Gustav Ucicky
Рождение : 1898-07-06, Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria]
Смерть : 1961-04-27
A priest falls in love with a rich man's daughter.
Beautiful young Helga gets publicly shamed because a rich land owner seduced and impregnated her but refuses to take responsibility in a story of love and death in Sweden.
This is the tear-jerking love story between young Pamela and casino owner Mayrhoefer.
Feature film by Gustav Ucicky
Художественный экскурс в историю Венского хора мальчиков начала 19 века. Это были те времена, когда на творчество этого коллектива оказали влияние такие известные личности как: Франц Йозеф Гайдн, Антонио Сальери, Иоганн Михаэль Хольцер и даже юный Франц Шуберт.
В канун Нового 1900 года Пауль Хольцгрубер начал новую практику в качестве рентгенолога. Молодая Максимилиане Фрей — его помощница, и они годами работали бок о бок, помогая людям. Хольцгрубер неоднократно указывает на опасность радиации для Максимилиане, но молчит о язвах на своей руке и сильной боли, которую они причиняют. Максимилиане познакомилась с вдовцом Акселем фон Бонином и полюбила его. Но ей ставят неизлечимый диагноз — рак. Чтобы избавить Акселя от неизбежного горя из-за её надвигающейся смерти, она оставляет его...
A drama about marriage in a small town, which takes place at the turn of the 19th into the 20th Century.
A Nazi propaganda film which aims to justify the invasion of Poland by portraying the plight of ethnic Germans in Poland who were discriminated against and oppressed by the Poles, and how they were saved by the intervention of the German army.
In 1910, the landlord's daughter Agnes from the Steiermark gets to know the diplomat Hans. They have a short love affair and then part from one another. Hans gets sent to Beijing, where he marries and American and has a son with her. Agnes, too, has a son by Hans and moves to Vienna, where she works in a restaurant. She is still in love with Hans ...
When two Russian captains of cavalry came to a German post station one of them recalls what happened long time ago. He begins to tell the story: Ten years ago a comrade of them made a resting at the post station and fell in love with the station master's daughter. He promised everything to her and finally convinced her to come with him to St. Petersburg. When both arrived there she had to realize that her captain never had the intention to marry her.
Nazi propaganda film contrasting Germany in the days of the Weimar Republic with contemporary Germany under Adolf Hitler.
The man who broke the jug, the judge, is trying a case who determine who broke the jug. Long before the evidence becomes conclusive against the suspects, it becomes apparent that the blustering and bullying - and naive - village judge is the guilty one.
France in the 15th Century: The country is marked by the wars with England and internal power struggles. King Charles sees himself powerless against the state. As emerges from the people suddenly a young woman named Johanna, who claimed that the Archangel Gabriel to be appointed, to save France. First of all doubt the king in their words, but he remembers that the people through this "help of God" is gaining new courage. With the slogan "God and the Virgin!" pulls the revivified victorious army into battle against the English-Burgundian alliance. After Johanna King Charles is crowned at Reims, there breaks the plague over the country in. Now Johanna all the blame on the disaster: God would punish believe in the country for that a heretic; if Johanna were actual a holy, she would deal also with the plague. The waning faith weakens France, England is again on the rise. But Johanna is executed as a witch. Only years later annulled the verdict of the Holy and Johanna explained.
Propaganda film detailing the plight of ethnic Germans, known as "Volga Germans", in the Soviet province of Manchuria.
Командир подводной лодки капитан-лейтенант Хельмут Лиерс (Рудольф Форстер) и его помощник обер-лейтенант Фипс Фредерикс (Фриц Геншов) находятся на побывке в родном городе, а когда снова уходят в море, оказывается, что оба они влюбились в одну и ту же девушку - дочь бургомистра Хельгу (Эльза Кнотт). Подводная лодка торпедирует и топит английский крейсер. Одержав эту победу, Лиерс впервые на радостях делится сердечными чувствами с Фредериксом, и тот, затаив в душе боль, молча осознаёт, что любимая им девушка предпочитает из них двоих Лиерса. Между тем подводная лодка торпедирует нейтральное на первый взгляд парусное судно, которое в конечном итоге оказывается английским кораблём-приманкой...
The story of General Yorck von Wartenburg, a commander in the army of Prussian King Wilhelm, who defied the king's orders for the Prussian army to join Napoleon in his invason of Russia.
During WWI a German agent receives an order to find out when the Russian army will carry out its expected attack against the German lines.
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka Frederick the Great) of Prussia and his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
Kitty Kellermann is put on trial for murdering her husband, a failed painter. When her counsel resigns from his mandate, the mysterious Peter Bille steps in, though it becomes apparent that he actually is not an advocate but Kitty's lover and moreover confesses the murder. The widow has to admit that the pictures by her deceased spouse sell much better, only for him to suddenly appear alive.
Hokuspokus is a 1930 German comedy film directed by Gustav Ucicky and starring Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch and Oskar Homolka. It was an adaptation of the play Hokuspokus by Curt Goetz.
Prevented from wedding a postman's daughter (her father prefers she marry a farmer) a Tyrol schoolteacher succeeds instead in having an opera of his acceptance in Vienna. But this isn't the happiness he wanted, he becomes a hobo.
Кафе «Электрик» — злачное местечко, в котором собирается разношерстная публика: от сутенеров и проституток до респектабельных бизнесменов. Здесь проводит свои вечера альфонс Фердл. Тут же строительный магнат Гётлингер отмечает успешную сделку со своим партнером, «отрываясь» с местными девочками…
Feature film directed by Gustav Ucicky
A restaurant cashier, who has a mutual attraction to the restauranteur, has a secret passion for dance. As soon as she finishes work she is off down to the dance studio for a practice. She has a chance meeting with a handsome impresario, who promises to make her into the greatest dancer the world has ever known. (IMDb)
Director of Photography
В Париже умирает молодая женщина. Её квартирная хозяйка подбрасывает новорождённую дочь покойной в фиакр извозчика Каротэна, и тот удочеряет её. Спустя 18 лет юная Лилиан является единственной отрадой одинокой жизни старого кучера. Но он не подозревает, что её свидетельство о рождении вместе с прощальным письмом матери попали в руки авантюриста Франсуа Тапэна, который обнаружил, что никому не известная девушка из парижского предместья является единственной дочерью миллионера Ландона. Решив заработать на воссоединении отца и дочери, Тапэн снимает квартиру по соседству с Каротэнами и принимается очаровывать наивную девушку.
Director of Photography
A British playboy in Paris marries a dancer and convinces her to give up her career to move to a small cottage in the country. One night at a party given by her former manager, she is persuaded to perform one of the dances she was renowned for. That leads to a fight with her husband, who runs out of the party in the middle of a raging storm. Her subsequent search for him ends up placing her life in danger.
A British playboy in Paris marries a dancer and convinces her to give up her career to move to a small cottage in the country. One night at a party given by her former manager, she is persuaded to perform one of the dances she was renowned for. That leads to a fight with her husband, who runs out of the party in the middle of a raging storm. Her subsequent search for him ends up placing her life in danger.
A Jewish slave girl falls in love with the Pharaoh's son during the Exodus.
A film about the Abbasid Caliph
Director of Photography
At the urging of his dying aunt, a young man of limited means forgoes marriage into comfortable society. He becomes husband to an unwed mother and father to a child. Their meager existence is threatened, however, when the woman he left at the altar reenters his life.
Director of Photography
Patriotic Austrian costume drama, about the martyr Medardus who opposed Napoleon's occupation of Vienna in 1809. The plot proceeds in a series of confrontations with Medardus, his mother and sister, the blind exiled Count of Valois, his ambitious daughter, and Napoleon himself (portrayed as a cool strategist), including several brief flashbacks.
Director of Photography
Exposed to bad influences since childhood, Mary, a young girl is pushed by her mother to approach an elderly banker by the name of Harber. After almost driving her fiancee to suicide and seducing his mentally-ill son, she realizes through a metaphorical dream the scope of her negligence. Sentenced to prison for incitement to murder Harber, she sees herself as a parallel figure to Lea, Lot's wife in Sodom, where the Angel of the Lord warns the sinful citizens of the city of their impending doom. Lea oppresses the angel and eventually turns it over to the pagan priests when her sexual advances to it are rejected. In another dream sequence, Mary becomes the Queen of Syria, whose oppressed people turn against her and who, in turn, condemns a young man who loves her to death. Finally, her dream returns to the present time and when she awakens, she runs back to her former lover.
A young poor girl falls in love with a rich heir.
Director of Photography
Murder in a suburban hotel: suspect is the British upper-class-woman Dorothy who’s accused of murdering her husband – a fraud who gained wealth with shoddy tricks. Dorothy’s memories unveil piece by piece the prelude to this act of desperation.