Jan Harlan


Jan Harlan was born on May 5, 1937 in Karlsruhe, Germany. He is a producer and director, known for Eyes Wide Shut (1999), A Clockwork Orange (1971) and A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001).


Never Just a Dream: Stanley Kubrick and Eyes Wide Shut
Stanley Kubrick looked for decades for a way to tell the story of Eyes Wide Shut before finally making it. Then, within days of completing the film, he passed away. Never Just a Dream: Stanley Kubrick and Eyes Wide Shut is a short documentary in which those who knew Kubrick best tell the story of the project and recall this final chapter of his career in moving detail.
Stanley Kubrick Considers the Bomb
A short documentary about how the threat of nuclear war prompted Kubrick to make Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
Kubrick Remembered
An 83-minute candid look into the life of Kubrick, including interviews with his widow, family, coworkers and actors, and featuring a tour of the Archive in London and an inside look into Kubrick's home.
Staircases to Nowhere: Making Stanley Kubrick's The Shining
Himself - interviewee
The full oral history story of the making of Stanley Kubrick's horror masterpiece "The Shining".
Заводной апельсин
Стэнли Кубрик снимал «Заводной апельсин» в 1971 году. На фоне преступности среди несовершеннолетних фильм осуждал методы психологической подготовки, используемые для исправления девиации. Предполагается, что это произойдет в ближайшем будущем, и в конце шестидесятых годов оно станет якорным, ознаменованным антиавторитарным противодействием учреждений и ростом небезопасности городов. «Заводной апельсин» остается шокирующей работой провидца.
Turning Like Clockwork
A look back on A Clockwork Orange
Stanley Kubrick's Legacy
An interview with director Stanley Kubrick's longtime executive producer, Jan Harlan (Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut) in which he discusses the filmmaker's legacy.
Harlan: In the Shadow of Jew Süss
Though almost forgotten today, Veit Harlan was one of Nazi Germany's most notorious filmmakers. His most perfidious film was the treacherous anti-Semitic propaganda film Jud Süß - required viewing for all SS members. This documentary is an eye-opening examination of World War II film history as well as the story of a German family from the Third Reich to the present; one that is marked by reckoning, denial and liberation.
Stanley Kubrick's Boxes
A few years after his death, the widow of Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) asks Jon Ronson to look through the contents of about 1,000 boxes of meticulously sorted materials Kubrick left. Ronson finds that most contain materials reflecting work Kubrick did after the release of "Barry Lyndon" in 1975, when Kubrick's film output slowed down. Ronson finds audition tapes for "Full Metal Jacket," photographs to find the right hat for "Clockwork Orange" or the right doorway for "Eyes Wide Shut" -- thousands of details that went into Kubrick's meticulous approach. Ronson believes that the boxes show "the rhythm of genius." Interviews with family, staff, and friends are included.
'2001: A Space Odyssey' – What Is Out There?
Keir Dullea, interspersed with archive clips of Arthur C. Clarke, discusses the probability of extraterrestrial life.
2001: FX and Early Conceptual Artwork
Overview of the visual effects of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Lost Kubrick: The Unfinished Films of Stanley Kubrick
He is considered by many the greatest film director the medium has ever known. Yet in a 45-year career, Stanley Kubrick's films number only a dozen. That he strove for perfection is well established. What is less known is that he lavished years of energy on several films that never saw the flickering light of the silver screen. Through interviews and abundant archival materials, this documentary examines these "lost" films in depth to discover what drew Kubrick to these projects, the work he did to prepare them for production, and why they ultimately were abandoned.
Vision of a Future Passed: The Prophecy of 2001
This documentary about "2001: A Space Odyssey" looks at some of the things that seemed fanciful in 1968, which don't seem quite as much anymore.
View from the Overlook: Crafting 'The Shining'
An overview of the making of, and a look at the continuing popularity of, Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.
Full Metal Jacket: Between Good and Evil
Follow Stanley Kubrick as he creates his savage and brilliant Vietnam film, hewing closely to the theme that dominated his creative life for four decades - the duality of human nature. Poised between good and evil, mankind was, in Kubrick's view, a complex creature equally capable of unspeakable savagery and heart-melting tenderness. Full Metal Jacket would make his case in vivid, blood-soaked Technicolor. Through interviews with Kubrick's collaborators and cast members, including Vincent D'Onofrio, Lee Ermey and Adam Baldwin, this documentary reveals how Kubrick's brilliant visual sense, astute knowledge of human nature, and unique perspective on the duality of man came together to make Full Metal Jacket an unforgettable cinematic experience, taking its place in his "war trilogy" alongside cinematic landmarks Fear and Desire and Paths of Glory.
O Lucky Malcolm!
Actor Malcolm McDowell talks about his life and career. With interviews featuring his friends, family, directors and co-stars.
Dark Side of the Moon
A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick.
Искусственный разум
Executive Producer
В будущем мире вырвавшегося из-под контроля глобального потепления и пугающих достижений науки, смертные живут бок о бок с удивительными и сложными роботами. Но когда продвинутый прототип робота-ребенка по имени Дэвид программируется на проявление бескорыстной любви, члены его человеческой семьи оказываются неготовыми к последствиям такого чувства.
Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures
With commentary from Hollywood stars, outtakes from his movies and footage from his youth, this documentary looks at Stanley Kubrick's life and films. Director Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and sometime collaborator, interviews heavyweights like Jack Nicholson, Woody Allen and Sydney Pollack, who explain the influence of Kubrick classics like "Dr. Strangelove" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," and how he absorbed visual clues from disposable culture such as television commercials.
Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures
With commentary from Hollywood stars, outtakes from his movies and footage from his youth, this documentary looks at Stanley Kubrick's life and films. Director Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and sometime collaborator, interviews heavyweights like Jack Nicholson, Woody Allen and Sydney Pollack, who explain the influence of Kubrick classics like "Dr. Strangelove" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," and how he absorbed visual clues from disposable culture such as television commercials.
Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures
With commentary from Hollywood stars, outtakes from his movies and footage from his youth, this documentary looks at Stanley Kubrick's life and films. Director Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and sometime collaborator, interviews heavyweights like Jack Nicholson, Woody Allen and Sydney Pollack, who explain the influence of Kubrick classics like "Dr. Strangelove" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," and how he absorbed visual clues from disposable culture such as television commercials.
Stanley and Us
Three hapless directors arrive in England from Italy to make a documentary on their idol. The funny thing is, they have no interviews lined up! Not to worry, these guys have a miracle or two that they call in.
С широко закрытыми глазами
Executive Producer
Билл и Элис Харфорд — супружеская пара, производящая впечатление счастливых людей, живущих своей размеренной жизнью в полном достатке. Но за фасадом идеальных отношений скрываются потоки ревности, неудовлетворённости, тайных желаний и жажды чего-то запредельного. Первый шаг делает Элис, рассказывая мужу о своих фантазиях. Терзаемый ревностью Билл идет дальше, выходя за рамки мыслей и слов. Он наяву отправляется в пьянящую сексуальную одиссею, ведомый соблазном и щекочущими нервы переживаниями. Если бы в начале пути он знал, что пределом его мечтаний станет возможность вернуться к своей привычной семейной жизни, он бы не поверил, ведь искушение вкусить запретный плод было слишком сильно…
Remembering Stanley Kubrick
Interviews with Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and Steven Spielberg about Stanley Kubrick and Eyes Wide Shut.
Цельнометаллическая оболочка
Executive Producer
Американская база подготовки новобранцев корпуса морской пехоты. Жесточайшая, бесчеловечная система призвана превратить домашних мальчишек в натренированных хладнокровных убийц. Их готовят к войне во Вьетнаме, где им придется часто задавать себе вопрос «Разве война — это не ад?», а иначе просто невозможно убивать каждый день, не понимая, для чего это?
Executive Producer
Главный герой — Джек Торренс — приехал в элегантный уединенный отель, чтобы поработать смотрителем во время мертвого сезона вместе со своей женой и сыном. Торренс здесь раньше никогда не бывал. Или это не совсем так? Ответ лежит во мраке, сотканном из преступного кошмара.
Барри Линдон
Executive Producer
История жизни простого ирландского парня Редмонда Барри. Будучи еще совсем молодым, он убил на дуэли офицера английской армии. Чтобы не попасть в руки полиции, ему пришлось покинуть родной дом и отправиться странствовать по Ирландии. Но странствия его были недолгими. Отдав грабителям все деньги, коня и оружие, он вынужден был записаться в ряды английской армии. Попав на войну и насмотревшись всех ее ужасов, он решает дезертировать. Украв офицерскую форму, Барри отправляется в расположение союзников, надеясь оттуда тайком перебраться в Ирландию. Но и здесь его ожидает неудача: его разоблачает капитан прусской армии, заставляя вступить в ее ряды. По окончании войны Барри смог, наконец, вернуться в свою страну.