Gene Mitchell


Shot, Leo's Crew
The story of Michael Moore, Shot, Hooker, Joey, and Dennis. Five gangsters who work for a man named Leo. They soon discover they could get more out of life if they could run the streets themselves. Tensions build and loyalty is tested as they plan a hit that could change all of their lives forever.
The story of Michael Moore, Shot, Hooker, Joey, and Dennis. Five gangsters who work for a man named Leo. They soon discover they could get more out of life if they could run the streets themselves. Tensions build and loyalty is tested as they plan a hit that could change all of their lives forever.
The story of Michael Moore, Shot, Hooker, Joey, and Dennis. Five gangsters who work for a man named Leo. They soon discover they could get more out of life if they could run the streets themselves. Tensions build and loyalty is tested as they plan a hit that could change all of their lives forever.
Роковой выбор
Johnny Pezzoli
A FBI agent going back to his home town. He have to decide if he should be true to his job or take care of his brother who is on the wrong side of the law.
Роковой выбор
A FBI agent going back to his home town. He have to decide if he should be true to his job or take care of his brother who is on the wrong side of the law.
The Takeover
Mickey Lane
Both Danny Stein and Tony Vilachi are drug lords in a struggle to gain control of the same territory. Jonathan and Mickey are ex-cons who come in wearing white hats and attempt to settle the dispute.
The Takeover
Both Danny Stein and Tony Vilachi are drug lords in a struggle to gain control of the same territory. Jonathan and Mickey are ex-cons who come in wearing white hats and attempt to settle the dispute.
A group of students traveling to California are menaced by a vicious group of skin-heads in the Colorado mountains. A WW2 vet living in the mountains comes to their rescue.
Нацисты-серфингисты должны умереть
В разрушенном ядерным взрывом Лос-Анджелесе орудует банда моторизованных нацистов с ходовыми псевдонимами Геринг и Менгель. К несчастью, наци-байкеры убивают негра по имени Лерой и на арену выбирается его big black mama. Что она сделала с нацистами — лучше не рассказывать.