Rose Renée Roth

Рождение : 1902-12-12, Budapest, Hungary

Смерть : 1990-03-10


1. alte Dame
Pig money.
Tante Mechthild
Paul Winkelmann is the CEO of a successful business in Hamburg that he took over after the death of his father eight years ago. But he is still strongly dominated by his 78 year old mother who cares for him as a child, and who cannot understand why he took an apartment on his own after all these years. The real "problem" starts when Paul gets to know psychologist Margarethe Tietze whose relationship to her parents is also not so easy after all.
Schloß Königswald
Gräfin Posadowsky
The Excluded
Die Ausgesperrten revolves around an unlikely group of 4 youths in Vienna who band together, each for different reasons, to mug people. Two are fraternal twins, the third a blue-collar worker, the fourth the privileged daughter of wealthy parents who "needs a little dirt in her life". The story provides penetrating insights into the Austria of the 50s, in which some enjoyed the benefits of the "Economic Miracle", while others were shut out. It repeatedly references Austria's Nazi past and the numerous ways in which it influences the present despite the conspiracy of silence which surrounds it.
Der Schluckauf
Flo, a young woman from the province, moves to Berlin to become a photo model.
Gute Reise
Ältere Frau
Kein Geld für einen Toten
Madame Lambert
Es begann bei Tiffany
Alte Dame
Gerda Laufs
Ein Tisch zu viert
Frau Tanzberger
Die Heiratsvermittlerin
Miss Flora
Herr S. kommt nicht zum Zuge
alte Dame
Liebe mal so - mal so (Vergnügliches über ein altes Thema)
Lehmanns Erzählungen
Dame im Zug
Молодая студентка Джулия во время отдыха в Швейцарских Альпах встречает такого же молодого юношу Патрика. В порывах страстей, они поддаются взаимному увлечению, которое перерастает в нечто большее. Все попытки остановить их оказываются безрезультатными, любви нельзя помешать...
Schloß Hubertus
Aunt Gundula
A drama directed by Harald Reindl, based on the novel by Ludwig Ganghofer.
If Every Day Was Sunday
Mrs. Berger
The owner of a travel agencies decides to took a holiday with his family. He combines business with pleasure and undertakes a tour of inspection of some of his enterprises. Incognito he arrives with his family at the Castle Hotel on the Wörthersee. But the hotel manager has been warned of the impending visit and means to give the important guest the red carpet treatment. Unfortunately he does not know him personally and so takes the wrong man for the incognito inspector. Neither of the two men enjoy the mix-up and the poor hotel director has to live through some uncomfortable hours before he manages to pour oil on the troubled water.
Friedl Hummer
Sankt Peters Regenschirm
Любовь на горячем песке
Mrs. Cordula Brix
Победив в конкурсе красоты очаровательные блондинки Катрин и Ингрид решают провести время летом на острове Зюльт, знаменитым своим нудистскими пляжами, ночными клубами и множеством привлекательных мужчин. Среди посетителей острова фабрикант Вебер, который готов ради горячего флирта пойти на все. Вот только ведет он себя вызывающе…
Die Schlankheitskur
Die alte Dame
Aunt Annie Billet
Опасный полёт
Alte Dame
Detective Story
Mrs. Farragut
Kaiser Joseph und die Bahnwärterstochter
Romanze in Venedig
Dame beim Kaffeekränzchen
Deeply disappointed by her bridegroom, Andrea flees from Bruggern to the south and experiences a beautiful "Romance in Venice". She falls in love with the boyish-charming pianist Stefan Schröder. But a misunderstanding leads to breakage. Andrea returns pregnant to Germany. Stefan signs a contract for America. And the years go by .
Liebe im September
Frau Suitner
Frau Bruggmüller
Один, два, три
Berta (uncredited)
МакНамара — глава отделения компании «Кока-Кола» в Германии — ответственный работник и настоящий карьерист. Однажды на его голову сваливается Скарлетт, дочь большого американского начальника, и МакНамара нянчится с ней, надеясь, что это поможет ему получить вожделенное назначение. Но дело принимает скверный оборот, когда девушка влюбляется в коммуниста из Восточного Берлина и выходит за него замуж.
Town Without Pity
Frau Kulig
Four American soldiers stationed near a German village face death in the rape of a local girl and are defended by outside counsel Major Steve Grant.
Confessions of a Sixteen-Year-Old
Finden Sie, dass Constanze sich richtig verhält?
Ich heiße Robert Guiscard
Weg in die Vergangenheit