Frank von Zerneck

Рождение : 1940-11-04, New York City, New York, USA


NY Prison Break: The Seduction of Joyce Mitchell
Executive Producer
Convicted killers David Sweat and Richard Matt seduce bored, restless, small town mom Joyce Mitchell who aids and abets their audacious jailbreak.
Blue-Eyed Butcher
Executive Producer
A woman appeared to have a fairy-tale life, but six years into her marriage, the fairytale crumbles when her husband is found buried in the backyard of their home with numerous stab wounds.
12 рождественских свиданий
Executive Producer
Пытаясь вернуть своего бывшего парня, героиня сама портит свидание вслепую, которое было у нее назначено с симпатичным парнем по имени Майлз. По странной иронии судьбы, с полуночным боем часов она получает шанс пережить Сочельник еще раз. Эта уникальная возможность не только может помочь ей исправить оплошность, допущенную на первом свидании, но и осознать, какая у нее, на самом деле, замечательная семья и прекрасные друзья...
Executive Producer
Bill Pullman (Independence Day, Torchwood) stars as Rusty Sabich, a judge charged with the murder of his wife, a situation that comes 20 years after he was cleared in the death of his mistress. During this latest trial, a secret affair from Rusty's recent past threatens to hamper his defense and fracture his relationship with his son. Oscar® winner Marcia Gay Harden (Pollack, Damages) plays Rusty's wife, while Alfred Molina (Spider-Man 2, Law & Order: LA) is his friend and defense attorney. Scott Turow's Innocent is a sequel to Turow's bestseller Presumed Innocent. The movie is written and directed by Mike Robe
Правосудие для Натали Холлоуэй
Executive Producer
Lifetime Movie is a sequel to their 2009 film NATALEE HOLLOWAY and picks up in 2010 on the five-year anniversary of her death. Beth Holloway (Tracy Pollan) is still trying to find out what happened to her daughter when the already strange case takes another turn when Joran Van Der Sloot (Stephen Amell) is arrested for murdering another girl. If you've followed this case like I have then there's not going to be any new twists or turns in this film but then again that was pretty much true for the first one. I was a little surprised to see how well-made this thing was and there's no question that it's a better movie than the 2009 one but at the same time there are a few too many flaws to really call this a good picture.
Бизнес ради любви
Executive Producer
Лэйн — молодая нью-йоркская журналистка, мечтающая о любви и карьере в Космо. По протекции лучшей подруги Джоан девушка попадает в модный журнал на стажировку. Во что бы то ни стало ее статья должна быть лучшей, но… в её жизни совершенно неожиданно появляется Он — «волшебный мужчина», отвечающий всем требованиям из списка идеального. Что же сильнее — желание быть любимой или карьера?
The Pregnancy Pact
Executive Producer
Inspired by the true story of teenagers at Gloucester High School who agreed to get pregnant at the same time.
Executive Producer
A comedic, sometimes poignant look at the absurdity of today's college-applications process for parents and teens. Joan Cusack stars as a stressed-out mom who is trying to get her teen daughter into college.
Natalee Holloway
Executive Producer
On May 30, 2005, on a high school graduation trip to Aruba, she disappeared without a trace.
Войны в женской общаге
Executive Producer
Кэти и Сара были подругами с детства. Вместе поступили в один колледж, в котором Кэти стала ценным претендентом на вступление в женское общество Дельта. Его основателем была мать Кэти и другая студентка, Саммер, чья дочь Гвен является действующим лидером Дельты. Однако вскоре Кэти отстраняется от вступления в общество, и главным претендентом становится Сара. Кэти же вступает в общество соперниц под название «Каппа», что приводит к противостоянию двух лучших подруг.
Флирт с сорокалетней
Executive Producer
Джеки Лоуренс, разведенная мать двоих детей, накануне своего сорокалетия, уезжает в отпуск на Гавайи, где знакомится с молодым инструктором по серфингу. Но то, что началось ради одной ночи, волею судьбы перерастает в большое чувство. Но как быть, если отпуск заканчивается и дома ждут дети, работа, друзья, а расставаться с любимым так не хочется. Джеки предстоит сделать выбор между новой любовью и домом, да и как быть с тем что её любимый моложе на тринадцать лет.
The Circuit
Executive Producer
Al Shines, former king of the US race car track circuit, has a hard time starting his own team, once he's fired by his sponsor Robin Cates. Robin hired Al's immature daughter Kylie Shines instead. She resents Al's inevitable 'absence' as a widowed father, as well as the reigning champion, equally young but professionally vetted Kid Walker. Kylie tries to prove herself against Kid while having an on-off affair with him. Cates's marketing strategy dictates his intentions to manipulate Walker and both Shines racers.
Racing for Time
Executive Producer
Cleveland 'Stack' Stackhouse is a guard with the Texas Correctional Youth Authority who witnesses the cycle of destructive choices and racial tensions among female teen offenders and decides to do something about it. He gathers African-American, Latina and Caucasian teens, and organizes a multi-racial track team behind the bars of the prison. Participation in Stack's track team not only breaks down the racial divides between the girls, but puts them on a path to turn their lives around.
Girl, Positive
Executive Producer
A popular high school girl finds out that a boy she slept with is HIV positive.
Роковая ошибка
Executive Producer
Бывший полицейский Джо, утомленный семейной жизнью и жаждущий добавить красок в свой быт, решает пофлиртовать по Интернету с молодой девушкой. Он знакомится с Тоней Салливан, и у них начинается бурный роман по переписке. Проблемы у Джо появляются, когда Тоня прилетает к нему в Атлантик Сити с твердым намерением сблизить их отношения и посвятить его в свою тайну…
День катастрофы 2: Конец света
По всему миру бушует невиданный ураган. Небо в буквальном смысле взрывается. Эйфелева башня превращается в металлолом. От египетских пирамид остается лишь груда мусора посреди безжизненной пустыни… Наступил день, о котором предупреждали ученые, изучавшие опасности, связанные с глобальным потеплением. И это только начало — смертоносный ураган еще набирает силу, грозя достигнуть апокалиптической — седьмой категории. Вероятность конца света становится все более реальной…
Смертоносная Стая
Executive Producer
Мирная жизнь профессора колледжа Мэдди Риердон и ее мужа Драйера сильно осложняется, когда один из ее студентов найден мертвым со странными укусами по всему телу и полностью обескровленным. Постепенно она выясняет, что студента убила стая агрессивных летучих мышей, подвергнутых генетической мутации в результате токсичных отходов. Тем временем, летучие бестии начинают с жадностью пожирать кровь горожан, и, несколько студентов решаются присоединиться к расследованию Риердон. Но смертельная опасность подкрадывается к ним совсем с другой стороны. Что же еще они раскопали?
Haunting Sarah
Executive Producer
A mother dealing with the death of her young son learns that her niece is in contact with his spirit.
Spring Break Shark Attack
Executive Producer
A young teenager travels to Florida, unknowing that a group of dangerous tiger sharks are ravaging the beach.
Vinegar Hill
Executive Producer
Family secrets surface when a married couple returns to the husband’s hometown, where his overbearing family interferes with their imagined new start.
Шестнадцатилетняя мать
Executive Producer
Мать перевозит Джесси и её младшую сестру в новый город и устраивает в новую школу. Там нелюдимая шестнадцатилетняя Джесси Джеффрис вынуждена хранить самую важную тайну своей жизни о том, что её младший брат, Чарли, на самом деле — её сын. Когда же Джесси идет против воли матери и открывает правду, ей приходится самой нести за всё ответственность.
Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure
Executive Producer
Behind the scenes of Aaron Spelling's nighttime soap opera.
Загадка Натали Вуд
Executive Producer
За одну ночь она стала любимицей Америки и суперзвездой. Ее взлет напоминал волшебную сказку. К семи годам дочь русских эмигрантов Наташа Захаренко, получившая на студии "Двадцатый Век Фокс" сценический псевдоним Натали Вуд, воплотила мечты своей честолюбивой матери. Маленькая девочка стала мировой знаменитостью и кумиром миллионов кинозрителей. Она была признана талантливой актрисой и играла рядом с Рексом Харрисоном, Джеймсом Дином, Джином Келли, Джоном Уэйном, Фрэнком Синатрой и, самое главное, со своим кумиром Робертом Вагнером, за которого Натали вышла замуж. Но голливудские грезы имеют свою оборотную сторону: страхи и фобии, непонимание и одиночество, семейные проблемы и депрессии, постоянная борьба с бременем славы за право любить и быть любимой.
Gracie's Choice
Executive Producer
For as long as she can remember, 16 year-old Gracie has been raising her four siblings, each of whom has a different, absent father and their mother is on the fast track to self-destruction. When these children's lives are about to be pulled apart, Gracie will have to do the impossible and make the ultimate sacrifices to keep her family together.
Killer Instinct: From the Files of Agent Candice DeLong
Executive Producer
Candice DeLong is Clarice Starling in "Silence of the Lambs," Samantha Waters on "Profiler" and Nicole Scott on "MISSING" all rolled into one tough female FBI agent. Lifetime's spine-tingling Original Movie is inspired by DeLong's harrowing real-life experiences in the field. DeLong (Jean Smart) is on the verge of retiring from the FBI so that she can spend more time with her son, when a serial rapist and murderer attacks one of her best friends. As a single working mom, she feels torn between her child's needs and avenging her girlfriend. Things get more complicated when she has to work the case with her married lover (played by A Martinez). This top cop's decisions will put her life in serious danger. Hold on, it's going to be a suspenseful ride!
More Than Meets the Eye: The Joan Brock Story
Executive Producer
Based on the true story of a beloved teacher for the blind who discovers she herself is losing her eyesight.
Heart of a Stranger
Executive Producer
What happens when you receive someone else's heart and wind up with the transplant donor's personality traits and memories too? Jill Maddox, a middle-aged concert violinist, is about to find out! After her surgery, Maddox starts chugging beers, blasting modern music and donning barely-there miniskirts. She is acting like the 22-year-old guy whose ticker she inherited. Even weirder — this is a true story! (Based on the book “Change of Heart” by Claire Sylvia and William Novak.)
They Shoot Divas, Don't They?
Executive Producer
Sloan McBride is an 1980s music star who is trying to hold on to her career. She hires Jenny as her assistant and Jenny seems to be the perfect employee. However, Jenny is actually planning her revenge because she blames Sloan for ruining her mother's career and causing her suicide.
Just a Walk in the Park
Adam is a dog walker. Adam agrees to watch one of his customers, A.J. Preston, penthouse apartment. Rachel mistakes Adam for Preston. He does not come clean quickly.
Необычный ребёнок
Executive Producer
A reporter (Bridget Fonda) gets the scoop on the first ever human cloning, but the furor surrounding the event jeopardizes the baby's birth and the career of the doctor (Mary Beth Hurt) responsible for creating the clone.
Within These Walls
Executive Producer
Female prisoners train dogs to aid people with disabilities in a program started by a nun (Laura Dern).
Silent Predators
Executive Producer
In 1979, a delivery truck makes its way up a lonely southern California highway in a storm, bound for the San Diego Zoo with a deadly tropical rattlesnake as cargo. When the truck suffers a blowout, the driver loses control and hits a tree, shattering the snake's aquarium in the back and the window separating the snake from the driver. The snake slithers into the front of the truck, kills the driver with its bite and then moves off into the forest. Flash forward to 1999. The small southern California town of San Vicente has grown from 6,000 to 30,000, and the rattler, which escaped nearby years ago, has bred. There are now 25,000 of these hybrid rattlesnakes, and they are slowly making their way downhill into the town, attracted by the movement of the blasting as the town paves its way toward progress. Progress, in this case, brings terror, in this tale originally penned by John Carpenter.
Murder on Shadow Mountain
Executive Producer
Denny Traynor has the idyllic life a loving wife and family, a flourishing career. Seems like life is perfect until some policemen from another break into their home one night and arrest him for a twenty year old murder. Initially, Denny denies the accusations made against him but when evidence is presented that implicates him, he is then extradited to stand trial. When his wife, whose faith has been shaken asks him what happened, he tells her that he did kill the man they said he killed but in self-defense. However, when there is no evidence that supports his claim, his wife wonders if he has told her the truth, and if she should continue to support him.
Fatal Error
Executive Producer
Seven executives die while on a video conference call, the victims of a rapidly spreading virus. Dr. Samantha Craig (Janine Turner) and disgraced doctor Nick Baldwin (Antonio Sabato Jr.) investigate, tracking the disease to a rival firm able to spread computer viruses to humans. They also discover the virus has killed before and is continuing on its deadly path, unless someone can stop it.
Virtual Obsession
Executive Producer
If you were a brilliant young scientist diagnosed with only months to live, what choices would you make? To have faith that you were taken early for a reason and go quietly, or to use cryogenics to hope you could be cured someday in the future, or to download your consciousness into computer memory where you could still continue to interact with the ones you love?
Holiday in Your Heart
Executive Producer
LeAnn Rimes plays herself from her childhood in Nashville to her performing around the country as a country-western singer, until she has to make a choice: Does she perform at the Grand Ole Opry, following her dreams? Or does she not go to the concert, and stay at her dying grandmother's bedside? The made-for-tv film is based in part on LeAnn's autobiographical novel.
Murder Live!
Executive Producer
Frank takes Pia Postman hostage on live TV, threatening to execute her after she accepts the blame for his daughter's suicide.
Dying to Belong
Executive Producer
When a girls friend is killed by a college hazing, she is the only one who can find out the truth.
Бешеный конь
Executive Producer
В 1865 году после гражданской войны с новой силой обострились конфликты и столкновения между белыми и индейцами. В фильме рассказывается история об индейце по имени Бешеный Конь, ставшем легендой еще при жизни. Когда мальчику было 12 лет, белые уничтожили много людей, а ему, оставшемуся в живых, было видение всадника, который предсказал ему много побед, но и то, что его же племя отвернется от него.
No One Would Tell
Executive Producer
Shy sixteen-year-old Stacy Collins can't believe that the most popular guy in school, an attractive athlete named Bobby Tennison, is interested in her. At first she is flattered by his constant attention, but then he becomes possessive and jealous-telling her who she can speak to and what she can wear. Threats escalate into violence when Bobby thinks Stacy has stepped out of line. Soon she is walking on egg shells and living in fear. Having seen the tell-tale bruises, Stacy's best friend convinces her to break things off with Bobby-but in a moment of weakness, Stacy goes to meet him. It will be the last time she is seen alive.
My Son Is Innocent
Executive Producer
After a brutal nighttime attack on a woman alone in her suburban home, police investigators zero in on teenager Eric Sutter. When the victim identifies Sutter as her attacker, the legal system closes in on the boy as friends, neighbors and the media turn against him. Only through the dogged determination of his mother, and her loyal boyfriend does Eric and the victim have a chance for justice to be served.
God's Lonely Man
Executive Producer
As each relentless night turns towards day, Ernest Rackman turns towards violence to escape thoughts of loneliness and suicide. Then he poses as a police officer and rescues a young girl from her parent's apartment, where she was forced into a compromising life. Having discharged his violence, he plans to move forward with this new relationship, but the demons of loneliness and despair still haunt him.
The West Side Waltz
Executive Producer
Margaret keeps her neighbours at a distance and avoids contact except with Cara. She enjoys her company just for making music since Cara plays the violin accompanying Margaret at the piano. Because of her arthritis she accepts the housemaid Robin who wants to become an actress. With this naive pretty girl her life gets suddently really exciting and she makes a lot of new friends.
Жизнь в забвении
Co-Executive Producer
Нелёгкое дело — съёмки фильма! Актёры забывают слова, сбивается фокус, ломается аппаратура, у оператора несварение желудка — со всем этим приходится бороться режиссёру фильма Нику. Тогда как мужскую половину съёмочной группы интересует только один вопрос: когда, наконец, будут снимать «обнажёнку»?
Seduced and Betrayed
Executive Producer
A beautiful but equally dangerous widow won't take "no" for an answer as she draws a dedicated family man into a world of passion, deceit and betrayal, threatening to destroy him in the process.
The Other Woman
Executive Producer
After the divorce from Michael, Tessa raises her daughters Kate and Lara alone. None of them can stand Michael's new young wife Carolyn, a model. But when Tessa learns that she's suffering from cancer and soon will die, she tries to get her kids to accept Carolyn as new mother. She takes them on a trip across the country to her father Jacob's ranch in Wyoming. During this trip, Tessa tries to teach Carolyn about the responsibilities involved in raising kids.
Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare
Executive Producer
When Bees attack an isolated country house, a family must stick together to survive.
Смертельный страх
Executive Producer
В одном из госпиталей некоего американского мегаполиса пациенты начинают таинственным образом умирать внезапно один за одним. Доктор Дженнифер Кесслер, работающая в госпитале, решает разобраться в этом и найти причину смертей во что бы то ни стало. После смерти одного из своих друзей Дженнифер начинает подозревает всех окружающих, включая своего нового любовника.
French Silk
Executive Producer
Television movie about the murder of a televangelist, and the fashion company owner accused of the crime.
Beyond Suspicion
Executive Producer
Joyce thought she had made the dream marriage. Her husband, Stan, is a successful, handsome dentist, and Joyce, who grew up in poverty, cannot believe her good fortune. But her charismatic husband has a dark side that is about to engulf and destroy Joyce's entire world.
Fergie & Andrew: Behind the Palace Doors
Executive Producer
Biopic purporting to tell the real story behind the marriage of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson from their initial courtship through their eventual separation.
The Presence
Executive Producer
After their plane crashes in the Pacific ocean after a storm a group of people scramble to a tropical island. At first the place seems home to palm trees and exotic wildlife but on the discovery of a disused military base they find out the island poses a severe threat to them
Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Story
Executive Producer
Story of attractive cop Laurencia Bembenek, who, in 1982, was sentenced to prison for killing her husband's ex-wife in Milwaukee, WI.
Woman With a Past
Executive Producer
A woman lives a normal life with her second husband and her two sons of the first marriage. One day she is caught by her past and the film reveales in flashbacks her stations of life until the day the police found her in her new life: First marriage, alcohol addiction, robberies, prison, escape from prison, search for work, second marriage, fight for the children,... In the end she has not only to fight for her freedom but also for the respect and love of her betrayed children and husband.
The Great Los Angeles Earthquake
Executive Producer
After a series of small tremors in Los Angeles, Dr. Clare Winslow, a local seismologist, pinpoints the exact location and time of when the long awaited earthquake--"The Big One"--will strike southern California. With this information, she must battle city officials to release this information to the general public. Also, she hopes that her family is out of harms way when the quake strikes. Subplots show how other families and people cope with the the tremors that strike before the impending "Big One."
Gore Vidal's Billy the Kid
Executive Producer
Gore Vidal's historical novel is brought to life in this television production of Turner Network Television's Billy the Kid.
Man Against the Mob: The Chinatown Murders
Executive Producer
Honest cop in corrupt 1940s Los Angeles fights against gangsters who are kidnapping and selling women into prostitution.
Hostage Flight
Executive Producer
A plane is hijacked and bound for London. Once the terrorists begin killing hostages, the passengers take matters into their own hands.
Любовь в восточном экспрессе
Executive Producer
Лили, американка, путешествующая со своей подругой на известном поезде «Ориент Экспресс» от Венеции до Парижа, вновь внезапно сталкивается с ее прежней любовью, Алексом, с которым она встретилась десятью годами ранее, отдыхая во Франции. Роман закончился резко, когда он ушел на встречу с отцом. Теперь Алекс пытается объяснить Лили, что он её любит. Но она выгоняет его, заставляя его сойти с поезда. При разговоре с подругой Лили, Алекс выясняет, что у Лили есть девятилетняя дочь…
Three of Ernest Thompson's short plays are presented, each involving a surprise visitor. In the first, "A Good Time," a vacationing California Highway Patrolman visits a young woman in New York who had told him if he ever came to New York, she'd show him a good time. In the second, "The Constituent," a United States Senator drops in on a constituent who has been sending him scathing and profane letters for decades. Lastly, in "Twinkle, Twinkle," a restless housewife who has been writing fan letters to a television soap opera star, receives a surprise visit by him on her husband's bowling night.
I Married a Centerfold
Executive Producer
Tenacious young engineer flips over the centerfold model he spots on television and embarks on a romantic adventure on a bet with his buddies.
Summer Fantasy
Executive Producer
After graduating high school, Carrie needs something to do for the summer. She goes to lifeguard try-outs and gets the job. In this hot Los Angeles summer, she will fall desperately in love with a much older lifeguard.
Invitation to Hell
Executive Producer
Family man Matt Winslow accepts a new job in Silicon Valley and quickly finds that his associates are obsessed with a mysterious local country club whose manager, Jessica Jones, holds sway over the community.
Policewoman Centerfold
Executive Producer
A policewoman loses her job after she poses naked for an erotic magazine. Based on a true story.
Night Partners
Executive Producer
Elizabeth and Lauren are two Bakersfield housewives who volunteer to help the local police by working with crime victims to help catch criminals.
Baby Sister
Executive Producer
Sultry college dropout Annie Burroughs moves in with her older sister Marsha and proceeds to break up the relationship between Marsha and her live-in boyfriend David Mitchell so Annie can begin a sensuous love affair and have David all for herself.
The First Time
Executive Producer
An emotionally troubled teenage girl drops out of high school and travels with her boyfriend to San Diego, while the girl's mother enlists the help of an old U.S. Navy friend to help find her daughter.
In the Custody of Strangers
A teenage delinquent who goes on a drunken joyride is left in jail overnight by his parents in the hope that he might learn a lesson from it. But events follow which result in the boy spending far longer behind bars than anyone had foreseen.
Return of the Rebels
An aging motorcycle gang assembles for a 25-year reunion to help out former member Mary Beth, a widowed operator of a popular campground which is being threatened by a band of arrogant groupies.
Miracle on Ice
The story of the 1980 United States Olympic hockey players, a group of amateurs from around the country who were whipped into a cohesive unit by controversial coach Herb Brooks to win a gold medal at Lake Placid during the winter games.
The Babysitter
Executive Producer
Overprotective mother Liz Benedict meets 18-year-old orphan Joanna Redwine and hires her as house help and live-in companion to rambunctious daughter Tara. Liz's husband Jeff isn't too thrilled with the arrangement, and his fears soon prove justified when Joanna begins to manipulate everyone and to slowly destroy the family. Meanwhile, next-door neighbor Dr. Linquist investigates and discovers Joanna has a disturbing past.
Portrait of an Escort
Jordan West is a divorcée who moonlights at a professional dating service to make ends meet. But her secret job causes gossip among her neighbors and trouble at the real estate office where she works in the daytime, while her teenage daughter is the only one who remains oblivious to her mother's night job. When Jordan tries to quit her escort profession, she finds herself harassed by her boss/madam, Mrs. Kennedy, and then stalked by an unknown former client.
Disaster on the Coastliner
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
Portrait of a Stripper
Executive Producer
A young widow, supporting herself and her pre-teen son by performing as a nightclub dancer, finds the place turned into a strip joint and learns that her father-in-law is trying to prove her an unfit mother.
Anatomy of a Seduction
The story of a divorced woman who begins an affair with the college-age son of her best friend, and the effects it has on her relationship with her own son, who is not much younger than her lover.
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers
This engaging made-for-television movie follows the adventures of Ginny "Sweetie Pie" LaRosa (Kim Darby), who needs money after her trucker husband, Jack (Fred Willard), is shot by hijackers. Fortunately, she finds a partner in Flatbed Annie (Annie Potts), a freewheelin' driver. The women form an unlikely but profitable friendship while fending off the repo man who wants the truck and the criminals who are after the cocaine hidden in it.
Katie: Portrait of A Centerfold
Executive Producer
A naive Texas beauty queen, seeking Hollywood stardom, quickly learns the realities of the business after attending an unethical modeling school.
Delta County, USA
Delta County is a staid Southern community caught between the old traditions and a rapidly changing way of life. For teenagers Terry Nicholas, his sister McCain, and Joe Ed, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks that she's attracted to, the old traditions have little meaning in their lives. Their elders, struggling to preserve values of an older day, have personal problems that are sometimes overwhelming, such as the one facing John McCain Jr., an alcoholic whose wife Kate is having a hidden and torrid romance that sets her husband off on a vengeance-seeking spree.
Двадцать один час в Мюнхене
История о том, как в 1972 году арабские террористы ворвались в Олимпийский комплекс в Мюнхене и убили 11 израильских спортсменов.
Tunnel Vision
Winfield Carmichael
A committee investigating TV's first uncensored network examines a typical day's programming, which includes shows, commercials, news programs, you name it. What they discover will surely crack you up! This outrageous and irreverent spoof of television launched the careers of some of the greatest comedians of all time.
The Desperate Miles
A disabled Vietnam vet sets out to prove that disabled people don't have to be helpless by starting a 180-mile trip in a wheelchair. On the way he finds his life is endangered by a deranged truck driver.