Director of Photography
Award-winning French writer Christine Angot goes on a business trip to Strasbourg where her father lived before dying several years ago. It is the city where she met him for the first time at the age of 13, and where he sexually abused her over the following years. His wife and children still live there. Angot takes a camera and knocks on the doors of her family to push them to clarify their attitudes to her father’s crime that stretched over so many years. A cinematographic journey that challenges social norms and family perspectives in dealing with incest.
Camera Operator
It’s summertime, 2021. Isabelle Huppert plays Lioubov, Chekhov’s unforgettably heroine in The Cherry Orchard. In a near theatre, Fabrice Luchini recites Nietzsche. Both actors are premiering at Avignon’s Festival. When they leave backstage to stand out on stage, they are completely transformed. As everything seems utterly natural, audience does not imagine what happened before. By following their daily lives during the weeks preceding the premieres, Benoît Jacquot brings a singular perspective of the two actors and shows them like we’ve never seen before.
Director of Photography
It’s summertime, 2021. Isabelle Huppert plays Lioubov, Chekhov’s unforgettably heroine in The Cherry Orchard. In a near theatre, Fabrice Luchini recites Nietzsche. Both actors are premiering at Avignon’s Festival. When they leave backstage to stand out on stage, they are completely transformed. As everything seems utterly natural, audience does not imagine what happened before. By following their daily lives during the weeks preceding the premieres, Benoît Jacquot brings a singular perspective of the two actors and shows them like we’ve never seen before.
Director of Photography
Fatima-Zahra and her teenage son Selim move from place to place, forever trying to outrun the latest scandal she’s caught up in. When Selim discovers the truth about their past, Fatima-Zahra vows to make a fresh start. In Tangier, new opportunities promise the legitimacy they each crave but not without pushing the volatile mother-son relationship to the breaking point.
Director of Photography
Стендап-комик теряет свою жену, оперную певицу, и остается с двухлетней дочерью, у которой обнаруживается необычный дар.
Director of Photography
The first homosexual love story themed movie to receive approval for theatrical release in China. The film follows the initial meeting of, and the subsequent secret relationship between Zhao Jie and Rohmer. They decide to travel to Tibet together. During their travels they are involved in an incident which leads to the death of a child. Although they are not responsible, they feel a lot of guilt. They quarrel about it and end up going separate ways. Later Zhao Jie learns that Rohmer has been in an accident on a glacier and, torn with remorse for not having helped him enough after the earlier incident, Zhao Jie goes to find him.
Director of Photography
1915 год. Ферма Паридье. Заботы ушедших на фронт мужчин падают на хрупкие женскике плечи. Работая на поле без продыху, девушки живут лишь мыслью о возвращении своих мужей. В этот тяжелый период хозяйка фермы мадам Ортанс нанимает себе сироту Франсин, которая даже не догадывается о том, что эта работа подарит ей не только семью, но и перевернёт ее жизнь.
Director of Photography
Napalm is the story of the breathtaking and brief encounter, in 1958, between a French member of the first Western European delegation officially invited to North Korea after the devastating Korean war and a nurse working for the Korean Red Cross hospital, in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Director of Photography
Польша, зима 1945 года. Французский Красный крест занимается репатриацией своих граждан, уцелевших в фашистских концлагерях, и временно размещает их в больнице. Среди медиков работает молоденькая Матильда Больё. Однажды в больницу приезжает монахиня из близлежащего монастыря и на ломаном французском умоляет о помощи умирающей. Как оказалось, надо принять роды у одной из монахинь. Настоятельница монастыря хочет любой ценой сохранить тайну, чтобы избежать скандала. Встреченная с недоверием, Матильда вступает в неизвестный ей мир и близко знакомится с сестрой Марией. Вместе они открывают ужасающую правду, скрытую за стенами монастыря…
Director of Photography
A meeting between two friends: the cinematographer Caroline Champetier shoots a documentary about cinematographer Bruno Nuytten, making a film about his gesture and the relation between film art and craftwork.
A meeting between two friends: the cinematographer Caroline Champetier shoots a documentary about cinematographer Bruno Nuytten, making a film about his gesture and the relation between film art and craftwork.
Art Direction
Elisa, on a verge of divorce, leaves Paris with her son Noe to settle in her hometown of Dunkerque to find the biological mother who gave her up for adoption 30 years before.
Director of Photography
Elisa, on a verge of divorce, leaves Paris with her son Noe to settle in her hometown of Dunkerque to find the biological mother who gave her up for adoption 30 years before.
Director of Photography
The lives and turbulent adventures of a bunch of fourteen-year-old teenagers, through the eyes of three young girls - Sarah, Jade and Louise - with one last year to go before high school.
Director of Photography
Fed up with his status as gallery poster boy, Rodin’s “The Thinker” airs his grievances to his partner...
The image of a mysterious, solitary filmmaker - a cineaste maudit - who flees from both the media and the public, is unrelentingly bound to the figure of Leos Carax, in France. Elsewhere, the real focus is on his films and he is considered to be an icon of world cinema. Mr.X dives into the poetic and visionary world of an artist who was already a cult figure from his very first film. Punctuated by interviews and unseen footage, this documentary is most of all a fine-tuned exploration of the poetic and visionary world of Leos Carax, alias "Mr.X".
Director of Photography
1975 год. Клод Ланцманн снимает в Риме фильм о Беньямине Мурмельштейне, последнем председателе Еврейского Совета гетто Терезиенштадт, единственном «еврейском старейшине», не погибшем на войне. После аннексии Австрии Германией в 1938 г. Мурмельштейн, бывший венский раввин, неделю за неделей, в течение семи лет ведет борьбу с Эйхманом. Ему удалось добиться разрешения на отъезд 121 000 евреев и избежать ликвидации гетто. В 2012 г. 87-летний Клод Ланцманн не прячет признаков разрушительного действия времени на людей и остается верен своей теме, вновь возвращаясь к римским беседам. Картина повествует о Терезиенштадте — городе, «подаренном Гитлером евреям», насквозь фальшивом «образцовом гетто», выбранном Адольфом Эйхманом для предъявления мировой общественности.
A making-of documentary of Leos Carax's Holy Motors. Present during the shoot, Salomé catches exacting and inspiring moments of the production and adds interviews with its main participants (the actors Denis Lavant, Edith Scob, and Kylie Minogue, and the cinematographer, Caroline Champetier).
Director of Photography
At 25, Berthe dreams of making a living from her painting, never to marry, and to always stay with her sister Edma. Her parents do not see things from the same angle. Then Berthe meets Edouard Manet, who takes an interest in this young artist apprentice whose face inspires him.
At 25, Berthe dreams of making a living from her painting, never to marry, and to always stay with her sister Edma. Her parents do not see things from the same angle. Then Berthe meets Edouard Manet, who takes an interest in this young artist apprentice whose face inspires him.
Director of Photography
HANNAH ARENDT is a portrait of the genius that shook the world with her discovery of “the banality of evil.” After she attends the Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Arendt dares to write about the Holocaust in terms no one has ever heard before. Her work instantly provokes a furious scandal, and Arendt stands strong as she is attacked by friends and foes alike. But as the German-Jewish émigré also struggles to suppress her own painful associations with the past, the film exposes her beguiling blend of arrogance and vulnerability — revealing a soul defined and derailed by exile.
Director of Photography
Неведомое существо перемещается из жизни в жизнь. Обретает форму то мужчины, то женщины, то юноши, то умирающего старика. Он может оказаться нищим или сказочным богачом, плутом или достойным семьянином. Героя фильма будет кидать по чужим жизням, он будет обнимать чужих жен и детей, убивать чужих врагов. Однако, сам он смертельно одинок. Где его дом, его близкие, что он такое на самом деле?
Director of Photography
An omnibus of 42 short films by auteur directors based on Dreams.
Director of Photography
Монастырь, расположенный в алжирских горах, 1990-е гг. Восемь французских монахов-христиан живут в мире и согласии со своими мусульманскими братьями. Но постепенно в регионе распространяется насилие и террор. Несмотря на растущую опасность, монахи хотят остаться в обители, чего бы им это ни стоило, и их решимость крепнет день ото дня…
Director of Photography
One year after the death of his father, a young boy makes the journey to province to meet his grandparents who he does not know, to try to convince them to give him his father's ashes. With his father's friend, he looks for the right place to release his father by scattering his ashes.
Director of Photography
A powerful new film about Jan Karski, the Polish resistance figure who attempted to expose the Warsaw Ghetto and Belzec, and met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter.
Director of Photography
Léos Carax’s 42 second short piece for the collective film OneDreamRush, a tale of voyeurism about man and his neighbor: a sensual and mysterious blind woman.
Director of Photography
Ann leaves Thomas and everything else behind when she catches him kissing another woman. With her music and help from Georges, she begins a journey to find herself.
Somewhere between a diary and a filmed letter made while Caroline Champetier was shooting Benoît Jacquot's film L'Intouchable in India.
Director of Photography
A young woman leaves her job and lover in Japan to start a new life in Thailand.
Director of Photography
Три совершенно разные истории, общее у которых лишь одно: место действия — мегаполис Токио. Первая «Дизайн интерьера» повествует о молодых людях, приехавших покорять столицу Японии. Акира мечтает стать выдающимся кинематографистом, а его девушка Хироко ищет свое жизненное предназначение и находит его неожиданно фантастическим образом. Вторая «Дерьмо» о «существе из канализации», безумном получеловеке-полузвере, пожирающем исключительно цветы и деньги и терроризирующем весь город. И последняя «Сотрясающийся Токио» о парне Теруюку. Он хикикомори. Так в Японии называют молодых людей, стремящихся к изоляции от внешнего мира, ведущих затворнической образ жизни. Все меняется, когда в дверь Теруюку стучится любовь в образе симпатичной разносчицы пиццы...
Director of Photography
Leo Zimmermann, a business man from Paris dotes on his daughter. He proposes a strange offer to his killer when he is in town to execute Zimmermann.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Television documentary about the making of Roman Polanski's 1979 film "Tess."
Director of Photography
Arnaud Desplechin documents the selling of his family home.
Director of Photography
During the time it takes for their vehicle to go through the car wash, a couple stands outside, exchanging some apparently harmless dialogue. Once the car is through the wash, we see them get back into the car, where their daughter had remained, and leave. We then understand that they will seperate.
Art Direction
A French couple has been living in Lisbon for years, and they return to Paris for a friend's wedding. They announce to another friend they are having dinner with that they are going to split.
Director of Photography
A French couple has been living in Lisbon for years, and they return to Paris for a friend's wedding. They announce to another friend they are having dinner with that they are going to split.
Femme dans le train
A rookie policeman from provincial Le Havre volunteers for the high pressure Parisian homicide bureau and is assigned to a middle-aged woman detective.
Director of Photography
A rookie policeman from provincial Le Havre volunteers for the high pressure Parisian homicide bureau and is assigned to a middle-aged woman detective.
Director of Photography
The day begins. Louis, 25, takes a cab to Roissy airport to welcome Lacey, who's arriving from New York.
Director of Photography
A girl from bourgeoisie discovers the pleasures of banditism, following her lover in his lifestyle.
Camera Operator
Вопрос «Чего хотят женщины?» в той или иной степени заботит каждого мужчину на Земле. В своё время найти на него ответ пытался и доктор Фрэйд. В качестве «пациентки» была выбрана Мария Бонапарт, принцесса Греции и Дании, наследница Наполеона. Однако вскоре началась Вторая мировая война. Гонения на евреев не обошли стороной и известного психолога. Пытаясь помочь Фрэйду покинуть Европу, Мария попадает под пристальное наблюдение Гестапо. С этого момента началась новая жизнь Марии - жизнь между страхом и надеждой…
Director of Photography
It is the story of a prohibited and perverted identification: how an eight-year-old boy, entrusted to the care of his mother since the separation of the parents, meets and looks at his father, all day long.
Director of Photography
In Paris, in 1943, Jules, a 19-year-old Jew, lived without an ideal, tossed about by circumstances. He becomes in turn a traitor then a hero. Thomas, his fifteen-year-old brother, wants to act and fight in resistance.
An autobiographical docudrama about an attempt to remake Alain Resnais' 1959 film Hiroshima Mon Amour.
Director of Photography
An autobiographical docudrama about an attempt to remake Alain Resnais' 1959 film Hiroshima Mon Amour.
Director of Photography
Cet Amour-là is an intimate portrait of a legendary love affair. Set against the beauty of the Breton seaside, it is also a film that revels in the insights that Marguerite Duras' writing affords.
Director of Photography
In Paris, where he wields his money scams, Alex has an unexpected encounter with two girls: Fred, who’s nothing to do with his world and who he falls for straight away, and Sylvia – sweet, but lonely, Sylvia. To test Alex, Fred devises a curious game of seduction. Like a character out of a Marivaux play, she toys with setting up delightful obstacles necessary to Love’s flourishing: Sylvia must seduce Alex, and Alex, must in turn, truly desire Sylvia. But Fred gets caught in her own trap. She falls head over heels in love with Alex. However, he no longer knows who to choose, all the more so now that Sylvia is falling in love with him, too. During an eventful night of confusion and intrigue, crazy laughter and tears, our threesome come to realize that what really draws them together is an emotional bond: true love.
Director of Photography
A Claude Lanzmann documentary about one uprising by Jews in a Nazi-run concentration camp taken from his Shoah interviews.
Director of Photography
Matthieu and Eric are two brothers who work at the same factory as their father in Normandy. When his father is dismissed for smoking on the factory floor, Matthieu is incensed and tries to have him reinstated, in vain. His brother has just got married and, with a child and mortgage on the way, is reluctant to stir up trouble...
Director of Photography
A housewife's affair with a younger man goes nowhere.
Director of Photography
Поздним вечером Доминик зашла в бар, посмотрела на юношу за стойкой, и все остальное потеряло для нее значение. Более разных людей найти было бы невозможно: она — состоятельная дама с успешным бизнесом, он — бисексуал, подрабатывающий проституцией, без гроша в кармане, с темным прошлым. Она поселила его в своей роскошной квартире, возила за границу и пыталась приручить. Он уходил, но возвращался, рвался на свободу и клялся в любви. Но однажды объявил, что собирается жениться — на юной девушке…
Director of Photography
Мартен - парень двадцати лет, который после смерти отца сбегает из дома и заявляется у своего сводного брата. Последний снимает квартиру на двоих с Алисой, но между ними нет отношений, так как брат - гей. У Мартена и Алисы завязываются отношения, которым мешает какая-то тайна из прошлого, которую скрывает Мартен.
Director of Photography
A bored couple takes in a young man who turns their lives inside out.
Director of Photography
After losing her mother in a car accident that leaves her with a broken arm, 4-year-old Ponette struggles with anguish and fear. Left by her father with a caring aunt and her children, Ponette grieves, secretly hoping her mother will somehow come back. Confused by the religious explanations provided by adults, and challenged by the cruel taunts of a few children at school, little Ponette must make her way through her emotional turmoil.
Director of Photography
Benoit has planned out his life. Unfortunately he has forgotten the military duty. After he is called to duty he tries everything to get around. He goes to a psychiatrist who gives him medicine against depression. As this doesn't work out he tries suicide. The story gets even worse as he is told by a military doctor that he is HIV positive. Benoit tumbles down into the drug scene. Then he goes to Italy and meets Claudia. Things seem to improve, but only for a short time...
Director of Photography
Alice, fired from her job on an assembly line, leaves her boyfriend and provincial home for an uncertain new life in Lyon. There she encounters Bruno, a construction worker who's just been dumped and is severely depressed. Romantic possibilities ensue.
Director of Photography
Одиночество. Как к нему приходят, как оно приходит, как сбежать от него? Это те вопросы, которые волнуют каждого из нас в определенное время. Простыми мазками режиссер Бенуа Жако создает сложную, запутанную и насыщенную картину одиночества. У каждого оно своё. Главная героиня в исполнении звезды французского кино Вирджини Ледуайен сама создает своё одиночество и сама справляется с ним. Может, это поможет кому-то из нас?
Director of Photography
Абрахам Климт приезжает в небольшую швейцарскую деревню для расследования инцидента, произошедшего с местной парой Рэйчел и Симоном Доннадье. Он беседует с несколькими горожанами и перед ним разворачивается история Рэйчел и Симона. Господь Бог приходит на землю со своим помощником. Он хочет познать, что это такое - любовь к женщине и принимает облик Симона Доннадье.
Director of Photography
This series, assembled in a film, presents the singular view of contemporary artists on major works of art history. The words of these free spirits make each work see each work as a dynamic form, in the process of becoming, crossed by multiple energies. The artists' voice-over narration frees the creative possibilities of the image - sound and image playing with each other, animated by the same spring: what is seeing?
Director of Photography
A famous French filmmaker is hired by a major Hollywood producer to make a documentary on the state of post-Cold War Russia. The filmmaker, though, subverts the project by stubbornly remaining in France and casting himself as the title character of Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot," offering up a series of typically Godardian musings on art, politics, the nature of images and the future of cinema.
Director of Photography
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
Director of Photography
During the Crusades, Vercors betroths his beautiful daughter Violaine to Jacques. She cannot marry Jacques because she has contracted leprosy, so Jacques marries her younger sister Mara. Jacques and Mara's first child dies soon after its birth, and Mara begs Violaine to return from seclusion to restore the child to life.
Director of Photography
For those who were young, living under the delusions of love and soft drugs in Paris, May 1968 - even if the guitar is still playing, they can't hear it any longer.
Director of Photography
Семнадцатилетняя Бет живёт в Париже с восьмилетним братом и больной матерью, которая не выходит из дома. Парень Бет неожиданно предлагает девушке переспать с другим мужчиной — самым гадким, какого она сможет найти. Бет убегает от него и твёрдо намерена отомстить. Она бродит по городу и встречает разных людей. Периодически к ним домой заходит старый знакомый её матери, который иногда помогает им финансово. Кажется, он положил глаз и на Бет…
Director of Photography
15-летняя Жюльетт - трудный подросток. У нее есть друг-ровесник Тома, с которым она поддерживает платонические отношения. Вилли, отец Тома, увозит обоих подростков на каникулах на великолепную виллу на Ибице, находящуюся на диком берегу. Играя, Жюльетт решает соблазнить Вилли. Отец Тома оказывается между своей любовью к сыну и своей страстью к Жюльетт...
Director of Photography
История о взаимной связи мира театра и повседневной жизни. Студентки Анна, Джойс, Клод и Люси учатся на курсах театрального мастерства под руководством Констанс Дюма. Девушки поселились в небольшом доме в пригороде Парижа, а вскоре на одну из них совершается нападение. Ей на помощь приходит незнакомый мужчина, которому есть что найти и забрать в доме у девушек.
Director of Photography
Godard blends elements of literature, cinema and other artistic medias from different historical periods in order to make a stance on how words can be subverted and manipulated to many different contexts, sometimes bearing a similar significance to the original material or even creating an alternate context.
Director of Photography
Фильм, состоящий из нескольких скетчей, в которых актеры играют настоящих или вымышленных персонажей на фоне рок-музыки. Среди них - музыканты группы «Les Rita Mitsouko», работающие над созданием альбома, экипаж и пассажиры самолёта, среди которых сам Годар в лице князя-идиота и Индивид, ищущий контакта с людьми.
Director of Photography
In 1986, the director and producer Don Boyd approached ten of the world’s greatest directors and invited them to make a short film set to an operatic aria of their choice. Together, their contributions formed the movie 'Aria'. Here, the legendary French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard, director of 'Breathless' and 'Pierrot Le Fou', brings his own unique interpretaton to Jean-Baptiste Lully's opera 'Armide'
Director of Photography
Десять режиссеров. Десять арий. Десять фильмов. Удивительно чувственный эксперимент.
Director of Photography
Абсурдно жестокая и минималистская экспертиза отчаянных поисков финансовой поддержки со стороны двух небольших кинематографистов фильма «Взлет и Падение» заведомо самоссылающийся, грустный, и соответственно достаточно, выстрел фильма на мизерный бюджет в 16 мм. По мотивам романа Джеймса Хэдли Чейза со сценарием Жан-Люка Годара. Режиссёр Гаспар Базен, планирующий новый фильм, находится в мучительных поисках финансирования. И хотя он обратился за помощью к известному продюсеру, оказывается, что деньги получить не так уж и просто. Ситуацию осложняет жена режиссёра - Эвридика, мечтающая стать кинозвездой. Режиссёр и продюсер вступают в опасную игру «угоди женщине».
Абсурдно жестокая и минималистская экспертиза отчаянных поисков финансовой поддержки со стороны двух небольших кинематографистов фильма «Взлет и Падение» заведомо самоссылающийся, грустный, и соответственно достаточно, выстрел фильма на мизерный бюджет в 16 мм. По мотивам романа Джеймса Хэдли Чейза со сценарием Жан-Люка Годара. Режиссёр Гаспар Базен, планирующий новый фильм, находится в мучительных поисках финансирования. И хотя он обратился за помощью к известному продюсеру, оказывается, что деньги получить не так уж и просто. Ситуацию осложняет жена режиссёра - Эвридика, мечтающая стать кинозвездой. Режиссёр и продюсер вступают в опасную игру «угоди женщине».
Director of Photography
Anne-Marie Miéville, frequent collaborator of Jean-Luc Godard, made this partner piece to Godard's own 'Je vous salue, Marie'. Marie, eleven years old, is experiencing difficult times. Her parents will separate. The perception of her universe is profoundly disturbed. This exacting portrait of a child immersed in her books, music and dancing casts a dispassionate yet touching eye on the girl's reaction to the new upheaval in her life.
Director of Photography
A young man, recently arrived in New York from Europe, becomes swept up in a series of events that are beyond his knowledge or control.
Director of Photography
Following over two dozen different people in the almost wordless atmosphere of a dark night in a Brussels town, Akerman examines acceptance and rejection in the realm of romance.
Director of Photography
Две женщины, Мари и Батист, кружат странными траекториями в Париже, попадают в странные ситуации, живут внутри какой-то тревожной атмосферы – вязкой, холодной, параноидальной.
Director of Photography
Inspired by a letter by Friedrich Engels and a 1974 account of two militant Marxist writers who had been imprisoned by the Nasser regime, Straub-Huillet filmed this film in France and Egypt during 1980. They reflect on Egypt’s history of peasant struggle and liberation from Western colonization, and link it to class tensions in France shortly before the Revolution of 1789, quoting texts by Engels as well as the pioneering nonfiction film Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory (1895).
Camera Operator
Бернар Кудре — образцовый семьянин, проживающий в пригороде Гренобля с любящей красавицей-женой и малолетним сынишкой. Их упорядоченная провинциальная жизнь течет своим чередом, пока в один роковой день в дом по соседству не въезжают Филипп и Матильда Бошары. В последней Бернар узнает женщину, с которой семь лет назад пережил бурный роман. Встретившись снова, былые любовники оказываются на краю пропасти из собственных чувств и борются с искушением пустить под откос жизни свои и своих близких…
Director of Photography
A short film that can act as a companion piece to Le Pont du Nord.
Director of Photography
Evidence by Caroline Champetier, a director who skilfully illuminates the great filmmakers (Jacques Rivette’s La bande des quatre , Philippe Garrel’s J’entends plus la guitare , Jean-Luc Godard’s Soigne ta droite, and Leos Carax’s Holy Motors ), directs and highlights in a sequence shot, in sumptuous black and white, a pregnant woman in the prosaic ritual of bathing. This "ingenious photographer", according to Agnès Varda, films the obviousness of the body, of gestures and lingers on the little things to take hold of a whole, as in the false triviality of Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Chantal Akerman with whom she also collaborates in Toute une nuit.
Evidence by Caroline Champetier, a director who skilfully illuminates the great filmmakers (Jacques Rivette’s La bande des quatre , Philippe Garrel’s J’entends plus la guitare , Jean-Luc Godard’s Soigne ta droite, and Leos Carax’s Holy Motors ), directs and highlights in a sequence shot, in sumptuous black and white, a pregnant woman in the prosaic ritual of bathing. This "ingenious photographer", according to Agnès Varda, films the obviousness of the body, of gestures and lingers on the little things to take hold of a whole, as in the false triviality of Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Chantal Akerman with whom she also collaborates in Toute une nuit.
Evidence by Caroline Champetier, a director who skilfully illuminates the great filmmakers (Jacques Rivette’s La bande des quatre , Philippe Garrel’s J’entends plus la guitare , Jean-Luc Godard’s Soigne ta droite, and Leos Carax’s Holy Motors ), directs and highlights in a sequence shot, in sumptuous black and white, a pregnant woman in the prosaic ritual of bathing. This "ingenious photographer", according to Agnès Varda, films the obviousness of the body, of gestures and lingers on the little things to take hold of a whole, as in the false triviality of Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Chantal Akerman with whom she also collaborates in Toute une nuit.
Evidence by Caroline Champetier, a director who skilfully illuminates the great filmmakers (Jacques Rivette’s La bande des quatre , Philippe Garrel’s J’entends plus la guitare , Jean-Luc Godard’s Soigne ta droite, and Leos Carax’s Holy Motors ), directs and highlights in a sequence shot, in sumptuous black and white, a pregnant woman in the prosaic ritual of bathing. This "ingenious photographer", according to Agnès Varda, films the obviousness of the body, of gestures and lingers on the little things to take hold of a whole, as in the false triviality of Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Chantal Akerman with whom she also collaborates in Toute une nuit.
François Villon
A poll for an advertising agency during a working day resulting in a series of meetings with women and men from different social strata, each one of them with a different problem.