Kent Smith

Kent Smith

Рождение : 1907-03-19, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1985-04-23


Kent Smith (born Frank Kent Smith) was an American stage, screen, and television actor. Smith's early acting experience started in 1925 when he was one of the founders of the famed Harvard "University Players", which later included Henry Fonda, James Stewart, Joshua Logan and Margaret Sullavan in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Smith's stock experience also included productions with the Maryland Theatre in Baltimore. His professional acting debut was in 1929 in Blind Window in Baltimore, Mayland. He made his Broadway acting debut in 1932 in Men Must Fight. He also appeared on Broadway in Measure for Measure, Sweet Love Remembered, The Best Man, Ah, Wilderness!, Dodsworth, Saint Joan,, Old Acquaintance, Antony and Cleopatra and Bus Stop. Smith moved to Hollywood, California, where he made his film debut in The Garden Murder Case. He appeared in such films as Cat People, Hitler's Children, This Land Is Mine, Three Russian Girls, Youth Runs Wild, The Curse of the Cat People, The Spiral Staircase, Nora Prentiss, Magic Town, My Foolish Heart, The Fountainhead, and The Damned Don't Cry. He continued acting in films such as Comanche, Sayonara, Party Girl, The Mugger, Imitation General, The Badlanders, This Earth Is Mine, Strangers When We Meet, Susan Slade, The Balcony, A Distant Trumpet, Youngblood Hawke, and The Young Lovers. Smith had roles in television films such as How Awful About Allan, The Night Stalker, The Judge and Jake Wyler, The Cat Creature, The Affair and The Disappearance of Flight 412. His numerous television credits included a continuing role in the soap opera Peyton Place as Dr. Robert Morton; Smith's wife, actress Edith Atwater, played his character's wife on the series. He began guest-starring in television series in 1949 in The Philco Television Playhouse, and also appeared in Robert Montgomery Presents, Wagon Train, General Electric Theater, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Naked City, Have Gun Will Travel, Perry Mason, Gunsmoke, The Beverly Hillbillies, Rawhide, The Americans, Barnaby Jones, The Outer Limits, Night Gallery, and the 1976 miniseries Once an Eagle. His last appearance was in a 1977 episode of Wonder Woman.


Kent Smith


Taking Tiger Mountain
Militant feminist scientists brainwash research subject to assassinate the Welsh Minister of Prostitution. Meanwhile World War III is being fought and the USA has been invaded.
Die Sister, Die!
Dr. Thorne
A man hires a nurse to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her.
The Cat Creature
Frank Lucas
When a rich man dies, some items from a collection of his are stolen- an ancient Egyptian gold amulet and the mummy that was wearing it. The police consult scholars from the local University to help with the investigation, which is taking a more serious turn as people connected with the case are killed by wounds that seem to be from a housecat.
The Affair
Mr. Patterson
A crippled lady songwriter meets an older lawyer who becomes her first love.
Потерянный горизонт
Bill Fergunson
В 1935 году во время восстания в Китае самолет с пятью англичанами и американцами на борту совершил вынужденную посадку в глухих горах Тибета, там, где еще не ступала нога цивилизованного человека. Бедняги уже готовы были распроститься с жизнью, как вдруг к ним пришло спасение в виде странных буддийских монахов, глава которых, к их удивлению, говорил на английском. Он приводит их в сказочную страну Шангри-Ла, ранее никому не известную. В этой идеальной стране здоровье, мир и долголетие правят людьми в отличие от всего остального, цивилизованного мира. Основной принцип их «идеологии» - отказ от излишеств...
The Snoop Sisters
Warren Packer
A spinster and her widowed sister, who are the authors of murder-mystery novels, try to track down the killer of a former movie star. This TV pilot film became a series of rotating movies the following season.
Пит и Тилли
Father Keating
Тилли — умная, скромная и рассудительная женщина бальзаковского возраста. Пит — остроумный, саркастичный, крайне прямолинейный и успешный мужчина, который не пропускает ни одной юбки. Несмотря на полярность характеров, их свидание вслепую, организованное общими друзьями, оборачивается необычным романом. Но впереди героев ждет множество испытаний…
The Judge and Jake Wyler
Robert Dodd
A retired lady judge runs a private detective agency with a charming ex-con as her leg man and various parolees helping in the day-to-day operation.
The Crooked Hearts
James Simpson
A charming but somewhat larcenous widow attempts to snare a rich bachelor through a lonely hearts club, but her scheme boomerangs into a deadly cat-and-mouse game. This marked the TV-movie debut of both Rosalind Russell and Douglas Fairbanks Jr., and was sadly also Russell's last film role.
Another Part of the Forest
Simon Isham
A television adaptation of Lillian Hellman's play about the Hubbards, a rich Southern family of greedy, ruthless individuals.
Dr. Edward Laurent
Pilot for sci-fi detective series "Search." Hugh O'Brian as Lockwood, a high-tech private eye, was outfitted with two electronic implants (one to hear what was said at HQ and a dental contact he could bite to communicate with HQ--one bite for yes and two bites for no) and a button-sized "scanner" that combined a micro-miniaturized television camera that could also see in infrared spectrum, microphone, medical sensors, and transmitter, putting him in constant contact with a room full of experts monitoring his actions and vital signs and supplying him with encyclopedic information.
The Night Stalker
District Attorney Tom Paine
Wisecracking reporter Carl Kolchak investigates a string of gruesome murders in Las Vegas. It seems that each victim has been bitten in the neck and drained of all their blood. Kolchak is sure that it is a vampire. He's hot on the trail, but nobody believes him. His editor thinks he's nuts and the police think he's a hindrance in the investigation, so Kolchak takes matters into his own hand.
The Last Child
Gus Iverson
In a badly-overpopulated future, where each couple is only allowed one child and where people over 65 are forbidden medical care under a very draconian set of laws, a young couple, pregnant with their second child (the first died shortly after birth) enlist the help of an elderly former US Senator to help them escape to Canada.
How Awful About Allan
After an eight-month stay in a mental hospital, a tormented man comes home to live with his sister; but a mysterious boarder may be trying to kill him.
The Games
From Great Britain, the United States, France, Italy, Australia and behind the Iron Curtain. They are the most superbly conditioned animals in the world. They are also the pawns of powerful nations, the victims of dangerous drugs and the object of many men's ambitions. Once every four years they come together... for the Olympic Games.
Death of a Gunfighter
Andrew Oxley
In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.
Assignment to Kill
Mr. Eversley
A private eye is hired by an insurance company to investigate a shipping magnate suspected of deliberately sinking his own ships for the insurance money. He finds himself involved in a web of deception, double-crossing and murder.
Kona Coast
Sam Moran is a Honolulu charter-boat captain who leads fishing expeditions in the tropical paradise. When his daughter is found murdered at the party of a wealthy young playboy, he seeks the truth about the murder. Convinced the playboy is guilty, he enlists the help of his friend Kittibelle, who runs an alcohol abuse treatment center. Sam runs into a wall of silence obviously built by hush money and islanders fearful of reprisals from the rich and powerful family. The determined dad fights to uncover the information that will land the murderer in jail as he avenges the death of his daughter.
The Money Jungle
Paul Kimmel
When four geologists who form a combine of five industrial companies turn up dead, the race is on to determine whether the culprit is a group of high-powered industrial interests or the government. A trouble-shooter is hired to find a net of deadly intrigue and treachery. The prize: a field to be leased to private industry by the state.
Harry Gordon
Дженнифер и Пол Монтгомери — весьма эксцентричная пара. На протяжении трех лет своего супружества они стараются разнообразить свою семейную жизнь забавными безобидными играми. Но однажды в их жизни появляется очень странная продавщица косметики Лиза Шиндлер и рассказывает им совсем о других играх — опасных и серьезных. Пол и Дженнифер решают сыграть «по-взрослому» и так увлекаются, что не замечают, как переступают черту дозволенного…
Договор со смертью
Oliver Parmalee
Полиция aрестовывaет Брaйaнa Тaлботa, местного предпринимaтеля, зa убийство жены. Во время судa нaд ним лишь один человек - молодой судья Бенджaмин Морaлес - выскaзывaет робкое сомнение в том, что одних только косвенных улик недостaточно. Его никто не слушaет, кaзнь нaзнaченa, прaвосудие прaктически свершилось. Но... события нa этом не зaкaнчивaются, сaмое интересное впереди…
Неприятности с ангелами
Uncle George Clancy
Две юные резвые студентки Академии Святого Франциска для девочек противостоят авторитетной матери-настоятельнице и её свите озадаченных сестер.
The Young Lovers
Dr. Shoemaker
A carefree college student has to face up to responsibility when his girlfriend announces she's pregnant.
Youngblood Hawke
Paul Winter Sr.
An unknown Kentucky writer (James Franciscus) comes to New York and pursues fame and women (Suzanne Pleshette, Genevieve Page).
Далекий звук трубы
Secretary of War
Молодой лейтенант Хэзард для дальнейшего прохождения службы прибывает в форт на индейской границе, где он сталкивается со слабой дисциплиной солдат и красавицей Китти — женой своего нового командира. Лейтенант пытается восстановить воинские порядки на форте и ухаживает за Китти, но всё осложняется из-за того, что Хазарда собирается навестить его невеста и намечающееся нападение индейцев...
Сюрреалистическая политическая сказка, действие которой развивается в выдуманном мире. Обитатели его сбрасывают правительство в результате революции. Питер Фальк искромётен в роли шефа полиции, который окопался в публичном доме и пытается оттуда влиять на ход событий. Острая сатира, направленная против государства и церкви, с великолепной актерской игрой.
Moon Pilot
Secretary of the Air Force
An Air Force captain inadvertently volunteers to make the first manned flight around the moon. He immediately falls under the watchful protection of various security agencies, but despite all their precautions, a young woman who may be an enemy spy succeeds in making contact with the captain. The captain eventually discovers that this woman is not an enemy but rather a friend from a very unusual source.
Susan Slade
Dr. Fain
A pregnant teen allows her mother to pass the baby off as her own.
Мы незнакомы, когда встречаемся
Stanley Baxter
Архитектор Ларри Коу любит свою жену, но он устал от брака и работы, поэтому он заводит роман с молодой замужней соседкой Мэгги.
This Earth Is Mine
Francis Fairon
Set during the Prohibition era, when wine makers were financially challenged and had to decide whether or not they wanted to cooperate with bootleggers to survive.
The Mugger
Dr. Pete Graham
A police shrink tries to identify and capture an elusive mugger that scars his female victims before stealing their purse.
Jeffrey Stewart
Чикаго, 1930-е. Работающий на мафию адвокат и танцовщица из ночного клуба, оба в равной степени тщеславные и потрепанные жизнью, делают всё, чтобы завоевать симпатию друг друга.
The Badlanders
Cyril Lounsberry
Two men are released from the Arizona Territorial Prison at Yuma in 1898. One, the Dutchman, is out to get both gold and revenge from the people of a small mining town who had him imprisoned unjustly. The other, McBain, is just trying to go straight, but that is easier said than done once the Dutchman involves him in his gold theft scheme.
Imitation General
Brig. Gen. Charles Lane
An officer poses as a general after the death of his commanding officer and inspires his troops to victory.
Gen. Webster
Майор воздушных сил Ллойд Грувер направлен на японскую базу, где он становится свидетелем проявления расизма со стороны американцев в отношении японцев. Проблемы усугубляются, когда некоторые солдаты заводят романтические отношения с японками вопреки политике военного времени. Добросовестный Грувер узнает, что его друг влюбился в местную женщину и собирается на ней жениться. Он рискует своей карьерой и соглашается стать шафером на свадебной церемонии…
Quanah Parker
Рассказ о попытках пограничного скаута Джима Рида определить местонахождение вождя команчей Куана Паркера и обсудить мир между американцами и индейцами. Хотя команчи остаются в состоянии войны с мексиканцами, вождь племени считает, что мир с американцами лучше войны. Рид должен убедить Куана, что индейцы должны также сложить оружие против мексиканцев. Но не все хотят мира и среди американцев, и среди команчей...
John Rogers
A woman, distraught because of her recent miscarriage, accidentally injures a child in a hit-and-run accident, but she keeps the incident a secret. Overcome with guilt and remorse, she seeks out the child in the hospital and attempts to help him regain his speech, even though, if successful, it might mean he will implicate her for the crime.
Little Women: Jo's Story
Professor Fritz Bhaer
Louisa May Alcott's autobiographical account of her life with her three sisters in Concord, Massachusetts in the 1860s. With their father fighting in the American Civil War, sisters Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are at home with their mother, a very outspoken women for her time. The story tells of how the sisters grow up, find love and find their place in the world.
This Side of the Law
David Cummins
A man - trapped in a cistern - reflects on the dark events that lead to his lonely entrapment.
The Damned Don't Cry
Martin Blackford
Fed up with her small-town marriage, a woman goes after the big time and gets mixed up with the mob.
Мое глупое сердце
Lewis H. Wengler
Мэри Джейн после многих лет разлуки приезжает погостить к своей бывшей однокласснице Элоизе. Ее подруга несчастлива в браке, пристрастилась к алкоголю и все время вспоминает свою настоящую любовь — Эндрю, погибшего во время Второй мировой войны... Фильм снят по мотивам рассказа Дж. Д. Сэлинджера «Лапа-растяпа».
Peter Keating
Архитектор Говард Рорк — творец «новой волны» в архитектуре. Он стремится покончить с классическим дизайном зданий и окрылён идеями новых решений. К сожалению, проекты его авангардных домов общество не принимает, заказчики требует традиционных решений. В ответ на это герой сознательно разрушает свою зарождающую карьеру, вступая в противостояние со всем миром, борясь за иллюзорное право на творчество. Говард — самовлюблённый эгоист высшей пробы, общество в его жизни играет второстепенную роль. Процесс созидания ради созидания — вот его личное счастье и благополучие, вся его творческая деятельность направлена на торжество личного Эго…
The Voice of the Turtle
Kenneth Bartlett
An aspiring Broadway actress falls in love with a soldier on leave during a weekend in New York City.
Волшебный город
Специалист по проведению опросов общественного мнения находит город, который является идеальным зеркалом общественных мнений США.
Nora Prentiss
Dr. Richard Talbot aka Robert Thompson
Quiet, organised Dr Talbot meets nightclub singer Nora Prentiss when she is slightly hurt in a street accident. Despite her misgivings they become heavily involved and Talbot finds he is faced with the choice of leaving Nora or divorcing his wife. When a patient expires in his office, a third option seems to present itself.
Design for Death
Documentary Feature winner "Design for Death" (1947) examines Japanese culture and how it led to Japan's role in WWII.
Okay for Sound
This short was released in connection with the 20th anniversary of Warner Brothers' first exhibition of the Vitaphone sound-on-film process on 6 August 1926. The film highlights Thomas A. Edison and Alexander Graham Bell's efforts that contributed to sound movies and acknowledges the work of Lee De Forest. Brief excerpts from the August 1926 exhibition follow. Clips are then shown from a number of Warner Brothers features, four from the 1920s, the remainder from 1946/47.
Винтовая лестница
Dr. Parry
1916 год. Маленький городок в Новой Англии. Садист-душитель сеет страх среди местных жителей. Его жертвами становятся молодые девушки, имеющие физические недостатки или хронические заболевания. Ставшая немой из-за перенесенной в детстве травмы Хелен работает служанкой у прикованной к инвалидному креслу вдовы, миссис Уоррен. У женщины есть два сына, Стив и Альберт. Когда в городке погибают три молодые девушки, домочадцы опасаются, что следующей жертвой может стать немая Хелен. Она хочет уехать из города вместе со своим возлюбленным, но в это время начинается страшная гроза и ливень. Хелен приходится задержаться на ночь в старом мрачном особняке миссис Уоррен, где на спиральной лестнице ей и предстоит столкнуться с убийцей…
Your Next Job
Instructor Lieutenant
In this documentary short film, a U.S. Army lieutenant instructs soldiers in how to prepare for new and interesting jobs in civilian life after the war. He leads the soldiers through a number of checklists to determine what their interests are and how to make decisions and plans for future employment. One of the soldiers, T-5 Dailey, worries about his options, until his mirror-image self appears to talk him through a plan of action.
Boeing B-29 Superfortress Bomb Loading Procedures
Briefing Colonel
This government documentary short film describes the concerns of the U.S. Army Air Forces over the safe, effective, and expeditious handling of the loading of bombs onto the Boeing B-29 Superfortress heavy bomber. A colonel briefs a command board on the problems inherent in the initial bomb-loading processes and the losses and injuries resultant from those processes. He then informs the board as to the development of new model hoists for loading bombs. The commanding general asks for approval from the board, and following input from an AAF tactical officer, the new hoist is approved.
Youth Runs Wild
Danny Coates
The teens of a defense-plant town hop on the road to juvenile delinquency while their parents are busy with the war.
Resisting Enemy Interrogation
Capt. Reining - American Working for the Nazis
A downed American bomber crew quickly falls prey to the clever interrogation techniques of the Germans in this dramatic training film.
Проклятие людей-кошек
Oliver 'Ollie' Reed
Эми, молодая, не имеющая друзей дочь Оливера и Элис Рид, заводит знакомство с призраком первой жены своего отца и нелюдимой стареющей актрисой.
Three Russian Girls
John Hill
Another of a wartime cycle of Hollywood films lauding the praises of America's Soviet allies, Three Russian Girls is a remake of Russia's The Girl From Stalingrad. Set just after the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the film stars Anna Sten as Natasha, a Red Cross volunteer who is dispatched to a field hospital located in an old pre-revolution mansion. American test pilot John Hill (Kent Smith), who'd been in Russia on a goodwill mission, is wounded in battle and brought to the hospital. As he slowly recovers from his wounds, Hill falls in love with Natasha. A last-act crisis develops when the hospital personnel are forced to move immediately to Leningrad as the Nazis advance.
Эта земля моя
Paul Martin
Фильм сделан во время Второй мировой войны, когда любая картина по определению должна была выполнять некие пропагандистские функции. Но при этом в фильме нет ни малейшего следа какой-либо пропаганды. Более того, с формальной точки зрения, этот фильм просто не соответствует своей задаче. О картине «Эта земля моя» Франсуа Трюффо написал, что это «самый презираемый американский фильм Жана Ренуара», главный герой которого, скромный школьный учитель Альбер Лори в блестящем исполнении Чарлза Лаутона, «боится бомбежек, любит свою старую мать, свои удобства и свой стакан молока, почитает инспектора учебного округа и оккупационные власти...» и просто отчаянный трус. Но он находит в себе силы перед лицом неминуемой смерти выступить на суде с пламенной речью, обличающей нацизм.
Three Cadets
Captain A. Edwards
The story of Three Cadets and sexually transmitted diseases.
Forever and a Day
Gates Trimble Pomfret
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
Hitler's Children
Professor Nichols
This lurid exposé of the Hitler Youth follows the woes of an American girl declared legally German by the Nazi government.
Oliver Reed
Сербский модельер Ирена Дубровна и американский морской инженер Оливер Рид знакомятся в Центральном парке, влюбляются и женятся после непродолжительного романа. Но есть одна странность у Ирен, она боится идти на близость со своим мужем, считая, что она превратится в пантеру, и убьёт своего возлюбленного, в соответствии со сказаниями, ходившими в её родной деревне.
Back Door to Heaven
Attorney (uncredited)
The life of a young kid, who starts stealing small things to fit in with the "cool crowd".
The Garden Murder Case
Woode Swift
Detective Philo Vance is in charge of the investigation of several mysterious murders. Things take a turn when he gathers evidence against Major Fenwicke-Ralston.