Yaron Scharf


June Zero
Director of Photography
Follows the infamous trial of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the mass extermination of Jews during the Second World War. Depicting the events preceding Eichmann’s execution, it approaches the important and much publicized Nazi criminal through the eyes of three participants in these events.
Медовый месяц в Иерусалиме
Director of Photography
Вместо первой брачной ночи жених и невеста отправляются в сюрреалистичное путешествие по Иерусалиму, чтобы, пообщавшись с семьей, бывшими и случайными незнакомцами, понять, есть ли у них будущее.
Being Frank
Director of Photography
A seventeen-year-old boy blackmails his father after discovering his secret second family
Обет молчания
Director of Photography
Главное оружие успешного адвоката Фрэнка - красноречие, благодаря которому он может выиграть любое дело. Но это для него не самое важное: больше всего на свете Фрэнк дорожит своей семьей, женой и дочерью. Однажды неизвестные убивают его родственников, после чего миролюбивый и сверхобщительный адвокат меняется коренным образом. Фрэнк дает обет молчания, чем лишает себя своего главного преимущества и источника заработка. Он начинает много и усердно тренироваться, чтобы разыскать и отомстить тем, кто лишил его семьи.
Director of Photography
Sarah, a morose harpist in the Jerusalem Philharmonic Orchestra, is married to Abraham, the charismatic conductor of the group. They have no children. When Hagar, a young horn player from East Jerusalem joins the Orchestra, Sarah's world erupts. A unique friendship evolves between the two women. Hagar, feeling Sarah’s pain from not having children, offers to have a baby for Sarah. Ismail, born to Hagar and Abraham, is a wild and gifted pianist whom Sarah raises as her own. When Ismail discovers the true identity of his mother, his world – and that of those around him – falls apart. Harmonia maintains the unique essence of the biblical story from Genesis and adds a personal and human perspective.
Стратегия Оппенгеймера
Director of Photography
Скромный служащий по имени Норман Оппенгеймер завязал дружбу с начинающим политиком. Когда три года спустя этот политик становится одним из мировых лидеров, жизнь Нормана резко меняется в лучшую сторону. А затем и в худшую...
Director of Photography
Haifa on a sunny day. Moshe is a crumbling man walking up the Carmel Mountain on yet another work day. Will this day mark his collapse? Uri walks down the mountain to board a ship and leave behind all the things he loves and despises. His sense of belonging is losing ground. He is likely to miss his military reserve service-call, thus risking jail. Will the two collide or pass through one another? An existential comedy, where the overbearing mountain with its endless stairs takes control over destinies in this unique panorama of the Mediterranean port city.
Villa Touma
Three unmarried aristocratic Christian sisters from Ramallah have shut themselves in their villa clinging desperately to their former glory, until their orphan niece, Badia, walks into their life and turns their world upside down.
Zero Motivation
Director of Photography
Filmmaker Talya Lavie steps into the spotlight with a dark comedy about everyday life for a unit of young female Israeli soldiers. The human resources office at a remote desert base serves as the setting for this cast of characters, who bide their time pushing paper, battling for the top score in Minesweeper, and counting down the minutes until they can return to civilian life. Amidst their boredom and clashing personalities, issues of commitment—from friendship to love and country—are handled with humor and sharp-edged wit.
Director of Photography
История сложных отношений между израильским офицером секретной службы и его юным палестинским информатором
Director of Photography
Brothers Yaki and Shaul live with their parents in Petah Tikva, a satellite town of Tel Aviv. Yaki is doing military service. As for all other 18-year-old Israelis, this means he is allowed to carry a gun. This weapon gives the brothers the power to change their lives and that of their family – or so they believe.
The Dealers
Director of Photography
The Dealers tells the story of Rami and Avishay, 27 years old friends that share an apartment in a small Jerusalem neighborhood. They spend their days smoking and playing in a soccer team with other losers, which its coach Zvika is determined to take the "Jerusalem neighborhood cup" with. In need for money they get entangled in a drug deal with Sagi, a local gangster, which forces them to learn the hard way about taking responsibility, loyalty, and friendship. The movie is a humorous view of the colorful, multi culture, unique and somehow funny Israeli society.
Director of Photography
Два крупных ученых, отец и сын, всегда были соперниками. Отец, мизантроп и пурист, избегает светских научных кругов. Сын, напротив, широко признан и уважаем. Но однажды все меняется: отцу неожиданно назначают самую престижную награду Академии, и все почести переходят к нему…
To Take A Wife
Director of Photography
The story takes place in Haifa, Israel, in 1979, during three days before the Shabbat. A young woman trying to raise three children, work from home, and observe the strict Moroccan traditions of her family finds herself at constant odds with her husband and her brothers, who want her to stay married and leave behind the notions of being loved and free.
Under Water
Director of Photography
Yonatan, Michal's dad, turned orthodox and left her family when she was very yang. 7 years later, when he appears at her mother's funeral, all the anger and tensions in the family are brought up again. Michal on the other hand, is very curious, and tries to find a way to communicate with her father. They find common interest in competitive swimming, a hobby that Michal picked up, and which her father, as it turn out, used to be a serious contestant in.
Йосси и Джаггер
Командир взвода армии Израиля неразговорчивый мечтатель Йосси и живой, общительный командующий отделением Джаггер в тайне от сослуживцев и подчиненных любят друг друга.
Short Stories About Love
Israeli short films mini-series.
A Speck on the Eyelash
Can Fear be a self fulfilling prophecy? A husband, a wife and their best friend return from a ski vacation. The husband suspects that his wife has fallen in love with the friend. He confronts his friend rather than his wife. The friend dismisses the accusation. Is he lying? and if not, how will these doubts affect him, and will he view the wife differently from now on? And the wife: Is she indeed in love? if so, will she do something about it? If not, will she sense the suspicions around her? could she not? And the husband: should he discover that he was wrong, would he be able to stop that which he had begun with mere words? An anxiety that settled in the mind of one, takes over his life and rocks the lives of two