René Deltgen

René Deltgen

Рождение : 1909-04-30, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Смерть : 1979-01-29


René Deltgen


Wo die Liebe hinfällt
Black and White Like Day and Night
A scientist who swore off playing chess after a nervous breakdown as a boy wunderkind, creates an undefeated chess program. But the Russian world champ beats Tommy Rosemund's masterwork in a televised match. So the West German mathematician becomes a top chess pro himself, which the West German media boast will prove the superiority of Germany and democracy. The jowly, white-faced Rosemund believes that the entire Red Communist bloc is out to stop him from vanquishing their atheist pretty boy, Stefan Koruga, to become the next Bobby Fischer and a symbol that capitalism is preferable to socialism.
Ein Tisch zu viert
Scrounged Meals
Die Affäre Lerouge
Die Herausforderung
Paul Sander
Trotski in Coyoacan
Leo Trotzki
Mein Onkel Benjamin
Dr. Minxit
Die Auferstehung des Stefan Stefanow
Ljubomir Jordanow, ihr Freund
Professor Marbach
Nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit
Onkel Franz
An elderly lady has a trauma and simply must celebrate Christmas every day of the year, to the dismay of her family and relatives.
Dem Himmel näher
Herbert Sims
Slap in the Face
Wan Tan
Dressed only with a muff, Eva - naked as God created her - reaches the conference room of the big bank to expose Terbanks' capitalists and bankers and to protest against capitalism and exploitation. But the naked woman from the "Red October" community slapped the wrong man and pursued tangible own interests in the form of inherited shares ...
The Doctor Speaks Out
Dr. Diener
A serious Swiss melodrama/documentary about abortion, marketed as a sexy exploitation movie in the US. The film contains real medical footage.
Die eigenen vier Wände
Dr. Martin Bernhard
Alle meine Söhne
Joe Keller
Again the Ringer
Arthur Milton
Arthur Milton aka Der Hexer (The Magician/Ringer) must return to London after his calling card was left at the scene of a murder he did not commit.
Der Sündenbock
Golden Goddess of Rio Beni
An aviator of a commercial line disappears in the Brazilian jungle. Two friends organize an expedition to find him. As if there were not enough dangers in the Amazon, three members of the expedition have another goal: to steal a golden goddess.
The Ringer
Henry Arthur 'Der Hexer' Milton
The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's killers, and plans to set a trap to finally capture him. However, soon bodies start piling up, and it looks as if The Hexer may get away yet again.
Roy Durkin
Die blonde Frau des Maharadscha
Golden Boy
Tom Moody
Ein verdienter Staatsmann
Frederico Gomez
Schau heimwärts, Engel
Oliver Gant
Die Friedhöfe
Franciszek Kowalski
Journey to the Lost City
Prince Ramigani
An exotic dancing girl of India inflames the passions of a traveling draftsman.
Индийская гробница
Fürst Ramigani
После бури Ситху и Бергера - без сознания, но живых - находит и подбирает караван торговцев. Некий крестьянин, повинуясь священному долгу гостеприимства, дает им приют, несмотря на ужасные кары, которыми Чандра стращает всякого, кто окажет помощь беглецам. И все же один человек выдает их, позарившись на обещанную награду. Ситха и Бергер бегут в горы и прячутся в пещере. Ситха молится богине Шиве, и в это момент паук начинает плести паутину у входа в пещеру. Увидев паутину, преследователи решают, что в пещеру заглядывать бесполезно. Но чуть позже, когда Ситха выходит за водой, Бергер прикасается к плоду, который танцовщица преподнесла в жертву богине, и в тот же миг Ситха попадает в руки преследователей. Сражаясь с одним, Бергер срывается в пропасть.
Бенгальский тигр
Fürst Ramigani
Западный архитектор Гарольд Бергер, приглашенный в Индию Чандрой, бенгальским махараджей, влюбляется в прекрасную танцовщицу Ситу, несмотря на то что она уже обещана махарадже. Их предательство вызывает гнев мстительного Чандры, который ведет борьбу за власть со своим братом-интриганом. Влюбленным приходится спасаться бегством в пустыне...
Königin Luise
The House of Intrigue
A radio operator for the British Army is captured in a Nazi-occupied Dutch city.
Ohne Dich wird es Nacht
Charly Justin
Hotel Adlon
Special Delivery
Complications ensue when a U.S. diplomat discovers that he has a baby on his hands and an undercover gal in his arms.
Phantom of the Big Tent
Alfredo Capelli
Mr. Rossi and Mr. Capelli, co-owners of a successful traveling circus, have a rivalry over the affections of the lovely Dolores. That's all settled after Rossi is mauled to death by a lion. Years later a series of accidents, attacks and mysterious deaths plague the circus.
Little Friends
Eduard Fabricius
At the age of three, little Wolfgang has lost his parents. Since then his uncle Eduard raises the boy. As a former concertmaster Eduard has recognized how gifted his nephew is and the boy learns the hard way. The 6-year-old must practice daily 6 hours at the piano and already impresses at famous music parties. When Eduard Fabricius breaks a leg after a concert in Lucerne and must go to the hospital, he can be persuaded by a pediatrician to grant some carefree vacation weeks in a manor for Wolfgang. The manor belongs to the young widow Elisabeth who soon grows very fond of the little boy. Wolfgang makes friends with 11-year-old Heidi and Jöggi, a boy his age who first saw a rival in him...
Der letzte Sommer
Gawan Massi
The House on the Coast
The story takes place in a town on Adriatic coast. Mother wants to marry her daughter to a wealthy doctor, but her plan proves to be challenging as they're both seduced by a handsome smuggler.
Der Mann meines Lebens
Nils Ascan
Circus Girl
A circus story
Stars Over Colombo
No Way Back
Major Kazanow
A Russian army officer is haunted by the memory of a girl he met during the war.
Tobias Knopp, Adventure of a Bachelor
Förster Knarrtje (voice)
The wealthy man Tobias Knopp becomes ever more lonely and quirky over the years. He had let himself go, his girth increased significantly, and his hair fell out. Over that, he waited too long for the right woman and stayed a bachelor involuntarily. But now, he wants to try again one more time and wants to get married after all. But first of all, the right woman for this has to be found, and thus Knopp embarks on a journey to look for a wife all through the German lands. During that, he visits his friends who are already married for a long time and gets all kinds of advice from them on how to get to know a woman and to conquer her heart. On his journey, Knopp then learns much about the different facets of married life. After countless adventures, he, however, doesn’t find an adequate partner and returns home frustrated. But perhaps, his housekeeper might be able to help out?
Under the Thousand Lanterns
Kommissar Dr. Hennings
This German drama tells the story of a musician who is killed and leaves his work unfinished. His apprentice is cleared of the murder and turns out to be the real composer.
Dr. med. Steininger
Desires (German: Das Letzte Rezept) is a 1952 German drama film directed by Rolf Hansen. It was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
Robert Torreani
Eyes of Love
Günther Imhoff
Export in Blond
Frank Olman
The good-looking blond Iris is kidnapped by a gang of traffickers and shipped to Rio De Janeiro. There she is expected to fetch top prize from potential buyers of young women.
Stefan Gorgas
Kurt Tromba, Tigerdompteur
Amazon Quest
Thomas Dekker Sr. (edited from: Kautschuk) (archive footage) (uncredited)
Thomas Dekker is a diamond cutter attempting to reclaim his right to a portion of a rubber empire in the early part of the twentieth century. Tom travels to Brazil to uncover the fate of his father and along the way meets Teresa, a local girl who offers to be his guide in the jungle. Eventually, they encounter three armed men who take them to Lobato, a bandit who knew his father. Once convinced that Tom is his friend's son, Lobato tells him a lengthy story which culminates with his meeting Tom's father, who rescued him from drowning. With the help of "flashbacks" from an obscure South American feature, Tom learns what really became of his father.
The Mozart Story
Ludwig van Beethoven
Der stumme Gast
Matthias Radscheck
Whodunit centered around a hostel.
Wir beide liebten Katharina
Das Hochzeitshotel
Viktor Hoffmann, Pressephotograph
Dr. Thomas
When the Young Wine Blossoms
Kapitän Tonning
An interfering mother plans husbands for her three daughters as they come of marriageable age. However she pays no attention to her daughters own feeling until the eventual intervention of her husband manages to bring things to a happy conclusion.
Zirkus Renz
Ernst Jakob Renz
A circus film made as a deliberately escapist release at a time when the Second World War was starting to turn against Germany and its allies.
Моцарт. Кого любят боги
Ludwig van Beethoven
Биографический фильм о Вольфганге Амадее Моцарте с элементами художественного вымысла. Жизнь Моцарта показана сквозь призму его трагической любви к оперной певице Алоизии Вебер. Отвергнутый Алоизией, Моцарт женится на ее сестре Констанце. Но в конце встречает и вновь любит Алоизию.
Doctor Crippen
Oberinspektor Düwell
Dr. Paul Meinhardt
Anschlag auf Baku
Captain Percy Forbes, brit. Chefagent
The Big Game
Mittelstürmer Werner Fehling
A player on a soccer team, where everyone matches together just perfectly, has fallen out of a championship tournament due to illness; which leads to a big problem: who would be the perfect man to replace him? Werner Fehling appears to be the perfect replacement for the sick man. The problem is, he's a bitter rival of the goalkeeper, Jupp Jaeger. Both men love the same girl, Grete Gabler. Grete is the daughter of a senior member of the sports club, which is why she feels doubly under pressure not to do anything to jeopardize the success of the team.
Das leichte Mädchen
Student Brutus
Dietz' relatives are horrified to discover that Dietz, the son of a wealthy merchant, is planning to marry an actress, who is known to appear in rather daring roles. Dietz finds a way to escape from a gathering over coffee, during which he's supposed to be introduced to "decent ladies". After all, his great love is waiting for him somewhere else.
Spähtrupp Hallgarten
Hannes Hallgarten
Two German soldiers in the Norwegian Campaign.
Моя жизнь за Ирландию
Robert Devoy
В 1903 году ирландский националист Майкл О’Брайен был захвачен в Дублине за нападение на британских полицейских и приговорён к смертной казни. Пока он находился в тюрьме, его беременная невеста Мэйв посещала его и однажды они тайно поженились. После этого Майкл вручил ей серебряный крест, который достойны носить лишь лучшие борцы за свободу. На кресте были выгравированы слова «Моя жизнь за Ирландию». Восемнадцать лет спустя, в 1921 году, его сын Майкл мл. доучился до выпускных экзаменов в специальном колледже, где ирландских детей ассимилируют в английское общество, боясь, что те пойдут по стопам отцов и также будут бороться за независимость. Но получится ли у них изменить Майкла?
Воздушные акробаты
Alfredo Codona
Этот фильм основан на реальной истории творческой группы Drei Codonas и рассказывает о необыкновенной жизни этих трёх цирковых артистов начала 20-го века. От похвалы их работы в первые годы до их трагического конца. Альфредо Кодона женился на акробатке Лилиан и теряет её, когда она попадает в аварию со смертельным исходом во время шоу в Копенгагене. Он снова женится, на этот раз на его партнерше Вере.
Achtung! Feind hört mit!
Karl Ludwig Faerber
This is the war and everybody in Germany should beware : the enemy is listening. One family in particular had better be even more careful than the average citizen of the Reich : the Kettwigs. Indeed they own an armament factory and their engineers, technicians, workers and of course themselves belong to a highly sensitive sector. They are under the constant scrutiny of those who want to get hold of the secret weapons devised in the plant, notably of a wire which, when attached to a balloon, may become the most effective anti-aircraft ever. For sure, they should distrust everybody. Isn't Nolte, the waiter, an enemy agent? Should young Bernd Kettwig allow himself to be seduced by this pretty woman ? As for Bernd's secretary, is she right when she lets this handsome man woo her?
Brand im Ozean
Tom Finberg
Tom Finberg and Nick Dorland, two highly competent divers working for the Caribbian Oil Company, have been the best friends in the world since the day they met. But this wonderful friendship is endangered by their falling in love with the same young woman, Juana, the young owner of a hacienda. Worse, following a misunderstanding, generated by the belle's scheming uncle, Pedro de Alvarado, the two men fall out with each other. But when Tom is trapped under the surface of the burning ocean, Nick finally comes to his rescue.
Gaston Thibault
Zwölf Minuten nach zwölf
Niels Terström
Der grüne Kaiser
Jan Karsten
Henry Wickham
Англичанин Генри Викхам отправляется в Бразилию за семенами каучуковых деревьев — у этой страны монополия на производство каучука, и больше нигде в мире каучуковые деревья не произрастают. Контрабанда же каучуковых семян карается смертной казнью…
Olaf Hansen
Schwarzfahrt ins Glück
Werkstatter Rudi Winkler
Geheimzeichen LB 17
Robby Glawar
It is purely coincidental that an assassination attempt against the Minister of Defense is thwarted. The attempt on his life was made by a group of anarchists. There's an investigation of the clues, which will doubtless lead to the perpetrators; but the investigating commissioner has to proceed carefully, for it is likely there is a traitor in his ranks.
Ab Mitternacht
Отпуск на честное слово
Grenadier Emil Sasse
Германия, осень 1918 года. Первая мировая война подходит к концу, но все немецкие силы все еще находятся в состоянии мобилизации. Перед молодым и неопытным лейтенантом Преториусом стоит трудная задача - привести запасной полк в Бранденбург. Боевой дух мужчин низок, так как на этот раз им было отказано в обычном отпуске домой. Когда транспорт добрался до Берлина, настроение солдат улучшилось. Почти все они берлинцы и надеются провести несколько свободных часов в родном городе. Преториус игнорирует предупреждения своего начальства и дает своим людям выходной на несколько часов. Они проводят его в очень разных кругах, сопротивляясь искушению дезертировать. Национал-социалистический пропагандистский фильм о «солдатских добродетелях».
Starke Herzen im Sturm
Unter heißem Himmel
Ivamoura, Youki's brother
Действие происходит в 1904 году, в разгар Русско-японской войны, в русском городе Порт-Артуре. Юки — наполовину русская и наполовину японка, что ставит её в довольно затруднительное положение.
Savoy-Hotel 217
Sergei Gavrilovitch Schuvalov
One Too Many on Board
I. Offizier Rohlfs
During a journey of the "Ceder", the Captain, von Moltmann, disappears. It looks like an accident, but it could also have been murder. Attorney Dr. Burger and superintendent Störensen discover quickly that two of the crewmen hated the Captain: Chief officer Rohlfs suspects an affair between his fianceé Gerda and von Moltmann. Chief engineer Sparkuhl thinks the Captain has seduced his niece, who later committed suicide. The court decides that the Captain has gone overboard without anyone else's "help", but the rumors don't come to an end.
Joan of Arc
Maillezais, Unterhändler des Königs
France in the 15th Century: The country is marked by the wars with England and internal power struggles. King Charles sees himself powerless against the state. As emerges from the people suddenly a young woman named Johanna, who claimed that the Archangel Gabriel to be appointed, to save France. First of all doubt the king in their words, but he remembers that the people through this "help of God" is gaining new courage. With the slogan "God and the Virgin!" pulls the revivified victorious army into battle against the English-Burgundian alliance. After Johanna King Charles is crowned at Reims, there breaks the plague over the country in. Now Johanna all the blame on the disaster: God would punish believe in the country for that a heretic; if Johanna were actual a holy, she would deal also with the plague. The waning faith weakens France, England is again on the rise. But Johanna is executed as a witch. Only years later annulled the verdict of the Holy and Johanna explained.