Sam Strangis

Рождение : 1929-06-19, Tacoma, Washington, USA


Catwoman: The Feline Femme Fatale
A documentary about the history of Catwoman from DC.
The Rainbow Warrior
Peter Wilcox (Voight), as skipper of the 'Rainbow Warrior', a Greenpeace ship, docks in Auckland, July 1985, preparing for a protest against French nuclear testing in the south pacific. When a bomb rips open the vessel, killing a crew member, he must convince the police superintendent (Neill) that this is an act of terrorism. Determined not to allow outside forces to threaten their harbor, the police embark on a pursuit of the persons responsible. The events that follow nearly bring down an allied nation's government.
Executive Producer
Грубый и высокомерный ведущий радио устраивает с аудиторией беседы на самые разные темы. Никаких запретов. Но однажды становится ясно, что эти разговоры могут стать причиной убийства.
Stark: Mirror Image
Supervising Producer
Sequel to the original movie about a hard-boiled Kansas City cop finds him tracking a colleague's killer to Las Vegas.
He's Not Your Son
Two couples face the possibility that their infant sons, both born on the same day, were inadvertently switched at the hospital, and a chain of revelations and decisions threatens both families.
The Pigs vs. The Freaks
Executive Producer
In a small town, the hippie faction often clashes with the mainstream. To settle their differences, the hippie "freaks" take on the town police "pigs" in a football game. On opposing sides of the fence are Frank, the police sergeant, and his son Neal. Also at odds are Neal and one time friend Doug, a returned Vietnam Vet who has joined the police force, who is also protective of his younger sister who prefers the hippie element. To make things even more intense, Mickey South, who has fled to Canada to avoid the war, returns to play for the Freaks football team. Tensions mount and all are challenged as the climax of the film approaches.
Executive Producer
A series of freak accidents on the Los Angeles freeway traps a cast-load of familiar TV faces in an astounding traffic tie-up, with the entire system caught in a gridlock that John Beck, as a traffic expert, endeavors to unsnarl.
Aloha Means Goodbye
A young woman who is battling a rare blood disease must also fight against a greedy doctor who needs a heart-transplant donor, and has her in mind.
Assault on the Wayne
Production Manager
The U.S. submarine Anthony Wayne is underway for a top-secret mission. Onboard is a highly classified device that will give the Americans a decided nuclear advantage. The entire mission and the secret technology are threatened when the sub commander discovers his crew has been infiltrated by enemy agents. The commander is charged with trying to protect the device while ferreting out the enemy agents. Compounding matters is the state of the commander's physical and mental condition, which is being questioned by his crew.
Production Manager
A professional race-car driver discovers that there are certain properties in his blood that will make him, basically, immortal. A dying multi-millionaire also finds out about the racer's blood, and is determined to get it to keep himself alive. This pilot film preceded the later TV series.
Тише... тише, милая Шарлотта
Assistant Director
Шарлотта Холлис — немолодая затворница, которую мучают ужасные воспоминания и страшные галлюцинации. Она живёт в луизианской глуши, в старом особняке, где тридцать семь лет тому назад был убит и обезглавлен её жених, и в убийстве многие подозревали именно ее. Теперь же поместье собираются снести (прокладывается новая трасса), и Шарлотта просит кузину Мириам, живущую в Вирджинии, приехать к ней и помочь. Но с приездом Мириам видения только обостряются, и жизнь Шарлотты превращается в настоящий ад.
Американец в Париже
G.I. (uncredited)
Бывший солдат Джерри пытается стать художником в послевоенном Париже. И имеет некоторый успех, найдя богатую покровительницу, которая покупает его картины и рекомендует их своим друзьям. Однажды он заходит в ночной клуб и знакомится с Лизой и молодые люди моментально влюбляются. Но позже она неожиданно сообщает, что помолвлена с его другом. И Джерри, и Лиза поступают благородно, решив более не встречаться.