Aylin Tezel

Aylin Tezel

Рождение : 1983-11-29, Bünde, Germany


Aylin Tezel
Aylin Tezel
Aylin Tezel


Weekend Rebels
Mirco von Juterczenka's novel "Wir Wochenendrebellen" is the story of a father and his ten-year-old son, who is Asperger's autistic. The boy has set his mind on finally finding his favourite football club. But his selection criteria are very specific and besides, he wants to experience all the clubs (no matter in which league they play) live in the stadium.
All Russians Love Birch Trees
After her boyfriend becomes extremely ill, Mascha re-evaluates her path and decides to leave her previous life behind. But it's only by returning home that she can find peace.
Anton is about to lose the two most important women in his life but it takes the story of the king's son to make him face his fate.
Anton is about to lose the two most important women in his life but it takes the story of the king's son to make him face his fate.
The Master Butcher
After his return from World War I, there is no more work for Fidelis in his parents' butcher shop in Swabia, Germany. To make a better life for himself and Eva, the former fiancée of a friend who fell in battle, he emigrates to Argus, a town in North Dakota, in the United States. The artist Delphine, in whom Eva will find a friend, also moves there. To relieve Eva's homesickness, Fidelis founds a singing club.
Второй пилот пассажирского самолёта Тобиас Эллис вынужден противостоять террористам на высоте 9000 метров во время перелёта из Берлина в Париж. Не выходя из кабины, он пытается удержать управление самолётом и одновременно защитить пассажиров, проводя переговоры с захватчиками.
Информатор 2
Главной героине, Айлин, предстоит попытаться остановить деятельность опасной террористической сети. Для этого она выдает себя за студентку юридического факультета и вступает в связь с профессором университета - сыном лидера преступной группировки. Девушка готова рискнуть собственной жизнью ради того, чтобы выполнить задание и обеспечить безопасность для своей семьи.
One Man's Happiness
Anja Manz
Martin Manz has run over the daughter of his best friend, Frank, who plays handball with him and regularly repairs Frank’s father’s old television. Martin wants to do the right thing and help the family, but he also wants to cover up his drunk-driving episode.
Lost in the Living
Маленькая мисс Дулиттл
Рыжеволосая Лилиан не просто обожает животных, но и умеет понимать их язык и отвечать им. О ее невероятной способности знают только члены семьи, и они всячески оберегают тайну. Но любым тайнам в свое время всегда приходит конец, особенно если на кону стоит спасение животных.
Ottilie von Gersen
How a revolutionary priest named Martin Luther changed the face of Christendom and the path of European civilization forever.
Желтые птицы
Два подростка, Брендон Бартл и Дэниел Мерфи, оказываются в самом пекле Иракской войны. Между парнями завязывается крепкая дружба, но домой сможет вернуться только Брендон. Теперь он должен помочь матери Дэниела смириться с потерей и разобраться, как череда случайностей унесла жизнь друга.
The Informer
The young law student Aylin knows exactly what she wants: Become a lawyer. To finance her studies, she works as an escort girl. Because she had to defend herself against a pushy businessman, now threatened five years in prison. From the police comes an offer that she embarks on in her distress: As a decoy Aylin can avert her punishment and even continue to study law. Drug investigator Jan and his boss Hannah use them on the smuggler Musab to arrest him in the act. How dangerous the clever Clan chief can be, but they both do not say.
Робинзон Крузо: Очень обитаемый остров
Stachelschwein Epi (voice)
Все знают историю о Робинзоне Крузо, попавшем на необитаемый остров. Однако, как же можно назвать его необитаемым, если он населен разнообразными веселыми животными и птицами? Они очень удивились, впервые встретив это странное существо, и даже приняли его за морское чудовище. Попугаю по кличке Вторник и его друзьям — хамелеону, тапиру и другим обитателям острова предстоит поближе познакомиться с незнакомым зверем «человеком» и вместе с ним пережить массу опасных и веселых приключений.
Мачо Мэн
Aylin Denizoglu
Даниэль — изнеженный цивилизацией бюргер, который не слишком избалован женским вниманием. Но однажды на отдыхе в Турции на него запала сногсшибательная местная красотка. И все бы хорошо, но чтобы жениться на ней и увезти в Германию, он должен произвести правильное впечатление на её семью, а для этого ему придется пройти ускоренный курс, чтобы предстать перед ними настоящим мачо.
За жизнь!
Судьба связала нестареющую шансонье Рут и молодого, но смертельно больного Джонаса. Тем не менее, несмотря на их большую разницу в возрасте и их полностью противоположный жизненный опыт, они образуют интенсивную связь и дают друг другу причину и цель, чтобы жить.
Coming In
Notoriously hip Berlin based hairdresser Tom Herzner falls in love with beauty parlor owner Heidi, turning both of their worlds upside down. So far so good. Only one problem: Tom is gay.
Kleine Schiffe
Mid-forties Franziska is pregnant. Instead of looking forward to it, her husband Andreas opens up that he separates from her because he can no longer endure her neurotic control rage. As much as Franziska always wanted a child, as a single parent she sees no perspective. But then she meets the pregnant, 19-year-old Lilli. The funky woman whirls Franziska strictly regulated everyday life together and shows her how wonderful life can be, if you allow it
Tanz mit ihr
A young dance student lives in two worlds, one of which exists merely in her head: a world of sounds with words that cannot be spoken. A world that, as the young woman painfully experiences, cannot be controlled.
Tanz mit ihr
A young dance student lives in two worlds, one of which exists merely in her head: a world of sounds with words that cannot be spoken. A world that, as the young woman painfully experiences, cannot be controlled.
Tanz mit ihr
A young dance student lives in two worlds, one of which exists merely in her head: a world of sounds with words that cannot be spoken. A world that, as the young woman painfully experiences, cannot be controlled.
Tanz mit ihr
A young dance student lives in two worlds, one of which exists merely in her head: a world of sounds with words that cannot be spoken. A world that, as the young woman painfully experiences, cannot be controlled.
Eleven moving dates, eight friends: Philipp, Wiebke, Jessica, Maria, Swantje, Michael, Thomas, Dina – all in their twenties and mutually lonesome. And always searching: For a new city, a new job, an own apartment, a new, or even an old love. The search is never-ending, and so they repeatedly find themselves at a ritual gathering: someone moving. Boxes are shifted from one side of Berlin to the other, or the length and breadth of Germany, from one abode to the next as one life is exchanged for another. In 3 ZIMMER/KÜCHE/BAD, director Dietrich Brüggemann portrays existences in which relationships, social networks and backdrops are in a constant state of flux; where best friends are the only, and therefore the most valuable constant. Humorous sketches of the self-conception of a generation for whom moving has become the symbol of a life on the go.
Breaking Horizons
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” Lara can hardly believe what the doctor has just told her. The 25-year-old spends her nights hanging around Berlin with best friend Nora, having lost interest in her architectural studies long ago. She has no idea what to do with her life – she does a lot, but nothing properly. She now finds herself pregnant after a night of passion with a charming barman she met at a party. Nora is thrilled by the news though, proclaiming: “we’re having a baby!” After some initial doubts, Lara too begins to see her pregnancy as a chance. Together with Nora, she sets about painting the nursery and goes in search of the baby’s father. Then the gynaecologist gives Lara some bad news…
Luks Glück
Gül Seven
Luks Glück is a tragicomedy about the dubious happiness of a Turkish family between Hamburg and Istanbul, whose life by a lottery win out of joint.
Ingrid and Thomas are thrown together by circumstance. Despite a language barrier, they learn more about each other than they thought possible.
По мотивам сказки братьев Гримм. Родители Золушки давно умерли, и она живет в доме злой мачехи, выполняя работу прислуги. Поплакаться о своей тяжелой судьбе Золушка приходит на могилу матери. Однажды Золушку отправляют в деревню продавать поросят. В лесу повозка с поросятами опрокидывается. Молодой человек, виновник этой ситуации, помогает Золушке поймать разбежавшихся поросят. Но девушка не знает, что это был принц...
Ameisen gehen andere Wege
After his father committed suicide, Richard decides to stay in a youth center rather than staying with his mother. There, he finds a bizarre bunch of teenagers. Each of them experienced pain from early on, having their own desires and fighting for happiness with peculiar humor and fantasy. Richard doesn’t want to get involved with any of this – if it weren’t for her: Kyra.
Trust Me It Works
The documentary is about the British Choreographer Royston Maldoom (OBE) and his work on the Community Dance Piece that he created with children, teenagers and adults in Germany's city Detmold in 2010. It's a film about the educational power of dance.
Алмания – Добро пожаловать в Германию
10 сентября 1964 года Германия распахнула двери сотням тысяч рабочих иммигрантов. Через 45 лет семья прибывшего туда из Турции Хусейна значительно разрослась, у каждого ее члена своя жизнь и свои самые разнообразные проблемы. Получив уже в преклонном возрасте немецкое гражданство, Хусейн решает в последний раз съездить в Турцию домой.
Bis aufs Blut
Fresh out of juvenile prison, Tommy has sworn off the drugs. But when the going gets tough, the only support he finds is from his best friend Sule - who has "the master plan": one last drug deal to finance their own auto body shop.
By crossing the street a young couple meets an old man, who is in a bad mood.
Sui tuoi passi
Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet
Marie Walsen
Podiak marriage are on vacation in a cruise. Suzanne, who is fed up of her husband mistreatment, decides to get out through overboard, leaving a goodbye lettre, but during her funeral her husband discover that she is not death.
Falling Into Place
A love story set in Scotland and London that follows a romance between Kira and Ian, two 30-somethings who meet while on the run from themselves.
Falling Into Place
A love story set in Scotland and London that follows a romance between Kira and Ian, two 30-somethings who meet while on the run from themselves.
Falling Into Place
A love story set in Scotland and London that follows a romance between Kira and Ian, two 30-somethings who meet while on the run from themselves.