Director of Photography
From the Permian through the Jurassic, journey to the south polar landscapes of Antarctica hundreds of millions of years ago. Roam the primitive forests and thick swamps with bizarre dinosaurs and colossal amphibians. Enter a surreal world of bug-eyed giants and egg-laying mammals—where survival means enduring the sunless, six-month polar winter surrounded by meat-eaters with night vision. Join intrepid Antarctic scientists on a quest to understand the ice continent’s profound transformation—and to predict the future as humans drive dramatic change. Welcome to the lost prehistoric world of Gondwana. Welcome to Antarctica.
Director of Photography
То, что поднимается к небесам, не всегда возвращается на Землю. Заголовки СМИ неоднократно предупреждали нас про обломки, падающие с неба, так называемый орбитальный, или "космический" мусор. Наконец, эта проблема вышла на первый план в общественном сознании. Space Junk - это первый фильм, рассказывающий про экспоненциально расширяющееся кольцо мусора, которое угрожает безопасности Земли с орбиты нашей планеты. Эксперт Дон Кесслер - "Первооткрыватель космического мусора", раскрывает стоящие перед нами задачи в защите от этой угрозы, находящейся на высоте 22000 миль. Это эпоха новых космических открытий! Это уникальное космическое приключение!
Director of Photography
Миллион к одному – вот каким был шанс прославиться у Джастина Бибера, пока миллионы фанатов не нашли его в сети. И сейчас вся его жизнь – перед тобой, в «захватывающей и одушевляющей» истории его превращения из обычного подростка в самого молодого исполнителя, выступающего на лучших сценах Нью-Йорка.
Director of Photography
Grab a backstage pass to the Jonas Brothers' motion picture debut! Kevin, Joe and Nick are "Burning Up" the stage and inviting you inside their personal world for the adventure of a lifetime. This colossal movie event launches the world's hottest band straight into your living room – and includes guest appearances by chart-topping artists Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift! Secure your VIP pass to a once-in-a-lifetime experience with the Jonas Brothers. Get ready to hang out with this multitalented trio, and take an intimate look at what their lives are like offstage and behind the scenes. It's the music-filled movie event perfect for the whole family!
Director of Photography
Погрузитесь в невероятный безумный мир дельфинов, китов, акул, тюленей и тысяч разновидностей рыбы! Снятый в далекой рыбачьей деревушке у побережья Южной Африки, фильм ЖИВОЙ ОКЕАН заставляет по-новому взглянуть на жизнь обитателей морских глубин и задуматься о том, насколько их будущее, да и будущее всего океана зависит от Человека и его взаимодействия с природой. У побережья ЮАР, там, где Африка встречается с океаном, надежда жива.
Director of Photography
In this concert film, 'Hannah Montana' star Miley Cyrus performs a slew of hit songs, including 'Just Like You' and 'Life's What You Make It.'
Director of Photography
Вы переноситесь в увлекательный и красивый мир древнего Египта. Это археологическое и научное приключение по следам исследователей и первооткрывателей, из рассказа которых складывается представление о культуре древнего Египта, о секретах мумий, о генетических находках.
Director of Photography
Filmed in IMAX, a team of explorers led by Pasquale Scaturro and Gordon Brown face seemingly insurmountable challenges as they make their way along all 3,260 miles of the world's longest and deadliest river to become the first in history to complete a full descent of the Blue Nile from source to sea.
Director of Photography
Издавна в Аравии ходили легенды о волшебных конях, будто бы рожденных из песка, ночного неба и вольного ветра. Встретить такого коня — невероятная удача, редко выпадающая на долю смертного. Они обитают в самом сердце бескрайней пустыни и избегают людей, но… Однажды маленькая Нира потерялась в безлюдной аравийской глуши. Девочка была бы обречена на гибель, если б не встреча с загадочным вороным жеребенком, названным ею Шетаном, который помогает ей выжить и найти дорогу домой. Черный красавец становится самым близким другом Ниры, но сможет ли она удержать его при себе, когда вернется к отцу? Ведь если верить легендам, такие как Шетан не могут жить среди людей. Их дом — вольная пустыня. Их судьба — быть свободными…
Director of Photography
Made-for-IMAX documentary about the athletes of ESPN's Summer X games, including skateboarders, BMX riders, motocrossers, and street lugers.
Director of Photography
Showcased in beautiful IMAX format, this documentary takes viewers into the hearts, minds and world of chimpanzees as it profiles legendary scientist Dr. Jane Goodall's work among the chimps at Gombe Park on Africa's Lake Tanganyka. Dr. Goodall and other researchers give us an up-close look at the daily lives of the Gombe chimp families -- Fifi and sons Freud and alpha male Frodo, along with Gremlin, Gaia and the endearing Galahad.
Director of Photography
Experience the world of the magnificent and rare Giant Panda as you travel back in time on an exciting expedition through the breathtaking splendor of 1936 China. Inspired by the true-life story of widowed New York socialite Ruth Harkness, a fiercely independent woman who dared to take up her late husband's expedition, journeying deep into the forests of China to study the Giant Panda.
Director of Photography
IMAX invites you backstage to the Rock n' Roll event of the year. The acts featured won a combined total of 13 Grammy® Awards in 2000. This exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of putting on a mega-concert combines candid moments backstage with electrifying larger-than-life musical performances by multi-Grammy® Award-winning rock stars such as Santana, Sting, Sheryl Crow and the Dave Matthews Band on the giant IMAX screen. All Access: Front Row. Backstage. Live! also features legendary artists Al Green, George Clinton, B.B. King, Moby, Rob Thomas (Matchbox Twenty), Mary J. Blige, Kid Rock, Macy Gray, The Roots, Trey Anastasio (Phish) and Cheb Mami.
Director of Photography
Цирк… Атмосфера чуда и праздника витает в воздухе. Арена притягивает взгляды. И вот гаснет свет, дирижер взмахивает палочкой, оркестр берет первые такты… Представление начинается, и зал замирает в ожидании сказочного действа…
Director of Photography
Есть на Земле место, где обитают удивительные существа, способные поразить даже бывалых путешественников и ученых. Это Галапагосские острова — один из самых необычных и красивых архипелагов на Земле. Когда-то давно они служили убежищем для пиратских судов, а затем стали национальным природным парком, где животные до сих пор не боятся человека.
Director of Photography
A documentary covering the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano, filmed for IMAX presentations.
Director of Photography
Filmed in IMAX, a young girl questions her grandfather about the alleged curse of King Tutankhamen. His response takes us up to the source of the nourishing river Nile, to the Great Pyramids of Giza, to the Valley of the Kings.
Director of Photography
Local Neo-Nazi thugs, financed by an outside racist attempt to create an atmosphere of fear in a small Montana community by intimidating black churchgoers, and Native American and Jewish residents.
Director of Photography
When Carol Gibbs becomes involved with religious- and political-cult leader Steve Riordan's anti-government movement, she takes her children and leaves her husband Louis. Louis, a young farmer, tries every legal and governmental means to get his children back, without success. At his wit's end, he hires private investigator Danny Leland to snatch his children from the cult.
Director of Photography
See Yellowstone National Park: Grizzlies, geysers, rivers, canyons and, of course, moose. The history of Yellowstone National Park is vividly portrayed in this memorable film, from the Tukudika Tribe, the earliest known inhabitants, to the early explorers including John Colter, a member of the Lewis & Clark party. Also portrayed are Wilson Hunt, who deemed the west unfit for habitation, Father Francis Kuppens, a Jesuit priest in pursuit of native souls, and the Washburn Expedition, instrumental in establishing Yellowstone as America’s first national park.
Director of Photography
Хозяева двух собак и очаровательной кошечки Сэсси, вынужденные на время уехать, отдают своих питомцев на ранчо друга. Через некоторое время животные, очутившиеся за сотни миль от любимого дома, начинают беспокоиться, не приключились ли у хозяев неприятности. Поразмыслив, веселая троица решает самостоятельно добраться до дома и пускается в невероятно опасное путешествие по горам и пустыням…
Director of Photography
Художник-мультипликатор Гус Кубичек влюбляется в очень красивую женщину. В результате болезни парень остался без волос на голове, а ей, как выясняется, нужен супермужчина, о которых пишут в любовных бестселлерах. При помощи сестры Лиззи художник превращается в эдакого супермужественного голубоглазого жеребца в кожаной куртке и попадает в точку.
Director of Photography
Legendary TV news anchor Walter Cronkite takes ecstatic Disneyland tourist Robin through the process of Disney's hand drawn animation and makes Robin's wish of visiting the animated world of Peter Pan (1953) come true.
Director of Photography
«Достигая невозможного» - боевик, поставленный режиссёром Грэмом Клиффордом. Американский скейтбордист Брайн Келли страстно увлечён спортом и целыми днями совершенствует своё мастерство.
После конфликта с родителями он узнаёт о трагической смерти своего сводного брата Виня. По официальной версии, парень совершил самоубийство через повешенье, но Брайн этому не верит и начинает собственное расследование. Неожиданные факты цепляются один за другой, и вскоре парень узнаёт, что Винь был замешан в махинациях с тайными поставками оружия, которое пересылалось под видом медикаментов для вьетнамских беженцев…
Director of Photography
In 1836, a small band of soldiers sacrifice their lives in hopeless combat against a massive army in order to prevent a tyrant from smashing the new Republic of Texas.
Director of Photography
Холодная война в самом разгаре и вдруг - какая неожиданность - несколько американских мальчишек находят на побережье Флориды русского моряка по имени Михаил! Все американцы, конечно же, были уверены, что русские ужасно плохие и вообще исчадия ада, но пацаны, видя, что Мишка вовсе не такой, а напротив - очень добрый и дружелюбный, решают ему помочь...
Director of Photography
Банда подростков останавливают водителей и заставляют их участвовать в гонках, ставка в которых — машина, принадлежащая несчастным, попавшимся им на пути. Молодой парень, погибший от рук этих бандитов, возвращается с того света в виде призрака на черном гоночном автомобиле и начинает мстить за свою смерть, вызывая подонков на дуэль и убивая их одного за одним…
Director of Photography
A smooth-talking vacuum cleaner salesman takes a young man under his wing and teaches him how to swindle his way to riches. The two team up, conning everyone from car dealers to widows.
Director of Photography
Three kingdoms, floating separately in space, can each see the other nearby kingdoms but have no means to communicate or visit. Each has developed a fanatical obsession for a specific color for clothing, architecture, and even plant life: one blue, one red, one golden. A forbidden inter-kingdom romance and a war of conquest ensues when a means of travel between the kingdoms is abruptly found. This short film was created for Expo 86, the World Fair in Vancouver in 1986.
Director of Photography
In this spectacular exploration you'll take a journey through the 4,000-year history of mankind's relationship with the Grand Canyon. Discover the earliest inhabitants of the Canyon whose lives are still shrouded in mystery. Travel with Spanish explorers as they become the first Europeans to uncover the Canyon's awesome beauty. Ride along in the re-enactment of US explorer John Wesley Powell's expedition down the raging Colorado River, when nine crew members risk their lives to become the first to travel the length of the Canyon by boat. Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets will take you into the rarely visited side canyons filled with hidden waterfalls and unusual wildlife. Experience the Canyon as never before: soaring over the rim and flying through some of the most inspiring scenery on Earth.
Director of Photography
Comedy about a woman dumped by her married boyfriend who gets involved in a short-lived relationship with a neighbor. When that also doesn't work out, she decides she must first do something to please herself.
Director of Photography
After his aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS, Harry Johnson decides to take up the cause.
Director of Photography
Покойный вождь племени возвращается к жизни, чтобы спасти свой народ от своего же сына, воспитанного в другом племени и ставшего заклятым врагом для бывших соплеменников.
Director of Photography
The fathers son Ray gets hit by a teenage car driver on his way to school and dies, later on the father seeks forgiveness towards the teen boy that killed his son.
Director of Photography
Emmett Smith, a competitive runner and high school track coach at Cortez High School in Phoenix, Arizona, is left without a sense of balance after a brain tumor is removed. He is told that he will never run again, but undaunted, he sets and meets a goal of not only regaining the ability to run, but to run 20 consecutive miles before a year has elapsed. Wheelchair-bound Cindy Duncan's determination gets her admitted to Apollo High School in Glendale, Arizona after she demonstrates that she will not need special attention. Coach Smith (now at Apollo) challenges her to meet the goal of recovering from her injuries (from being hit by a car) to the extent of being able to walk to the podium at graduation to receive her diploma. He bets that she can do it, and will have to wheel himself in her wheelchair the entire three miles to Cortez H.S. if she succeeds.
Director of Photography
An unqualified teacher finds himself saddled with coaching duties after a small group of high school seniors form a wrestling team in a last ditch effort to end a 9-year losing streak against a rival school.
Director of Photography
Based on the book by John D. Fitzgerald, this movie stars Jimmy Osmond as a mischievous boy out to swindle his whole town for everything they're worth...and who occasionally puts his smarts to use for a good cause.
Director of Photography
Scott starts work at a drive-in burger and ice cream restaurant when his paper route proves inadequate to raise the money he needs for a mail order karate course. He has determined that this course will help him gain the self-confidence he needs to get up the courage to call and ask Pam out to see a movie. Although at first just commenting on his mistakes, Becky, a co-worker, offers to help him make the crucial phone call. In the process Scott offers insights about how Joe is abusive in his relationship with Becky.
Director of Photography
On a cold winter morning Tav wakes his son Samuel at 4 A.M. to help with chores on the family farm. He sternly comments on Sam's work, such as napping while milking, or spilling a little milk, causing Sam to tell his mother how hard it is to please his father. She explains that Tav is just teaching him traits he will need as a man, and although his father loves him very much he finds it hard to express this in words. Sam admits to having the same problem. She says that there are unspoken ways to communicate love, and Sam volunteers, "Like Christmas presents ?" She agrees, but will not tell him how to select a special gift for his father. On Christmas morning Sam goes out to the barn alone (except for the cows, pigs, and chickens) to deliver his special gift in a setting very similar to where the very first Christmas gifts were bestowed.
Director of Photography
Asking to leave a school bus, Cliff, a young teenager, collapses and dies in the snow near the roadside. His math teacher is asked to notify the parents and then write a short obituary. Although he barely knew him, his teacher is intent on unraveling the mystery of the untimely death.