Stefano Mainetti

Рождение : 1957-08-08, Rome, Lazio, Italy


Grido per un nuovo rinascimento
Based on an idea by a group of artists, technicians and film and stage crews, on June 24th, 2020, the event “A Shout for a New Renaissance” was staged at at Theater 8 of the Cinecittà Studios, calling on the art world to give more visibility to the problems of workers in the entertainment industry in the wake of the Covid-19 emergency.
Agata e Ulisse
In the Fridge for Love
Sub Down
When a nuclear attack submarine crashes on the floor of the Artic ocean, it's up to a pair of research scientists to save the entire crew before time and oxygen run out.
Original Music Composer
После того, как в Нью-Йорке был убит кубинский посол, отношения между Штатами и Островом Свободы сильно напряглись. В предельно недружелюбной атмосфере шла подготовка кубинско-американского саммита, который должен состояться в Праге. Получив информацию о возможном покушении на глав двух государств, ЦРУ направило в столицу Чехии одного из своих лучших агентов — Майкла Дэйна. Ему удалось нейтрализовать Симону Россе, специалистку в области наемных убийств и хозяйку пражского ночного клуба. Именно ее почерк явственно прослеживался в убийстве кубинского посла. Однако когда Симона уже находилась в руках Майкла, он с удивлением обнаружил, что существует и другой, неизвестный киллер, "работающий под Симону"…
The Killer Wore Yellow Shoes
To inherit a fortune, all Robert has to do is reopen a delapidated theatre and stage "Hamlet". Unknown to everyone else, Robert witnessed a murder in that theatre as a child... and the murderer is one of the cast.
The Killer Wore Yellow Shoes
Original Music Composer
To inherit a fortune, all Robert has to do is reopen a delapidated theatre and stage "Hamlet". Unknown to everyone else, Robert witnessed a murder in that theatre as a child... and the murderer is one of the cast.
The Killer Wore Yellow Shoes
Le Clochard
To inherit a fortune, all Robert has to do is reopen a delapidated theatre and stage "Hamlet". Unknown to everyone else, Robert witnessed a murder in that theatre as a child... and the murderer is one of the cast.
Vendetta II: The New Mafia
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
An action-packed, brought to us by Ignazio Dolce - the guy who directed several other 'Nam action flicks including "The Last Platoon". It's a plot less little exploitation movie, filmed on a shoestring budget in the Philippines.
Золотое кимоно воина 2
После изучения боевых искусств на Филиппинах и победы над своим оппонентом Куино Энтони Скотт возвращается в США, чтобы поступить в колледж. Неприятности находят его и здесь, он вступает в конфликт с «тиграми», местными подростками, занимающимися боевыми искусствами, и их главарем Диком. Дик пытается спровоцировать Энтони на драку и поквитаться за историю из прошлого их отцов, но Энтони обещал своему учителю Кимуре что не будет применять его учение для уличных разборок, только в честном поединке, который должен решить все проблемы, но, как это часто бывает, к решенным проблемам добавляются новые.
Last Platoon
After ex-cop and highly decorated war hero Chet Costa's Vietnamese girlfriend disappears, he accepts a risky mission: he shall blow up a bridge at the Vietnamese border to close the Vietcong's line of communication. He's given a group of prisoners to accompany him. Already on the way there their helicopter is shot down; a march through the wilderness begins. When his soldiers recognize that they're effectively on a suicide mission, they decide to get rid of their Seargent and to flee to Bangkok.
Strike Commando 2
A commando rescues his squad leader from heroin smugglers in Burma.
Пожиратели плоти 2
Original Music Composer
В одной из стран Юго-Восточной Азии в секретной лаборатории происходит попытка украсть некую вакцину, побочное действие которой в том, что люди становятся зомби. Похищение срывается, а один из похитителей становится зомби. Когда же его труп сжигают происходит заражение близлежащей территории.
Rat Man
A maniac butchers a fashion model on a Caribbean island and leaves the body to be eaten by rats. The model's sister suspects something isn't quite right with the police investagation and decides to go snooping on her own. With her friend, Fred, their investagations lead them to an unknown part of the island where they discover a monstrosity of a rat like man. The creature is killed by Fred, but the true horror of it's nature is just beginning...
The Overthrow
Original Music Composer
On their way to cover a sporting event in Argentina, reporter John Teller and photographer Bob Norton make a brief stop-off in a Latin America country and get entangled in a revolution.
Double Target
After several American and British military personnel are killed in suicide attacks throughout southeast Asia, the U.S. begins to suspect a plot by the Vietnam government. To uncover the truth, the U.S. army calls upon a former commando who is looking for his long-lost son in Vietnam. While his military commanders want to see the commando succeed in his mission, his political overseers have a different set of plans.
Italian Postcards
Original Music Composer
Lidia (Christiana Borghi) passes herself off as a stage actress to interview international star Silvana (Genevieve Page) for her writer boyfriend (David Brandon). Her first obstacle is the boarding house owner and former stage star Pola Mareschi, who is very protective of her tenant's privacy. Lidia is robbed by a motorcycle gang in the middle of the living room and is caught up in a performance put on by the residents. Lidia soon finds herself wanting to stay with the quirky actors as she becomes a performer in their offbeat antics.
Original Music Composer
В небольшом театре идут репетиции мюзикла, главным героем которого должен стать маньяк-убийца Ирвинг Уоллес. По дьявольской иронии судьбы сам прототип, только что сбежавший из закрытой психиатрической лечебницы, оказывается среди зрителей на генеральной репетиции. И начинается кровавая баня - ведь к концу спектакля все актеры могут превратиться в куски окровавленного мяса.
Original Music Composer
Italian fashion model living in New York decides to sell a villa located in the central Italian countryside and to make it back to their homeland.
Монастырь греха
Original Music Composer
Женский монастырь со своими порядками и правилами. Порядки жесткие, настоятельницы те еще бестии — любое нарушение тут же наказание. И вот в этой обстановке, новичка,(ее, кстати, зовут Сюзанна) обвиняют в одержимости дьяволом.
A Lustful Mind
Original Music Composer
Alessio, a young man from a well to do family, has been mute since the death of his mother two years ago. His father, who has subsequently remarried, sends him to his sister-in-law's house in the country to recuperate. While staying there Alessio has erotic fantasies concerning his stepmother, his aunt and a young art restorer working on the estate, all of whom his father is sexually involved with.