Sebastian Tesch


Empty Nets
Amir, a young Iranian, signs on with a fisherman on the rugged Caspian Sea coast in order to earn the money he needs to marry his sweetheart, Narges. But in so doing, he becomes entangled in the criminal machinations of caviar poaching. Piece by piece, a complex hierarchy is revealed in a parallel realm that becomes ever more constricting and oppressive, endangering Amir’s relationship with Narges as well.
Price Wars
Sound Designer
It's Our Time!
Sound Designer
The young generation sees their future at risk. They rebel against a lifestyle that threatens to destroy the world. The corona crisis also highlighted the deficits of our globalized economy and society. Does this crisis hold a chance for change for the better? The film draws a picture of the mood of the young generation and goes on a search for traces of ideas and concepts for a world after Corona in France, Germany and Poland. What is really important for young Europeans and how do they assess their future prospects? What scares them and what makes them hope? And who stands in their way and brakes? The TV presenter Aline Abboud meets young activists and artists for this, but she also listens to the opposing voices. Especially in Poland the youth are deeply divided, more and more are getting involved in conservative or nationalist right-wing organizations, while the country is slowly drifting into an anti-democratic dictatorship.
Артерии мира
Sound Designer
12-летний Амра живёт с родителями и младшей сестрой в общине монгольских кочевников. Его детство — вручную собранный кабриолет отца, сыр на продажу, школа и YouTube с подвисающей картинкой. Амра мечтает попасть на монгольскую «Минуту славы», но вскоре ему приходится резко повзрослеть. К самому дому мальчика подбирается международная добывающая компания, которая рушит не только степи, но и жизни людей.
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word
Sound Editor
Pope Francis responds to questions from around the world, discussing topics including ecology, immigration, consumerism and social justice.
Sound Designer
Рассказ о том, как сегодня обращаются с беженцами и мигрантами в Ливане, Италии, Германии и Швейцарии.
Foley Editor
Михаэлю и Дафне сообщают о смерти их сына, который исполнял воинский долг. Для супругов это известие становится настоящим ударом, который выбивает их из колеи. В это время на одном из КПП несколько солдат проводят свои служебные будни. Один из них Йонатан — сын Михаэля и Дафны.
Прекрасные дни в Аранхуэсе
Sound Designer
Дивный летний день. Садовая терраса с видом на Париж. Под сенью деревьев двое ведут откровенную беседу, делясь воспоминаниями. Но у этого доверительного разговора есть свидетель. Это писатель, который со стороны наблюдает за парой. Он пишет книгу, то ли подслушивая героев, то ли их воображая…
National Bird
Sound Designer
Sonia Kennebeck takes on the controversial tactic of drone warfare, and demands accountability through the personal accounts—recollections, traumas, and responses—of three American military veterans whose lives have been shaken by the roles they played in this controversial method of attack.
Rabbi Wolff
Sound Designer
William Wolff is nearly 90 and perhaps the most unconventional rabbi in the world. As the State Rabbi of North-East Germany, he looks after the Jewish Communities in Schwerin and Rostock, but still lives in a bungalow near Henley-on-Thames. Midweek he usually flies from Heathrow to Germany. After the services on Saturdays, he either makes his way home or on a leisure city trip. His annual highlight is betting at the Horse Race of Royal Ascot and joining a fasting-retreat in Bad Pyrmont. Willy Wolff leads a Jet-Set-Life, which he actually cannot afford, but dealing with money isn't one of his strengths. Naturally, that occasionally leads to quite temporal conflicts. Rabbi Wolff is the portrait of a fascinating character, a deeply religious man who, blessed with a tremendous joie de vivre, defies all conventions. More than that, it gives insight into the world of Judaism and introduces us to a uniquely German biography.
Emergency Call - A Murder Mystery
Sound Designer
A father of four children gets brutally stabbed several times, with the children present in the family home. During the brutal action, his wife – Anneli Auer – is on the phone to the emergency center. Emergency Call – A Murder Mystery is a documentary film tracking down the story that unfolds after the fatal night. We hear from all emerging sides as the prosecution builds its case against the mother of four. A behind the scenes look into one of the most bizarre unsolved court cases in recent Finnish history.
Berg Fidel
Sound Designer
In the Garden of Sounds
Sound Designer
«Nel giardino dei suoni» («In The Garden of Sounds») is a touching, poetic exploration of the relationship between mind, body and sound, and a cinematic journey to the borders of communication. Nicola Bellucci tells the extraordinary story of Wolfgang Fasser, a blind musician and soundscape artist who works with severely handicapped children, helping them to find their place in a world not made for them. On his own way into the darkness, Fasser discovered the world of sounds, a parallel universe to our visual world. His far-reaching explorations of sound’s effect on mind and body led him to the field of music therapy.
Two Horses of Genghis Khan
Sound Designer
A promise, an old, destroyed horse head violin and a song believed lost lead the singer Urna back to Outer Mongolia. Her grandmother was forced to destroy her once loved violin in the tumult of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The ancient song of the Mongols, "The Two Horses of Genghis Khan", was engraved on the violin's neck. Only the violin's neck and head survived the cultural storm. Now it is time to fulfill the promise that Urna made to her grandmother. Arrived in Ulan Bator, Urna brings the still intact parts of the violin - head and neck - to Hicheengui, a renowned maker of horse head violins, who will build a new body for the old instrument in the coming weeks. Then, Urna leaves for the interior to look there for the song's missing verses. But she will be disappointed. None of the people whom she meets on the way appears to still know the old melody of the Mongols.
Gegenschuss - Aufbruch der Filmemacher
Sound Designer