Lotte Ledl

Lotte Ledl

Рождение : 1930-03-16, Wien, Austria


Lotte Ledl
Lotte Ledl


The Decent One
Hedwig Potthast (voice)
Through previously undiscovered private letters, photos and diaries that were found in the Himmler family house in 1945, the "The Decent One" exposes a unique and at times uncomfortable access to the life and mind of the merciless "Architect of the Final Solution" Heinrich Himmler.
Zwei Weihnachtsmänner
Verkäuferin Wilma
Переполох в Гималаях
Kaiserin Mutter (voice)
Во дворце не жизнь, а сплошная мечта. С утра до вечера все придворные только и делают, что ничего не делают. Император Франц и его женушка Лизи — экстравагантная парочка, первые богачи королевства. Чтобы развлечься, они жгут деньги, играют в гольф трюфелями и прикалываются над слугами. В этом королевстве все веселы и довольны. Но однажды случилось невероятное: Лизи похитили! Нашелся же ненормальный… Весь двор во главе с властной матерью Франца и Фельдмаршалом бросается на поиски загадочных похитителей. В обстановке всеобщего аврала лишь трусоватый Франц нащупал нить и распутывает клубок следствия, которое ведет его далеко вглубь Баварии. Всю компанию ждет богатая на события развязка…
Muttis Liebling
Tante Grete
Wolferl, a 38-year-old bank employee, still lives together with his overprotecting mother Maria. While his father Josef, who secretly plans to end his hypocritical marriage, and his sister Nannerl think Wolferl should become independent, mummy's boy seems to enjoy this lifestyle. When he gets to know beautician Eva and falls in love with her, his jealous mother tries everything, including a faked suicide attempt, to keep her son...
Die Geschworene
Frau Fischbach
Der Hund muss weg
Leos Mutter
Aktion C+M+B
Frau Ehrenamt
Stella di mare – Hilfe, wir erben ein Schiff!
Frau Kommerzialrat
Eine fast perfekte Hochzeit
Theres Fiala - Renates Mutter
After Henny's father loses his job at her ex-fiancee's shipyard because of Henny's affair with Sigi, he begins to panic about how to make a living and tries to find new quarters. His sister, Henny's aunt Marlene, suffers as a result of his chaotic efforts. The path to his new life requires that Henny get married, as the aunt is a strict puritan. But whoever knows Henny can be sure that things will take a few unexpected turns...
Opera ball
Ballgräfin Johanna von Meersburg
The Vienna State Opera on Thursday before the Carnival. As every year the large ball rather is attended by celebrities from politics and the media. Just the arrival of newcomers is finished and the Polonaise faded as it is in the best tradition: "Alles Walzer". transferred with 20 cameras live throughout the world. Television journalist Fraser (Heiner Lauterbach) views the event from the control room, outside in the hall leads his son has one of the cameras. Suddenly all hell breaks loose: poison gas flows from hidden containers, hundreds of guests die in agony, millions of horrified spectators experience it on the TV screen...
Die Nacht der Nächte
Schwarze Tage
Die skandalösen Frauen
Das andere Leben
'38 - Vienna Before the Fall
Carola's Mother
The film presents the political events surrounding the Anschluss in March of 1938 through the lives of Carola Hell, a popular young actress at the prestigious Theater in der Josefstadt, and Martin Hofmann, the Jewish journalist she plans to marry. When we encounter the couple in the lovely springtime weather their future is full of promise. They are determined to stay clear of politics. Yet in the climate of the time, nobody of her prominence or his religion can remain apolitical. Although Martin's journalist friend, Drechsler, calls to inform them that the Nazis plan to take over Austria soon, they concentrate on their work and their private happiness and dismiss the warnings.
Der G'wissenswurm
If Every Day Was Sunday
Mathilde Wegner
The owner of a travel agencies decides to took a holiday with his family. He combines business with pleasure and undertakes a tour of inspection of some of his enterprises. Incognito he arrives with his family at the Castle Hotel on the Wörthersee. But the hotel manager has been warned of the impending visit and means to give the important guest the red carpet treatment. Unfortunately he does not know him personally and so takes the wrong man for the incognito inspector. Neither of the two men enjoy the mix-up and the poor hotel director has to live through some uncomfortable hours before he manages to pour oil on the troubled water.
Der Prokurator oder Die Liebe der schönen Bianca
Ich log die Wahrheit
Rudi benimm dich!
Luise Schiller
Mein Vater, der Affe und ich
Der irische Freiheitskampf
Gräfin Markiewicz
Die Klasse
Ganz dumme Sachen
gnädige Frau
Die Unbekannte
Молодой Тёрлесс
Gastwirtin / Innkeeper
В школе — интернате довоенной Австро-Венгерской Империи, пара студентов мучает одного из своих одноклассников, Базини, который был пойман, украв деньги у одного из них. Эти двое решают не сдавать Базини школьной дирекции, а наказать его непосредственно самим и продолжают мучить и оскорблять мальчика, с постоянно увеличивающимся садистским восхищением…
Der Fall Rouger
Frau Scholz
Tante Dete
After her mother's death, the five year old orphan Heidi is brought by her aunt to her grumpy grandfather Alp, who leads a hermit life in the beautiful Swiss mountains. Heidi's natural cheerfulness quickly brings renewed joy in grandfather Alps life. Heidi becomes friends with the goatherd Peter who is about the same age as her and spent two beautiful years in the pasture. But then she is sent by her aunt to Frankfurt in the house of Consul Sesemann where Heidi should get a proper education and upbringing. After some initial difficulties Heidi eventually adjusts to her new situation and makes friends with Clara, the paralyzed daughter of the consul. Only with the strict governess Miss Rottingmeier she keeps getting in trouble. Miss Rottingmeier clearly can not cope with the free and outdoors spirit of Heidi. But Heidi lets a fresh wind blow through the Sesemann house and even causes Clara to overcome her illness.
Der Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind
Christinas Heimreise
Die Reise nach Steiermark
Irmi Steinbeis
Schwejks Flegeljahre
Anna Pospischil
Dann geh zu Thorp
Ein Dorf ohne Männer
Die Rote
Don Juan kommt zurück
Therese von Hainau
Sind wir das nicht alle?
Margot Tatham
Straße der Verheißung
Funken in der Asche
Valnocha, der Koch
Max der Taschendieb
Max, a small time pick-pocket, has nothing to do with the ‘big’ crimes. But then he must find the murderer of Fred, his wife's brother.
Der Bettelstudent
Die Träume von Schale und Kern
Переход через Рейн
После разгрома Франции Германией во время Второй мировой войны двух французских солдат отправили работать на немецкой ферме. В последующие годы они активно участвовали в жизни тех, кто захватил их в плен.
Das Kamel geht durch das Nadelöhr
Visit out of the blue
Ein Lied geht um die Welt
Biopic of singer and film actor Joseph Schmidt (1904-1942).
Der Jungfrauenkrieg
Reinstadler, Krämerin
Dort in der Wachau
Ober zahlen
Vienna, 1957: Head waiters Gustav (Paul Hörbiger) and Franz (Hans Moser) are working for the stinted Cafétier Panigl and are close friiends despite of their different characters. Franz is happily married and a good family father, Gustav, a relaxed charmer, is living a calm single life. Overnight both of them become jobless, because Panigl decided to sell his Café which was not successful anymore. Right in this moment, Franz' brother is sending 20.000 Dollar from USA. Money, he once peculated and now wants to pay back.. Gustav and Franz are buying half of the Café for each from the unexpected money. One half they develop as the modern Musicbox-Espresso «Pinguin», the other half as a traditional old style Vienna Café . Misunderstandings between guests and generations are inevitable and stretch the long term friendship of the two waiters.
Dort oben, wo die Alpen glühen
Anna Edelhofer
Der Schandfleck
Josefa Melzer
Zenzi, die Magd
Hengst Maestoso Austria
Mirl, seine Braut
Echo der Berge