Four Edgar Allan Poe adaptations running an hour apiece, including "Night in the House of Usher," "Ligeia Forever," "The Delusion of William Wilson" and "The Fall of the House of Usher." Originally made for Italian TV.
Toto participates in various samples in a study of cinema, first going in a studio where there's shooting a spy movie, then in a western scenario, where he has to play a cruel and uncouth bandit who must challenge him to a duel a cowboy.
Three sailors are sent to an island by their commander to steal a boat, but they are sunk by an enemy ship. Saved from the shipwreck by a fishing boat, they have to get back to the island before their commander knows about their adventure.
Jupiter decides to spend his 3,000th birthday on earth amongst the humans. Mercury suggests he take the place of a newly married politician so he can have some fun with the man's new wife - but nothing goes to plan!
Красавица Паола несколько лет замужем за миланским промышленником, она ведет праздный образ жизни и не ведает, что муж обнаружил старые фото и заинтересовался прошлым своей жены. Подозревая измену, ревнивец посылает в город, где она раньше жила, частного детектива.