Allan Miller

Allan Miller

Рождение : 1929-02-14, Brooklyn, New York, USA


Allan Miller is an American actor, who has been acting since 1956, and worked in over 100 movies and TV shows. He is probably best known for his roles in Brewster's Millions (1985), Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984), and Nero Wolfe (1981).


Allan Miller


Barbra Streisand: Becoming an Icon 1942–1984
Barbra Streisand grew up in working class Brooklyn, dreaming of escape from her tough childhood. A stellar student, she resisted the pressure to go to college as her sights were firmly set on Broadway. She was determined to become an actress and landed her first role aged 16, but it was two years later, when she started to sing, that her career took off. Subverting stereotypes and breaking glass ceilings, this programme looks at her rise to stardom and the remarkable achievements of her early career.
Плохие слова
Bald Glasses Judge
Фильм рассказывает о мужчине, который является внебрачным сыном организатора национальных конкурсов по орфографии. Им движет чувство мести своему родителю, и он хочет попасть на соревнование по правописанию и попадает на него, найдя в регламенте конкурса лазейку…
The History of 'Cruising'
Self (archive footage)
Part one of the making of William Friedkin’s 1980 thriller "Cruising" and the controversies it created.
Exorcising 'Cruising'
Self (archive footage)
Part two of the making of William Friedkin's 1980 thriller "Cruising" and the controversies it created.
Second Chances
Dr. Rasmussen
A little girl's physical and emotional reawakening after an accident claims her father and her spirit.
Her Wicked Ways
A young reporter forces her way into a veteran newswoman's life.
Murder C.O.D.
Leon Walsh
Someone is killing people in Portland, Oregon, and later blackmails the relatives, who profit most from the death, to pay him for this "service". Captain Murtaugh leads the police investigation. When his wife starts feeling stalked, he suspects his current case is related to his last one in Chicago. He never told his wife the whole truth about what happened - now he has to fear for her life.
Колдун из XVII века бежит в 1988 год, чтобы избежать повешения и сожжения над корзиной с живыми кошками. Но беглеца преследует дух его заклятого врага, восставшего из могилы, чтобы покончить с нечистью, пользующейся покровительства сатанинских сил.
Миллионы Брюстера
Political Newscaster
Сюжет фильма строится на том, что игрок бейсбольной команды получает от скончавшегося эксцентричного родственника (белого миллионера) наследство в сотни миллионов долларов. Однако не все так просто. В завещании есть коварный пункт. Вредный старикан указал в записанном на кинопленку завещании, что полностью сумму наследник получит лишь в том случае, если за месяц сможет потратить 30 млн долларов до последнего цента.
The Execution
Ted Simon
The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a doctor from the camp who performed experiments on them as young girls. To their horror they learn that he has already been tried as a war criminal and has served but a few years for his crimes. They decide that they will "execute" him, drawing lots to determine which one will perform the act, without letting the others know who it is.
Miracle on Ice
The story of the 1980 United States Olympic hockey players, a group of amateurs from around the country who were whipped into a cohesive unit by controversial coach Herb Brooks to win a gold medal at Lake Placid during the winter games.
City in Fear
George Weller
A psycho-on-the-loose story, about a burned-out newspaper columnist and his circulation-hungry publisher who wants him to turn the killer into Page One news.
Jack Branch
The true story of Dwight Worker, an American who was caught smuggling drugs in Mexico, and sentenced to fortress-like Lecumberri prison where he endured brutal conditions. With the help of his wife, Barbara, he escaped the prison by disguising himself as a woman. He was the first prisoner to escape Lecumberri since Pancho Villa.
Portrait of a Stripper
A young widow, supporting herself and her pre-teen son by performing as a nightclub dancer, finds the place turned into a strip joint and learns that her father-in-law is trying to prove her an unfit mother.
Истории любви между отцом и сыном, и о женщине, пытающейся их разлучить. Бывший чемпион по боксу Билли Флинн еле зарабатывает на пропитание себе и своему сыну, когда возвращается его бывшая жена Энни. Она вышла замуж и стала успешной, а теперь хочет вернуть сына. Чтобы оставить себе обожающего сына, Флинну придется тренироваться, сражаться и найти способ снова стать чемпионом.
Anatomy of a Seduction
Dan Sawyer
The story of a divorced woman who begins an affair with the college-age son of her best friend, and the effects it has on her relationship with her own son, who is not much younger than her lover.
The Ghost of Flight 401
Les Garrick
An aircraft crashes in the Florida Everglades, killing 103 passengers. After the wreckage is removed, salvageable parts from the plane are used to repair other aircraft. Soon passengers and crew on those aircraft report seeing what they believe to be the ghost of the wrecked airplane's flight engineer.
Colonel Diller
История Генерала армии Дугласа Макартура, Верховного командующего союзническими войсками во время Второй мировой войны, а таже Командующего войсками ООН во время корейской войны. Фильм начинается в 1942, после падения Филлипин, и охватывает всю замечательную карьеру Макартура — военной легенды США, включая и дни принудительной отставки генерала президентом Трумэном.
Забавные приключения Дика и Джейн
Loan Company Manager
Дик и Джейн были обычной американской семьей среднего класса Америки. Дик работал в крупной аэрокосмической компании, а Джейн вела хозяйство и воспитывала сына. Они только что переехали в новый дом, и вдруг Дика увольняют с работы. Новой работы он найти не может и оказывается в очереди за пособием. За дом еще нужно выплатить 75 тыс. долларов. Джейн находит мало оплачиваемую работу, обращается за помощью к родителям, но отец отказывается одолжить денег, утверждая, что трудные дни только закалят их с мужем…
Tail Gunner Joe
Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin accuses prominent people of Communist sympathies in order to give him a national power base when he later planned to run for President.
На пути к славе
Woody Agent (uncredited)
Биография Вуди Гатри, одного из самых великих фолк-музыкантов Америки. Он оставил свой родной опустошенный Техас в 1930-х, чтобы найти работу, и открыл для себя страдания и силу рабочего класса Америки.
Two-Minute Warning
Mr. Green
A psychotic sniper plans a massive killing spree in a Los Angeles football stadium during a major championship game. The police, led by Captain Peter Holly and the SWAT commander, learn of the plot and rush to the scene.
Baby Blue Marine
Capt. Bittman
A would-be Marine fails basic training, and is sent home wearing the "baby blue" fatigues of a washout. En route, he is mugged by a battle-fatigued Marine Raider, who leaves him to hitch-hike home in an undeserved hero's uniform. A small Colorado town takes him in, treating him like the hero he appears to be.
The Turning Point of Jim Malloy
Dr. Enright
The son of a small-town doctor returns to his hometown after being kicked out of Yale, and begins a new career on the town's newspaper.
Cage Without a Key
Phil Kenneally
A high school girl who needs a ride accepts one from a boy she doesn't know. He then forces her to participate in a robbery, in which a clerk is killed. They are soon caught, and the girl, despite her protestations of innocence, is convicted of first-degree murder and sent to prison. Once she gets there, she finds out that her troubles are just beginning.
Harold Levine
Based on Gail Sheehy's book, this film chronicles how a reporter for a New York City magazine decided to investigate the city's prostitution industry to find out just who was making all the money. What she found out caused a firestorm of controversy--that many of the city's richest and most powerful families and corporations benefited directly and indirectly from the illegal sex business.
Teeth Are to Keep
Narrator (voice)
This film, aimed at children of primary school age, presents the principles of good dental care. A narrator explains the basic steps to be followed in order to keep the teeth healthy as, in animation, a family of mother, father, sister, brother, and baby illustrates those steps.