Brian Kerwin

Brian Kerwin

Рождение : 1949-10-25, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Brian Kerwin (born October 25, 1949) is an American actor. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Kerwin won the Theatre World Award in 1988 for the off-Broadway play Emily. His Broadway theatre credits include the 1997 revival of The Little Foxes and the Elaine May comedy After the Night and the Music in 2005. That same year he starred in Edward Albee's The Goat or Who is Sylvia? at the Mark Taper Forum and played Nick in a highly praised revival of Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? with Glenda Jackson and John Lithgow. He also played opposite Kathy Baker in the South Coast Repertory production of The Man from Nebraska in 2006. His most recent stage appearance was in the Broadway production August: Osage County. Kerwin's feature films include Murphy's Romance, Hard Promises, 27 Dresses (as Katherine Heigl's character's father), Torch Song Trilogy, Love Field, Jack, King Kong Lives, The Myth of Fingerprints, and Debating Robert Lee. Kerwin has enjoyed an extensive career in television, beginning with the daytime serial The Young and the Restless in 1976. In addition to many television movies, his credits include a regular role on the Showtime series Beggars and Choosers, recurring roles on The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo, The Chisholms (four 1979 episodes as Gideon Chisholm), Roseanne, The West Wing, Nip/Tuck and Big Love and guest appearances in The Love Boat, Simon & Simon, Highway to Heaven, Murder, She Wrote, St. Elsewhere, Frasier, Law & Order, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Boston Legal, Medium, Without a Trace, and Desperate Housewives. In 2007, he joined the cast of the soap opera One Life to Live. Brian was also in a television movie with Michelle Pfeiffer called Tales from the Hollywood Hills: Natica Jackson. He played her married lover. His name was spelled Brain Kerwin in the credits. Kerwin has been married to Jeanne Marie Troy since September 2, 1990. They have three children, Finn, Matilda, and Brennan. The family lives in New York City. Description above from the Wikipedia article Brian Kerwin, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Brian Kerwin


Addiction: A 60s Love Story
Irv Bornstein
Based on a true story, "Dynamite: A Cautionary Tale" follows family man Max Bornstein who was a full-time dope fiend working within the underground, highly illegal pornography industry in 1968’s New York City. While running books and films to delivery points and mob headquarters around the east coast, Max had the Feds on his tail. But even in the wake of a federal investigation, Max's truest worry was his wife and two young children, a family kept in the dark about Max's reality and the walls of it caving in around him. As Max battles his consuming addiction, dissolving family unit and the growing suspicion about his drug use amongst his associates, Max watches helplessly as his well-crafted reality falls to pieces, leaving him searching for the spaces in between.
You Must Be Joking
A New Yorker working as a paralegal searches for a new lease on life before a childhood friend inspires her to take up comedy.
Robert Phelan
Американский Юг, на дворе 1960-е годы. Скитер только-только закончила университет и возвращается домой, в сонный городок Джексон, где никогда ничего не происходит. Она мечтает стать писательницей, вырваться в большой мир. Но для приличной девушки с Юга не пристало тешиться столь глупыми иллюзиями, приличной девушке следует выйти замуж и хлопотать по дому. Мудрая Эйбилин на тридцать лет старше Скитер, она прислуживает в домах белых всю свою жизнь, вынянчила семнадцать детей и давно уже ничего не ждёт от жизни, ибо сердце её разбито после смерти единственного сына. Минни — самая лучшая стряпуха во всём Джексоне, а ещё она самая дерзкая служанка в городе. Двух чёрных служанок и белую неопытную девушку объединяет одно — обострённое чувство справедливости и желание хоть как-то изменить порядок вещей. Смогут ли эти трое противостоять целому миру? Сумеют ли они выжить в этой борьбе?
27 свадеб
Hal Nichols
Побывав в качестве подружки невесты на 27 свадьбах, главная героиня вдруг понимает, что пора бы остановиться и задуматься уже и о собственном замужестве, но напоследок отгулять свадьбу своей сестры. Однако, выясняется, что та собралась замуж за человека, на которого «профессиональная свидетельница» как раз только успела положить глаз. Назревает конфликт...
The Exonerated
Cop #2
Six people tell their stories on a single subject - how they got wrongfully convicted to death penalty, but later got exonerated.
Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman
Nathan Lloyd
A middle-aged woman has what she believes is a great life. She's been married for 25 years, she is the book editor at a newspaper where her husband is the editor and they have a great family. That all comes to a screeching halt one day when her husband announces that he is leaving her for a younger woman. Not only that, but the younger woman is her assistant. Not only that, but he's taking the newspaper in "a new direction" and won't need her anymore. It's then that she finds out who her friends and the people who love her really are, and she gets a surprise when she runs into a man from her past.
Debating Robert Lee
Gary Mann
A group of jaded high school students sign up for a debate class taught by a tough, combative teacher from the Georgia Military Academy who teaches them that life is debate and DEBATE IS WAR.
Запретная любовь
Chuck Dawson
Фильм состоит из трех историй. События происходят в провинциальном городке Хомер, штат Коннектикут. Действие первой истории разворачивается в 1954 году. Дороти Нельсон возвращается в родной город из армии. Её уволили «за позорное поведение»: на нее пало подозрение в лесбиянстве. С таким клеймом она не может найти себе работу в городке, где все знают друг друга. Только одна женщина помогает ей, Джанет. Вторая история относится к 1974 году. Мальчишки одного из старших классов травят своего одноклассника-гея. Учитель французского языка, шесть лет скрывавший свою ориентацию, открыто становится на сторону юноши. А в 2000 году в городке состоялась первая церемония заключения однополого брака.
The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer
An account of early 1970s social activist Ira Einhorn, who allegedly murdered his girlfriend and then fled the country.
Giving Up the Ghost
After a woman's husband dies while jogging in the park, the young widow's deep grief helps to awaken his ghost. The ghost urges her to commit suicide to join him in the afterlife. While the young woman is making up her mind about suicide, her husband's ghost helps with a current murder case.
Мистер Ревность
Если кому-нибудь придет в голову организовать конкурс на звание «Мистер Ревность», то герой фильма Лестер Гримм обязательно выйдет победителем. Лестер убежден, что все женщины от природы патологически неверны. Раз за разом его отношения с девушками рушились под невыносимой тяжестью ревности. В очередной раз сомнение закрадывается в его ранимую и чувствительную душу, когда он знакомится с прекрасной неукротимой Рамоной. Тень ее бывшего возлюбленного — известного писателя Дэшила Фрэнка — снова разжигает костер подозрений Лестера. Чтобы узнать поближе бывшего друга своей девушки, Гримм пускается в отчаянную и коварную авантюру, которая обернется массой неожиданностей и станет разгадкой многих тайн.
Killer App
TV movie about battles in the computer world of Seattle.
David Strong
A boy falls in love with a horse named Flash that's for sale. He gets a job to earn the money to buy the horse, but he's forced to sell when the family falls upon hard times.
The Myth of Fingerprints
When a New England dysfunctional family gathers for Thanksgiving, past demons reveal themselves as one son returns for the first time in three years.
Volcano: Fire on the Mountain
Buck Adams
Angel Falls is a mountain ski resort where a nearby volcano is about to erupt. Volcanic scientist Peter Slater must convince his boss and the local population of the danger and begin the town evacuation before it’s too late.
Unlikely Angel
Ben Bartilson
A country singer dies prematurely, but cannot enter heaven until she performs a good deed back on earth.
Dear Diary
A New York magazine art director, a married mother of two who just turned 40, decides to record the events of her day in a journal. The film won an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Critical Choices
Rev. Bobby Ray Flood
A Milwaukee Women's Health Clinic becomes the battleground between pro-choice activists and right-to-life demonstrators over and Easter Sunday weekend and involves three different women, each representing different sides of the issue.
Brian Powell
Джеку десять лет. Как и все дети его возраста, он ходит в школу и пытается завести друзей. Но за парту Джек не помещается, да и сверстники все время смеются над ним. Дело в том, что он растет намного быстрее них и выглядит гораздо старше… в четыре раза. Необычное заболевание ускорило рост мальчика, и к своим десяти годам он превратился во взрослого мужчину… внешне. Но в душе Джек все равно остается ребенком.
Зигзаг неудачи
Marty Lambert
Добропорядочный профессор Джек Ламберт, узнает, что его сосед вовсе не милый старикан Миллер, а бывший нацистский преступник по кличке «Зверь», приговоренный латвийским судом к смертной казни. Возмущенный тем, что палач не просто разгуливает на свободе, но и спокойно уезжает в Эквадор, он берет правосудие в свои руки и накачивает из шприца выращиваемые фашистом яблочки...
Sins of Silence
Joey Finn
A former nun who has become a rape counselor defies a court order to release her file on a rape victim.
It Came from Outer Space II
Jack Putnam
Aliens crashland near a small desert town, strewing odd bluish-glowing rocks throughout the area. Townfolk notice something is amiss when temperatures begin to soar, water disappears, power goes down and people seem not to be themselves.
Тайна медвежьей горы
Matt Hollinger
Городская девочка объединяется с девчонкой-сорванцом, чтобы разгадать тайну медвежьей горы, Молли Морган, и спрятанного сокровища, а так же узнать о настоящей дружбе.
Abandoned and Deceived
The film is the story of woman who is denied the pensions for her children by her ex-husband. Therefore she has to fight for her rights by appealing the courts of justice and the bureaucracy of the state.
Поле любви
Ray Hallett
Домохозяйка из Далласа — большая поклонница Президента Джона Ф. Кеннеди и его супруги. С нетерпением ждет она их визита в свой город в ноябре 1963 года. В полные смятения дни, следующие за убийством Кеннеди, она отправляется на похороны Президента, в дороге знакомясь с людьми, вместе с которыми ей суждено пережить эмоциональное пробуждение, пройдя путь от предубеждения до дружбы.
Шпионские страсти
Шпионы разных национальностей, дислоцированные на маленьком азиатском острове, разрабатывают заговор, чтобы создать международный инцидент, извлекая из этого прибыль. Обманывая ЦРУ с помощью поддельных отчетов и управляя подставной компанией, они контролируют остров и используют навыки, приобретенные на службе у своих стран, для осуществления своих личных мечтаний о богатстве и счастье.
Hard Promises
A man who doesn't like stable work environments has been away for too many years, and finds out his wife has divorced him and is planning to remarry. He comes home to confront her, trying to convince her not to get married, aided by the daughter, who loves him despite his wandering ways. The couple finds out they still have feelings for each other but must decide how best to handle the contradiction of their lifestyles.
Against Her Will: An Incident in Baltimore
Jack Adkins
In the second dramatic case for lawyer Harmon Cobb, he defends an incarcerated woman who is wrongly imprisoned and refused release from a mental institution.
Switched at Birth
Robert Mays
This is the story of the two babies who were switched at birth. A few years later when one of the girls gets sick and tests revealed that she was not the daughter of the couple who raised her. Eventually she dies. And the couple most especially the mother, search for their real daughter. Eventually they suspect that it's a widower who has their child. Now while they try to find out if she is their daughter, the widower is advised by his attorney not to be so hasty to cooperate, cause if she is their daughter, he might lose her, and she is all he has.
Captain Michael J. Smith
A profile of the astronauts, crew, and civilians who were involved in the January 28, 1986 flight of the spaceship, Challenger, that resulted in its explosion upon takeoff. The center point of the film is the safety inspections and arguments surrounding the use of the o-rings that ultimately were blamed for the explosion.
Сентиментальная песня
Ed Reese
Мужчина, «звезда» гей-клуба, живет скромной одинокой жизнью, пока однажды не знакомится с бисексуалом, после чего его жизнь наполняется смыслом совместного существования. Но «муж» уходит к женщине, своей старой подружке. После периода депрессии с мужчиной знакомится совсем молодой парнишка, который в него влюбляется. Поначалу мужчина отнекивается от него, но потом в его сердце тоже просыпается любовь... 6 счастливых лет, и нежданное убийство парнишки...Усыновление мальчишки-гомосексуалиста и возвращение бисексуала скрашивают его жизнь.
Кинг Конг жив
Hank Mitchell
Чтобы вылечить Кинг-Конга после падения с крыши Международного Торгового Центра потребовалось хирургическое вмешательство лучших кардиологов. Никто и никогда еще не проделывал операций такого масштаба. Как раз во время того, как огромное, механическое сердце застучало в груди царя обезьян, в далеких тропических лесах Индонезии был найден еще один Кинг-Конг! Но на этот раз это оказалась леди. И влюбчивый Кинг-Конг не смог перед ней устоять. Призывный клич самки оживит его и пошлет вперед, на новые «подвиги», на новые разрушения и схватки с армией…
King Kong! The Living Legend
Documentary special to promote the release of King Kong Lives, the grand opening of the King Kong attraction at Universal theme park, as well as a look back at the history of King Kong in the movies.
Любовь Мерфи
Bobby Jack Moriarty
После развода Эмма Мориарти вместе со своим 12-летним сыном переезжает в небольшой городок в Аризоне. Она занимается разведением лошадей и вполне довольна сложившимся положением вещей. Вскоре Эмма знакомится с местным фармацевтом, вдовцом Мерфи Джонсом, человеком солидным и весьма уважаемым. Жизнь налаживается и приобретает новый смысл, но неожиданно в городе появляется бывший муж Эммы…
Wet Gold
Ben Keating, the Diver
Wet Gold is the story of a young woman (Laura), who works as a waitress in a cafe. Laura stumbles across a drunk elderly man (Sampson), who fills her with exciting stories of a boat that went down with millions in gold. Although Laura's boyfriend (Barnes), keeps telling her that Sampson's stories are all false, Sampson makes her believe that they are indeed true. Laura takes Sampson to a library, where she finds an old newspaper article which matches up with the events described to her by him. After becoming a true believer, Laura convinces Barnes, Sampson and a dive shop owner, Keating, to search for the treasure. Together they set off from Key West in the Baker's boat, which Barnes is supposed to be looking after. Keating shows a liking for Laura, and because of this, Barnes begins to feel uncomfortable towards him. After spending some time in the water, their dreams become reality, but the discovery of gold begins to show a change in their personalities...
Nickel Mountain
Henry Soames owns a rural diner, and has befriended Willard Freud and Callie Wells. One day Willard and Callie get the news that Callie is pregnant, and Willard splits. Henry takes in Callie, and helps her through the pregnancy. They fall in love and get married. All is going well until Willard is back from the road and wants the baby.
Intimate Agony
Nick Todd
Anthony Geary (General Hospital) stars as a compassionate doctor who must treat an STD outbreak at an upscale vacation resort. Judith Light (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) co-stars as an afflicted resident whose heart is broken by this personal tragedy. A despicable real estate tycoon played by Robert Vaughn (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.) is determined to keep the scandal from the press, thus protecting his investment.
Miss All-American Beauty
Michael Carrington
After winning a beauty contest in Texas, a teenage girl is unprepared for the demands of travel, press conferences and interviews that go with winning the title and participating in a national beauty pageant.
Jack Vanda
Loosely based on the life of Jimmy Hoffa, this traces the rise of Tommy Vanda (Joe Don Baker) from a Chicago dock worker to an influential labor leader who, like Hoffa, finds himself behind bars in a federal prison, and not long after, taken for a ride by shady men never to be seen again.
Getting Wasted
Brad Carson
An uptight military school gets a dose of hippie-infused rebellion when a group of students gather in support of the 1960s uprising going on around them. When a few students decide to bring the more liberal, artsy side of the revolution onto campus, they face opposition from much of the school's staff.
The Paradise Connection
Bruce Douglas
A notorious Chicago lawyer leaves his successful practice and goes to Hawaii to locate his missing son who abandoned a promising law career and has become involved in drug smuggling.
Hometown U.S.A.
T. J. Swackhammer
High school loser Rodney C. Duckworth (Gary Springer) is known as The Rodent until one unforgettable night when he borrows a cherry-new Chevy convertible and goes cruising for the girl of his dreams. With help of dim greaser Calhoun (David Wilson), hot-rodder T.J. Swackhammer (Brian Kerwin) and some very willing women, Rod goes from zero to hero during a wild ride of near- misses, direct-hits and bra-busting fun.
A Real American Hero
Til Johnson
When two boys are killed and two girls are blinded for life in a tragic accident, Buford Pusser, the town sheriff, is determined to get revenge. Though he must bend the law, Pusser is resolved to get the bootleg booze and dope king of the county who provided the poisoned moonshine that caused the accident. Based on a Real-Life Story (i.e. another version of Walking Tall (1973)).