Four soccer moms struggle to balance their busy schedules, family lives, and sanity: Meg, an overachieving people pleaser; Barbara, a recent divorcee; Rocky, a high-maintenance diva; and Connie, a curvaceous and big-hearted mother.
Televangelist Bobby Paradise "saw God" in some space debris when he was returning to Earth as an astronaut. Or at least he was convinced he did by his wife, a Cape Canaveral groupie at the time Bobby was with NASA. Now they have built up an extensive TV empire. When their proposal to merge with a somewhat tarnished mogul is investigated by the government, skeletons in the Paradise closet come to light and the family either rallies behind or disparages the enterprise.
У Марти Барнса все было хорошо. Только одно не давало ему покоя: однообразие в сексуальной жизни. И он осторожно излагает жене свою идею относительно секса втроем, пытаясь убедить супругу в том, что его выдумка обязательно встряхнет их обоих и внесет в их жизнь некую изюминку...
A ruthless businesswoman, Tracy Lance, returns to her childhood home in Texas after hearing her father, Jake Lance suffered a stroke. The two have been estranged for years, and Tracy is just in Texas to collect her inheritance, thinking (and hoping) her father will die. She makes plans to sell her inheritance, the Wounded Heart ranch, to an unscrupulous land developer. Her father does die, and her step-brother Sean Donnegal helps her discover her true, caring self again.
Both Danny Stein and Tony Vilachi are drug lords in a struggle to gain control of the same territory. Jonathan and Mickey are ex-cons who come in wearing white hats and attempt to settle the dispute.
В Детройте совершена серия жестоких убийств. Жертвами стали католические священники и монахини, в руках которых убийца оставляет черные чётки. А после в церкви исповедуется человек, который признаётся в убийствах, но священник Боб Кеслер, соблюдая тайну исповеди, не может сообщить об этом в полицию...