Jochen Nickel

Jochen Nickel

Рождение : 1959-04-10, Witten, Germany


Jochen Nickel
Jochen Nickel


Mother Superior: Dweller of the Threshold
1975, Rosenkreuz Manor. Sigrun starts a new position with the eccentric Baroness Heidenreich. A shared longing binds the two women together: the old lady’s memory contains the secret to Sigrun's true identity; the nurse’s life force holds the key to the future for the Baroness. On the path to self-discovery, Sigrun is confronted with the sinister world of "völkisch" occultism, opening an unearthly abyss in which every moral and principle is tested.
Sealed Lips
Waltrauts Mann
A German communist wrongly accused and sent to a labour camp has to keep her past life hidden for the sake of her and her family’s freedom.
At the end of World War II, Red Army soldiers bent on brutal revenge for past atrocities attack a German city. Compassion comes from an unlikely source. Based on a true story.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Wenn Fische lächeln
Radio Home
Franks Onkel
Four teenage friends - Frank, Spüli, Mücke, and Pommes - try to have their first contact with the opposite gender. Not so easy in the Ruhr region of the 80s. Attempts at dancing and being in a band go wrong, and their parents and teachers can't help with that, so the four teens need to get creative.
Gut zu Vögeln
After her fiancee cancels the wedding, Merlin's life changes drastically when she moves in with one of her brother's best friends.
Meine allerschlimmste Freundin
Von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen
Once Upon a Time there lived a brave man, Michael, who was unaware what fear is. At the same time, Princess Elisabeth lived with her father, the king, in a makeshift tent city, because their castle was uninhabitable and haunted by ghosts, its treasure cursed. If he wants to know how to shudder, he should visit this Haunted Castle.
Two couples and two singles are confused by their enotions to each other.
Dear Courtney
The Spy
Walther Luthmann
Vera von Schalburg is a German prostitute working in Nazi Germany. In 1938, one year before the outbreak of World War II, Schalburg is arrested by the Berlin police. She is offered to work as a spy for the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, instead of facing jail time. Completely unaware of the secret war preparations being conducted by her government, and unwilling to leave her teenage son who later joins the Hitler Youth, she accepts the offer.
Hubert und Staller - Die ins Gras beißen
Daniel Klein
Still Got Lives
Herr Brenner
Marco and Lisa are in love. Online, they fight together against dreadful monsters. Sometimes they die on their mission, but there’s always one life to spare. Yet, Lisa refuses to meet Marco for real. One day she stops showing up for the game, Marco decides to go searching for her.
SOKO: Der Prozess
Frank Wellinger
Wohin der Weg mich führt
Torte Neumann
Frank Fingerhut
Kissing before Customers, that's Gretchen and Sarah's motto. And both are flirting with the enenmy. Literally. Clemens, who with his business partner is after the same assignment as them, is the center of their attention. When it comes to his intentions, though...
Werner - Eiskalt!
Werner and Holgi are friends, but also lifelong rivals. Now Werner finally has enough of being the eternal second and is planning his revenge. With his special motorcycle, the 'Red Porsche Killer', he challenges Holgi and his car.
World Express - Mistery of the Maya
Philip Harmsdorf
David and Philip are distinctive in the work's couriers World Express. Every day, roam the world completing tasks assigned to them by the mysterious head of Anson. Do not give up any adversity and provide dangerous consignment on time. Their current mission is to deliver to Mexico a ransom for the kidnapped girl. In the meantime, it appears that the girl's mother, Corrina, was once associated with David. Just before the start of the task Philip is murdered, and the ransom stolen. To save the girl, David needs to work with Corrina. It begins a dangerous journey through the dense jungle to the mysterious Mayan city.
Вкус ночи
Лина — трудный подросток, она не находит общего языка с родителями и сверстниками, промышляет мелким воровством. Однажды, пробравшись на закрытую вечеринку, она знакомится с богатой и эффектной Луизой — вампиром, главенствующим в трио себе подобных существ, куда также входят бесшабашная Нора и томная Шарлотта. Луиза решает приобщить закомплексованную и зажатую девушку к своей банде. Теперь Лене суждено познать блеск и проклятие вечной жизни «неупокоенных». Перед ней открываются все двери в мир гламура и беспредельной свободы. И с каждой ночью ее новые подруги становятся все ненасытнее, а число жертв вурдалаков безудержно растет. Но когда за расследование их преступлений берется давний знакомый Лены — молодой полицейский Том Сернер, приходит пора платить по счетам…
London. Liebe, Taubenschlag 2
Dieter Kasperavijchek
London, Liebe, Taubenschlag
Dieter Kasperavijchek
Ein Dorf sieht Mord
Ralf Benkhöh
Kinder des Sturms
On the escape of the violent Poles 1946, the child of Rosemarie get lost. And Rosemaries tries to find her daughter.
Juli mit Delphin
Heat Wave
Gunther Kuhn
When Germany is hit by a drought, the Ruhr area is threatened with the collapse of drinking water. Meteorologist Martina Fechner is appointed head of the crisis team, but has to recognize that her colleagues see the crisis as an opportunity for their own career. When even highly toxic germs are discovered in a reservoir, the region is also threatened by a plague.
Willkommen in Lüsgraf
The attractive Moni works as a photo reporter at the local newspaper of her small hometown Lüsgraf. One day, when the bricks-and-mortar shakers, makers of electric shavers and the village's biggest employer, face bankruptcy, the male workforce occupies the factory to prevent them from selling to a dubious investor. In the meantime, Moni and her friends have come up with a different plan to save the company: Instead of making old-fashioned razors, the squatters should rather switch to the production of modern massage sticks! Now the ladies have to make their plan only the Lüsgrafer men tasty ...
Сердце пирата
Goedeke Michels
Конец ХIV века. Родители отправляют старшего сына Яна учиться в Гамбург, а младшего — Клауса — в монастырь. Не успели дети отъехать от родного дома, как на их глазах разбойники убивают родителей и сжигают дом. Только благодаря преданному монаху Вигбольду Клаус сумел пережить потрясение. Через несколько лет Клаус находит в Гамбурге брата Яна и свою давнюю подругу — Элизабет Прен. От нее он узнает, что ей прочат в женихи Симона фон Валленрода, отца которого Клаус подозревает в убийстве своих родителей. Но Прены и Валленроды — богатые и уважаемые люди, а Клаус — бедняк. И вот он становится пиратом…
Mutter aus heiterem Himmel
Karl Thalbach
Felix: All Around the World
Yeti / Butler (voice)
After being separated from his friend Sophie, Felix embarks on a journey filled with mystical creatures in this high quality animated feature for your kids and family.
Die Bullenbraut – Ihr erster Fall
Hannes Behnken
Wahrheit oder Pflicht
Annikas Vater Bernd Schmelzer
Annika's life and experiences as a young woman include peculiar sex, an unfortunately cold best friend, a terrible tutor/boyfriend, and a sensible and beautiful boyfriend (Kai). Her family life and lie collide in such a way that it is impossible for her to tell the truth even when she desperately wants to.
Пираты Эдельвейса
Josef Hoegen
Фильм рассказывает малоизвестную историю о народном антигитлеровском сопротивлении в Кёльне в 1943-45 годах. История «Пиратов Эдельвейса» довольно долго скрывалась/заретушёвывалась официальными немецкими историками — ведь антифашистские сопротивленцы Кёльна не укладывались в прокрустово ложе буржуазно-либеральной идеологии.
Волосатая история
Всё началось с того, что дрессировщик Алек МакКолл спасает весельчака Клеменса из лап зловещей корпорации, которая хочет сделать из шимпанзе смертельное оружие и поставить мир на колени.Находясь «в бегах», наша сладкая парочка сталкивается с задачкой, оказавшейся гораздо более сложной, чем все козни корпорации вместе взятые, а именно: как научить застенчивого и робкого Майкла постоять себя и заполучить девушку своей мечты! А тут ещё, как назло, появляются наемные громилы и начинается настоящее светопреставление!
Robert, a recently widowed engineer from Cologne, decides to change his life. He invests all he has in a new business in Southeast Germany - a network of coin operated telescopes, hoping to profit from the breathtaking vistas of the Saxon "Switzerland" area of the East. Once in that region, Robert meets Christiane, who uncanningly resembles his deceased wife. Christiane is also at a crossroads. She has a secret plan to recover something of great value lost after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Der Fluch des schwarzen Schwans
Leo & Claire
Paul Steinheil
In 1933 Nuremberg, successful Jewish businessman Leo Katzenberger owns an apartment building and runs a shoe store. A devoted family man, he has a good relationship with his loving wife Claire. As the climate in Germany grows increasingly dangerous, bombshell Irene moves to the neighborhood. After forming an unlikely friendship, his relationship with Irene is immediately regarded with suspicion.
Pest - Die Rückkehr
Elephant Heart
Axel Stemper
Marko Stemper, 19 years old, comes from a disadvantaged background and works as a window cleaner. His father, an alcoholic, tyrannizes the whole family, so Marko's only joy in life is boxing. As he is the most promising talent in his club, Gerd Hermsbach, a local demimonde boss, offers him the opportunity to become a professional. Marko accepts, but has to pay a high price...
Umwege des Herzens
Max Grün
After the tragic accidental death of her sister, which she has not seen since a dispute 18 years ago, the architect Sarah suffers from guilt feelings: She believes she could have saved Susanne with a liver donation. To at least do something for Susanne's husband Max and the three children, Sarah drives to the family's farm in the Vogelsberg. And has to cope with a tragedy whose cause lies in her old love for Max. Sonja Kirchberger and Jochen Nickel play the lead roles in the quietly told, melancholy TV drama about the destructive dynamics of family relationships.
Auf Herz und Nieren
Produced and directed by seven Munich Film School students, Honolulu takes place not in Hawaii, but inside of a rural town just outside of Munich, Germany. Several vignettes, lasting approximately 10 to 15 minutes each, are connected by one of the town’s public bus routes, outside of which two men booze the night away while waiting for the bus to make its rounds.
A young couple's plan to rob a gasstation fails miserably when all of a sudden the man's former teacher, the UEFA-Cup final and a Julio Iglesias concert help them to perform the perfect robbery.
Ein tödliches Wochenende
Ernst Menzel
Der Solist - Niemandsland
Marco Rossi
Planet Alex
Project: Human Weapon
Hans Martina
Griffin Michael is the only survivor of a top-secret C.I.A. program that raised five people to become superweapons—human killing machines. Griffin has been trained to use his mind as a weapon: with a small brain impulse he can move objects hundreds of times his own weight, and can kill with a single thought. Now he is about to be released from the remote secret facility where he has been raised, and unleashed on an unsuspecting world...
Die Verwegene - Kämpfe um deinen Traum
Highway Society
The mechanic Jack tries to get rid of his criminal background.
Die Aufschneider
A short thriller comedy directed by Annette Ernst.
Солнце Ацтеков
Молодой преподаватель физики Даниэль не заметит своего счастья даже тогда, когда оно «даст ему прямо в лоб»! Но вскоре в его жизни, в которой, как правило, ничего не происходит, наступят перемены: кольцо с древним символом солнца ацтеков, приобретенное им на «блошином» рынке, должно принести удачу в любви.Так и случается: Даниэль по уши влюбляется в турецкую красавицу Мелек. Неожиданно для самого себя он решает ехать к ней в Стамбул и отправляется в автомобильное путешествие через всю Европу. По дороге его избивают, соблазняют, грабят, сажают в тюрьму, он теряет машину, деньги, вещи и документы. Но Даниэль упорно продвигается к желанной цели…
Double Pack
Due to a delayed flight a group of German flight passengers have to wait in the hall of the airport of Manila. The crowd is quite mixed, ranging from an cultivated east German teacher couple up to sleazy sex tourists. As the waiting prolongs, more and more aggressions and long repressed behaviors shed their way to the surface.
Nie mehr zweite Liga
Neonnächte - Der U-Bahn-Schlitzer
A new case for the energetic criminal investigation officer Beate Stein: The half-undressed corpse of a subway driver is found in a subway tunnel. It soon seems as if the perpetrator has been found in a convicted female murderer. But after his death, the murders continue ...
Der Puma - Kämpfer mit Herz
Carlo Bless
Waschen, Schneiden, Legen
The Hamburg friends Walter, Ricco and Floyd take each day as it comes between the estates of tower blocks and fast food restaurants. All three are in their early twenties and are dreaming of another life when Floyd suddenly takes a job on a freighter going to Singapore…
Грабителю банков Кику жизнь кажется просто прекрасной. После их последнего совместного дела его дружок Калле отправился в тюрьму, где будет мотать срок еще два года. Тем временем Кик проматывает награбленные деньги и не очень беспокоится, спустив большую их часть на лошадиных бегах. Но жизнь богата на сюрпризы: узнав, что все это время его подружка вела себя совсем не так, как подобает верной спутнице жизни, Калле бежит из тюрьмы. Он планирует безжалостно покарать изменницу, взять у Кика свою долю и уехать за границу. Теперь Кику срочно нужны деньги, и для того, чтобы их достать, годятся любые, даже самые невероятные средства…
Und alles wegen Mama
Konrad Kaminski
Der Rosenmörder
Das Frankfurter Kreuz
Train Birds
Hannes is a beer truck driver in Dortmund. His biggest dream is to win the first prize at the International Timetable Contest in Inari (Finland). When his new boss cancels his extra holidays to go there, Hans goes mad… On his journey to Finland by train, followed by the police, he meets lot of folks and the love of his life.
Comedian Harmonists
Comedian Harmonists tells the story of a famous, German male sextet, five vocals and piano, the "Comedian Harmonists", from the day they meet first in 1927 to the day in 1934, when they become banned by the upcoming Nazis, because three of them are Jewish.
Marco at Work
Marco locks himself away in his studio to paint a new painting. The canvas, however, remains white for lack of inspiration. In order to divert himself, he decides to clean the studio and suddenly finds a bottle of Mescal.
Kalte Küsse
After the corpse of the programmer Klaus Pape was found neatly dismantled in a freezer, Commissioner Beate Stein starts the research that will lead her to both the red-light district and the better society of Hamburg.
Koma - Lebendig begraben
Still Movin'
Willy Freeze
Die Mutter des Killers
Lu Mehlig
Die letzte Sekunde
Mafia, Pizza, Razzia
Ein Pizzabäcker gibt seinem lustlosen Fahrer den Auftrag Pizzen auszuliefern. Die Bestellung haben zwei Polizisten aufgegeben, die ein Objekt überwachen. Sie planen den großen Coup, indem sie selbst das Geld der observierten Gangster nehmen und sich absetzen. Die Gangster selbst erwarten einen Drogendeal. Als der allerdings schief geht und die Polizisten auch hilflos dazwischen funken, sieht der Pizzabote seine Chance und verschwindet mit dem Geld.
After a successful bank robbery, Erik and Bingo have to part again. While Erik is stuck in a demolition house with his booty and broken foot, Bingo believes Erik has settled with the money. The accomplices become bitter rivals.
Tresko - Der Maulwurf
Die Sturzflieger
Сестра сна
Köhler Michel
Эта таинственная история произошла в конце прошлого века. В небольшой, затерянной среди Альп деревушке родился удивительный ребенок. Маленький гений обладал уникальной музыкальностью и невероятной способностью слышать все звуки природы. Став юношей, ему, как и большинству одаренных людей, пришлось столкнуться с непониманием и завистью окружающих. Неразделенная любовь, злоба и коварство ограниченных людей толкают героя на безропотный и молчаливый протест, который приводит к непредсказуемым последствиям.
One of My Oldest Friends
A comedy directed by Rainer Kaufmann.
Список Шиндлера
Wilhelm Kunde
Лента рассказывает реальную историю загадочного Оскара Шиндлера, члена нацистской партии, преуспевающего фабриканта, спасшего во время Второй мировой войны более тысячи ста евреев. Это триумф одного человека, не похожего на других, и драма тех, кто, благодаря ему, выжил в ужасный период человеческой истории.
The Last Border
One man's quest for revenge in a post-apocalyptic world
Making Up!
An original satire about women of the 90s in search of the men of their dreams. Franzy believes she's through with men, but desperately needs new amorous story lines for the comic strip she writes for a newspaper. So she observes her friend Maischa struggling to satisfy her need for love -- and someone who knows how to install her new shelf. Since joiner Klaus demands too much attention, she sets her eyes on the good-looking footballer Rene.
North Curve
Unteroffizier Manfred 'Rollo' Rohleder
Зима 1942 года. Шестая армия вермахта сражается в разрушенном до основания Сталинграде. Взвод элитных немецких солдат, в первой же битве потерявший больше половины личного состава, ведет отчаянную борьбу за выживание. Свист пуль и рев «катюш», голод и холод доводят их до грани безумия. Уже почти ничего не удерживает солдат на тонкой линии между жизнью и смертью. После всего, что они видели, после утраты всех идеалов призыв фюрера «стоять до конца» приобретает для них совсем другое, гораздо более страшное значение…
Happy Birthday, Türke!
Kemal Kayankaya, a private detective, was hired by a Turkish women, Ilter, to search for his husband, Amend, who has been missing since the death of her father, Vassif. Unknownst to him, he was about to unravel the secrets of his client's family, as well as their various dealings with the underworld and the police. Moreover, being a Turk raised in a German foster family, he has also begun to understand and accept his own ethnicity.
Manta - Der Film
Leo und Charlotte
Unter Kollegen
A comedy directed by Claus-Michael Rohne.
The Gamblers
Jojo was counting on his inheritance from a rich uncle to pay off his gambling debts, but the old man played a dirty trick on him, giving him custody of an oversized dog, and leaving the real cash in the hands of one of his neices. His comfortable fantasy of future solvency has been sorely tried; to restore it, he begins to try wooing his cousin Kathrin (the woman with the loot). However, as things progress, he finds himself actually falling for her, which is perhaps the only really decent thing that he's done in his adult life. When he and a gambling buddy take Kathrin on a jaunt to the south of France, things get pretty dicey when a corrupt cop comes onto the scene. In this romantic thriller, only one will survive.
Луна 44
Scooter Bailey
Галактическая Горнодобывающая Корпорация получает информацию о том, что их роботы похищаются с Луны-44, и отправляет на станцию детектива Стоуна для расследования. Стоун вынужден действовать под прикрытием в качестве одного из заключенных, которых отправляют на Луну 44, чтобы пилотировать специальные вертолеты. Но он не знает, что командир станции майор Ли проинструктирован — в случае нападения на Луну-44 пожертвовать людьми ради спасения роботов. И когда детектив выслеживает предателей, ему приходится сражаться на два фронта, пытаясь спасти и людей, и роботов от уничтожения.