Harald Koch

Harald Koch


Harald Koch


Железное небо
Pilot #2
Группа ученых под руководством офицера СС Ханса Каммлера добилась серьезных успехов по части антигравитации. Когда исход Второй Мировой войны стал очевиден, с антарктической базы гитлеровцы запустили несколько космических кораблей, чтобы их экипаж на темной стороне Луны основал секретную военную базу Schwarze Sonne (Черное Солнце). План Германии состоял в возведении мощной армады для решающего удара по Земле с последующим завоеванием планеты. И в 2018 году Четвертый Рейх перешел в наступление.
Die Todesautomatik
verlassener Mann
Several episodes set on Christmas Eve.
Emotionally stormy Bibiana, temperamental Claudio, sexually adventurous Harald, and secretive Tamara were close friends in their college days, but the four had a falling out and have not seen one another in close to a decade. As the four are edging into their thirties, Bibiana decides its time for a reunion, and invites Claudio, Harald, and Tamara to her apartment for a dinner party. However, after a long evening of conversation, Bibiana has a surprise for her guests...
Der Sandmann
Dekorateur Chris
The ambitious young Ina Littmann is an investigative journalist for the TV talk show "Eye in Eye". Her current subject is Henry Kupfer, who wrote a bestseller about a psychopathic killer after he was himself in prison for 8 years for manslaughter. As an entry for the show Ina plans to use a current series of brutal murders among prostitutes. When Ina meets Kupfer, she is despised and fascinated at the same time. Soon she's convinced that Kupfer not only writes about murders, but commits them himself. She smells a smash hit and prepares to prove him guilty on the show.