Johanna Sibelius

Рождение : , Berlin, German Empire


Her sisters were the actress Jutta Freybe and the novelist Martha Albrand.


When Sweet Moonlight Is Sleeping in the Hills
Based on a book by Eric Malpass and directed by Kurt Hoffmann, the film focuses on the everyday life of a German family perceived through the eyes of its youngest member — six-year-old Gaylord.
Heintje - A Heart Goes on a Journey
24 Hours in a Woman's Life
Alice, a widowed Frenchwoman, goes on a vacation to Italy. Upon her return, she relates the particulars of her holiday. Within a 24-hour time frame, Alice gets on the wrong boat, winds up in Switzerland where she whiles away the hours at a casino, meets a handsome young German army deserter named Thomas, spends the night with her new acquaintance, pays his sizeable gambling debts, and helps him elude the authorities...
In the Morning at Seven the World Is Still in Order
A quirky family lives their simple but joyful life which centers around the youngest family member, a little boy.
The Heathens of Kummerow
Kummerow, a village in North East Germany, around 1900: Mean-spirited miller Düker wants to drive cowherd Krischan out of the village. Being popular with the local children, Krischan can rely on the help of schoolboys Martin and Johannes and their friends, who try to prevent the miller's plans by playing pranks on him.
Liselotte von der Pfalz
Long Legs, Long Fingers
Baron Holberg, who looks back with pride on a long family tradition as hotel thieves, is horrified when his daughter Doris falls in love with the lawyer Robert Hammond, of all people, rather than choosing the art thief Sammy, as he would wish. Under the pretext that they are being pursued by the police, he lures his daughter away from the lawyer, but when he confesses the deception to her, Doris immediately sets off for Hammond's country estate near London. However, Hammond's father is not too fond of the connection either...
Kurt Hoffmann's remake of his own 1953 movie based on the play by Curt Goetz.
Верная Рука - друг индейцев
Благородный герой Джонни Гарден, прозванный Верная Рука за виртуозную стрельбу, странствует по Дикому Западу в поисках убийц своей матери. Вместе со своими друзьями - индейцами и белыми — ему приходится вступить в противоборство с многочисленной бандой, возглавляемой изобретательным и безжалостным злодеем, известным как Генерал; он-то и оказывается личным врагом Верной Руки.
Среди коршунов
Совершено жестокое нападение на ферму Бауманна, убиты жена и дочь фермера. Все улики говорят о том, что это были индейцы. Как нельзя кстати на ферме объявляется никому неизвестный проповедник, утверждающий, что на ферму действительно напали индейцы одного из племён. Виннету и Шаттерхэнд сомневаются в словах проповедника. Но удастся ли нашим героям доказать свою правоту?
Condemned to Sin
After World War II, a lot of people, who lived in the eastern parts of the Third Reich had to be relocated. One of them is Hugo Starosta (Martin Held) with his family. They live in a fortress. Hugo is unemployed, his children don't seem to like school, but somehow they managa to get through.
Зал ожидания на небеса
Сайрус Брэдли, один из самых богатых и влиятельных людей Лондона, получает анонимное письмо с угрозами и требованием выплатить шантажистам 50,000 фунтов. Мистер Брэдли не принимает послание всерьез и тем же вечером его убивают. За расследование преступления берется племянник сэра Сайруса, молодой студент Дон Миклем.
Only a Woman
A psychotherapist's love life is a disaster because of her own fears and neuroses. Involving herself in her patients love life add more complications.
Adorable Julia
Script Supervisor
A successful and married, although not quite young, stage actress falls for a young man, who is involved with a young actress who uses him to advance her career and upstage the leading lady.
Adorable Julia
A successful and married, although not quite young, stage actress falls for a young man, who is involved with a young actress who uses him to advance her career and upstage the leading lady.
Confessions of a Sixteen-Year-Old
Arms and the Man
1865: Swiss captain Bluntschli fights as mercenary in the war between Bulgaria and Serbia. When his group's attacked by a few Bulgarian troopers, he learns that he's got the wrong ammunition for his cannon and has to flee. His flight leads him right into the bedroom of his enemy's fiancée.
Scandal in Bad Ischl
Heute heiratet mein Mann
Ich war ein häßliches Mädchen
...und ewig bleibt die Liebe
Die sieben Kleider der Katrin
Когда цветет белая сирень
Брак начинающего певца и портнихи постоянно испытывается на прочность: артист Вилли и практичная Тереза безумно любят, но с трудом понимают друг друга. Кроме того, Вилли никак не может найти работу. После очередной ссоры они расходятся окончательно. Через 15 лет, когда Вилли возвращается в город уже известным певцом, их чувства вспыхивают с новой силой. Кажется, теперь ничего не мешает им воссоединиться, но жизнь оказывается намного сложнее.
Mailman Mueller
Postman Titus Müller returns from his daily rounds with a letter that will change the course of his modest provincial existence.
Dreaming Lips
Until we meet again
This is the tear-jerking love story between young Pamela and casino owner Mayrhoefer.
Die Sehnsucht des Herzens
City in the Fog
Am Abend nach der Oper
A wealthy man murders his wife, then marries a young woman who becomes suspicious of him.
Nacht ohne Abschied
Meine Freundin Josefine
Wenn du noch eine Heimat hast
Der dunkle Punkt