Teri Tordai

Teri Tordai

Рождение : 1941-12-28, Debrecen, Hungary


Teri Tordai
Teri Tordai


Cat Call
A girl in her thirties who lost all her hope in finding love meets a black cat, who can talk, but only the girl could hear it.
The Grandson
Teri néni
After his grandfather falls victim to an elaborate scam, the life of a young man is turned upside down.
Kittenberger - Az utolsó vadászat
Het Bombardement
Aunt Anke
A thrilling love story between the young boxer Vincent and the German Eva, who soon has to marry with the middle-aged Dirk to save her family. While the war starts in the Netherlands their impossible love inflames. May 14, 1940, the day that the centre of Rotterdam is bombed and the young lovers lose sight of each other.
Aranka, Rónaszegi felesége
Jolán néni
1952, Budapest. Kati is thirteen years old when her mother dies. Her father works as a founder at the Miskolc foundry, deprived of his former position of director-engineer. Kati is left alone in their flat, transformed into a place crowded with tenants. That is, not quite: in her imagination her mother is alive again, for she still needs her.
Bye Bye, Red Riding Hood
Fanny lives in the forest with her meteorologist mother. One day on her way across the forest to visit her grandmother and great grandmother, she has three encounters that will change her life forever: an apparently kind and gentle wolf, a city boy and an ornithologist who bears a striking resemblance to the father who long ago abandoned her and her mother.
Hanna's War
Baroness Hatvany
Hanna's War is the true story of Hanna Senesh, a Hungarian-Jewish WW2 resistance fighter, who would become Israel's "Joan of Arc". As a young person, she fled Nazi-occupied Hungary for Palestine, where she was recruited and trained by the British to serve as a commando. After completing her training in Britain, she parachutes into Yugoslavia with a commando team to establish escape routes across the Hungarian-Yugoslavian border for downed British pilots. Her attempts to save Hungarian Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary, however, leads to her capture, torture and demise at the hands of the Gestapo and the Nazi-controlled Hungarian police.
Giddy Vacations
Radó mama
A family of boisterous children expect their father to organize a really exciting holiday. So when the chance comes up of spending it on a boat, the Ramona, it seems that the problem is solved.
Banana Skin Waltz
A typist girl who is under the influence of nervous breakdown walks out to the street stark naked from the office she works in. A young physician goes by accidentally and tries to help her, spreading his coat over her nude body. From this moment his life changes completely.
Arthur the King
Enchanted Queen
Classic tale of King Arthur and how his wife is kidnapped by his evil sister. Lancelot is sent out to try and retrieve the lost queen and unfortunately falls in love with her. Forbidden love, revenge, family rivalry, and magic are all prominent themes.
Sie war keine Lady
Young couple of young people look back at the career of the "Wirtin von der Lahn", the Inn in Gießen and its stories. With excerpts from all the "Wirtinnen"-films.
Popcorn und Paprika
Laura, szobrásznõ
Это осовремененная версия легенды о Фаусте. Пользующийся признанием критиков сценический актер Хендрик Хофген устал от легких развлекательных театральных условностей и ищет чего-то более революционного в духе Брехта. Несмотря на эти свежие идеи, слава не раскрывает своих объятий. Отчаявшийся Хендрик продает свою душу, но не Дьяволу, а нацистам, так как жажда славы сильнее ненависти к захватчикам. Только позже, полностью попав под пяту Третьего Рейха, он понимает свою ошибку...
A politically naive Viennese butcher (Bockerer) manages to survive the Nazi occupation of Austria and the second world war.
The Nameless Castle
The romantic story takes place in the time of Napoleon in Hungary, near Fertő-lake. Count Vavel hides here the French heiress from the revolution and Napoleon.
The Music's the Thing
Love-Hotel in Tirol
Caroline Berger
The life-long fight against Gods of Gilgamesh, king of the Sumerian city-state of Uruk.
Monika und die Sechzehnjährigen
German sex comedy
Verbrechen nach Schulschluß
Report composed of three episodes about crimes in which students are involved: A disinterested classmate is harassed with nude photos; a fake kidnapping is intended to facilitate a jealous murder; rockers go on a "Hell's Angels" style rampage.
Off the Range
Palánk mama
A comedy about a group of children who are spending summer vacation alone in the nature.
Молодая студентка Джулия во время отдыха в Швейцарских Альпах встречает такого же молодого юношу Патрика. В порывах страстей, они поддаются взаимному увлечению, которое перерастает в нечто большее. Все попытки остановить их оказываются безрезультатными, любви нельзя помешать...
The Pendragon Legend
Eileen St. Claire
Bátky János a 20th century intellectual studies the secret of the Rosicrucians in London libraries during the day and in the evening takes pleasure in the "decent" everyday joys offered by the fair sex. He gets involved in the wildest ghost-story in the mysterious Wales castle of the Pendragons, where Earl of Gwynnedd from the 18th century is making experiments to prove his ancestors' slogan, "the resurrection of the body". In the meantime St. Claire, a beautiful, demonic woman and her companions try to kill him for the huge legacy.
Millowitsch - Theater - Lieber reich - aber glücklich
Pussy Angora
The Countess Died of Laughter
Sexy Susan / Susanne Delberg
A man goes to a convent with exciting news, one of the nuns is an heir to a fortune! The man causes the nuns to become obsessed with him as he tries to find the right heir.
Prince Bob
Viktória hercegnő
George, Prince of Wales mingles with the crowd in Bowie Street in disguise under the pseudonym Bob. He falls in love with the poor Uncle Tom's daughter, Annie. But to save his business, the indebted Uncle Tom promised her to the usurer Plumpudding.
Good Evening, Love
The film adapts a true story from the beginning of the 70s.
Der Kapitän
Ilona Porter
Captain Ebbs is an older, experienced seaman who has, however, only sailed on freighters. While his current old barge, the Martin Luther, has to go into the shipyard for an overhaul, the shipping company gives him command of the elegant cruise ship Julia to temporarily replace a colleague who has fallen ill. The rough Ebbs finds his way into his new job only with difficulty and initially puts his foot in his social mouth.
Einer spinnt immer
A comedy directed by Franz Antel.
Hurra, wir sind mal wieder Junggesellen!
Suseka Brinkmann
Mein Vater, der Affe und ich
Frau Wirtin treibt es jetzt noch toller
Wirtin von der Lahn
Frau Wirtin bläst auch gern Trompete
Wirtin Von Der Lahn / Sexy Susan / Susanne Delberg
Susanne is the hostess who gives comfort to the visitors to her hotel. All of the vices in the country are heavily taxed, including drinking and making love. Susanne and a group of nude women try to give some relief to the beleaguered and overtaxed clientele.
Die liebestollen Dirndl von Tirol
Inge Thal
Don't bother to ask. They always say yes.
The Viking Who Became a Bigamist
The Italian Vittorio Coppa works as a sleeper car commuter and commutes regularly between Munich and Rome. Because he believes that true love exists only in connection with marriage, he is secretly married twice.
You Were a Prophet, My Dear
During his neurological treatment, Gábor recalls his recent past. Happy moments of his marriage flash upon him, then he remembers the conflict that made his wife leave him and the women on whose side he is trying to forget.
Frau Wirtin hat auch eine Nichte
Wirtin Von Der Lahn / Sexy Susan / Susanne Delberg
Sexy Susan Sins Again
Sexy Susan / Susanne Delberg
The German innkeeper Susan, now leading an acting troupe, travels to Italy and uses feminine wiles to undo an assassination plot against Napoleon, and rescue a local count (a great romancer) from his own enemies.
Tower of Screaming Virgins
Königin Marguerite de Bourgogne
King's swordsman Captain Buridan, hero of the Flanders campaign, returns to Paris to find it in a grip of fear -a "vampire/witch" in the "Tower of Sin" is luring young men to their deaths by offering them a night of sexual ecstasy followed by savage slaughter. Buridan is holding secrets of his own and his battle to save France from an evil Chancellor, an impotent King and a lascivious, wanton Queen make the battlefields of war seem like child's play.
Otto ist auf Frauen scharf
Gloria Anden
The Sweet Sins of Sexy Susan
Suzanne Delberg (as Terry Torday)
The literal English translation of the German-titled film here is "The Hostess of the Lahn." Suzanne (Terry Torday) is the beautiful redhead who runs an inn in the town of Giessen. She is the subject of many inspirational love songs by the student population. The lyrics also reflect the Germans' resentment and hostility toward the French occupation by the army of Napoleon. Suzanne appears in various stages of undress.
Nem szoktam hazudni
Mythomaniac teenager Anna tries to impress her schoolmates so she impersonates a journalist to meet her dancer crush who she said to be in a relationship with.
Columbus 64
Faithful for Nothing
Andorkáné - Éva
Eve, the old professor zsongják beautiful wife surrounded by colleagues. When the professor's going away for a conference abroad, intensifying the suitors attempts. Eve, however faithful to her husband, so that the denials are increasing. Oddly enough, the rejected accidents ...
Венгерский набоб
Действие фильма происходит в первой половине XVIII века. Несколько десятилетий жизни венгерского дворянского рода Карпати пройдет перед зрителями. Дворяне сорят деньгами, гуляют, играют в карты, дерутся на дуэлях. Пожилой глава старинного рода женится на молодой и красивой девушке, которая дарит ему наследника. Племянник, наделавший под наследство от еще живого дяди кучу долгов, хочет доказать, что ребенок незаконнорожденный.
Ferien mit Piroschka
No Love, Please
János Háry
The triumphant adventures of the Hungarian baron Münchausen are recounted in the form of a musical.
His Majesty's Dates
The chroniclers are diligently scribbling the history of life and deeds of the virtuous and wise King Matthias, who, in the meantime, sneaks out of the palace in disguise. Instead of attending a boring reception of the imperial deputies and papal legates, he pays his address to three pretty women from Szelistye.
Дождливое воскресенье
О венгерской молодёжи 1960-х годов, которая по окончании специальных учебных заведений вступает в самостоятельную жизнь, где её ожидают труд, радость и счастье, а подчас неудачи и несчастная любовь. В центре сюжета - первая любовь старшеклассницы и тут же возникшие в связи с ней моральные проблемы.
A gyilkos én vagyok
Hungarian television play based on a drama (crime fiction, thriller) by hungarian writer Tibor Hámori.