Ermanno Donati

Рождение : 1920-03-03, Rome, Italy

Смерть : 1979-07-09


Салон Китти
Танцовщица Китти живет в нацистской Германии и содержит салон, куда приходят «расслабляться» высшие чины рейха. Их обслуживают девушки только чистейшей арийской крови. Они проходят строжайший отбор и обязаны повиноваться любым приказам высокопоставленного офицера СС Валленберга. Повсюду в салоне расставлены потайные микрофоны и записывающие устройства, а девушкам приказано доносить о любом клиенте, кто хоть немного отклоняется от партийной линии. Все идет хорошо, но лишь до тех пор, пока одна из девушек, любовница самого Валленберга Маргерита, не влюбляется в офицера люфтваффе, разочаровавшегося в идеях национал-социализма...
Сова появляется днем
Действие фильма происходит в небольшом сицилийском городке. Капитан полиции, расследуя убийство руководителя строительной компании, обнаруживает, что все, кого он допрашивает, не хотят ничего говорить. Он приходит к выводу, что за убийством стоит депутат, он же – глава местной мафии.
L'oro di Londra
The boss has come up with something: Ed, outwardly a brave London citizen, attacks with a well-trained accomplice a van of the British Central Bank. The gangsters capture a million pounds sterling and can escape unrecognized. Scotland Yard is the target of the mockery, it comes to a government crisis. Only the hint of a child, who happened to witness the coup, brings the genre law enforcers on the right track.
В ночном клубе Лондона, частный детектив Бернар встречает будущую любовь своей жизни, красивую блондинку Джейн. Они случайно обнаруживают труп хозяина заведения. Сбежав с места преступления, они укрываются в квартире Джейн, где Бернар узнает, что девушка косвенно причастна к убийству. А в это время полиция и таинственные злоумышленники в серых плащах начинают преследовать влюбленных беглецов.
Перри Листон, американский военный корреспондент, пишущий под псевдонимом «Бесподобный», попадает в китайский плен. Там старый китаец, такой же узник, дарит ему кольцо. И не простое, а способное каждые 10 часов на короткое время делать невидимым носящего его. С помощью этого кольца Перри удачно бежит из плена. После побега военное командование решает, что в качестве секретного агента Перри просто цены не будет. Его отправляют на борьбу с неким тайным обществом. А по его следам идет бывший сосед по китайской камере…
Навахо Джо
Джо Навахо — единственный выживший в кровавой резне, устроенной в поселении бандой Дункана. В числе прочих жителей была и жена Джо. Он клянется отомстить за смерть любимой и вступает в схватку с Дунканом и его людьми.
The Hills Run Red
After the Civil War ends, two soldiers return home with a cache of stolen money. They are caught by Union troops. One escapes, but the other is sent to prison for five years. When he gets out and goes home, he finds that his wife has died in poverty because his partner kept all the money, and is now a major power in the area with an army of deadly gunmen to back him up.
The Third Eye
Young nobleman Mino lives with his mother and Marta, the housekeeper, in an old, decaying castle. He is infantile and morbidly attached to the weird duo; his only hobby is taxidermy. Laura, Mino's fiancee, is met with jealousy and hatred by the two women, and decides to leave the castle; but Marta sabotages her car brakes and she is killed. Mino takes her body back to the castle. Meanwhile, his mother is violently arguing with Marta, who throws her down the stairs and repeatedly bashes her head on the floor. The distraught Mino descends into madness: he picks up a stripper at a nightclub and brings her home, then strangles her while having sex next to Laura's dead body. He does the same with a prostitute. Marta discovers these murders and offers to help dispose of bodies. A year later, Daniela (Laura's twin sister) arrives at the castle...
James Tont Operation T.W.O.
A dangerous criminal group wants to destroy St. Peter's Basilica and the secret agent James Tont is the only one who can help it.
James Tont Operation T.W.O.
A dangerous criminal group wants to destroy St. Peter's Basilica and the secret agent James Tont is the only one who can help it.
James Tont Operation U.N.O.
The diabolical Goldsinger, enraged at being excluded from the UN, hatches a plot to blow up the assembly while all the heads of the state participate. Luckily, inept agent James Tont discovers the plot and sets out to stop Goldsinger.
Su e giù
A movie divided in four episodes: the arrival of the husband makes the loves of his wife to hide in the next room; an husband invites a friend while his wife is not at home; a poor man dreams about having an adventure with a beautiful girl; an impoverished nobleman wins at gambling after taking the earring of the wife of a factory owner.
The Avenger of Venice
Rolando, who was close to marrying the daughter of the Doge, is condemned after a highly unfair judicial process and locked up in Venice. Digging a tunnel with the aid of his cellmate, Rolando succeeds to escape.
The Magnificent Adventurer
Benvenuto Cellini knows no obstacles when it comes to creating a work of art or conquering the heart of a woman.
The Masseuses
Two industry managers from Milan are in Rome to get the contract to build a YMCA hostel. They get in touch with a masseuses ring and one of the masseuses is introduced to the president of the catholic association as the wife of one of the managers. During a vice squad roundup, the president is about to be discovered with one of the girls when he dies of a stroke. How will the others try to hide his death?
The Horrible Dr. Hichcock
The year is 1885, and necrophiliac Dr. Hitchcock likes to drug his wife for sexual funeral games. One day he accidentally administers an overdose and kills her. Several years later he remarries, with the intention of using the blood of his new bride to bring his first wife's rotting corpse back to life.
Marco Polo
Italian explorer rescues the daughter of the Mongol leader Kublai Khan, meets a hermit who has invented gunpowder and builds a cannon.
The Witch's Curse
Maciste travels to Hell to find a witch and make her undo a curse she put on the surface world.
Samson and the Seven Miracles of the World
Sam must rescue a beautiful Chinese princess from a marauding horde of warriors.
Joseph and His Brethren
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
Atlas Against the Cyclops
Strongman Maciste must battle the one-eyed Cyclops monster that is ravaging the land of Sadok, while at the same time fending off the advances of the evil Queen Capys, who wants to do a little ravaging of her own.
Noi duri
Lieutenant Bombardone is in Paris to wipe out a gang of drug traffickers.
Genitori in blue-jeans
Some middle-aged Italian men try to have affairs with much-younger girls.
Son of the Red Corsair
Enrico di Ventimiglia, the Son of the Red Corsair, travels through the Spanish conquests of Central America in search of the stepsister he has never met.
Winter Holidays
Alberto Moretti arrives in Cortina D'Ampezzo, with daughter Marcella,who has just won a TV contest, the prize of which is a free stay in a luxury hotel.
Domenica è sempre domenica
A television broadcast launches a proclamation for amateurs: "If you know how to speak, you will know how to sing". The award mirage lured many person, with ambitions or financial problems, to enroll in the competition.
Итальянский сувенир
Молодая англичанка Маргарет отправилась через всю Францию в Италию на машине. Целью путешествия была Венеция. По дороге она взялась подвезти двух других девушек, направлявшихся туда же, и Маргарет даже не предполагала, какие приключения ее ждут впереди...
Lust of the Vampire
A mad scientist captures young women and drains their blood, in order to keep alive an ancient, evil duchess.
Totò Double or Nothing?
The penniless Duke decides to participate in "Lascia o raddoppia", a TV quiz show, in order to win five million lira. Then two gangsters bet between themselves on his success and, alas, the Duke is kidnapped.
A young communist discovers the power of faith.
La vena d'oro
Jealous of his widowed mother's new lover, a boy does everything to separate them. Then, after he realizes their profound feelings for each other, he tries to reunite them.
Passionate song
Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue.
I'll See You on the Balcony
Ignazio Panizza goes from one failure to the other until he meets a singer, Caterina, provided with an exceptional voice.
Ghost Captain
A disgraced member of the Spanish Navy must redeem his family's honor after his father betrays his country to the French.
Saluti e baci
Carlo Mastelli, the young radio presenter of "New Voices" has run short of ideas and his program is likely to be suspended from the radio schedule if he does not find any new ones.
The Accusation
A luckless young teacher it's suspected of committing two murders. When his lover begins to have doubt about his innocence, he seems to be doomed.
Under the Sun of Rome
Production Manager
A lovely, incisive portrait of adolescents in the crowded San Giovanni quarter of Rome during the last years of WWII.
The Betrothed
Costume Assistant
Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her kidnapped and brought to a convent whose prioress is a nun as wicked as he is. The two youths will have to go through a lot of misfortunes before being reunited and being able to marry.