Eisi Gulp

Eisi Gulp

Рождение : 1955-11-03, Munich, Germany


Eisi Gulp


Papa Eberhofer
Mein Vater, der Esel und ich
Кексовое полчище
Papa Eberhofer
Bavaria's most relaxed village policeman has to face an organized crime syndicate coming after his grandmother's cakes.
Zimmer mit Stall - Schwiegermutter im Anflug
Franziskus Scheib
Pension landlady Sophie imagined her job as mayor differently: not even the garbage collection works anymore! In order to defuse the scandal, she temporarily stores all municipal waste on her own yard. The improvisation artist gets active support from Felix, who appeares virtually with a paraglider out of the blue and skilfully turnes Sophie's head. Just now, Sophie's ex-mother-in-law Brigitte is at the door. The grande dame from Paris wants Sophie to return to her son Phillippe to prevent the unsuitable young successor who, in her opinion, does not come from a good family and only wants to take over the business. While Leonie is happy about her grandmother's visit, Sophie wants to know as little as possible about her. She is amazed at the unexpected magic that the sophisticated Brigitte unleashes on her grumpy barn occupier Barthl. He buys an elegant suit and dresses up neatly to impress the elegant elderly woman. But unfortunately more uninvited guests show up.
Dr. Stelzhammer
Драма с императорским омлетом
Papa Eberhofer
Руди переезжает к Францу и винит его в том, что не может ходить после аварии, так как Руди официально признан вылеченным. Тем временем Сюзи объединяется с Леопольдом для строительства - она хочет, чтобы вся семья Эберхофер переехала в отдельный дом.
Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe
Archangel Gabriel
Death (in Bavarian: Boandlkramer) is supposed to get little Maxl, but he falls in love with Maxl's mother. Confused by the previously unknown feelings, he confides in the devil. The incarnate persuades him to start a business where the Boandlkramer gets the chance to compete for Gefi as a mortal. Encouraged by the advice of the recently deceased womanizer Max Gumberger, the Boandl stumbles through earthly life in search of eternal love.
Harald Sprenger
Колбасный торчок
Papa Eberhofer
Криминальная комедия о весёлом полицейском Франце Эберхофере - любителе хорошо и сытно покушать. Главный герой вместе со своим другом, частным детективом Руди Биркенбергером, пытается распутать очередное странное убийство, произошедшее в небольшом баварском городке.
Кома от квашеной капусты
Papa Eberhofer
Францу Эберхоферу очень нравится работать полицейским в маленьком баварском городке Нидеркальтенкирхен, и перевод в Мюнхен напрочь выбивает его из колеи. Однако вскоре дело об убийстве заставляет его вернуться обратно в свою деревеньку.
Matula: Der Schatten des Berges
Private detective Josef Matula is with his usual companion, the dog Dr. med. Renz, on the way to Italy, when his rickety minibus engine fails. During his subsequent unplanned stay in a small mountain village he discovers the body of a mountaineer while hiking. He begins to investigate the death and by the look of it, it could be either accident, suicide or even a murder. However, the conspiratorial community is not very enthusiastic about his investigations and when he comes close to solving the case, his own life is in danger too.
Eisbert Müllner
Тайна супа с клёцками
Papa Eberhofer
Офицера полиции Франца Эберхофера будят среди ночи, и он узнаёт, что его начальник Баршль был убит. Орудием убийства стал нож Франца, поэтому он становится главным подозреваемым в убийстве ненавистного босса.
Welcome to the Hartmanns
Bernd Bader
The Hartmann family is turned upside down when mother Angelika decides to take in the refugee Diallo, against her husband's will. Amidst the typical chaos of our time, hope remains that the family finds its stability, confidence and peace again - just like the whole country.
Свинина аль денте
Papa Eberhofer
Опасный психопат и серийный убийца открыл охоту на непосредственного руководителя Франца Эберхофера, блюстителя порядка из небольшого городка Ландсхута. Франц пытается упечь за решетку хитроумного психа, а так же параллельно решить множество личных проблем.
Hamburg, mid 80s, Alex is a cabby. The sound is hard, pubs are dark and loud, people constantly argue about anything and everything, people smoke all the time, and not just cigarettes. Alex wants love and freedom and sleeps with Dietrich. It's far from being love, but the sex is okay. With Marc, a little person full of dignity, she finds more than that. The rest is struggles with her passengers, the indifferent and the doomed, brutes as other nuisances. This sort of life could go on and on, Alex could drive away from her own life and in doing so lose Marc and not getting rid of Dietrich. Wouldn't there be a small monkey with the same invincible desire for freedom as hers.
Аннулировано: Конечно застраховано
Руперт приезжает в провинцию для продажи страховых полисов. Но в этом регионе, кажется, никто не вдохновлён застраховаться. Только фермерша Оливия стремится всеми силами, из не совсем бескорыстных побуждений, застраховать жизнь своего отца. Невольно Руперта затягивает водоворот событий безжалостного плана Оливии. Сможет ли он найти выход?
Клёцки из зимнего картофеля
Papa Eberhofer
Полицейский Франц Эберхофер, несущий службу в небольшом баварском городке, должен раскрыть несколько странных смертей, произошедших в семье Нойхофер. Расследование выводит его на след подозреваемых, и при поддержке своего мюнхенского коллеги Руди Биркенбергера Франц сразу же отправляется на их поиски. Погоня приводит друзей на Тенерифе.
Жизнь ради футбола
Курт Ландауэр собирается покинуть Германию накануне Второй мировой войны, но когда он видит свою большую любовь, футбольный клуб «Бавария», лежащий в руинах, он решает рискнуть, остаться и возродить клуб.
Wealthy Corpses: A Crime Story from Starnberg
Josef Haufferding
A crime movie directed by Dominik Graf.
Göttliche Funken
Matthias, who is about to lead his beloved Diana in front of the altar, cannot believe his eyes: Lily, the former love of his life, appears as the pastor who has stepped in at short notice! The convincingly played love drama sends its protagonists on an exciting emotional balancing act with a constant risk of falling.
Der Tunnelraub von Berlin
Блюз с кнедликами
Papa Eberhofer
Вскоре после того как на стене дома школьного директора Хёпфла появилась надпись "Умри, свинья!", его тело нашли на железнодорожных путях. Франц Эберхофер - детектив полиции маленького баварского городка, подозревает, что директора убили. На сонный город, в котором крайне редко происходит что-то серьёзное, это событие произвело сильное впечатление. Эберхофер расследует преступление при поддержке своего друга Руди Биркенбергера, с которым они раньше вместе работали в Мюнхене. Дело осложняется, когда находится второй труп - наркомана, с которым Хёпфл был близко знаком. Ситуация окончательно выходит из-под контроля, когда Франц узнаёт, что у его возлюбленной Сюзи роман на стороне.
Neue Adresse Paradies
Trans Bavaria
Three friends on a journey to Moskow and themselves.
Die Sterntaler
Mina, a poor girl with a big heart sees stars falling from the sky and turning into Gold Talers before they land. With that money the girl can ask the king to let her parents go home.
Horst Grasegger
Der Atem des Himmels
The Austrian musician and author Reinhold Bilgeri produced and directed the film, which is based on his 2005 historic novel of the same name. The events in the movie are based on the worst avalanche catastrophe in Alpine history.
The Holy Land of Tyrol
Set in the 1800s when Napoleon’s French ruled Europe, the film follows young Austrian carpenter Franz and his Bavarian wife, Katharina as an unforeseen event forces them to flee from Augsburg, Bavaria for Franz’s family home in Tyrol, Austria. Tyrolian sentiment is rising strongly against Napoleon and trouble is stirring. In no time it sweeps up Franz and his brothers along with the whole town.
Das Beste kommt erst
In the Austrian first broadcast: For his life he said to others where to go. That shouldn't change on the 70th birthday. The screw manufacturer Karl Mailinger asked his four children. In his mountain hut in the Bavarian Alps, the eager Anna, eco-fan Tom, the coke addicted broker Vincent and the unsuccessful artist Miriam learn that her father wants to marry his maid. When Karl suffers a collapse, the conflicts in the family open. All suffer from the defiant patriarch ...
Der Bär ist los! Die Geschichte von Bruno
Bayerischer Indianer
Tage wie Jahre
König Ludwig II.
Räuber Kneißl
Gendarm Kleylein
Even today, Mathias Kneißl (1875-1902) is considered a national hero in the collective memory of Bavaria. During his lifetime, he was the most wanted criminal in Bavaria and even Prince Regent Luitpold was reported daily on the hunt for the lawbreaker report. Again and again Kneißl's story has occupied the Bavarian artists: his life was retold in folk songs and murders, sung in ballads, filmed and treated in various plays. In his feature film version, the Bavarian filmmaker Marcus H. Rosenmüller relies on a rapid staging, opulent images and a moving love story.
Franziskas Gespür für Männer
Hans Geerts
Der Fall Lucona
Jaap van Bellum
Ein Fall für TKKG: Drachenauge
The four young snoopers Tim, Karl, Kloesschen and Gaby by chance discover a hidden cave near an old castle. In it there's a board that seems to describe the way to a legendary sword. They ask their history teacher Schindler about it. He forbids them further actions, but secretly continues investigations with help of two ruthless criminals. But our young heros don't give up on an adventure so fast...
Agnes' Freund
The former waiter Ernst Held believes himself to be called higher and seeks self-realization as a poet. When he recites poems to his wife's beautician in an ambiguous situation, his wife puts him out the door. Completely destitute, the thwarted poet must therefore return to the lowlands of life and become the head in the Munich pub "Goldener Löffel".
Ein Engel für Felix
Eine Frau für Alfie
Elmar Ritter
Miko: From the Gutter to the Stars
Together with her bisexual friend and manager Stefan, singer Miko is working on a great career that has so far failed to materialize.
In a large city lives a lonesome, 38-year old woman. Without friends, she has indulged in food and candy too much and has become a bit overweight. In short, she is disappointed of her life. One day she sees a young and handsome subway driver and instantly falls in love with him. In a very short time, she finds out all about him and eventually makes contact with him.
In the Belly of the Whale