David C. Bunners

David C. Bunners

Рождение : 1966-02-11, Neubrandenburg, Germany


DAVID C. BUNNERS was one of the three producers of the 2009 Oscar®-winning short film "Spielzeugland" (aka "Toyland"). His brother Johann Bunners had the idea for "Spielzeugland" and wrote the script together with the director. David also starred in the short film. - He was born on Feb.11th 1966, the eldest of four siblings, two sisters and his brother. From 1986-89 David studied acting at the University of Film and Television Konrad Wolf in Potsdam-Babelsberg. His first part in a film was the lead in "Grown up as from today" (DEFA 1985, director: Gunther Scholz). He left the GDR in autumn 1989 to live in Western Germany where he got acting engagements from 1990 to 1996 at several theaters in Kassel, Bonn, Heidelberg and the Schauspielhaus Hamburg (1993-1996). Since 1996 David is a well-known actor for the screen and for television. So far, David has participated in more than 80 national and international productions. In 2009 he set up "David vs. Goliath Films". - IMDb Mini Biography by: D. Goldbaum


David C. Bunners


Rosamunde Pilcher: Meine Cousine, die Liebe und ich
Paul Marrack
Das schaffen wir schon
Meinhard Bleich
Full Moon
Achim Trolle
Lara was severely traumatised as a child and every day this trauma catches up with her. During a photo session, she falls in love with Conrad, a writer who has just been released from prison. What Conrad doesn't know is that everyone around her knows the burden Lara lives with. Her uncle Markus resorts to drastic means to save Lara and risks losing her forever.
Tod auf Raten
The former boxer Ronald has lost his short-term memory after an accident. Now nothing is the same. Roland's world has no future, and the past only exists in his mind up until his accident.
Wer aufgibt ist tot
Max Stritter
Дуэль братьев. История Adidas и Puma
Josef Walzer
Каждый носит их обувь. А это их история. В начале 20-х годов XX века братья Адольф и Рудольф Дасслеры основали небольшую обувную фабрику в баварском городе Херцогенаурах. Благодаря слаженной работе талантливого Ади и коммерческим способностям Руди предприятие быстро расширялось. Лучшие спортсмены мира предпочитали тренироваться и выступать в их шиповках. Однако за взлетом последовал спад: во время Второй мировой войны компания практически остановила производство, а в отношении двух братьев наметился разлад. В 1948 году «Обувная фабрика братьев Дасслер» была разделена. Так в Херцогенаурахе появилось два ожесточенных конкурента — компании Adidas и Puma.
Между делом
Трудолюбивый владелец малого бизнеса и двое его коллег отправляются в Европу, чтобы совершить самую важную сделку в их жизни. Но обычная командировка превратилась в итоге в нечто невообразимое…
The Lies of the Victors
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Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
True Love Ways
Séverine is haunted by a reocurring dream that makes her doubt her relationship with her boyfriend. She decides to spent a couple of days alone at the seaside to think everthing over. But instead, she’s got to face violent criminals and her own primal fears.
Neufeld, mitkommen!
Dr. Jürgen Scholz
Katie Fforde - An deiner Seite
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New York lawyer Alicia Charles faces a challenge: to help penniless globetrotter Will in a custody battle over his godchild Linus. The nine-year-old Linus lost his parents in a car accident. Will wants custody of his godchild, although as a poor globetrotter he has little chance. He is not even related to the boy. He cannot present more than a snippet from a family video that identifies him as a godfather.
Ohne Dich
Martina and her partner Ralf, who run a restaurant together in Cologne, enjoy their holiday in Brittany - until one day Ralf does not return from a sailing trip. The Breton police believe in a sailing accident and make Martina little hope that her friend has survived. But Martina does not want to accept Ralf's death and begins a desperate search on the coast of Brittany. However, when this remains in vain, Martina returns to Germany.
Ein Sommer in Schottland
Angus Sinclair
Die Apps
Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse
The king turns 70 in a few days, when he is supposed to give up his crown. His sister has waited for this day all her life: Finally, she will step out of her brother's shadow and assume power in the realm. Or will the king's son assume the throne instead? Only if he has a princess at his side.
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Personalchef Horst Kulina
Wie ein Stern am Himmel
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Ein Sommer auf Sylt
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Anne Berger, wife and mother of two children, is looking forward to the family vacation on Sylt. However, on the day of departure, she must learn that her husband Stefan has an affair with his assistant. So Anne sets off with her children alone. In order not to be found for Stefan, she lodges in a small guesthouse, which is run by the somewhat grumpy, but kind-hearted Lina Hansen. While Anne finds an admirer in Lina's son, the idiosyncratic Fischer Jan, Stefan also makes his way to the holiday island. He is remorseful and wants to win Anne back at any cost.
Der Stinkstiefel
Lutz Schneider
Böseckendorf - Die Nacht, in der ein Dorf verschwand
Dr. Walter Berger
Ich liebe den Mann meiner besten Freundin
Paul Burkhardt
Die Masche mit der Liebe
Hermann Peters
Страна Игрушек
Executive Producer
On a winter morning, a mother goes to waken her son Heinrich; his bed is empty. She leaves her flat to find him. The neighbors' door, with a Star of David painted on it, is ajar, the furnishings in disarray, the family gone. She asks passersby, runs to the police then on to the rail yard. Flashbacks show that Heinrich and the neighbors' son Paul are six years old and best friends. Paul's family's deportation is expected soon; Heinrich's mother tells her son that they're going to Toyland. Heinrich wants to go with them, has a bag packed, and listens for their departure. His mother realizes he's joined them, and her resolve becomes more urgent. Will she arrive in time to save Heinrich?
Страна Игрушек
On a winter morning, a mother goes to waken her son Heinrich; his bed is empty. She leaves her flat to find him. The neighbors' door, with a Star of David painted on it, is ajar, the furnishings in disarray, the family gone. She asks passersby, runs to the police then on to the rail yard. Flashbacks show that Heinrich and the neighbors' son Paul are six years old and best friends. Paul's family's deportation is expected soon; Heinrich's mother tells her son that they're going to Toyland. Heinrich wants to go with them, has a bag packed, and listens for their departure. His mother realizes he's joined them, and her resolve becomes more urgent. Will she arrive in time to save Heinrich?
Die Nachrichten
Jan Landers made it: Grown up in East Berlin, he quickly made his career after the turnaround: from the weatherman of a local station to the newsreader in Hamburg.
Время собирать камни
Май 1945 года. Немецкий минер, офицер Рудольф Онезорг, раскаявшись в преступлениях, совершенных во время второй мировой войны на территории СССР, решает вернуться в места, где воевал. Он хочет собственноручно обезвредить расставленные на гражданских объектах мины. Связной между Онезоргом и капитаном Деминым становится переводчица Неля, еще нe оправившаяся после пережитых ужасов блокады и фронта. Эти трое пытаются делать первые шаги навстречу мирной жизни…
Время собирать камни
Leutnant Ohnesorg
Май 1945 года. Немецкий минер, офицер Рудольф Онезорг, раскаявшись в преступлениях, совершенных во время второй мировой войны на территории СССР, решает вернуться в места, где воевал. Он хочет собственноручно обезвредить расставленные на гражданских объектах мины. Связной между Онезоргом и капитаном Деминым становится переводчица Неля, еще нe оправившаяся после пережитых ужасов блокады и фронта. Эти трое пытаются делать первые шаги навстречу мирной жизни…
Операция 'Валькирия'
Albrecht Ritter Mertz v. Quirnheim
К лету 1944 года каждому здравомыслящему немцу стало ясно, что Германия проиграла войну. Но до тех пор, пока фюрер находился у власти, о капитуляции не могло быть и речи. Германию ожидала катастрофа. Операция «Валькирия» была нацелена на ликвидацию нацистского руководства в лице Гитлера, Геринга и Гиммлера с последующим захватом власти в Берлине. Среди заговорщиков особенно выделялся своей решительностью полковник Клаус фон Штауффенберг, потерявший руку и глаз в африканской кампании фельдмаршала Роммеля. Он идеально подходил для выполнения замысла. Пользуясь доверием высшего руководства нацистского вермахта, Штауффенберг получил доступ на регулярные совещания с участием Гитлера и его приближенных. Прибыв на совещание в одну из засекреченных ставок Гитлера под кодовым названием «Волчье логово», Штауффенберг незаметно положил свой портфель под стол буквально в двух метрах от ног фюрера. В портфеле находилась взрывчатка…
Schweigen ist Gold
Das Mädchen aus der Torte
Rene Borchert
Ab heute erwachsen