Wolfgang Pregler

Wolfgang Pregler

Рождение : 1956-06-09, Bochum, Germany


Wolfgang Pregler


Thomas de Maizière
Angela Merkel's decision in autumn 2015 to open the borders for refugees split the country - some praised the moral stance, others criticized the surrender of sovereignty. Yet what would appear to be well-planned activity is in reality a policy of muddling along, chance, trial and error. The Driven Ones is a chronicle of the refugee crisis which shows that the political actors are being driven along, crushed between self-imposed constraints and events that have spun out of control.
Ferdinand Huber
Gentle, patient Bavarian policeman Barney Brunner soon starts regretting having agreed to merge his household -including duly skeptic preteen son Feddy - with his chaotic lover, workaholic social worker Hanna König -with teen brat Lia, who asks neither before inviting her hunky boyfriend Alkan in her bed. Hannah's mother Wilhelmine being hospitalized after a car crash, she volunteers to run her wedding agency, but finds it dangerously in debts and commandeers Barney's 'help' to save it. Barkeeper and bride client Jenny pawned the rings bought by groom Simon Riedel, an unsuspecting ministerial driver, who ignores her gambling addiction and semi-fraudulent first marriage. Hannah even drags her home, wrecking Barney's last hope of some privacy or quiet, even expects his legally dubious help for the thief.
Monsoon Baby
Nina and Mark wish for years in vain a child. An adoption is out of the question for them, they would like to have their "own" child. There seems to be only one solution left for her: a surrogate mother in India. A business model that specific physicians and clinics specialize in the field. Euphorically, Nina and Mark travel to their foreign country. Everything seems perfect at first, the doctor Kamalika acts competent and in the young Shanti they quickly find the right surrogate mother for their desired baby. But in the nine months to the birth they begin to wonder if the decision was right.
Weniger ist mehr
Frank Schuster has built a life of prosperity for his family, but his workaholism made to pass some time with her. Only after a car accident will be able to reconsider
The Case of Jakob von Metzler
The Murder Farm
Bavaria, Germany, 1950s. The sudden return of the young Kathrin to the small village where she was born stirs up the feelings of guilt and personal ghosts of its inhabitants, haunted by dark memories related to a multiple murder that happened two years earlier at the Tannöd farm, a hideous crime that remains unsolved.
Видения — Из жизни Хильдегарды фон Бинген
Bischof von Mainz
История жизни немецкой монахини Хильдегарды фон Бинген, настоятельницы монастыря в долине Рейна. Она обладала множеством различных талантов: была автором мистических трудов, религиозных песнопений и музыки к ним, а также трудов по естествознанию и медицине. Монахи и монахини по-разному воспринимали её возможности: например, Ютта не могла совладать с чувством зависти к успеху Хильдегарды, а молодая Рихардис, напротив, преклонялась перед Хильдегардой, считая ее образцом для подражания и женщиной, подходящей на роль матери.
Machen wir's auf Finnisch
Heinz Behringer
Intern Annika gets the chance for a permanent position at the record company "GrandMusic". As a rehearsal, she is supposed to prepare the Finnish boy group "Ripili" for a youth competition in Germany. When the band arrives at the airport, Annika realizes that the band is the third-rate Finnish death metal band.
Комплекс Баадер-Майнхоф
Anstaltsleiter Stammheim
Германия 70-х. Радикально настроенные потомки бывших нацистов, ведомые Андреасом Баадером, бывшей журналисткой Ульрике Майнхоф и Гудрун Энсслин, борятся против того, что они называют лицом фашизма: против политики США во Вьетнаме, на Ближнем Востоке и в странах третьего мира, поддерживаемой ключевыми фигурами от немецкой политики, юриспруденции и индустрии. Баадер, Майнхоф и Энсслин создают фракцию "Красная Армия" и объявляют войну ФРГ. Разгорается кровавая террористическая кампания - множество убитых и раненых. Человек, не принимающий их деяния, но все же пытающийся их понять, — руководитель уголовной полиции Хорст Херольд. Несмотря на богатый послужной список и множество раскрытых дел, Херольду становится ясно, что в одиночку полиция не в силах противостоять волне насилия.
Mein alter Freund Fritz
Mitarbeiter Esoterikzentrum
Ohne einander
Papa und Mama
Wolfgang Menzel
Johannes, a new assistant at the university, is asked to provide reports on an Algerian colleague - who is suspected of being a sleeper. He refuses, but the seed of doubt has been planted. A fragile friendship which is overshadowed by professional and emotional competition eventually leads to betrayal.
Bei hübschen Frauen sind alle Tricks erlaubt
Vater Winter
Последние дни Софии Шолль
Jakob Schmid
Фильм рассказывает о судьбе мюнхенской студентки-антифашистки, которая была казнена по приговору нацисткого суда. Действие картины происходит в феврале 1943 года. Представители студенческого движения сопротивления распространяют листовки в здании Мюнхенского университета. 18 февраля Софи и ее брата Ганса арестовывают. С этого момента им остается жить шесть дней. В течение всего этого времени допросы Софи в гестапо перерастают в напряженную психологическую дуэль. Девушка лжет и отрицает, но когда появляются неопровержимые доказательства ее вины, в отчаянной попытке защитить брата и других членов «Белой розы» Софи берет всю вину на себя, тем самым подписывая себе смертный приговор.
Herr Müller
When Ruth's husband dies in New York, in 2000, she imposes strict Jewish mourning, which puzzles her children. A stranger comes to the house - Ruth's cousin - with a picture of Ruth, age 8, in Berlin, with a woman the cousin says helped Ruth escape. Hannah, Ruth's daughter engaged to a gentile, goes to Berlin to find the woman, Lena Fisher, now 90. Posing as a journalist investigating intermarriage, Hannah interviews Lena who tells the story of a week in 1943 when the Jewish husbands of Aryan women were detained in a building on Rosenstrasse. The women gather daily for word of their husbands. The film goes back and forth to tell Ruth and Lena's story. How will it affect Hannah?
The Nibelungs
König Gunther
A filmed stage play of The Nibelungs.
Tödliche Wende
Der Sandmann
Alfons 'Alf' Becher
The ambitious young Ina Littmann is an investigative journalist for the TV talk show "Eye in Eye". Her current subject is Henry Kupfer, who wrote a bestseller about a psychopathic killer after he was himself in prison for 8 years for manslaughter. As an entry for the show Ina plans to use a current series of brutal murders among prostitutes. When Ina meets Kupfer, she is despised and fascinated at the same time. Soon she's convinced that Kupfer not only writes about murders, but commits them himself. She smells a smash hit and prepares to prove him guilty on the show.
Der Mann mit der Maske
A thriller directed by Peter Schulze-Rohr. (2 parts)
Das letzte Siegel