François Dupeyron

Рождение : 1950-08-14, Tartas, Francia


Too Close to the Sun
A magistrate investigating a fraud case discovers the woman is the biological mother of her adopted child. Instead of recusing herself, the magistrate pursues the case further.
One of a Kind
When Frédi loses his mother, he realizes she has passed her healing gift on to him. Frédi rejects it totally, tangled up in his own unhappiness, until a fatal accident changes everything. He is forced to acknowledge that he had healing hands.
One of a Kind
When Frédi loses his mother, he realizes she has passed her healing gift on to him. Frédi rejects it totally, tangled up in his own unhappiness, until a fatal accident changes everything. He is forced to acknowledge that he had healing hands.
Супруги Жан-Пьер и Натали заводят английского бульдога и называют его Трезор. Тут-то и начинается все интересное — пес оказывается сущим наказанием для главы семейства, в то время как Натали души в нем не чает.
With a Little Help from Myself
Besieged matriarch Sonia tries to make certain her daughter's nuptials come off flawlessly even as events spiral out of control is in this dark comedy helmed by François Dupeyron. With Sonia's wayward eldest son under arrest on drug charges, she then discovers that her no-account hubby has gambled away the money set aside for the reception. Will Sonia and her family triumph or crumble in the face of adversity?
With a Little Help from Myself
Besieged matriarch Sonia tries to make certain her daughter's nuptials come off flawlessly even as events spiral out of control is in this dark comedy helmed by François Dupeyron. With Sonia's wayward eldest son under arrest on drug charges, she then discovers that her no-account hubby has gambled away the money set aside for the reception. Will Sonia and her family triumph or crumble in the face of adversity?
When her husband dies, Geneviève loses her bearings. She runs away from her loved ones. But in the trunk of his car a clandestine man hid. He is Kurdish, his name is Khader and understands that she must drive him to England.
When her husband dies, Geneviève loses her bearings. She runs away from her loved ones. But in the trunk of his car a clandestine man hid. He is Kurdish, his name is Khader and understands that she must drive him to England.
Мсье Ибрагим и цветы Корана
В одном из рабочих кварталов начинается дружба еврейского мальчика Момо и пожилого мусульманина Ибрагима. Момо — сирота при живом отце, все глубже погружающемся в разрушительную депрессию. Его единственные друзья — уличные женщины, хоть немного заботящиеся о заброшенном ребенке. Иногда Момо ходит за покупками в бакалейную лавку, тесную и темную, тихий владелец которой Ибрагим, человек экзотической внешности, видит и знает явно больше, чем кажется на первый взгляд. После того, как отец окончательно оставляет Момо, Ибрагим становится единственным взрослым в жизни мальчика. Вместе они отправляются в поездку, которая изменит жизнь обоих.
Мсье Ибрагим и цветы Корана
В одном из рабочих кварталов начинается дружба еврейского мальчика Момо и пожилого мусульманина Ибрагима. Момо — сирота при живом отце, все глубже погружающемся в разрушительную депрессию. Его единственные друзья — уличные женщины, хоть немного заботящиеся о заброшенном ребенке. Иногда Момо ходит за покупками в бакалейную лавку, тесную и темную, тихий владелец которой Ибрагим, человек экзотической внешности, видит и знает явно больше, чем кажется на первый взгляд. После того, как отец окончательно оставляет Момо, Ибрагим становится единственным взрослым в жизни мальчика. Вместе они отправляются в поездку, которая изменит жизнь обоих.
The Officers' Ward
The first days of WWI. Adrien, a young and handsome lieutenant, is wounded by a piece of shrapnel. He will spend the entire wartime at the Val-de-Grâce Hospital, in Paris. Five long years, and his life will change forever...
The Officers' Ward
The first days of WWI. Adrien, a young and handsome lieutenant, is wounded by a piece of shrapnel. He will spend the entire wartime at the Val-de-Grâce Hospital, in Paris. Five long years, and his life will change forever...
Don't Make Trouble!
Twelve short stories about racism in every day life.
Don't Make Trouble!
Twelve short stories about racism in every day life.
C'est quoi la vie ?
In this drama, three generations of the same family work together on a farm in rural France. Elderly Noel takes pride in having worked this land nearly all his life. His son Marc now carries most of the responsibilities of the farm (as well as the debts), and he's starting to buckle under the strain. And Marc's son Nicolas hasn't decided what to do with his life; he has little interest in farming, but he isn't sure where his real talents lie. One day, after helping his cows give birth to new calves, Marc gets word that he must destroy all his cattle to prevent the spread of Mad Cow Disease. This proves the last straw for Marc, and he commits suicide. Noel doesn't handle his son's death well and ends up in a retirement home, while Marc's wife gets a job as a cashier and Nicolas looks for work (with little success) while searching for a beautiful and mysterious woman to whom he gave a ride.
Мост меж двух берегов
Для Мины жизнь в браке утратила всякий смысл, отношения стали тусклыми, как осенние сумерки, двое стали нужны друг другу не больше случайных попутчиков. Она часто выбирается в кинотеатр, где сквозь плотные шторы мрака разглядывает чьи-то светлые лица, чьи-то яркие дни. Однажды на «Вестсайдской истории», как будто сам Голливуд дал Мине шанс: она знакомится с человеком, способным вернуть звезды на ее небо и передвинуть солнце как торшер. Но любовь, забурлившая в тесных берегах приличий и условностей, обречена пробиваться к устью ценой неимоверных усилий. Сумеет ли она воздвигнуть себе мост посреди пучины или привычное русло увлечет ее в одиночество навсегда?
Love Reinvented
Different aspects of homosexual romance are explored in this compendium of ten short vignettes encompassing a broad look at AIDS and range for the tale of a lesbian teen trying to come out to her parents, to a gay man who shocks his lover by claiming to be pregnant, to another man's reminiscence of a brief affair with an HIV-positive man.
Love Reinvented
Different aspects of homosexual romance are explored in this compendium of ten short vignettes encompassing a broad look at AIDS and range for the tale of a lesbian teen trying to come out to her parents, to a gay man who shocks his lover by claiming to be pregnant, to another man's reminiscence of a brief affair with an HIV-positive man.
So What?
Lisa drives Marie home but Marie doesn't want to end the night. Lisa suggests they go for a drive. Lisa tries to keep her distance from Marie, because she has a secret. However, Marie wants to be close to Lisa.
So What?
Lisa drives Marie home but Marie doesn't want to end the night. Lisa suggests they go for a drive. Lisa tries to keep her distance from Marie, because she has a secret. However, Marie wants to be close to Lisa.
Le fils préféré
Jean-Paul Mantegna, the son of Italian immigrants now living in Nice, is a hunted man, riddled with debt and involved in borderline illegal companies. To extricate himself, he has to rely on Philippe and François, his two brothers, and on Raphaël, his father; a family torn by disputes and tragic events. However, by rebuilding family unity, Jean-Paul also discovers the secret of his own destiny...
The Machine
This deftly made French psychological thriller terrifies with its exploration of an experiment gone horribly wrong. Dr. Marc Lacroix, a psychiatrist specializing in brain functions, is obsessed with the link between mind and spirit. To find his link he studies the criminally insane. He builds a secret machine, known only to his mistress Marianne, in which he hopes to exchange minds between humans. He simultaneously wants to help the mentally ill recover, and he wants to experience their madness. He chooses the psychotic killer, Zyto, a man who stabbed at least three women, for his experiment. The initial experiment is successful and the two exchange minds. But trouble ensues when Zyto refuses to reverse the switch. There is little Marc can do when Zyto takes over Marc's life, and more ominously his wife and child whom are unknowingly in mortal danger. Marc, encased in Zyto's body, is returned to the asylum. Will Marc's wife recognize the danger? Will Zyto kill again?
Un cœur qui bat
Mado is followed in the street by an unknown man. He offers her to go the hotel. She accepts, they sleep together and then split. Mado does not want to see him again, because she is married with Jean, and has a teenager son, Stephane. But Yves gave her his phone number. One day, Mado calls him.... An unusual love story.
Un cœur qui bat
Mado is followed in the street by an unknown man. He offers her to go the hotel. She accepts, they sleep together and then split. Mado does not want to see him again, because she is married with Jean, and has a teenager son, Stephane. But Yves gave her his phone number. One day, Mado calls him.... An unusual love story.
Странное место для встречи
На ночном шоссе случайно встретились двое абсолютно непохожих людей — респектабельная женщина Франс, просто выброшенная из машины своим мужем, и одинокий неудачник Шарль, который никак не может починить постоянно барахлящий мотор своего автомобиля…
Странное место для встречи
На ночном шоссе случайно встретились двое абсолютно непохожих людей — респектабельная женщина Франс, просто выброшенная из машины своим мужем, и одинокий неудачник Шарль, который никак не может починить постоянно барахлящий мотор своего автомобиля…
Chronicles the hopeless reunion between a mother and daughter, as they try to rekindle their relationship after twelve years of being apart.
La nuit du hibou
A César award winning short documentary comparing animal and plant life.
La nuit du hibou
A César award winning short documentary comparing animal and plant life.