Philippe Hersent

Philippe Hersent

Рождение : 1912-06-26, Écommoy, France

Смерть : 1982-12-30


Philippe Hersent


Grossesses Nerveuses
Серебряное седло
Маленький мальчик стал свидетелем убийства своего отца. Проходят года, и вот теперь, он охотник за головами, который внушает бандитам ужас. В один прекрасный день, он узнает всю правду о своем прошлом.
Beauty and the Beast
Prince (segment Zooerastia)
Decameron-style collection of entertaining short stories with such diverse themes as nymphomania, bestiality, and masochism.
A Matter of Time
During a press conference, international star Nina remembers simpler times, flashing back to her days as a maid in a run-down Italian hotel. As a young woman, Nina befriends Contessa Sanziani, an elderly woman who entertains Nina with memories of her vibrant, wealthy life with Count Sanziani. Inspired by her tales of success, young Nina fantasizes about her own adventures and seeks to find the same excitement in her life.
C'è una spia nel mio letto
Последний фильм великого Лукино Висконти, вышедший уже после его смерти и смонтированный его коллегами. Граф Туллио Эрмиль считает себя "человеком без предрассудков", свободным от обязательств, живущим только для своего удовольствия. Ради такой же "женщины без предрассудков" Терезы Раффо он пренебрегает своей кроткой любящей женой Джулианой. Но когда брошенная им жена заводит роман, Тулио не может с этим смириться, и вседозволенность оборачивается против самого Эрмиля, не справившегося со своей "ролью".
A Second Spring
An aging gossip columnist, tired of the social life of the Roman Dolce-vita set, goes to New York with hopes of a literary career. He marries a nurse, but succumbs to his former mistress.
Семейный портрет в интерьере
1970-е годы. В своей роскошной квартире одиноко живет профессор, интеллектуал и ученый, отрешенный и огражденный от реального мира. Но его покой нарушается с появлением маркизы Бьянки Брумонти, которая снимает верхний этаж его палаццо для своего молодого любовника Конрада. Обитателями этой квартиры становятся также дочь маркизы Льетта и ее жених Стефано. Вынужденный примириться с новыми жильцами, профессор начинает новую жизнь, полную беспокойств и волнений.
The Beast
proprietario Autotrasporti Cisa
An experienced truck-driver is forced to become assistant to a young Sicilian driver. The Beast, the truck they drive around Europe, becomes their ground for mutual respect and trust.
The Great Kidnapping
In early seventies Italy, plagued by criminality and political terrorism, a fearless police commissioner is sent to restore law and order in a northern industrial town devastated by a recent wave of violence and kidnappings..
La colonna infame
Guglielmo Migliavacca
Historical drama, based upon the novel by Alessandro Manzoni.
Откровения сексуального маньяка главе криминальной полиции
The Questor
Полицейский инспектор Капуана расследует убийство супруги известного военного, которая была обнаружена обнаженной и выпотрошенной в номере шикарного отеля. Полицейский жалуется своей жене, что везде натыкается на стену молчания в своем расследовании, никто из ближайшего окружения жертвы не хочет ничего рассказывать. Капуана не остается ничего другого, как искать убийцу среди традиционно неблагополучного криминально ориентированного контингента: проституток, мелких преступников, гомосексуалистов, бездомных, хиппи. Но вскоре обнаруживают ещё одну женщину, принадлежащую к высшему классу, которая была жестоко убита на пляже лунной ночью. Она также изменяла своему мужу, о чём свидетельствовали фотографии, оставленные на её трупе...
The Beasts
Scipio the African
console Marcello
Years after the Second Punic War, Scipio Africanus finds himself generally unliked, despite his defeat of Hannibal Barca. He and his brother, Scipio Asiaticus, are accused by Marcus Porcius Cato of the theft of 500 talents intended for Rome.
Tulips of Haarlem
Two teenagers looking for love find each other in this tragic and cruel story of romance, co-dependence and psychological torment. Pierre (Frank Grimes) is the French boy who saves the British girl Sarah (Carole Andre) from suicide. Despondent over a broken affair, Sarah soon becomes fond of Pierre and agrees to stay with him. The twisted girl puts him through a series of humiliations before she intentionally blinds him so he will never leave her.
They Paid with Bullets: Chicago 1929
Big John
Country bumpkin Frank runs into a gangland shooting, driving the victims to the gang's headquarters. He soon earns a place in Erik's mob. Syndicate head Big John wishes to unite the four gangs in Chicago, but Erik defies them, wishing to remain independent. An assassination attempt forces him to reconsider, and his gang isn't impressed with what they take for his cowardice. This is the point that allows the ambitious Frank to muscle in on Erik's mob, and his moll, Lucie. Frank's first move is to hire outside pros, and shoot up a casino of Big John's, challenging the entire syndicate. Erik, meanwhile, harbors feelings of revenge.
Cry of Death
Deputy Norton 'Mezzobraccio' Carradine
A range war between cattlemen and farmers comes to a head with the arrival of a Deputy Marshal and "Mule" a famous gunfighter in the town of Houstonville, Texas.
Hell in Normandy
Prof. Aubernet
The movie is set during World War II in the days just prior to the D-Day invasion. A special parachute unit is sent to destroy a German flame thrower installation on Omaha Beach.
Special Mission Lady Chaplin
Lady Chaplin is a beautiful woman, she is a fashion stylist and she owns an atelier in Paris. Zoltan is a rich American specialized in submarine researches. Dick Malloy is an American secret agent. What have the three in common? Perhaps a sunk American atomic submarine with sixteen missiles still on board? And why every other scene one, two, ten or more men are trying to kill Malloy in every conceivable way?
Лезвие пронзает плоть
Marc de Brantome
Психиатрическая клиника доктора Роберта Ванса расположена в забытом богом уголке Англии. В ее стенах обитает монстр и происходят загадочные убийства женщин. Но связано ли присутствие загадочного чудовища с этими смертями?
Cifrato speciale
From the Orient with Fury
A scientist who has invented a weapon capable of disintegrating solid matter is kidnapped by a criminal gang, which intends to sell the scientist and his weapon to the highest bidder. A secret agent and the scientist's daughter set out to track down the kidnappers and rescue the scientist.
Mission Bloody Mary
Heston - CIA Chief
Agent 077 - Mission Bloody Mary or Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary is a 1965 Italian action spy adventure film. The first of the Secret Agent 077 film series directed by Sergio Grieco.
Giants of Rome
An elite group of soldiers led by the courageous Claudius Marcellus are handpicked by Julius Caesar to embark on a desperate and dangerous suicide mission to destroy the Druids' secret weapon.
Thunder of Battle
Consul Cominius
Coriolanus leads the plebians in a revolt against Roman oppression.
Гладиатор Мессалины
Во время очередной кампании на Британских островах римляне захватили в плен вождя одного из местных племен - Главка. Но сделать из гордого бритта покорного раба оказалось невозможно, Главк постоянно пытался бежать, а оказавшись на гладиаторской арене, быстро завоевал симпатии жестокого императора Калигулы. Но против римского повелителя уже зрел заговор честолюбивой Мессалины, супруги дяди императора, Клавдия. После убийства Калигулы и возведения на трон ее мужа, женщина не успокоилась. Она плетет новый заговор, теперь уже в пользу своего любовника Гая Силия. И в этом заговоре не последнюю роль должен сыграть произведший на любвеобильную императрицу неизгладимое впечатление мужественный бритт Главк…
Hero of Rome
In ancient Rome, the people finally oust their despised king, Tarquinius, and declare the city a republic. Tarquinius makes an alliance with the Etruscan king, Porsenna, to take back power in Rome, but a Roman general, the heroic Mucius, sets out to stop him. Written by frankfob2
The Old Testament
The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.
79 A.D.
Titus Flavius
Intrigue at the Roman Emperor's court prior to its destruction by Vesuvius.
Attack of the Normans
An evil duke kidnaps the good king and tries to make the virtuous queen his bride and the peasants take arms.
Guns of the Black Witch
Jean's Stepfather
In the 17th century, a village was the refuge of several French buccaneers. One day, the Spanish under the command of Guzmán, attacked the village and killed everybody, adults and children ...
Татарская царица
После набега одного из монголо-татарских племен на стойбище своих врагов в живых осталась только маленькая девочка с типично татарским именем Таня. Вождь орды, одно из селений которого подверглось набегу, подобрал ее и воспитал в духе воинов. После гибели своего воспитателя, которого звали еще одним исконно монгольским именем Игорь, Таня встала во главе орды и повела ее в набег на богатые китайские земли. Но вождь племени, что когда-то вырезал весь род нынешней повелительницы татар, хоть и признал над собой власть Тани, но явно замыслил недоброе…
Голиаф и дракон
Пока Голиаф сражался с трехглавым драконом и гигантской летучей мышью в «пещере ужасов», его брат Иллус влюбился в невесту злого короля Эристея. Виновный в смерти родителей братьев, Эристей берет Иллуса в плен. Он помещает его в вольер с огромным слоном. Иллуса ждет неминуемая гибель под его ногами. Тем временем центавр похищает супругу Голиафа и доставляет ее во дворец Эристея. Голиафу ничего другого не остается, как отправиться выручать брата и жену. Он сражается с воинами короля. Но когда Эристей понимает, что дело идет к его поражению, он бросает супругу Голиафа в «пещеру ужасов». Снова смелому воину предстоит битва с трехглавым драконом…
The Delinquents
Marie of the Isles
In 1635, Jacques du Parquet, the nephew of the well known explorer Belain d'Esnambic, enters a tavern in Dieppe, and falls in love with the daughter of the bartender, Marie Bonnard. He knows his noble family would disapprove such a marriage; besides, he is nominated for the post of governor in Martinica. He promised never to forget Marie, but as time goes by, she will accept to marry a rich and unscrupulous man, Monsieur de Saint-André. When her husband is appointed to serve in Martinica as General Commissioner, Marie demands to go with him. At her arrival, all sorts of trouble arrive: pirates take action against travelers and goods, rotten deals set the two officers against each other, and finally jealousy settles to make things worse. ~ Written by Artemis-9
The Giant of Marathon
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
The Sword and the Cross
Ponzio Pilato
Mary Magdalene, a notorious harlot, must choose between her lascivious lifestyle and the love and affection of her decent-minded brother.
The Mighty Crusaders
Goffredo di Buglione
The Mighty Crusaders (Italian: La Gerusalemme liberata) is a 1957 film about the First Crusade, based on the 16th-century Italian poem Jerusalem Delivered by Torquato Tasso. This film was directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia.
La trovatella di Pompei
Maria, is a girl raised by the loving care of a poor couple but without knowing anything about her real parents. She is in love with Giorgio, a boy from a good family, who however has also aroused the interest of the intriguing Edvige who frequents bad company including jealous Roberto.
The House of Intrigue
A radio operator for the British Army is captured in a Nazi-occupied Dutch city.
The Rival
Colonnello Dondi
The love triangle between a Countess, a soldier and a younger woman.
Giovanni dalle bande nere
Fra' Salvatore
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
Operation Thunderbolt
Ritrovarsi all'alba
Ing. Montini
Elba mine manager "Marco" meets, falls in love with, and marries "Paola" only to discover that her ex "André" is still keen.
The White Angel
Mario La Torre
Guido Carani, an engineer of noble descent, has just lost his son born to him by a chorus dancer, who, desperate, has become a nun. After a while he also loses his wife and daughter in a boating accident. Poor Guido is in despair, but soon he meets Lina, a woman who is a dead ringer for Luisa.
Passion de femmes
Poison Ivy
Le commissaire
FBI Agent Lemmy Caution is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.
Mammy has a grandson she adores even though he is a good for nothing. One day Maurice disappears and Mammy becomes blind. When Maurice finally announces his return the fond old lady is overjoyed. Unfortunately, Maurice's plane crashes and catches fire. The young man is reported missing, presumably dead. Pierre, Mammy's husband, can't bring himself to announce such a shocking news. Desperate, he finds no other solution than subterfuge : he will ask a young couple to pass themselves off as Maurice and his girlfriend.
Le clochard milliardaire
Olivier Cabrol is an immature young reveler who lives from hand to mouth. One day he inherits a fabulous fortune from an eccentric uncle. But on the one condition to spend a certain amount of time as a tramp. Olivier accepts out of sheer greed but soon finds the experience rewarding. He finds himself as well as new friends (true ones this time) and even love in the person of Colette.
La danseuse de Marrakech
A little Métis girl, Kalina is saved from a massacre by Taraor, a black man from Sudan. Having become a great and beautiful dancer from the South, she meets Captain Portal, in garrison in Marrakech. This is the beginning of a great love story. But that's counting without Taraor's jealousy.
Nous avons tous fait la même chose
Rémi sees his marriage troubled by a scandal caused by his former mistress. He takes refuge with his godmother while his wife organizes her revenge.
L'homme aux mains d'argile
The fictionalized life, and interpreted by himself, of the popular boxing champion Marcel Cerdan. Training sessions, matches, victories, flight to the U.S.A. where the title of world champion is disputed, form the whole subject of the film.
Le dolmen tragique
Chatelard, one of Viscount de Kerlec's guests, has died in mysterious conditions. The police initiates an investigation and sends detective-inspector Pauc to de Kerlec's manor. Pauc decides to mingle with the viscount's guests , who are all likely to have committed the murder. Among them, there is Jacques Mauclerc, a naval officer, and a seedy character named Bartoli, in fact a spy in search of secret documents. Pauc will end up untangling the web during a dramatic séance.
La dernière chevauchée
A jealous wealthy landlord intercepts a letter to his wife written by her cousin. He decides to take revenge by drugging the young man's horse, but it is his own son who will be the victim of the accident.
The Fugitive
Fred Maubert, an innocent convicted of a crime he did not commit, escapes from prison and goes in search of the real culprit. He begins by looking for his former mistress, Simone, who has since married Doctor Bréville and lives in Canada.
This is the story of two brothers: the good one, the virtuous gent, an acclaimed singer, and the bad one who leads a wild life.
La troisième dalle
A historian seeks to clarify the mysterious death of Sire de Malvaleix and will find himself involved in the murder of the current descendant.
Alert Nights
Stefan Hess
Hélène, a young waitress working in a bar frequented by German soldiers, saves the life of Pierre, a Resistance fighter. Her jealous lover has her arrested first and then released. Later on, Hélène is wounded while walking in the streets. Pierre has her transported to friends with the hope of taking her to London with him. Unfortunately, owing to lack of space in the plane, Pierre has to fly alone. Hélène has to wait several weeks before being able to board a new plane. When the day comes at last, the Germans are waiting for the plane on the clandestine airfield.
My Crimes After Mein Kampf
The film shows the seizure of power by the Nazis and Hitler wants a trial, at a time when France has just declared war on Germany (Sept. 3, 1939). Hybrid composition, it alternates originals and reconstructions performed by actors (docudrama). A not-so-subtle condemnation of Hitler, Nazism and Germany by the movie's French film makers, which conveniently makes no mention of how the policies of Great Britain and France created Hitler and allowed him to go as far as he did prior to the beginning of the Second World War.
Fort Dolorès
Marco Lopez
Several men of different nationalities have decided to free themselves from the clutches of women and have vowed to help each other in case one of them might relapse. They find shelter in a hacienda on the pampas. They believe they are now safe from the evil influence of the fair sex. Unfortunately there is a farm nearby in which... a gorgeous woman is said to live. Great principles are short-lived, as they soon realize: lust, jealousy and hate set in at once.
Un meurtre a été commis
Claude Lorrain
Inspector Doirel investigates the murder of a man whose servant was found tied up. He discovers very quickly that the servant has lied. The latter ends up denouncing his accomplice who is arrested when he was going to kill the informer.
Une de la cavalerie
The merry Vigoulette wants to escape the yoke of his wife and asks to be recalled to a barracks regiment in Nice. Every night, he and his friend Poupardin have a great time. But one evening, he is missing. Fortunately his wife, who had arrived to spy on him, takes her place in the bedroom.
La treizième enquête de Grey
Bernard Dartmore
Grey, an elite detective, has the mission to investigate the assassination, in Paris, of a great Hollywood star. There is no real motive, and yet the suspects are numerous. The investigation promises to be long and difficult.
Le secret de l'émeraude
In a small hotel on an English beach, an agent from the Intelligence Service is responsible for finding an important stolen document. At night, a theft of jewelry, including a superb emerald, complicates the investigation. The search for the double culprit proves to be difficult.
Joli monde
The Tomboy
The eponymous garçonne or flapper is Monique Lerbier, an emancipated French woman who leaves home to escape a marriage of convenience to a man she does not love which her parents have forced on her. She then falls into all sorts of carnal temptations and artificial pleasures previously unknown to her. These include her being seduced into a lesbian love affair by a chanteuse.
The Great Temptation
The son of a naval commander faces his first heartbreak when he falls for the young American woman who is destined to become his father's new wife.
Les bleus de la marine
Lafraise and Plumard, two rookies on the ship Le Victorieux, are on leave in the port of Toulon. At a time they get lost and in order to escape the Navy patrolmen, they disguise themselves and board a train. Now it happens that in the convoy a delegate of the government is on his way to Paris, with the mission to inaugurate a monument there. But the circumstances are such that our two friends are mistaken for the Minister and his secretary. Unabashed, the pair does the job, in other words, they deliver the expected speech, eat like horses, live it up - until they are recognized. Which eventually results in a prolonged stay in an unpleasant kind of hotel room named - the hold.
End of the World
The plot concerns a comet hurling toward Earth on a collision course and the different reactions to people on the impending disaster.