Aleksandar Gavrić

Aleksandar Gavrić

Рождение : 1932-05-28, Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia)

Смерть : 1972-12-06


Aleksandar Gavrić


Direktor kombinata
The adventures of a truck driver and his fellow associate, who both leave their company refusing to meet the newly introduced criteria of having elementary school degree. Being in their 40s and totally talentless for education, they decide to leave the company and go private. However, the world outside their company has been completely changed over the years, and after the series of bad lucks, they will summarize their position and go back to school.
A girl with a nickname "Yelow one" lives in the whirlpool of modern metropola. Without experiencing childhood, naive and simpleminded, she becomes a wanderer, although she has a burning desire for home and quiet life. The big city life laws get her in troubles, sad and, at least for her, unintelligible...
And God Created a Tavern Singer
An electro-technician falls in love with a bar singer, but her job environment, full of alcohol, despair and tired truck drivers, causes nothing but troubles for him.
Молодой и здоровый, как роза
В центре картины Стив, мелкий преступник, рожденный в Белграде, всегда проблемный, враг режима страны, находящийся под влиянием общества и фильмов и его приход к власти вместе с наркотиками, сексом и с помощью местной полиции.
My Crazy Head
A Yugoslavian spoof of Dirty Harry and James Bond movies. A young inspector called Crazy Head goes after bandits that do not hesitate to use all kinds of vicious means in their shady ventures.
A Miracle
Uso Arapin
A drama set in the Middle Ages, based on the folk poem 'Bolani Dojcin', about a sick nobleman who uses the last ounce of strength to put a knight's armor and go, alone, to fight a gang who ravaged his city and drove his sister to death.
First Love
An accidental encounter on the Makarska Riviera, during the summer holidays, brings Miranda and Mica together. She experiences her first love whereas he has had success with many woman: this causes some misunderstandings.
Murder Commited in a Sly and Cruel Manner and from Low Motives
Gojko Vidak
An eminent Belgrade physician is found murdered. The investigation reveals dark side of his character - illegal abortions and abuse of his wife. The wife's lover becomes the prime suspect. The newspaper reporter, however, starts his own investigation. Besides being a crime story, this movie in quasi-documentary fashion presents alternative cultural scene of Belgrade in late sixties.
Downstream from the Sun
Young teacher first experience in their profession acquired in a remote mountain village, which has no school building. Life of a farmer, a clash between two warring race, then the conflict between the government and farmers for cutting the national forests needed to build new schools and the presence of a young teacher who doubt the search for truth, that will lead to major conflicts and tragedies.
Case Belgrade
In Autumn of 1943 American plane carrying Soviet colonel is shot down near Nazi-occupied Belgrade. Germans capture the colonel and begin interrogations, because he knows everything about forecoming Allied summit in Tehran. Group of Yugoslav Partizans is sent to Belgrade in order to rescue the colonel before he starts talking.
Florian Garaschin
This East German movie was co-produced with studios in Hungary and Yugoslavia, with many interesting location shots (border checkpoint to West Berlin, the Gellert bath in Budapest, and more). The plot is about French drug dealers, who obtain heroin somewhere in the Middle East, and smuggle it in several steps to East Berlin, and from there to France (or so it appears), killing when necessary. The hero is an officer of East German customs, who with detective work, some masquerade, and occasional violent action ultimately unravels the whole network, of course with the support of the local customs departments.
Бомбы в 10:10
Два партизана сбегают из тюрьмы и сговариваются с несколькими нелегалами, чтобы убить эсэсовца, заместителя коменданта концлагеря. Судьба операции оказывается в руках девушки, завербованной в СС и влюблённой в диверсанта.
Before and After the Victory
A newly established communist authorities in Yugoslavia face the moral challenge of how to deal with warriors of defeated side and other enemies of the regime.
Massacre in the Black Forest
Alex Gavin
In the first half of the first century A.D., the Teutonic tribes, led by Arminius The Terrible, rebel against the cruel and conquering Roman Empire. In raging torments and blood curdling battles, the barbarian tribes and Roman Legions fight a war of attrition, so brutal and terrible that Arminius becomes a legend throughout the empire. Only Augustus, Emperor of Rome is evil and treacherous enough to enslave the Teuton barbarian and halt his murderous uprisings.
How Romeo and Juliet Loved Each Other
Stole Stanojlović
The story of unfortunate lovers from contemporary Belgrade, a young woman married for money, and a student whom she loved before marriage. Juvenile love romance gets extinguished by social intolerance, calculated and upstarted.
Громовержец и Виннету
Комендант приграничного городка Мирамонте захватил и посадил в тюрьму брата главаря банды Сайлера. Узнав об этом, Сайлер грозит сравнять город с землей, если его брат не будет выпущен на свободу. Знаменитый охотник Громовержец и вождь апачей Виннету помогают защитить город и отбить нападение бандитов.
We'll Go to the City
Ratko Vitas, il padre
"Andremo in città" (We'll Go to the City) is a 1966 Italian drama film directed by Nelo Risi. It is based on the novel of the same name by Edith Bruck, Risi's wife. Bruck, a Hungarian concentration camp-survivor, settled in Italy after the Second World War and wrote about her experiences in autobiographical and fictional formats.[1] The film stars Geraldine Chaplin and Nino Castelnuovo.
In the Shadow of the Eagles
After the death of Octavian, the rebel populations of Illyria and Pannonia pose a grave threat to the Roman Empire. Tribune Marcus Ventidius is sent to subdue the uprising and, after a bitter battle, captures Pannonian chief Magdus together with a number of women hostages. These include Magdus's own daughter Helen, betrothed to cruel Illyrian warrior Batone who has killed many Romans. Julia, daughter of the Roman governor Messala, is in love with Tribune Marcus and, jealous of his sympathy for the barbarian girl, plots an escape by Helen and her father. Pursuing the fugitives, Marcus crosses a mountain pass where Batone has laid a trap.
Виннету - сын Инчу-Чуна. След отчаянного человека
Продолжение приключений вождя апачей Виннету и Шеттерхенда. И вновь белые бандиты на службе бессовестных бизнесменов убивают и грабят на индейских территориях. Снабжая индейцев оружием и спиртным, они подстрекают их к вооруженному восстанию против белых. По поручению губернатора вождь апачей Виннету и Шеттерхенд едут провести мирные переговоры с восставшими...
Они шли за солдатами
Alessi (as Aca Gavric)
В оккупированной итальянцами Греции осенью 1941 года лейтенант Мартино получает задание развести по армейским борделям 12 девушек. Эта поездка выявляет истинную человеческую сущность ее участников.
March on the River Drina
Kosta Hadživuković, kapetan
A Serbian artillery battery of the Combined Division makes a forced march to the Cer Mountain in western Serbia to meet Austro-Hungarian troops, who have invaded the country by crossing over the Drina River. A chronicle of the Battle of Cer; a landmark battle of World War I and the first Allied victory over the Central Powers.
Devil in the Flesh
Professor Alexander
About pleasure seekers of both sexes. The pill is introduced. No need to fear pregnancy. But other dangers increases.
Народная драма о жителях горного села, начисто разрушенного войной. В Радополье не осталось ни одного мужчины. И тема тягот послевоенной разрухи, легших на плечи вдов и подростков, переплетается с темой женской тоски, неудовлетворенной жажды любви и продолжения рода.
Kapetan Ramiz Leši
In this sequel to "Captain Leshi", a group of Albanian nationalist movement (ballists) continues obstruction of the new Yugoslavian authorities even after the war. Captain Leshi manages to fight them successfully, as well as to fulfill his romance with beautiful Azira.
Stairs of Bravery
While carrying the red flag and dynamite all the way up to the church tower, Niksha negligently draws the agents' attention. This prevents him and his female companion Vjeka to leave the tower. Until the morning of May 1st, which brings the highlight of a red flag flying over the occupied Split, Vjeka and Niksha spend the night of their long-awaited rapprochement.
Салоникские патриоты
Orce Pop Ordanov
О подпольной террористической организации македонских патриотов, боровшихся за освобождение родины от турецкого ига.
Сигналы над городом
Komandir Ranko
1941-й год. В руки усташей попадает один из лидеров антифашистского движения Томо Кнежевич. При задержании он тяжело ранен и находится под охраной в больнице города Краловац. Этим обстоятельством решает воспользоваться базирующийся неподалеку от города партизанский отряд. Переодевшись в форму домобранства (регулярной армии марионеточного Независимого Государства Хорватия), партизаны строевым шагом входят в Краловац и без всякого сопротивления захватывают больницу. Однако выбраться из города с освобожденным товарищем оказывается куда более сложной задачей…
X-25 Reports
Resistance member is sent to infiltrate Nazi intelligence during WW2.
Captain Lechi
Kapetan Leši
Kosmet in the fall of 1944. The Partisans have successfully liberated the town of Prizren from occupying Germans,and Ramiz Leshi, a brave and cunning KNOJ captain, has to liquidate the remainder of the local Quislings, called Balists. They are led by a ruthless, German-trained soldier Kosta and by Ahmet, the brother of the famous Captain. As Ramiz is trying to get Ahmet out of the gang and hunt down the rest of the Balists, 2 new girls arrive in town. One of them is Lola, a bar singer with a questionable agenda, and the other is Vida, a withdrawn music teacher from Belgrade.
Doktor Sveta Mirković
Эпизод из борьбы югославских патриотов против оккупантов Белграда во время Второй мировой войны. Режиссер Скригин говорил о фильме следующее: «Тема фильма вымышлена. Все персонажи тоже придуманы. Хотя в фильме не показаны какие-либо реальные события, повествующие о нелегальной работе патриотов, он всё равно будет напоминать подлинную историю, потому что сценарий состоит из комбинаций различных действительных фактов». Историческим фоном для сюжета этого фильма послужила работа нелегальной типографии ЦК Компартии Югославии, существовавшая с 1941-го до 1943 года в оккупированном Белграде.