Ben Maddow

Ben Maddow

Рождение : 1909-08-07, Passaic, New Jersey, USA

Смерть : 1992-10-09


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Benjamin D. Maddow (August 7, 1909 in Passaic, New Jersey – October 9, 1992 in Los Angeles, California) was a prolific screenwriter and documentarian from the 1930s through the 1970s. Educated at Columbia University, Maddow began his career working within the American documentary movement in the 1930s. In 1936 he co-founded the short-lived left-wing newsreel The World Today. Under the pseudonym of David Wolff, Maddow co-wrote the screenplay to the Paul Strand–Leo Hurwitz documentary landmark, Native Land (1942). He earned his first feature screenplay credit with Framed (1947). Other screenplays include Clarence Brown's Intruder in the Dust (1949, an adaptation of the William Faulkner novel), John Huston's The Asphalt Jungle (1950, for which he received an Academy Award nomination), Johnny Guitar (1954, credited to Philip Yordan, God's Little Acre (1958, an adaptation of the Erskine Caldwell novel officially credited to Philip Yordan as a HUAC-era "front" for Maddow), and, again with Huston, an Edgar Award for Best Mystery Screenplay) and The Unforgiven (1960). As a documentarian he directed and wrote such films as Storm of Strangers, The Stairs, and The Savage Eye (1959), which won the BAFTA Flaherty Documentary Award. Maddow made his solo feature directorial debut with the striking, offbeat feature An Affair of the Skin (1963), a well-acted story of several loves and friendships gone sour and marked by the rich characterisations which had distinguished his best screenplays. In 1961, Maddow and Huston co-wrote the episode "The Professor" of the 1961 television series The Asphalt Jungle. In 1968 he wrote a screenplay based on Edmund Naughton's novel McCabe; while a film adaptation of the novel was ultimately produced as McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971), Maddow wasn't credited on the film. His final screenplay was for the horror melodrama The Mephisto Waltz (1970).


Ben Maddow


W. Eugene Smith: Photography Made Difficult
The war in the South Pacific, a country doctor in Colorado, victims of industrial pollution in a Japanese village — all were captured in unforgettable photographs by the legendary W. Eugene Smith. This program showcases over 600 of Smith’s stunning photographs and includes a dramatic recreation in which actor Peter Riegert (Crossing Delancey, Local Hero) portrays the artist using dialogue take from Smith’s diaries and letters. Interwoven through the program are archival footage and interviews with family and friends of this brilliant, complicated man, whose work developed from twin themes of common humanity and social responsibility.
Slow Fires: On the Preservation of the Human Record
A documentary describing the devastating deterioration of intellectual documents such as pamphlets, photographs, films, drawings, and maps. Assesses the situation, demonstrates preservation and restoration techniques, and suggests ways to prevent deterioration in the future. Features remarks by several experts, writers, and historians, such as James Michener, Barbara Tuchman, Daniel Boorstin, and Vartan Gregorian.
Man On A String
A government agent, out to destroy a crime ring, finds himself in the middle of a mob war.
The Mephisto Waltz
A frustrated pianist himself, music journalist Myles Clarkson is thrilled to interview virtuoso Duncan Ely. Duncan, however, is terminally ill and not much interested in Myles until noticing that Myles' hands are ideally suited for piano. Suddenly, he can't get enough of his new friend, and Myles' wife, Paula, becomes suspicious of Duncan's intentions. Her suspicions grow when Duncan dies and Myles mysteriously becomes a virtuoso overnight.
Американские и русские спецслужбы полагают, что китайцы открыли фермент, который нивелирует влияние климата на развитие растений. Если это так, то правительства слаборазвитых стран, в которых голодает до 90% населения, узнав о ферменте, на коленях поползут в Пекин. Чтобы предотвратить это, две страны объединяют усилия. Ученый Хетеуэй соглашается на участие в операции, ему вживляют «жучок». Американцы следят за всеми передвижениями и контактами Хетеуэя. Его принимает сам председатель Мао…
Тайна Санта-Виттории
Санта-Виттория — маленький итальянский городок, жители которого пытаются радоваться жизни вопреки всем невзгодам. Недотепа Итало Бомболини неожиданно становится мэром, но его прогоняет из дома собственная жена. Итальянский фашизм пал, но вот-вот в город войдут немецкие оккупанты... Каждый новый день ставит новые задачи и новые трудности перед героями, но они с мужеством выходят из каждой переделки, стараясь при этом сохранить от вражеских посягательств самое дорогое, что есть в их жизни — кровь знойной Италии, великолепное красное вино!
Путь на Запад
Середина XIX века. Уильям Тэдлок ведет переселенцев на запад Америки, чтобы создать там новое поселение. Тэдлок - строгий предводитель, который одинаково требователен как к себе, так и к остальным участникам похода. По дороге путешественникам приходится пережить множество несчастий, а после убийства индейского мальчика испытать на себе всю силу правосудия.
An Affair of the Skin
A neurotic woman, her unhappy husband and three other New Yorkers share a complicated relationship.
An Affair of the Skin
A neurotic woman, her unhappy husband and three other New Yorkers share a complicated relationship.
An Affair of the Skin
A neurotic woman, her unhappy husband and three other New Yorkers share a complicated relationship.
Сюрреалистическая политическая сказка, действие которой развивается в выдуманном мире. Обитатели его сбрасывают правительство в результате революции. Питер Фальк искромётен в роли шефа полиции, который окопался в публичном доме и пытается оттуда влиять на ход событий. Острая сатира, направленная против государства и церкви, с великолепной актерской игрой.
Сюрреалистическая политическая сказка, действие которой развивается в выдуманном мире. Обитатели его сбрасывают правительство в результате революции. Питер Фальк искромётен в роли шефа полиции, который окопался в публичном доме и пытается оттуда влиять на ход событий. Острая сатира, направленная против государства и церкви, с великолепной актерской игрой.
Two Loves
American-born Anna Vorontosov teaches school in a remote, primitive section of northern New Zealand. Her experimental teaching methods have won her the love and affection of her pupils and their parents and the admiration of the unhappily married school inspector, Abercrombie. Her personal life, however, is less secure; frightened of love and sexually inhibited, she has always been aloof with men. Eager to break down this barrier is Englishman Paul Lathrope, a somewhat irrational and immature fellow teacher who aspires to be a singer. Though Anna is attracted to him, she refuses to submit to his advances.
The Savage Eye
A journey through the dark side of 1950s Los Angeles. "The Savage Eye" is largely composed of documentary street footage, which, when coupled with its dramatized material, takes the form of a hybrid narrative about a divorcee who escapes to L.A. to eviscerate her past -- and all notions of love and faith -- with a boozy, cynical abandon.
The Savage Eye
A journey through the dark side of 1950s Los Angeles. "The Savage Eye" is largely composed of documentary street footage, which, when coupled with its dramatized material, takes the form of a hybrid narrative about a divorcee who escapes to L.A. to eviscerate her past -- and all notions of love and faith -- with a boozy, cynical abandon.
The Savage Eye
A journey through the dark side of 1950s Los Angeles. "The Savage Eye" is largely composed of documentary street footage, which, when coupled with its dramatized material, takes the form of a hybrid narrative about a divorcee who escapes to L.A. to eviscerate her past -- and all notions of love and faith -- with a boozy, cynical abandon.
Семья Захария, живущая в довольно глухой части прерий, успешно торгует скотом. Старшим в семье считается Бен, брат Рэйчел, Кэша и Энди. Их отец был убит в столкновении с индейцами. Однажды в этой местности появляется безумный старик, который начинает распускать слухи о том, что Рэйчел на самом деле является индианкой. Вскоре здесь появляются индейцы из племени Кайова, желающие забрать ее с собой. Бен, естественно, ответил категорическим отказом. Однако жители этого района всерьез обеспокоены. Их тревога еще более усилилась после убийства Чарли Роулинса. Чтобы прояснить правдивость слухов, нужно изловить проклятого старика.
Убийца по контракту
Приехавшему в Лос-Анджелес киллеру дается задание убить женщину, находящуюся в хорошо охраняемом полицией доме. В фильме необычно всё – от затянутой экспозиции, рассказывающей как киллер получал первые заказы и навыки в своей профессии, до самого киллера, в исполнении молодого пижонистого итальянца Винса Эдвардса.
No Down Payment
The marital difficulties of four couples living in a southern California housing development become intertwined. Among the unhappy couples are ne'er-do-well Jerry Flagg and his long-suffering wife Isabelle, flirtatious Leola Boone and her sadistic husband Troy, hard-working Herman Kreitzer and his understanding wife Betty, and newlyweds Jean and David Martin.
Gun Glory
An ex-gunslinger (Stewart Granger) shunned by townsfolk is the only one who knows how to stop a ruthless cattleman.
Men in War
In Korea, on 6 September 1950, Lieutenant Benson's platoon finds itself isolated in enemy-held territory after a retreat. Soon they are joined by Sergeant Montana, whose overriding concern is caring for his catatonic colonel. Benson and Montana can't stand each other, but together they must get the survivors to Hill 465, where they hope the division is waiting. It's a long, harrowing march, fraught with all the dangers the elusive enemy can summon.
Жители аризонской глубинки объединяются против Вьенн, владеющей местной таверной… а все из-за провокации Эммы, которая испытывает чувства к влюбленному во Вьенн ковбою по прозвищу «Танцующий малыш».
Additional Writing
Джонни – главарь банды байкеров, ворвавшейся в сонный калифорнийский городишко. Против чего восстал Джонни? Да, против всего. Кажется, юного байкера в кожаной куртке поджидают неприятности, пока он не влюбляется в Кэти – хорошую девочку, у которой отец – полицейский. К сожалению Джонни, его единственная попытка избавления прервана врагом – неуравновешенным Чино, к тому же, жители города настроены враждебно из-за предрассудков. Страсти накаляются и приводят к взрывной кульминации!
Shadow in the Sky
Burt, a Marine suffering from Battle Fatigue, is deathly afraid of rain and confined to an asylum, but showing improvement. He wants to live with his sister's family, but they have young children.
Асфальтовые джунгли
Знаменитый медвежатник Док Риденшнайдер выходит из тюрьмы с готовым блестящим планом многомиллионной кражи со взломом. Он набирает группу профессионалов, а реализовать товар планирует через вальяжного скупщика краденого Эммериха. Свои преступные дела тот успешно сочетает с охмурением молоденькой любовницы — которая ждет от него слишком многого. Для каждого в бригаде это ограбление должно было стать рубежом, после которого началась бы новая, сладкая жизнь. Сначала все идет как по маслу, но трагическое стечение обстоятельств заставляет гангстеров бороться уже не за деньги, а за жизнь.
The Steps of Age
Describes the challenges of aging as seen through the eyes of a woman, Mrs. Potter, whose husband becomes listless and unhappy following his forced retirement at age 65. She worries about him and knows that his lack of engagement is not emotionally healthy. When he dies after a few years of retirement, she gives up her home and goes to live with her daughter's family, which also presents challenges. The woman reflects on how to manage these life changes, and how to continue to live a rewarding, engaged life. She seeks a job but is turned away, apparently because the dress shop that is hiring prefers someone younger. She has some disagreements with her daughter about child-rearing. Ultimately, she and her daughter both conclude that they must show more respect and appreciation for one another.
The Steps of Age
Describes the challenges of aging as seen through the eyes of a woman, Mrs. Potter, whose husband becomes listless and unhappy following his forced retirement at age 65. She worries about him and knows that his lack of engagement is not emotionally healthy. When he dies after a few years of retirement, she gives up her home and goes to live with her daughter's family, which also presents challenges. The woman reflects on how to manage these life changes, and how to continue to live a rewarding, engaged life. She seeks a job but is turned away, apparently because the dress shop that is hiring prefers someone younger. She has some disagreements with her daughter about child-rearing. Ultimately, she and her daughter both conclude that they must show more respect and appreciation for one another.
Intruder in the Dust
Rural Mississippi in the 1940s: Lucas Beauchamp, a local black man with a reputation of not kowtowing to whites, is found standing over the body of a dead white man, holding a pistol that has recently been fired. Quickly arrested for murder and jailed, Beauchamp insists he's innocent and asks the town's most prominent lawyer, Gavin Stevens, to defend him, but Stevens refuses. When a local boy whom Beauchamp has helped in the past and who believes him to be innocent hears talk of a mob taking Beauchamp out of jail and lynching him, he pleads with Stevens to defend Beauchamp at trial and prove his innocence.
Kiss the Blood Off My Hands
Bill Saunders, a former prisoner of war living in England, whose experiences have left him unstable and violent, gets into a bar fight in which he in kills a man and then flees. He hides out with the assistance of a nurse, Jane Wharton, who believes his story that the killing was an accident.
Человек из Колорадо
Двое друзей вернулись домой после Гражданской войны. У одного из них психологическая травма из-за событий на войне. Он начинает вести себя неустойчиво и ожесточенно. Друг пытается найти способ помочь ему.
Truck driver Mike Lambert is a down-and-out mining engineer searching for a job. When his rig breaks down in a small town, he happens upon a venomous seductress. When her boyfriend robs a bank, they intend to frame Lambert.
Native Land
By the start of World War II, Paul Robeson had given up his lucrative mainstream work to participate in more socially progressive film and stage productions. Robeson committed his support to Paul Strand and Leo Hurwitz’s political semidocumentary Native Land. With Robeson’s narration and songs, this beautifully shot and edited film exposes violations of Americans’ civil liberties and is a call to action for exploited workers around the country. Scarcely shown since its debut, Native Land represents Robeson’s shift from narrative cinema to the leftist documentaries that would define the final chapter of his controversial film career.
United Action Means Victory
Documentary detailing the 1939 strike by the Tool and Die Makers union against General Motors.
People of the Cumberland
The film takes place in rural Tennessee, where communities have experienced economic and environmental devastation created by the coal mining industry. The introduction of the Highlander Folk School in 1931 by educator Myles Horton and the movement to bring labor union representation to the region are shown as means of empowering the population. Efforts are made to stop the union activities with the murder of a local organizer, but eventually the union movement is able to take root with the local workforce.
The World Today: The Black Legion - Shadow of Fascism Over America
“Unhappy with the limited structure of league newsreels, Nykino, a splinter filmmaking collective, produced a MARCH OF TIME-type series under the banner THE WORLD TODAY. Only two episodes were released, the first premiering with Strand’s THE WAVE (1936). This one, like NATIVE LAND, addresses fascism in America.” - Bruce Posner” (via Light Cone). Not to be confused with the similarly titled Black Legion from 1937, directed by Archie Mayo.