Alexander May

Alexander May

Рождение : 1927-07-08, Görlitz, Germany

Смерть : 2008-05-02


Alexander May


Trau' niemals deinem Schwiegersohn
Opa Mauritz
Karl 2005
Die Rückkehr des Vaters
4 Freunde und 4 Pfoten
Die achte Todsünde: Das Toskana-Karussell
Pietro Angelotti
Der Narr und seine Frau heute Abend in Pancomedia
Dr. Albert Brigg
Dr. Schrader
Urged by her mother, Anke left her baby for adoption ten years ago. For years afterward, she did not speak to her again. Now the soon-to-be attorney from Hamburg travels back to her home village to make up with her dying mother. She learns that her daughter Christina lives with Alex, a past love of Anke's and Christina's real father. Old wounds break up again and long forgotten feelings of hate as well as love flare up again. Anke leaves her fiancé to face up to her past. She decides in favour of her child and of a life with Alex.
Warten ist der Tod
Jew-boy Levi
Wirt Obergfäll
Benjamin Levi (Bruno Cathomas) is a Bavarian cattle dealer traveling to pre-World War II Germany on his annual trip to a remote farming village. Levi hopes to do some business and, more importantly, win the hand of the lovely Lisbeth (Caroline Ebner). But Nazi propaganda has gripped the small community and poisoned it forever. Now, Levi and Lisbeth are targets of hate in this provocative and shocking drama.
Schwarzes Blut
Doc Martens
A Minute of Silence
In a dying French mining town near the German border, the last miners are preparing to strike. Marek and Mimmo, two young miners and friends, have different views on the impending strike.
Tod im Labor
Staatsanwalt Mautner
Der Weihnachtsmörder
Staatsanwalt Mautner
Beichtstuhl der Begierde
Pfarrer Grieger
Dizzy, lieber Dizzy
Feature film.
Willi and the Windsors
Ministerpräsident von Niedersachsen
The British parliament has decided to get rid of the royal family. All of them have to leave the county and so they move to Germany, where they want to live by their distant relatives, the Bettenberg family. But these are not amused about their snobbish visitors, which all want to reside in their little house without doing any work to earn their living.
Verliebte Feinde
An Unholy Love
Georg and Eva have to keep their love secret: Georg is a catholic priest in Bavaria, Germany, obliged to celibacy. They suffer under the situation, but can't stay away from each other.
Ein Mann für meine Frau
Alarm auf Station 2
Dr. Herbert Burg
Der Unschuldsengel
Prälat Strahl
Ein Engel für Felix
Bronstein's Children
Pappa ante Portas
After ordering enough typewriting paper for 40 years, just to get discount, Heinrich Lohse is forced to retire.
Die Frosch-Intrige
Schuldirektor Stapelmann
Der Deal
Bei mir liegen Sie richtig
Dr. Sahner
Willi Kritz earns his living as a night watchman and corpse washer at the East German Pathological Institute at the Berlin Clinic. In the process, he found another source of income: he steals pathological exhibits and smuggles them to West Berlin disguised as a Berlin bear. His customer is Frundsberg, and the delivery always takes place in his Yankee sleigh.
Ein anderer Liebhaber
Herbert Fagel
Ein Treffen mit Rimbaud
Wer einsam ist, der hat es gut weil keiner da, der Ihm was tut
8 Stunden Zeit
Lenoir, Notar
Ami Go Home oder Der Fragebogen
Das leise Gift
Ein Mann namens Parvus
Kinder unseres Volkes
Studienrat Nöck
Frau Juliane Winkler
Ein Fall von Zuneigung
Zwei Tote im Sender und Don Carlos im PoGl
Der Spot oder Fast eine Karriere
Dr. Sander
This bizarre comedy demonstrates - as a convincing example - how TV-commercials may be produced, sacrificing extensive amounts of money, bottomless creativity and even human life without any respect right to the finish.
Der Schatz des Priamos
Sting in the Flesh
Ines and Hans try to save their crumbling marriage with a vacation trip. With three children, the grandmother, and some hamsters in the overloaded car to Sardinia.
Alberta und Alice oder Die Unterwerfung
Johann Sebastian Bachs vergebliche Reise in den Ruhm
Johann Sebastian Bach
The Disgruntled
Der Durchdreher
Glorias Vater
… von Herzen mit Schmerzen
Kleine Geschichten mit großen Tieren
Chef II
Grete Minde
Grete Minde, based on the novel by Theodor Fontane, tells the story of a girl trapped in the turbulent religious and social prejudices of 17th-century Sweden.
Das chinesische Wunder
Haben Sie nichts zu verzollen?
Herr Kauppila
Kann ich noch ein bisschen bleiben?
Wolfgang Amadeus Meyer
The Clown
Based on the best-selling novel by Nobel-laureate Heinrich Böll, this drama is a passionate indictment of Catholicism. Hans Schnier (Helmut Griem) has earned his living as a clown, though he is in fact a very covert sort of social critic. After enduring a difficult childhood in Bonn during the Second World War, including his mother's fanatic Nazism, he is appalled to discover many of the people he knows and loves swept deeply into involvement in the Catholic Church.
Baby Hamilton oder Das kommt in den besten Familien vor
Die Halde
Lizzis Vater
Dr. Hartmann
Diary of a Disease - prophesied that all psychiatric experience speaks against the described spontaneous healing. The next depression is determined.
Ein deutsches Attentat
Auguste Bolte
Klavierlehrer Lehmann
Ermittlungen gegen Unbekannt
Staatsanwalt Schröter
Karussells werden im Himmel gemacht
Herr Kessler
Dream City
Dr. Lampenbogen
A married couple of artists move to a utopian town known for its absolute freedom, but behind the surface perversion and violence are spreading.
Alexander Markowitz
Когда германский бизнесмен становится виновником аварии с человеческими жертвами, пресса, чтобы раздуть скандал, начинает копаться в его прошлом. То, что удается найти, заставляет его посмотреть другими глазами на поступки, совершенные им в Греции во время Второй мировой войны...
Die Geschichte einer dicken Frau
Das Paradies auf der anderen Seite
Betreten verboten
Direktor Wieland
Jakob von Gunten
Herr Benjamenta
Adaptation of Robert Walser's novel about a young man who enters an oppressive servant school.
Chef der Kripo
Verschwörung in Ulm – Der Reichswehrprozeß 1930
Landgerichtsdirektor Braune
Karpfs Karriere
Prozeß Mariotti
August der Starke - Ein ganzes Volk nennt ihn Papa
A group of vampires terrorizes a small village on the German North Sea Coast. The young Jonathan joins a group of fellow students and locals, who plan an uprising against the vampires.
Bischof Ketteler
Dr. Moufang
La felicità...
Herr X
Herr Wolff hat seine Krise
Ludwig F. Wolff
Staatssekretär Voss
Das Haus mit den sieben Stockwerken
Herr Corte
Amtsleiter Mertins
Herr Lohmann
A well-off couple adopt a 16-year-old boy from an orphanage in West Berlin, but their attempts to help him assimilate into his new surroundings fail. The repressive tolerance of the well-educated adoptive parents is just too much for the mischievous young boy: he shoots the father.
Das Karussell
Der Autor
Sie werden sterben, Sire
Die Reise um die Erde
Zwei Whisky und ein Sofa
Prof. Newman
Ордена для вундеркиндов
2. Bürgermeister
Пансион для престарелых. Пожилой господин беседует с парализованной графиней. На её вопрос, за что он получил чин советника и орден, Циглер скромно отвечает: "За заслуги перед отечеством и народом". Меняются кадры, и мы видим Циглера уже не в пансионе, а за решеткой. Отсидев положенный срок за обман доверчивых дам, стремящихся выйти замуж, брачный аферист Циглер случайно попадает на торжество вручения ордена. Поняв, какую притягательную силу имеет орден для владельцев толстых кошельков, еще не занявших места среди избранных, Циглер решает покончить со своим небезопасным и не столь уж доходным "делом". Он выискивает в адресной книге имена состоятельных сограждан и на поддельных формулярах сообщает, что скоро им будет вручен орден и что они должны внести сумму в 750 марок на расходы, связанные с торжеством...
Zaubereien oder Die Tücke des Objekts
Erster Kritiker