker
Old Heidelberg
Hofmarschall im Schloss Karlsburg
Paul und Julia
Immer die Radfahrer
Ihr 106. Geburtstag
Monsignore Burger
Voyage to Italy, Complete with Love
Alter Herr
Дьявол приходил по ночам
DS Boehm
1944, Германия. Полиция выходит на след серийного убийцы. Неожиданно к делу подключается СС. По реальным событиям.
Das Abschiedssouper
Der König der Bernina
Prister Tass
Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang
Hengst Maestoso Austria
Wally the Vulture
Heimweh nach Deutschland
Die Mücke
Directed by Walter Reisch
Guitars of Love
Hansel and Gretel
Hubertus Castle
The count Egge is barely a visitor in his Alpine family castle Hubertus, being preoccupied with hunting. He's furious when his young adult sons miss an annual municipal hunting concession auction, being both in love with local commoner girls, deemed undesirable although their mother was an actress herself, as is their sister's lover, painter Forbeck. So comital heir Tassilo marries in secret, spare heir Willy courts 'discretely'. Then tragedy strikes, with further consequences for the whole comital family.
Die Sonne von St. Moritz
Уличная серенада
Direktor Bartoli
По сюжету фильма на гастролях, где-то в Италии, известный немецкий эстрадный певец теряет голос. Все билеты на концерты давно проданы. Кто-то из окружения «Звезды» находит молодого местного парня, который ходил в этом городе по дворам и пел очень похожим голосом. В дальнейшем звезда эстрады на сцене, стоя перед микрофоном, только открывал рот, а никому не известный уличный певец пел за него, стоя перед микрофоном, за кулисами. В конце фильма голос у «звезды» восстанавливается, и он начинает петь самостоятельно соло и в дуэте с молодым певцом.
The Chaplain of San Lorenzo
Tödliche Liebe
I Can't Marry Everyone
Alter Herr
Решение перед рассветом
Fiedl (uncredited)
Действие фильма начинается 8 декабря 1944 года. Вторая мировая война, входит в свою последнюю фазу: Германия находится в руинах, но войска вермахта ведут ожесточенные бои на всех фронтах. Армия США готовится нанести мощный удар по противнику с Запада. Но ей не хватает знаний о важнейших немецких подразделениях, действующих на противоположной стороне Рейна. Заброска на территорию, контролируемую германской армией, агентов-иностранцев исключена. Поэтому, американская военная разведка решает отправить в германский тыл двух немецких военнопленных для сбора информации. Задание очень рискованное, так как гестапо имеет по всей стране. эффективную сеть по выявлению и захвату как диверсантов, так и немецких дезертиров. Кроме того, не ясно, насколько надежны сами немцы, отправленные в тыл к противнику.
Die Martinsklause
Die Alm an der Grenze
Dr. Richards
Skandal in der Botschaft
Wer bist Du, den ich liebe?
Die Sterne lügen nicht
Chased by the Devil
A doctor discovers a new medical cure with dangerous side effects, and takes the drug himself to test its limitations.
The Trombonist
Waldemar Taller, Chordirektor
The Trombonist is a 1949 comedy film directed by Carl Boese and starring Paul Dahlke, Sabine Peters and Ludwig Körner.
Der blaue Strohhut
Geschäftsführer Kurpark
Krach im Hinterhaus
Amtsgerichtsrat Meier
Verspieltes Leben
Germany, 1914: The bourgeois austerity of the small, northern German town in which Ulyssa lives conflicts sharply with her desire to flirt with and be ensnared by charming, young men. That she's married is irrelevant; it's a marriage which exists only on paper. Among all the men Ulyssa flirts with, there is one for which she has genuine affection: Stefen Marbach, an upright and sincere man, far superior to her other men. And, indeed, the two are honest with one another about their feelings, but the outbreak of the First World War separates them. Sometime later, Ulyssa finds out that not only her husband, but Stefan, too, has fallen in battle. The news of this disaster leads her to reconsider and eventually give in to the constant urgings of the Viennese merchant Reindl. Ulyssa joins Reindl in Vienna and lives a life of wealth and comfort, until one day, Stefan shows up.
The Mozart Story
Der stumme Gast
Eccelius, Apotheker
Whodunit centered around a hostel.
Das Hochzeitshotel
Burgmüller, Schriftsteller
Ein Blick zurück
Junge Herzen
Professor Thormeyer
1944 German film.
Der gebieterische Ruf
Intendant Soestmann
Schwarz auf weiß
Dr. Eichhorn
Vienna, around 1900. The master baker Streussler’s most ardent wish is to see his daughter Nelly as a student at the university. With the help of his famous “streusel cake” he succeeds in luring all kinds of helpers for this endeavor into his house. But Nelly has entirely different plans: she is in love with the chimney sweep Heinz, the son of a neighbor, with whom Papa Streussler has been fighting for years. So it’s no wonder then, that the grump confectioner is doing everything he can to break up the relationship.
Himmel, wir erben ein Schloß
Prof. Barnickel
Der Ochsenkrieg
Ein Zug fährt ab
Ingenieur Dr. Lechner
Моцарт. Кого любят боги
Leopold Mozart
Биографический фильм о Вольфганге Амадее Моцарте с элементами художественного вымысла. Жизнь Моцарта показана сквозь призму его трагической любви к оперной певице Алоизии Вебер. Отвергнутый Алоизией, Моцарт женится на ее сестре Констанце. Но в конце встречает и вновь любит Алоизию.
Geliebte Welt
Direktor Ullmer
Anschlag auf Baku
Der Fall Rainer
Germany in the fall of 1918: Accompanied by the Archduke Karl Maria, Princess Henriette von Battenstein makes an inspection tour of hospitals. During these inspections, she meets Lieutenant Rainer, the former conductor of the State Opera. When she later makes music with him in the Archduke's castle, she becomes the unwilling witness to a secret cease fire negotiation.
The Waitress Anna
Prof. Georgi
The Comedians
Although she is known as a patron of the arts, a graceful duchess nevertheless refuses her nephew to marry an enterprising actress in this German melodrama starring Kathe Dorsch and silent screen legend Henny Porten. When Philine (Hilde Krahl), the troupe's ingénue, is rejected as proper marital material by the Duchess of Weissenfels (Porten), Karoline Neuber (Dorsch) creates such a furor that she is banished from the country. A performance at the court at St. Petersburg also ends in disaster for the unhappy actress and abandoned by all, Karoline dies a suicide.
Immer nur Du
Justizrat Wieland
The two stars of an upcoming operetta performance quarrel constantly. but they also fall in love with each other.
Bal paré
Joachim Himmelreich
Wenn Männer verreisen
Agent Winkelmann
Ein ganzer Kerl
Irrtum des Herzens
Dr.Erwin Büttner
On the afternoon of Christmas Eve, Sister Angelika bids her boss, Professor Reimers, farewell, for she has quit her post. Reimers doesn’t understand the reason for this and since she won’t say a word as to why she’s quit, he asks her to spend the evening with him and his son Konrad. Konrad, however, wanted to take advantage of the holiday to bring his divorced parents back together and sends Angelika packing as soon as she reaches the house. Disappointed and sad, she drives to the airport to meet Captain van Santen, who also invited her to spend the holiday.
Ich bin gleich wieder da
Eberhard Mittau
Drei wunderschöne Tage
This is essentially a "Kraft durch Freude" propaganda film though the organization is never mentioned. A company's three day outing might very well be the last because bankruptcy is just around the corner. The people on the trip have all their individual problems and wishes, too. This episodic film might sound quite promising considering the basic idea but its script is determinedly optimistic and leads everything and anything to a happy end. The dramatic parts are finished in a rather implausible way, the comedic are terribly predictable. There's a badly misjudged singing scene in the bus, some bavarian shtick, the Regensburger Domspatzen are singing in Augsburg and so on...
Geld fällt vom Himmel
Two Women
Professor Alexander Corvey
Rote Orchideen
In a made-up country somewhere in northern Europe: In the armaments factory F.N.G., an important drawing is copied and passed on to the enemy. Suspicion falls on the chief engineer Alexander Nica and his assistant Laurenz. Both are placed before the court; accused by the night watchman Bruns; and sentenced to death for industrial espionage. Before sentencing, however, Nica succeeds in getting away. Now he’s trying to find proof to convince the court of his and Laurenz’ innocence.
Das Ehesanatorium
Prof. Eschenburg
The violin virtuoso Ferdinand Lohner is lonely and depressed after the death of his wife. But then he gets to know the much younger Irene and forgets all about his dead wife, marrying the young tart soon after. Irene moves into the house in the mountains, where Ferdinand, his son Heinz and his former mother-in-law Mrs. Leuthoff live. The bitter Mrs. Leuthoff makes life difficult for Irene, since she had no way of preventing Ferdinand from re-marrying after her daughter bit the dust. When Ferdinand conveniently goes out on tour once again, Irene has to sit at home with the bitter woman. One day, Irene’s cousin Gustl comes on a visit and Mrs. Leuthoff takes the opportunity to “accidentally” let slip to Ferdinand, that his current wife is a whore. As if living with your current mother-in-law isn’t enough to deal with!
Österreichischer Kriegsminister
In 18th century Europe, King Friedrich II of Prussia leads his army through the seven-years-war with neighboring states, and after numerous near defeats, eventually brings a victorious army back to Berlin.
Ein Lied klagt an
Justus Kramer
All for Veronica
Abteilungschef Wolf
Graf Hjalmar
Die Entführung
Georges Merville
Soldaten - Kameraden
Film by Huppertz.
Anschlag auf Schweda
Dr. Steidler - Rechtsanwalt
Vienna, 1922. Due to a sudden financial tragedy, a young woman begins accepting checks from an older, rich gentleman for companionship in order for her to keep attending college. Their relationship is purely platonic, but eventually she begins a romance with the tutor of the older man's sons who has a completely wrong impression as to the nature of her arrangement with his employer.
Baron von Goret is an impoverished landowner, whose estate is about to go into receivership. And so, for that reason, he wishes to marry off his son Hermann with his well-off girlfriend Helga. But Hermann is in love with the farmer’s daughter Dorothea. He leaves his father’s estate with her and makes his way to Berlin to make a name for himself. He’s not successful in this and, so as not to stand in his way, Dorothea leaves him. Hermann’s aunt brings him back to his father’s estate, where, depressed over losing Dorothea, works tirelessly to clear the estate of all its debts.
Wer wagt – gewinnt
Alle Tage ist kein Sonntag
Der alte und der junge König
Von Natzmer
The story of the stormy relationship between King Friedrich Wilhelm and his son, who later became known as King Frederick the Great of Prussia.
Masquerade in Vienna
Paul Harrandt, Hofopernkapellmeister
After a masked carnival ball, Gerda Harrandt, wife of the surgeon Carl Ludwig Harrandt, allows the fashionable artist Ferdinand von Heidenick to paint a portrait of her wearing only a mask and a muff. This muff however belongs to Anita Keller, in secret the painter's lover but also the fiancée of the court orchestra director Paul Harrandt. The picture is then published in the newspaper. When Paul sees it and asks von Heidenick some questions about the identity of the model, the artist is forced to improvise a story and on the spur of the moment invents a woman called Leopoldine Dur as the alleged model. Leopoldine Dur however turns out to be a real woman whose acquaintance Heidenick makes shortly afterwards.
Rosen aus dem Süden
Master of the World
Dr. Heller
A German scientist designs and builds a machine that will do dangerous work instead of placing humans in jeopardy. But the machine itself turns out to have disastrous effects on the people involved.
Schön ist es, verliebt zu sein
Domkapellmeister Römer
Wege zur guten Ehe
Film by Trotz.
Laughing Heirs
Robert Stumm
After the death of his uncle, the owner of the Rhine based Bockelmann Sparkling Wine, Peter turns up for the reading of the will. Justus Bockelmann, a producer of mineral water, is confident he will inherit the business, but ‘for reasons of moral rectitude’ he has no intention of running an ‘alcoholic business’. The opening of the will comes as a surprise to all the potential heirs.
The Anthem of Leuthen
Generalfeldmarshall Graf Daun
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia of his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
Um ein bisschen Glück
Prof. Peter Bernhard
Vicomte Noailles
The story of General Yorck von Wartenburg, a commander in the army of Prussian King Wilhelm, who defied the king's orders for the Prussian army to join Napoleon in his invason of Russia.
The concert
Prof. Gustav Heink
A concert pianist, the romantic idol of many women, is seduced away from his wife. The seductress's husband takes in the pianist's wife, and all four pretend to be happy with the new arrangement.
Everyone Asks for Erika
Kurt von Zeillern
The Carnival Fairy
Attaché v. Grefelingen
Film version of the operatta by Emmerich Kalman: Victor has won 10 000 Mark with his ceiling painting. In the local pub, he celebrates his triumph. Countess Alexandra happens to drop into the pub, too and is thought to be a model by the sponsor of the prize, Count Meredith. Victor soon has to save her from an embarassing misunderstanding. The two men insult each other and Victor loses his prize.
Emperor sweetheart
Kaiser Josef
The Flute Concert of Sans-Souci
Maltzahn, Preußischer Gesandter in Dresden
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka Frederick the Great) of Prussia and his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
The Singing City
Professor Andreas Breuling
A tourist guide in Naples is taken on by a Viennese woman impressed by his singing, and who regards him as her protege. This film was released as a German version and English Version known as "The City of Song". Brigitte Helm once portrays a beautiful femme fatale who displays her affection and lust for her tourist guide which is paralleled with the main bodied theme of the early romanticist songs played throughout.
Only You
Robert Paulsen
The Great Longing
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.
Two Hearts in Waltz Time
Toni Hofer - ein Operettenkomponist
Nicki and Vicki, two librettists who also happen to be brothers, are presently in collaboration with composer Toni. All too aware of Toni's amorous escapades, Nicki and Vicki try to keep the existence of their pretty sister Hedi a secret. Suffering from an acute case of writers' block (he has yet to find an inspiration for his next production), Toni throws a huge party, which is boycotted by his friends and associates so that he'll keep his mind on his work.
The woman without nerves
Eduard Lindt
The Night Belongs to Us
During a test run for a large race in Sicily the racing car driver Bettina Bang gets into an accident and is saved by a secretive person unknown to her. It later turns out that the unknown man is the race car driver Harry Bredow.
Die weißen Rosen von Ravensberg
The child of a woman who killed her husband is raised as the daughter of a count without any knowledge of her true origins.
Die kleine Sklavin
Richard Reimers
Пиковая дама
The Queen of Spades or Pique Dame is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Aleksandr Razumnyj and starring Jenny Jugo, Rudolf Forster and Henri De Vries. It is one of many film adaptations of the Russian writer Alexander Pushkin's 1834 short story The Queen of Spades.
Only a Dancing Girl
Paul Zentler
Frauen der Leidenschaft
Die tolle Herzogin
Lord Neville
The House of Lies
Fräulein Mama
Graf Tamar
Schatten der Weltstadt
Felix Granier
The Whirlwind of Passion
Robert Benton
Blanche Benton is out on her morning ride with horse and carriage, when an automobile shows up and scares the horse. The driver in the car manages to intervene and takes Blanche to her home.
Die Liebe einer Königin
Der König
In 1766, the young English princess Caroline Mathilde is sent to Denmark to marry the King Christian VII. The marriage is unhappy and Caroline Mathilde finds herself drawn instead to court physician Johann Friedrich Struensee.
Peter the Great
Alexis, Zarewitsch
Herzog Ferrantes Ende
In medieval Italy, a group of men plot to kill a cruel and despotic duke.
Luise Millerin
Wandering Souls
Prinz Myschkin
Усталая смерть
Young Man / Frank / Gianfrancesco / Liang
Молодая пара отдыхает в маленькой деревенской гостинице. Внезапно мужчина оказывается похищенным Смертью. Женщина находит таинственный вход в потусторонний мир и встречается со Смертью, которая рассказывает ей три разных истории, происходящих в разных, порой неожиданных местах.
Der Tänzer
Andreas Rellnow
Andreas Rellnow decides to leave his troubled parents and pursue an artistic career. As a violin virtuoso, he quickly became popular and a first-class heart-breaker.
Die entschleierte Maja