Очередная серия о приключениях молодого Индианы Джонса.
Hiding out in an industrial wasteland from the murderous wrath of a regional ruler, a woman, disguised as a boy, gives wooing lessons to the edgy lad who proclaims he loves her.
Danty Duff
Рыжеволосая кудрявая красавица и ее скромный, но не имеющий ни гроша за душой возлюбленный, ирландец, отправляются на заокеанский далекий Запад в поисках счастья.
Percy Mannering
Several elderly friends and acquaintances in 1950s London are disturbed to receive mysterious telephone calls predicting their impending deaths...
The Ballad Seller
A costume drama / satire about financial skull-duggery, and confidence tricksters in both the upper and lower classes in Victorian London. A working class man impersonates a lord who is supposedly very rich and a financial wizard. As such he is invited to all the best peoples' parties.
Doc Spencer
Somewhere in England, in the Autumn of 1955, a widowed father and his son live an idyllic life together. Only their gas station happens to sit on a piece of land that a local developer wants to buy. And when he won't take no for an answer, and sets government inspectors and social works onto Danny and his father, Danny and his father decide to get even with Hazell and his pheasant- shooting friends in a manner in keeping with their own family tradition.
Lord Castlewelland
Фильм, основанный на удивительных достижениях мужественного инвалида, ирландца Кристи Брауна. Браун стал жертвой церебрального паралича и считался всеми окружающими неполноценным человеком до тех пор, пока любовь матери и семьи, его личное мужество и упорство не помогли ему научиться рисовать и писать пальцами левой ноги.
The Priest
История респектабельного французского правозащитника Жана Шавеля, стихийно попавшего в заключение во время Германской оккупации, а после окончания войны, возвратившегося в уже совершенно другой город и в другую жизнь…
Frederick Dorrit
Экранизация одноименного романа Диккенса о судьбе семейства слабого и тщеславного банкрота Уильяма Доррита, 20 лет проведшего в лондонской долговой тюрьме Маршалси. Его младшая дочь Эми, родившаяся и выросшая в тюрьме, сохраняет скромность, преданность и доброту во всех жизненных ситуациях: и когда приходится работать за кусок хлеба, и когда судьба посылает семье неожиданное богатство.
Plagues are ravaging Thebes, and the blind fortune-teller Tieresias tells Oedipus, the King, that the gods are unhappy. The murder of the former king has gone unavenged, and Oedipus sets out to find the killer.
Для подавления массовых волнений Океании правящая партия заново воссоздает прошлое и настоящее. За каждым гражданином неусыпно наблюдают, каждому с помощью телевидения промывают мозги. И даже двое любовников вынуждены скрывать свои чувства, поскольку секс и межличностные отношения объявлены вне закона.
Dr. Fischer has an unusual hobby — to expose human greed. How much humiliation will his fellow man endure enticed by valuable presents? Dignity for money! Death for money?
Mr Reed
In 1940, during World War II, an officer is sent to investigate rumours of German spies in a sleepy village where various people are the victims of war hysteria.
Дон Камилло – священник и очень богобоязненный человек. Именно поэтому он очень нервничает, когда приходится поиграть в карты с приятелем или покататься по собору на роликовых коньках. А уж принять участие в любительском чемпионате по гольфу - это вообще выше его сил. Только как же еще доносить простые христианские истины до простых итальянских прихожан? Вот такой он, дон Камилло, самый добродетельный итальянский священник.
Aegeon of Syracuse has come to Ephesus to seek his son, who went in search of his missing twin and mother months ago. Too bad that Ephesus has just declared war on Syracuse, and will instantly put to death any Syracusean found within their borders unless a ransome's paid. Meanwhile, the son, Antipholus, and his servant, Dromio (also an identical twin), keep running into strangers who seem to know them...
An elderly couple are reunited after fifty years.
Mr. Fishbane
British TV-Drama
Mr. Dwyer
A lonely farmer's daughter hopes to find love at the village ballroom.
Myles Keenan
In 1810 Ireland, a man whose wife has died finds that his daughter is accused of being a witch. A magic fiddler comes to her aid.
Gormond of Ireland
Romantic tragedy, the story of Tristan and Isolde.
Captain Bill Torvald
A mysterious young woman, Andrina, is the only friend of an old man. When she fails to visit him one day, he goes down to his seaside village to look for her but no one knows of such person there. So, who is Andrina?
Cardinal Danaher
Два великих актера — Роберт Де Ниро и Роберт Дюваль играют роли двух братьев, ищущих таинственного убийцу, чья жестокость не укладывается в рамки обычного понимания — тело жертвы разрезано пополам. Расследуя это зверское убийство юной проститутки, офицер полиции Том приезжает в город, где живет его брат — священник монсеньер Десмонд Спелласи. В деле оказываются замешанными самые уважаемые люди города, жертвующие огромные деньги на благотворительность и церковь. Так или иначе, но и священник, и полицейский тоже втягиваются в эту грязную игру, где запах денег отравляет души всех смертных.
Tom Moloney
An American insurance executive, who sees his wife and children die when a plane crashes into their vacation cottage on the Irish coast, uncovers a series of suspicious clues indicating that it was no accident after a pretty financial reporter who resembles his dead wife turns up.
Беглый каторжник Жан Вальжан обокрал священника, давшего ему еду и ночлег. Когда же Вальжана поймали, священник сказал жандармам, что подарил ему не только украденное столовое серебро, но и подсвечники. Этот поступок предопределил всю дальнейшую жизнь озлобленного человека, проведшего на каторге почти двадцать лет за кражу хлеба. Под другим именем Вальжан становится владельцем фабрики и мэром небольшого города, где всего себя посвящает служению людям и добру. Направленный в этот город инспектор полиции Жавер, охранявший Вальжана на каторге, узнает его и начинает преследовать героя, фанатично стремясь свершить правосудие — так, как он его понимает. А добряк Вальжан успел усыновить дочь умершей женщины Фантины Козетту, пообещав позаботиться о сироте. Вальжан и Козетта пытаются навсегда скрыться от Жавера. Безуспешно. Во время революции 1848 года состоится последняя, решающая встреча старых врагов…
Boysie discovers he has 'second sight' but neither his girlfriend Gloria nor his work-mate Brian will accept his 'gift'. He sets out on a spiritual voyage that leads to Adler, a 'sensitive', and finally to the devil himself.
A moonshiner in the west of Ireland tries to avoid the Gardaí.
Giacomo Masoni
The film focuses on Murri; the token maverick cop. He is called in after a bunch of criminals pull off a successful prison break and spend the night picking off various informers and people they don't like. Murri investigates; hooking up with one of the criminal's nieces along the way. He uses his own methods; which mostly involve breaking all the rules, and thus comes under a lot of scrutiny from his superiors who don't take too kindly to the cop's way of working.
David's father
The viscous conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is now a generation old. For many of the children of the region, the terrorist war has been going on for their entire lifetimes, killing their family and friends, and overshadowing their lives. They are the Children of Rage
Balloon Vendor
A young boy tries to make living out of a puppet show when his mother abandons him and his father.
Queen Christina of Sweden abdicates and travels to Rome to embrace the Catholic church.
Major O'Neill
Террорист-призрак, называющий себя «Джаггернаут», захватывает пассажирский корабль. Его условия: если в течение суток власти не заплатят 500 тысяч фунтов, пассажиры будут уничтожены. На борт лайнера отправляется профессиональный сапер...
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
Horowitz in Dublin (1973) - A forgotton curio filled with time capsule footage of the Irish capital, seemingly a pilot for a Brannigan-style series starring Harvey Lembeck a world away from either Bilko or Beach Party as a New York cop in Dublin, with Sinead and Cyril Cusack plus Al lettieri and Cesare Danova, plus the likes of Liam Redmond, Martin Dempsey and Tom Hickey. Seeing Lembeck surronded by Jacob's biscuit products is certainly a sight. Future Fair City regular Clive Geraghty plays the heroic sidekick. Was there an Irish Sunday Express in real life?
Father Manus
Set in the near future. As a consequence of an ecumenical movement (Vatican Council IV), the Catholic Church has joined other religions and has eliminated much of the original dogma of Catholicism. A group of Irish monks rebel against this situation and react back to the past: they begin to say Mass in Latin and act according to traditional Catholic dogma. So, Rome decides to send a representative to investigate what is happening
In a dreary North London flat, the site of perpetual psychological warfare, a philosophy professor visits his family after a nine-year absence and introduces the four men - father, uncle and two brothers - to his wife.
Фильм, действие которого происходит во Франции в начале 60-х годов, основан на реальных событиях. Картина воспроизводит историю покушения на жизнь президента Франции Шарля де Голля, предпринятую ультраправой террористической организации ОАС. Исполнителем воли преступников стал опытный наемный убийца по кличке Шакал, согласившийся выполнить эту работу на полмиллиона долларов.
The Judge
When a crime boss is murdered while in hospital, a young woman sees the killers, but her room mate convinces her not to tell the police, fearing the consequences. Unfortunately the murderers realize that they have been seen, and kill both women. Catching the killers proves difficult as anyone who knows anything dies in unexplained circumstances. It becomes evident that a large and powerful criminal organization is behind the murders, and that they have links within the police force. It is up to Lt. Carmine to see that justice prevails, using any means necessary.
Двум летчикам-неудачникам, которые жили только на случайные заработки, как-то раз выпал шанс заработать приличные деньги. Некий мистер Йирс готов заплатить им по 50 тысяч за перевоз контрабандного багажа, о котором они даже не догадываются…
Дон Вито Трессольди (Адольфо Чели) разбазарил героин американской мафии. Естественно, гангстерам из-за океана это не понравилось, и они начали искать виновного. Дон Вито свалил свою вину на некоего Луку Канали, который после неудачной попытки провернуть какое-то дело стал сутенером. Из-за океана прибывают два наемных убийцы, которые должны «красиво» и эффектно убить Луку в людном месте. Но Канали оказался крепким орешком и успешно прячется и от убийц, и от людей Дона Вито. Тогда местные мафиози решают убить его жену и дочь, что становится для всех них роковой ошибкой, ибо после смерти семьи Лука озверел и превратился в настоящую машину смерти…
Bertone is a moderately honest homicide cop. Unfortunately, the court system is so inept and corrupt that many more-or-less honest policemen have begun taking the law into their own hands. Between his efforts to thwart the growth of crime and to control his vengeful co-workers, homicide-chief Bertone has his hands full
Гарольд — сын миссис Чэйзен, богатой женщины, которая не обращает на него внимания. Страдая от депрессии и отсутствия друзей, он инсценирует тщательно продуманные, но смехотворные самоубийства, которые на рассеянную маму никакого впечатления не производят. Очарованный смертью и всей ее внешней атрибутикой, Гарольд на старом катафалке сам разъезжает по кладбищам вокруг городка. На двух похоронах подряд он встречает Мод, старушку 79 лет, выжившую после концлагеря и очарованную жизнью в той же степени, что Гарольд очарован смертью. Свободная духом, она является прямой противоположностью торжественному и важному Гарольду. Тем не менее они становятся лучшими друзьями, и она вселяет в него желание жить, расправить крылья, наслаждаться кратким пребыванием на Земле. Проходит время, они вместе переживают несколько забавных и сумасбродных приключений, и дружба перерастает в любовь — к большому беспокойству мамы Гарольда.
Frederick Katzmann
Экранизация реального судебного процесса 1920-1927 гг., который Франклин Рузвельт назвал самым ужасным преступлением против правосудия в ХХ веке. История двух итальянских иммигрантов, осужденных за разбой и убийства по ложному обвинению. Этот процесс, имевший оглушительный резонанс в мировом сообществе, должен был, по мнению правительства, дискредитировать и наказать «разбушевавшихся красных». Но фактически два простых итальянца (работник обувной фабрики и торговец рыбой) стали жертвами массовой истерии, охватившей все эшелоны власти, перед «засильем» красной пропаганды, профсоюзов и большевистской революции, которая уже победила на 1/6 территории земного шара.
Согласно авторитетному опросу среди деятелей мирового театра, Лир Пола Скофилда – лучшая шекспировская роль ХХ века, квинтэссенция Шекспира. Существует кинофильм, поставленный Питером Бруком в 1971 году, почти через 10 лет после премьеры спектакля. Достаточно первого крупного плана Лира – Скофилда, чтобы понять – нет, пожалуй, готовых рецептов для молодых актёров тут не будет. Гениальность – отличная собственность, но сомнительное наследство. И эта мощь, и это словно из базальтовой глыбы вырубленное неподвижное лицо, каждый мимический жест которого выглядит гигантским тектоническим сдвигом, и этот голос с хриплой трещиной – словно в церковный орган попала молния, всё это – неповторимо.Сцена бури навсегда избавит видевших её от иллюзий возможности обойтись в шекспировских ролях тем, что Михаил Чехов называл «личной психологией».
Vicar Julian Ainsley
Based upon the Celtic legend Tam Lin, a young man is bewitched by a beautiful, heartless, aging sorceress to become her lover. When his attention wanders to a lovely girl, he is doomed to ritual sacrifice by the sorceress.
Dr. Maitland
Having left her husband, Hilary moves in with her unbalanced brother, Pink, who uses wit and humor to hide his amorous yearnings.
A made for TV movie of the Charles Dickens' classic novel, turns Dickens' picaresque tale into an extended flashback, with David Copperfield Robin Phillips as a young man, brooding on a deserted beach, recalling his youth. The characters are all trotted out in choppy flashbacks as David remembers his life as a young orphan, brought to London and passed around from relatives, to guardians, to boarding school.
A humble scientist from Padua proves that the Earth revolves and that it is not the center of the universe.
This classic Greek tale tells how a noble youth accidentally marries his own mother, kills his own father and ends up paying a terrible price for invoking the wrath of the Gods.
Chief Insp. Hubbard
A made-for-television remake of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 film.
Италия, XVI век. У богатого торговца две дочери на выданье. За младшей дочерью многие ухаживают, но по традиции ее не могут выдать замуж вперед старшей сестры. Охотников жениться на своенравной Катарине не находится. И вот в город приезжает незнакомец по имени Петруччио и решает во что бы то ни стало укротить строптивую девицу.
Captain Beatty
Мир будущего, в котором все письменные издания безжалостно уничтожаются специальным отрядом пожарных-огнеметчиков, а интерес к книгам и их хранение преследуются по закону. Сержант Гай Монтэг слепо выполняет приказы по уничтожению литературы, но встреча с юной Клариссой заставляет его переосмыслить свою жизнь. Он становится инакомыслящим — отщепенцем в тоталитарном обществе, читающем только комиксы.
Cass followed the bright lights to London and was quickly disillusioned. She met and married Doctor Langdon, but soon realised she wanted to return to her home by the sea, and to her first love, Colin.
Британская разведка нанимает непрофессионала, чтобы тот выполнил простое задание в одной из стран Ближнего Востока. Счастливчику удаётся не погибнуть сразу...
Начало 1960-х годов, разгар холодной войны. Алек Лимас, резидент английской разведки в Германии, теряет всех своих агентов, работающих в ГДР. За убийствами агентов стоит глава оперативного отдела восточногерманской разведки Ганс Дитер Мундт. Лимаса отзывают в Лондон. Глава разведки Контролёр предлагает Лимасу шанс реабилитироваться и отомстить Мундту.
The ancient story of the ill-fated Deirdre and the Sons of Usnach. Building on the many earlier literary retellings of the story, W. B. Yeats deliberately frames his 1906 play as an extension of the legend, writing a new death-tale for Deirdre that is also a personal statement about love, death, and the making of art. Goodreads
Father Maguire
A doctor's already-shaky marriage is tested to an even greater extent when he has to contend with a smallpox epidemic.
Based on Graham Greene's novel about a flawed but devoted priest in 1930s Mexico who attempts to perform his duties while eluding a police lieutenant determined to capture him.
Captain Ferris
After mercifully killing her terminally ill lover, Dr. Christine Allison loses her medical license and spends two years in prison. Once she has completed her sentence, the lawyer who prosecuted Christine, Stephen Dane, hires her to care for his emotionally unstable wife, Liane. Christine takes the job, but when Liane's allegedly dead father reappears, Christine sets out to reveal the family's dark secrets.
Dr. Grogan
General Fitzhugh, an ageing Lothario has an over-active eye for a pretty woman. Despite a long and satisfying career as a seducer extraordinaire, something always seems to get in the way of his bedding the breathtakingly lovely Ghislaine, a more-than-willing town local.
Prosecuting Counsel O'Brien
When the atheistic ranting of Irish-American author James Mulcahy upsets the inhabitants of the Irish village to which he has retired, a mob threatens him. But moments after he has dared God to strike him dead, a stranger appears and does so. The man, dubbed "Johnny Nobody" by the press, claims no knowledge of Mulcahy or even of himself. He asks the help of the village priest, Father Carey, in his upcoming trial for Mulcahy's murder. While the amnesiac Johnny goes to trial, Father Carey mulls questions of belief raised by the case. And then, the good father learns a little more about Johnny Nobody...
Take a nostalgic trip along the beautiful Dublin coast, escaping the hustle and bustle of the city while enjoying the clatter and clang of the old Howth tram. This gentle film, directed by John Sarsfield and James Maguire and narrated by Cyril Cusack, records one of the last journeys of the Howth Tram, as it passes through the village, past the golf club and along the coast – a most elegant form of transport from a bygone era.
Jimmy Hannafin
In 1941, the IRA plans a campaign to coincide with the planned German invasion of England. Dermott O'Neil finds it easy to get into the IRA, but can he get out?
Dr. Coutras
A staid, dull Englishman abruptly deserts his wife and children to become a painter in the South Seas.
Chris Noonan
In 1921 Dublin, the IRA battles the "Black & Tans," special British forces given to harsh measures. Irish-American medical student Kerry O'Shea hopes to stay aloof, but saving a wounded friend gets him outlawed, and inexorably drawn into the rebel organization...under his former professor Sean Lenihan, who has "shaken hands with the devil" and begun to think of fighting as an end in itself. Complications arise when Kerry falls for a beautiful English hostage, and the British offer a peace treaty that is not enough to satisfy Lenihan.
A man framed for murder escapes from prison during a flood and helps a young woman in distress.
Herbert 'Birdie' Sparrow
Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-violation ticket from a young police officer. From there, his 'typical day" consists in learning that one of his most-trusted detectives has accepted bribes; hunts an escaped maniac who has murdered a girl; tracks a young girl suspected of involvement in a payroll robbery and then helps break up a bank robbery.
The Inspector
Three vignettes of old Irish country life, based on a series of short stories. In "The Majesty of the Law," a police officer must arrest a very old-fashioned, traditional fellow for assault. The man's principles have the policeman and the whole village, including the man he slugged, sympathizing with him. "One Minute's Wait" is about an little train station and glimpses into the lives of the passengers, with a series of comic setups. The third piece is called "1921" and is about a condemned Irish nationalist and his daring escape. Tyrone Power introduces each story.
Sam Bishop
In London's colourful but seedy Soho, Michael Morgan is working mending the road. He is unhappy, with little hope of finding happiness. Then he meets Julia Gozzi, a barmaid, and "The Miracle" happens.
Captain Sandy Rendel
Led by British officers, partisans on Crete plan to kidnap the island's German commander and smuggle him to Cairo to embarrass the occupiers.
British diplomat Harrington Brande takes up his new lowly post in Spain accompanied by his son Nicholas. That his wife had left him seems to have affected his career. Nicholas sees it all as something of an adventure and soon becomes friends with the new gardener, Jose. As Nicholas begins to spend more time with Jose, his father takes offense and is concerned at the boy's loss of affection for him. It leads him to bar Nicholas from even speaking to the gardener. And soon tensions mount.
John Flannagan
Jacqueline is the daughter of Belfast shipyard worker Mike McNeil. The worker's worth is compromised by his crippling fear of heights. Dismissed from his job, he finds solace in the bottle. All seems hopeless until Jacqueline breaks through her father's self-imposed gloom and helps him to regenerate. An adaptation of the novel 'A Grand Man', by Catherine Cookson.
Taxi Driver
Это подлинная история об одной из операций Британской разведки. 1943. Союзники готовят вторжение в Сицилию и пытаются создать дезинформацию, что целью вторжения является Греция. Решение просто, но изобретательно: тело человека, умершего естественной смертью, оставляют на побережье Испании, переодев в форму летчика британских ВВС, с необходимым пакетом «секретных» документов о высадке Союзников в Греции. Поверит ли в это немецкое командование?
Dr. Kelly
A brilliant scientist who has lost his memory is hunted by Communist agents out to obtain a secret formula.
Lazy Mangan
Sir Charles Hare, a young Irish baronet, gambles his all on one of his horses at Ascot. But the horse is 'pulled', and Sir Charles is forced to sell his Irish estate. His aunt, however, has some surprises in store for him.
Bohannon der Steward
Set in 1931, the film takes place aboard a merchant ship, briefly harboured in South America. A young woman (Diane Cilento) boards the ship as a passenger, resulting in disharmony among the superstitious crew members. Virtuous seaman Anthony Steel protects the girl from the lecherous advances of captain Peter Finch.
Saadia is a wild, strange Arab girl whose life has been dominated by a local sorceress, a vengeful outcast in the community, who has convinced her she has the "evil eye" and brings disaster to all who love her. French doctor Henrik takes her to his clinic, for rehabilitation purposes, and falls in love with her as does his friend, Si Lahssen, the reigning prince of this small Moroccan state. When a plague falls on the town, Saadia is convinced she is responsible, and rides alone into the mountain country to retrieve the plague serum being held for ransom by bandits. The love triangle dominates most of the rest of the film.
Frank Hutchins
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
Edward "Limey" Cockerell
After a group of convicts escapes from prison, they take refuge in the wilderness. While most of the crew are ruthless sociopaths, Jim Canfield is an innocent man who was jailed under false pretenses. When Canfield and his fellow fugitives reach an isolated farming settlement where the men are all away, it creates tension with the local women. Things get direr when rumors of hidden money arise, and Canfield discovers that the man who framed him is part of the community.
Pvt. Dennis Malloy
Kiplingesque tale of British forces in 19th-century India.
A British aristocrat goes in disguise to France to rescue people from The Terror of the guillotine.
Edward Marston
Jennifer Jones plays Hazel Woods, a beautiful young English Gypsey girl who loves animals and in particular her pet fox. She is hotly desired by Jack Reddin a fox hunting squire who vies for her affection and pursues her even after her marriage to the local pastor.
Gerald Vane
Newspaper reporter Nat Hearn returns home after serving in the Royal Air Force during World War II. When one of the paper's owners dies, the man's partner and son offers Nat a position as editor in return for his financial backing. But Nat's reluctance to shy away from controversial issues raises more than a few eyebrows.
James Carter
In the Victorian period, two British children survive a shipwreck in the South Pacific. After days afloat, they are marooned on a lush tropical island in the company of kindly old sailor. Together they survive solely on their resourcefulness and the bounty of their remote paradise.
Cpl. Taylor
At the height of World War II, the Germans begin dropping a new type of booby-trapped bomb on England. Sammy Rice, a highly-skilled but haunted bomb-disposal officer, must overcome his personal demons to defeat this new threat.
A factory worke quits his job to become a motorcycle racer.
Esther goes into service in Victorian England, only to be seduced by the sweet talking groom William, who then takes off with his employer's daughter. Left alone to bring up the child, Esther manages and after 7 years has a chance at happiness. Then William turns up again...
A convict sentenced to three years for killing a detective escapes from a prison and goes on the run aided by a local girl.
Раненый лидер ирландских националистов пытается спастись от полиции после неудачного ограбления в Белфасте.
Bill Hopkins
Once a Crook is a 1941 British crime film directed by Herbert Mason and featuring Gordon Harker, Sydney Howard, Bernard Lee, Kathleen Harrison, and Raymond Huntley.
Postal Sorter
Third and final film in the 'Inspector Hornleigh’ series of comedy-thrillers. Inspector Hornleigh (Gordon Harker), disappointed at not being handed an important spy case, is assigned by Scotland Yard to an army barracks to investigate the mundane thefts of supplies from the stores. This accidentally leads Hornleigh and Sergeant Bingham (Alastair Sim) to a nest of fifth columnists when his dim-witted assistant carelessly talks to a girl in the cafeteria – and that night, news of Hornleigh and Bingham’s arrival is embarrassingly transmitted back to Germany.
IRA member
During the Irish War of Independence in 1921, a pair of IRA soldiers are ordered to guard two British prisoners, but face a dilemma when they bond with their captives.
Brian's child
The agent of an absentee landlord resorts to underhand means in order to evict tenants from land that could be more profitably used for cattle. Adapted from the 1879 novel of the same name.