Robert C. Jessup


Desperado: Avalanche at Devil's Ridge
Director of Photography
Duell McCall is an outlaw on the run for a crime he didn't commit. Captured by the law and coerced into helping rescue the daughter of the evil local land baron, he finds himself drawn into an ever-deepening web of lies that threatens to cost him his life.
A showdown is staged between a U.S. deputy marshal and the outlaw gang that raised him in the New Mexico Territory of 1887.
The Return of Desperado
Director of Photography
Duell McCall is in New Mexico running afoul of local land baron. McCall pauses long enough in his escape flight to come to the aid of black homesteader who is being victimized by the diabolical Foxworth.
Guilty of Innocence: The Lenell Geter Story
Director of Photography
This is the story of Lenell Geter, an engineer who was accused and convicted of armed robbery. Because he had such faith in the system, he thought that he would eventually be released. But he was in jail for 18 months until a lawyer from the NAACP was brought to assist in his case.
Пикник в космосе
Second Unit Director of Photography
Группа юных американцев, мечтающих стать астронавтами и покорять безвоздушное пространство, отправляется на летние каникулы в «Космический лагерь» — тренировочный комплекс, созданный под эгидой НАСА (Американской национальной ассоциации астронавтов). «Космический лагерь» раскрывает перед ними все очарование космического полета и требует жесткой дисциплины и умения работать в команде, необходимых для завоевания новых миров. И вот наступает самый волнующий момент: ключ на старт… взлет… и трое ребят и двое девчонок во главе с инструктором НАСА Энди неожиданно для самих себя взлетают к самым настоящим звездам на борту космического челнока. Никто из будущих астронавтов и не мог подумать, что «игра в космос» обернется реальностью, и они переживут невероятные приключения на космической орбите.
Sin of Innocence
Director of Photography
When two single parents remarry, their teenaged son and daughter begin developing an unexpected attraction to each other.
Stormin' Home
Director of Photography
An aging motor-cross racer, already having lost his wife and daughter to his footlooseness and now about to have his semi-tractor cab repossessed, vows to make one last go of it on his bike in the race of his career.
Poison Ivy
Director of Photography
Two teenage summer camp counselors struggle with their younger campers, providing a variety of humorous situations and romantic encounters.
With Intent to Kill
A high school football hero Bo Reinecker tries to piece together the events leading up to murder of his girl friend Lisa Nolen. Claiming to have experienced a total blackout, Bo is ultimately found not guilty of the murder by reason of insanity and placed in an institution for four years. Meanwhile, the dead girl's father, Tom Nolen, and her sister Wynn, bitterly prepare a campaign to put Nolen away in prison for life. Things come to a boil when Bo is released--and Tom and Wynn take "due process" into their own hands.
He's Not Your Son
Director of Photography
Two couples face the possibility that their infant sons, both born on the same day, were inadvertently switched at the hospital, and a chain of revelations and decisions threatens both families.
License to Kill
Director of Photography
A grieving family whose daughter was killed in a car crash with a drunken driver is outraged and frustrated as they encounter the inevitable bureaucratic delays in bringing the case to trial. Once in the courtroom, they are horror-stricken as the young, hard-pressed district attorney seems unable to overcome the technicalities and maneuverings that the driver's attorney uses to keep his client out of jail and still on the streets as a legal driver. When the judge is forced to rule time and again in favor of the defense, it appears that the driver might escape punishment altogether.
Dixie: Changing Habits
Director of Photography
Dixie is caught operating a whorehouse, and is sentenced to 90 days house arrest in a convent! Can Dixie bend to the ways of the convent nuns to avoid jail?
Miss All-American Beauty
Director of Photography
After winning a beauty contest in Texas, a teenage girl is unprepared for the demands of travel, press conferences and interviews that go with winning the title and participating in a national beauty pageant.
Split Image
Director of Photography
An impressionable young man finds himself literally enslaved by a modern-day religious cult. In an effort to bring him back to reality, the boy's parents hire a deprogrammer to kidnap him and return him to his family.
Безмолвный гнев
Director of Photography
Непобедимый шериф, один стоящий армии полицейских. Убийца — психопат, превращенный в зомби в медицинской лаборатории. В маленьком техасском городке их пути пересекаются. Но на роковом перекрестке служителю закона не поможет полицейский значок. Чтобы остановить зверя в человеческом облике, ему понадобится нечеловеческая сила…
Skyward Christmas
Director of Photography
In this sequel to "Skyward" and pilot to a prospective series, Julie attempts a secret flight to bring her grandfather home for a Christmas reunion.
Смертельное благословение
Director of Photography
Девушку Фелисите преследует в поле истошно кричащий Уилльям Глунтц, член хеттского братства. Обычаи и образ жизни этой секты сродни амишам. Марта выходит замуж за Джима и селится на его ферме. Единственный недостаток фермы в том, что она находится на территории этого братства. Кроме того, Джим — сын главы братства Исайи. Но его женитьба на девушке «со стороны» исключила Джима из секты. Вскоре в амбаре фермы кто — то жестоко убивает Джима. Исайя просит Марту покинуть деревню, но та отказывается и приглашает к себе погостить двух подружек: Лану и Викки. Атмосфера на ферме далека от спокойной. Лана становится жертвой ужасных ночных кошмаров, а Марту пугает внезапно появившаяся в ванной комнате змея…
Broken Promise
Director of Photography
A juvenile court services director strives to fight the odds following his promise to a resourceful 11-year-old to keep her and her four younger brothers and sisters together as a family after their parents abandoned them, despite a bureaucrat's insistence that it is impossible to locate a single foster home for all five.
The Acorn People
Director of Photography
An unemployed teacher becomes a counselor at a summer camp for severely disabled children.
Director of Photography
Billie Dupree is a flight instructor at an old Texas airport. When a young girl in a wheelchair finds the airport by watching gliders fly, she decides she wants to learn how to fly. Dupree teaches her to fly with some special controls compensating for her handicap. Koup Trenton runs an aircraft repair service and is trying desperately to get an old airplane back in the air. The three, together, put the young girl and the old plane up in the air.
Драка в Бэттл Крик
Director of Photography
Чикаго 30-х годов. Количество преступников растет, как на дрожжах. Корейского эмигранта Джерри Квана занесла судьба в Чикаго, где человеку с азиатской внешностью найти приличную работу было практически невозможно. Но добрые люди познакомили Джерри с мистером Доменичи, влиятельным гангстером, которого покорило умение Джерри вести рукопашный бой. Доменичи как раз ищет подходящего парня для подпольного турнира «боев без правил»…
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders II
Director of Photography
This sequel to the highly-rated 1979 TV movie provides another fictionalized behind-the-scenes glimpse at the comely squad and the pressures put on them as they face another Super Bowl and an upcoming USO tour.
Big Bob Johnson and His Fantastic Speed Circus
Director of Photography
A stunt car racing team gets involved in a madcap cross-country auto race that is supposed to determine the disposition of a family fortune.
Thaddeus Rose and Eddie
Director of Photography
The adventures of two good old boys from Texas, no-account buddies who are finally forced to face reality for themselves and for their girlfriends.
Смоки и Бандит
Second Unit Director of Photography
Парочка водителей, Бандит и Снеговик, берутся перевезти грузовик контрабандного пива из Тексарканы в Атланту за 48 часов. Схема проста: пока Бандит отвлекает полицейских, Снеговик спокойно на грузовике едет за ним. В то же время шериф Бьюфорд Джастис решает во что бы то не стало поймать Бандита, так как невеста его сына сбежала со свадьбы и села к Бандиту в машину…
Мир будущего
Second Unit Director of Photography
Восстановившись после техногенной катастрофы роботизированный парк развлечений «Мир будущего» вновь открывается. Репортеры Трэйси и Чак ведут расследование о владельце отеля, который замыслил править всем миром.
A Small Town in Texas
Director of Photography
A crooked sheriff in a small Southern town frames an ex-convict in a drug bust and takes his girlfriend.
Director of Photography
The adventures of a group of teenagers at a drive-in theatre in Texas one weekend night.
Гонки с дьяволом
Director of Photography
Две семейные пары автотуристов случайно становятся свидетелями человеческого жертвоприношения, совершенного сектой сатанистов. Дьяволопоклонники устремляются в неистовую погоню за туристами…
Sugar Hill
Director of Photography
When her boyfriend is brutally murdered, after refusing to be shaken down by the local gangsters running their protection racket, Sugar Hill, decides not to get mad, but BAD! Calling upon the help of aged voodoo queen Mama Maitresse, Sugar entreats her to call upon Baron Zamedi, the Lord of the Dead, for help in gaining a gruesome revenge. In exchange for her soul, the Dark Master raises up a zombie army to do her bidding. The bad guys who thought they were getting away clean are about to find out that they're DEAD wrong.
Strawberries Need Rain
Director of Photography
Death comes to take a beautiful young girl, and she persuades him to let her live out her fantasies before he finally takes her away.
In the Year 2889
Director of Photography
The last seven survivors of a nuclear war barricade themselves against an attack by a mutant cannibal.
Mars Needs Women
Director of Photography
Tommy Kirk leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Kirk proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his first conquests turns out to be sexy scientist Yvonne Craig.
Hell Raiders
Director of Photography
In Italy during World War II, an American headquarters is evacuated when German forces break through the front lines. A demolition squad is sent back to the abandoned headquarters to destroy valuable records that were left behind before they fall into German hands.
Night Fright
Director of Photography
A government space experiment into the effects of cosmic rays on animal life goes horribly wrong, creating a mutant monster that terrorizes a rural community.
Creature of Destruction
Director of Photography
A mad stage hypnotist Dr. John Basso reverts his beautiful assistant Doreena into the physical form of a prehistoric sea monster she was in a past life. Using this power he attempts to find fame and fortune by predicting a series of murders and then using the monster to carry them out.