Christa Denton

Christa Denton


Christa Denton
Christa Denton
Christa Denton
Christa Denton


Scandal in a Small Town
Julie Vincent
Leda Beth Vincent lives in the small town of Shiloh and works as a cocktail waitress there. She is not too well thought of as she is nothing of a blushing virgin. But she is far from a whore and brings up her daughter Julie, a high school student, as a loving responsible mother. So, when she becomes aware that Julie's very popular history teacher, Mr Baker, spreads antisemitic ideas among his pupils, Leda Beth decides to ask Mr Baker for an explanation. But she comes up against a wall. Nobody in town - Julie less than all others - wants to support her and it looks as if she will have to bring the Board of Education to court. The trouble is that a school dropout and a tramp of her kind does not count for much compared to the holders of knowledge and of morality.
После выкорчевывания старого дерева во дворе дома в земле обнаружилась большая загадочная дыра. Когда родители Глена и его сестры Эл уехали из дома на три дня, с детьми начали происходить страшные события, так или иначе связанные с таинственной дырой…
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Laurie Scudder
Скаддер — детектив в департаменте шерифа. Во время очередного наркорейда он вынужден застрелить человека. Переживая по поводу этого инцидента, Скаддер начинает много пить, и из-за этого его увольняют с работы и распадается его брак. Во время лечения в Обществе Анонимных Алкоголиков он встречает таинственную незнакомку. Пытаясь помочь этой женщине, он погружается в мир проституции и наркотиков для того, чтобы найти убийцу. Во время расследования он постоянно находится на грани нового попадания в алкогольную зависимость.
News at Eleven
April Gibbs
When television news director Eric Ross pressures esteemed senior anchor Frank Kenley to sensationalize the news, Kenley isn't pleased -- and the conflict comes to a head when a local high school sex scandal hits the news. As Ross pushes him to play up the story, Kenley wrestles with the moral complexities of the situation and tries to find the balance between the public's need to know and the individual's rights.
The Bad Seed
Rhoda Penmark
Rachel is a 9-year-old girl who is perfection itself - unless she's crossed or challenged. Several disturbing recent incidents have led Rachel's mother Christine to suspect that her child is a latent murderess. Upon discovering that she herself is the daughter of a convicted killer, Christine becomes convinced that sweet little Rachel is a "bad seed" - an inherent killer who feels no remorse because she doesn't know any better.
Not My Kid
Kelly Bower
A teenaged drug addict is sent to Dr. Royce's controversial drug intervention program where the addicts in the program confront each other in supervised group meetings. Also, in evening meetings, the addicts are confronted by their families. The girl's parents want to remove her from the program because it upsets them that their daughter is being forced to associate with addicts who admit to stealing and trading sex for drugs.
Пылающая кровать
Christy, Age 12
Муж постоянно избивает жену. Она пытается обратиться за помощью к разным людям, но никто не может и не хочет ей помочь. Однажды ночью, после очередного надругательства ее нервы не выдерживают…