Lisa Maria Potthoff

Lisa Maria Potthoff

Рождение : 1978-07-25, Berlin, Germany


Lisa Maria Potthoff


Sarah Kohr - Irrlichter
Sarah Kohr
Кексовое полчище
Bavaria's most relaxed village policeman has to face an organized crime syndicate coming after his grandmother's cakes.
Eine riskante Entscheidung
Dr. Julia Schemmel
Gefährliche Wahrheit
Maren Gehrke
Драма с императорским омлетом
Руди переезжает к Францу и винит его в том, что не может ходить после аварии, так как Руди официально признан вылеченным. Тем временем Сюзи объединяется с Леопольдом для строительства - она хочет, чтобы вся семья Эберхофер переехала в отдельный дом.
Für immer Sommer 90
Свадьбы не будет!
Дочери удумали выйти замуж! Чем не повод объединиться и помешать им? Но в лагере заговорщиков — трое папаш, которые мало смыслят в тонкостях саботажа. Их конек — эпические фейлы! Что сильнее: чувства молодых или упорство пожилых?
Irgendwas bleibt immer
Nina Dormer
Doctor Nina falls in love with the charismatic architect Mark, who was imprisoned for manslaughter. Her neighbor Melanie, unlike her husband, is thrilled with Mark. But one day Melanie disappeared without a trace.
Колбасный торчок
Криминальная комедия о весёлом полицейском Франце Эберхофере - любителе хорошо и сытно покушать. Главный герой вместе со своим другом, частным детективом Руди Биркенбергером, пытается распутать очередное странное убийство, произошедшее в небольшом баварском городке.
Winterlicht - Der Usedom-Krimi
Julia Thiel
Кома от квашеной капусты
Францу Эберхоферу очень нравится работать полицейским в маленьком баварском городке Нидеркальтенкирхен, и перевод в Мюнхен напрочь выбивает его из колеи. Однако вскоре дело об убийстве заставляет его вернуться обратно в свою деревеньку.
Carneval - Der Clown bringt den Tod
Maria Klee
A tricky out-of-area mission for Peter Lohmeyer alias Chief Inspector Jan Fabel in his fourth case: in the hustle and bustle of Cologne Carnival, of all things, the introverted hamburger has to chase a serial killer and stop a colleague from going it alone. Lisa Maria Potthoff plays the policewoman Maria, whose traumatic experience turns into a blind thirst for vengeance, Stipe Erceg can be seen in the role of the burned-out top chef and Murathan Muslu as a macho criminal. The lost souls are what make this bestseller film adaptation by the author Craig Russell, which is extremely exciting right up to the last second.
Nebelwand - Der Usedom Krimi
Julia Thiel
Trugspur - Der Usedom Krimi
Julia Thiel
Тайна супа с клёцками
Офицера полиции Франца Эберхофера будят среди ночи, и он узнаёт, что его начальник Баршль был убит. Орудием убийства стал нож Франца, поэтому он становится главным подозреваемым в убийстве ненавистного босса.
Maria Mafiosi
Maria Moosandl
Policewoman Maria Moosandl and her lover Rocco Pacelli are expecting offspring. Unfortunately, the family conditions are anything but optimal: Maria's father is the police chief in the tranquil Landsberg and her future father-in-law Silvio the best connected owner of the pizzeria "Il Paradiso" and governor of a Sicilian Mafiaclans. In order to advance their own family business, the patron has already arranged a wedding for his only son - naturally with the daughter of the powerful clan chief from Naple
Engelmacher - Der Usedom-Krimi
Julia Thiel
Der mit dem Schlag
After several strokes of fate ends a rage eruption of the otherwise so quiet power engineering technician Felix Grünler with a criminal complaint for assault. A grateful affair for his sister-in-law Karin, who forges an intrigue to gain the inheritance of her mother-in-law. She succeeds in having Felix admitted to psychiatry as incompetent. He is determined not to get into therapy. For doctors, this confirms the picture of the labile patient. But in the other patients Felix gives his consistent anti-attitude in the long run benevolent recognition.
Свинина аль денте
Опасный психопат и серийный убийца открыл охоту на непосредственного руководителя Франца Эберхофера, блюстителя порядка из небольшого городка Ландсхута. Франц пытается упечь за решетку хитроумного психа, а так же параллельно решить множество личных проблем.
Schandfleck - Der Usedom-Krimi
Julia Thiel
Maria Klee
A series of ritual murders shakes Hamburg. First a songwriter is stabbed and scalped, then a scientist. Investigations by Kriminalhauptkommissar Jan Fabel lead into the left student scene of the 1980s. Both victims belonged to the environment of the terrorist Franz Mühlhaus, who was shot during a police operation. His followers could then start a new life. It quickly becomes clear: the key to the current murders lies in the case at the time.
The Usedom Thriller: Mörderhus
Julia Thiel
Former public prosecutor Karin Lossow is released from prison after several years in prison. She had once shot her husband with her daughter Julia's service weapon because he had slept with another woman. To the surprise of her probation officer and her daughter, she does not move into a new apartment in Rostock as planned, but returns to her home in Usedom in the "Mörderhus". Not only to the displeasure of her daughter, who has not yet been able to forgive her mother for what she did. Karin has to put up with derogatory looks and comments from the islanders. She herself sees Usedom as a second chance for her life and soon has a good connection to her environmentally conscious granddaughter Sophie, who supports her with legal tips during a protest. Karin also finds work in a bison enclosure, takes care of the animals and controls entry. Julia has to clear up the death of Thomas Krenzlin. The young paraplegic man is found drowned in the water.
Клёцки из зимнего картофеля
Полицейский Франц Эберхофер, несущий службу в небольшом баварском городке, должен раскрыть несколько странных смертей, произошедших в семье Нойхофер. Расследование выводит его на след подозреваемых, и при поддержке своего мюнхенского коллеги Руди Биркенбергера Франц сразу же отправляется на их поиски. Погоня приводит друзей на Тенерифе.
Мужская обитель
Разработчик программного обеспечения, продавец и профессиональный пилот решили обустроить в центральной котельной своего нового района свободную от женского пола зону, которую они гордо назвали «мужской обителью». Здесь они тайно смотрят футбол, едят пиццу, пьют пиво и сплетничают о женщинах, чьи головы забиты только шопингом и всякой ерундой. Но как только управляющий объектом обнаруживает последний оплот мужественности, им грозит изгнание из этого райского уголка…
Die Hebamme
Elgin Gottschalk
Die Gruberin
Sofie Gruber
Блюз с кнедликами
Вскоре после того как на стене дома школьного директора Хёпфла появилась надпись "Умри, свинья!", его тело нашли на железнодорожных путях. Франц Эберхофер - детектив полиции маленького баварского городка, подозревает, что директора убили. На сонный город, в котором крайне редко происходит что-то серьёзное, это событие произвело сильное впечатление. Эберхофер расследует преступление при поддержке своего друга Руди Биркенбергера, с которым они раньше вместе работали в Мюнхене. Дело осложняется, когда находится второй труп - наркомана, с которым Хёпфл был близко знаком. Ситуация окончательно выходит из-под контроля, когда Франц узнаёт, что у его возлюбленной Сюзи роман на стороне.
Achtung Polizei! - Alarm um 11 Uhr 11
Trau niemals deiner Frau
Carolin Siegl
Carolin and Niklas have a happy marriage and enjoy the suburban idyll. However, with the intimate harmony, it is over when Carolin's exile is suddenly at the door. Ex-Knacki Timo demands from Carolin Schweigegeld. The rogue couple had once committed numerous robberies. Niklas has no idea of ​​the past life of his wife. However, when a private investigator opens his eyes to him, he reacts unexpectedly understanding.
Kriminaloberkommissarin Maria Klee
A cruel serial killer keeps the Hamburg police in suspense. Two women have already fallen victim to him. Both were killed after a Viking ritual, the so-called blood eagle. Although the perpetrator, Chief Inspector Fabel sends mysterious e-mails, the investigator pats in the dark. Only little by little it turns out that you are dealing not only with a psychopathic killer, but with a mafia gang, in whose machinations even senior police officers are entangled.
Wer's glaubt wird selig
The snow is staying away from the Bavarian ski village of Haunzenberg, and so are the skiers. Business is failing and so is Georg's relationship with Emilie. During his attempt to reignite the fires of passion, the wooden cross in the next room falls down, crushing Emilie's very Catholic mother Daisy. Wracked with guilt, Georg and his drinking buddies hatch a plan to have Daisy canonized by the Church, hoping to save both the village and his relationship. Everything goes according to plan until the Vatican sends a Priest to examine the miracles of Saint Daisy... Written by Anthony Parkhurst
Sommer der Gaukler
Eleonore Schikaneder
Summer 1780: On the way to Salzburg Emanuel Schikaneder's theatre group gets held up in a small mountain village on the Austrian border due to a missing performance permit. In this village a dispute between mine owner Paccoli and the rebelling mine workers is escalating. The situation immediately inspires Schikaneder with the idea for a new play- but before long not only the mineworkers, but also Schikaneder's performers take to the picket line. This is because Schikaneder seems to care more about spending time with high society than his actors, who the Landlord refuses to feed until Schikaneder pays the outstanding bill. A hastily put together open air performance by the troupe leads to major disruption....
Tödlicher Rausch
Nina Wieser
The Sky Has Four Corners
Zimtstern und Halbmond
Barbara Hinichs
German ship captain Gottfried Hinrichs reluctantly retires to his Bavarian home, hoping to find comfort when his daughter Barbara moves back home, convenient now she has become a commercial pilot. So he dishes out the usual objections when she tells to have found her mate, while ma Lisbeth tries to shush. When the lovers turn up for Christmas Eve, a culture shock follows, for her dream prince is Palestinian unemployed would be-pilot Kamal Abu Khalil, and neither 'liberal' parent extends effective tolerance to Islamic in-potential laws. Ultimately Gottfried is worn down, but then the incompatible religious marriage norms seem to break up the couple itself. It gets even worse when his parents found out and fly in, while she feels neglected as Kemal starts an electronic muezzin Internet firm with a friend.
Kriminaloberkommissarin Maria Klee
A dead girl at the Elbe beach gives riddle to Chief Commissioner Jan Fabel. However, it does not stop at this one murder. Alluding to the literary models of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, a bloody trail soon runs through Hamburg. In his new novel, writer Gerhard Weiss argues that the bloody fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were based on authentic models. Is the Hamburg fairy tale murderer inspired by Weiss's novel?
Hinter blinden Fenstern
Liz Sinkel
Liz Sinkel
Die Geschichte vom Brandner Kaspar
70-year old Brandner Kaspar lives with his granddaughter Nannerl in the mountains at the Schliersee. As he is visited by the Death and wants to take him, Brandner Kaspar tricks him and gets another 20 years of life.
Сексуальная революция
Фильм рассказывает о двух братьях. Младший - работает в полиции, у старшего - финансовые проблемы. Когда младший брат соглашается помочь снять старшему брату порно фильм, ему приходится совмещать службу добропорядочного полицейского днем с работой режиссером порно фильма ночью. И с каждым днем это становится сложнее и сложнее.
Special Escort
The subject of male prostitution gets a distinctly zany and offbeat twist in Stellungswechsel (AKA Special Escort), Maggie Peren's tale of five male underdogs who promulgate themselves as female escorts in the city of Munich. Of that group, we meet policeman Gy, in hot water with his insurance company and enduring the vicissitudes of an on-again, off-again romance with comely Daphne; twentysomething Lasse, who lives with his mom and is pathetically henpecked by her; Giselher, a chronically unemployed former manager; Frank, a philologist who spends his days as a house husband; and Olli, a deli proprietor whose business is rapidly going under. These five conjure up the wild idea of charging for liaisons with emotionally needy women, but the scheme doesn't exactly go as planned - as none can even begin to anticipate the eccentricities or oddities of the female clients who turn up in response to their offer.
Bad Girls
In the course of a failed bank robbery , Charlotte is taken hostage in her husband's bank , as is Sophie , her husband 's lover . The two hostage- takers Max and Felix hope that the bank director will pay ransom for at least one of the two women , but they are wrongtremendously, because Charlotte 's husband wants to keep the loot for himself and get rid of the two women ...
Vier Töchter
Lisa Kronland
In 1952, four passionate bobsledders - Gamser, Franzl, Gustl and Leusl Peter prepare for the Winter Olympics in Oslo. There, the veteran Bavarian Gamser wants to finally put his archrival Dorfler in his place and show him his class. While the two men constantly get into your hair, the women Rosi and Anna try to calm things down. In Oslo, there is finally a big showdown, which will take place not only on a bobsled.
Vater Undercover - Im Auftrag der Familie
Mozart - Ich hätte München Ehre gemacht
Aloysia & Constanze Weber
The Wedding Party
Sophie Halberstadt
In rural Westphalia, Franz Berger struggles to keep his inn open. On this day, a bluff, overbearing bully, Hermann Walzer, has booked the dining room for a wedding banquet for his son Mark. There's bad blood between Berger and Walzer, so when the first course, shrimp cocktail, is off, Hermann storms out with the wedding party vowing not to pay. Franz locks the loo door, taking prisoners of the bride and Hermann's wife while he also locks the estate's outer gates, leaving Hermann and the rest outside. Walzer, a pheasant hunter, lays siege; shotguns, rifles, grenades, a shovel, and other weapons leave no one safe. Will it take death to bring these men to their senses?
Liebe hat Vorfahrt
Julia Franke
A misfortune rarely comes alone: ​​First caught the charming Munich wine merchant Sonja Franke her husband in red handed, then she gets in her state of shock even in a traffic control. She arrives promptly in court because of excessive speed, where the meticulous judge Alain Mayer withdraws her driver's license. So Sonja must travel by train to her most important winemaker. But in the course of the extremely turbulent journey, Sonja realizes that her "merciless" judge can be a thoroughly sympathetic and loveable man.
Am Tag als Bobby Ewing starb
1986 - The protest movement against the construction of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf is on its last legs. Only one rural commune remains: the "Alternative Wohnkollektiv Regenbogen". For them, it could go on and on with endless consensus discussions, shearing sheep and naked communal bathing. One day, the lowland communards are joined by two city dwellers, Hanne and her son Niels. While Hanne gets used to scream therapy and raising vegetables surprisingly quickly - and even more quickly to the tantra games with commune guru Peter - Niels has less and less desire for the dogmatic commune rules. Out of defiance, he joins the violent nuclear power plant resistance, thus upsetting the tranquil chaos of the commune. The big bang, however, comes when a reactor explodes in distant Chernobyl. Exactly on the day Bobby Ewing dies, the petroleum prince from "Dallas" and series favorite of the commune.
Liebe auf den zweiten Blick
Susanne Weber
Забойный футbол
В маленьком поселке, где живет Эки, футбол — это спорт для настоящих мужчин. И хотя он много лет защищал ворота местного клуба и был настоящим любимцем публики, один неверный поцелуй поставил его вне любимой игры. «Голубой» вратарь? Только не в нашем поселке! Бесцеремонно выставленный из клуба, Эки клянется отомстить бывшим товарищам. Но как это сделать? А очень просто. Нужно собрать команду, целиком состоящую из «голубых», и победить этих противных жлобов на футбольном поле…
Im Zweifel für die Liebe
Bettina Sedlitz
A widower man wants to cancel the lease of a religious orphanage, but when one of the nuns turns into the babysitter of his children, changes opinion.
David spends the last of his money on a room at the luxury hotel Waldhaus, where he plans to commit suicide. As part of his final act he invites his unsuspecting brother Gian along, ostensibly to spend his last days with him. Unexpectedly, Gian comes along with his girlfriend Valeria. David’s decision to end his life is constantly with them, and as the trio float through the days at the hotel, they come face to face with their past, unfulfilled dreams and an almost unbearable present. Eventually, Valeria becomes so captivated by David’s suicidal romanticism that the three of them end up in a ménage à trois – either their salvation or the end for each of them.
Акулы пера
Бен — ведущий критик в суперпопулярном музыкальном журнале. Музыканты готовы пойти на все, чтобы он тиснул благожелательную заметку об их творчестве… даже позволить своим подружкам его соблазнить. И не знающий ни в чем отказа Бен решает не ходить на день рождения к любимой девушке Катарине. Она может и подождать. Но Катарина думает иначе. Осознав, что потерял ее, Бен целыми днями заливает в себя алкоголь и изо всех сил старается вернуть Катарину.
Der Tod ist kein Beweis
Die Tochter des Kommissars
Bitter Innocence
Andreas Brandt is the head of the research department in a pharmaceutical company. He earns enough to build a future with his wife Monica and his daughter Eva. But a merger puts his position in jeopardy. Brandt randomly observes Larssen, who’s responsible for the merger, raping the waitress Vanessa. Instead of helping her, he takes a file which has previously been stolen by Larssen. It contains incriminating evidence against Larssen. Brandt tries to blackmail Larssen, but Larssen is capable to shift the buck back to Brandt. Slowly Brandt’s family becomes involved...
Holstein Lovers
Eine Liebe auf Mallorca
Tanja Lotze
Der Pakt
A short by Dirk Ahner.
Julia - Kämpfe für deine Träume!