Peter Gersina

Рождение : 1962-01-01, Bregenz, Austria


Schwiegereltern im Busch
Das Kindermädchen: Mission Mauritius
Zaun an Zaun
Ева за бортом
Начинающая журналистка Ева Казински получает от своей газеты первое важное задание - написать путевой репортаж о рейсе немецкого контейнеровоза "Либерти" из Банкгока в Гамбург. Но уже через пару дней после захвата судна малайскими пиратами приятное морское путешествие превратилось для неё в настоящий кошмар...
Ева за бортом
Начинающая журналистка Ева Казински получает от своей газеты первое важное задание - написать путевой репортаж о рейсе немецкого контейнеровоза "Либерти" из Банкгока в Гамбург. Но уже через пару дней после захвата судна малайскими пиратами приятное морское путешествие превратилось для неё в настоящий кошмар...
Warum ich meinen Boss entführte
Anna is a young working mom, with baby twins. Her boss who doesn't understand the situation fires her just before losing his memory in an accident. Anna then decides to teach him a lesson and switch places with him.
Letters from Santiago
One day before her 18th birthday, Laura Hellmer finds out by chance that her mother Katharina, a renowned political journalist, has lied to her for years: Laura's father was not a Spanish war photographer who died before she was born, but probably lives and is in Chile. Without further ado, Laura sets off for South America to find her true father. While she is in Santiago following in the footsteps of her mother, who once reported on the victims of the Pinochet dictatorship, Katharina travels to her daughter.
Zwei mitten im Leben
Hafen der Düfte
Die Aufnahmeprüfung
Five years have passed since Anaesthesiologist Susanne Meissner divorced her self-centered husband, the successful surgeon Ferdinand. Although the two wanted to share the education of the three children together, Susanne cares almost alone about the pubescent offspring Toni, Valerie and Ludwig - a task that requires a lot of strength and patience for all the love. Your own needs are often too short.
Sams im Glück
Mein Song für Dich
Tante Herthas Rindsrouladen
Tiger Team: The Mountain of 1000 Dragons
The Viennese detective children Biggi, Patrick and Luke find a key in dragon form, and their curiosity is aroused. They realize that the sinister Lady Q is interested in opening the legendary moon palace and find the elixir which is believed that promises eternal youth. The Tigers must prevent that Lady Q enters into possession of the priceless liquid.
Tiger Team: The Mountain of 1000 Dragons
The Viennese detective children Biggi, Patrick and Luke find a key in dragon form, and their curiosity is aroused. They realize that the sinister Lady Q is interested in opening the legendary moon palace and find the elixir which is believed that promises eternal youth. The Tigers must prevent that Lady Q enters into possession of the priceless liquid.
Alles was recht ist – Die italienische Variante
Die Schnüfflerin - Peggy kann's nicht lassen
In the Name of Love
A funny story about bachelor party went wrong...
In the Name of Love
A funny story about bachelor party went wrong...
Mein Vater, seine Neue und ich
Mein Vater, seine Neue und ich
Sex & more
Valerie (Stefanie Stappenbeck) is about to get married to the first and only man she ever slept with. But before that happens, she wants to at least try on other guy. So she asks her friends Minza (Mina Tander) and Edda (Simone Hanselmann) to find her a single and suitable match. When they realize there is no other choice than best man Tim, long buried feeling are revived.
So fühlt sich Liebe an
Девочки снова сверху
Иногда они уходят добровольно. Иногда получают «крепкого пинка». Это называется «расставание с родителями и начало самостоятельной жизни». В случае с Инкен это был как раз второй вариант. Она вместе с подружками Леной и Люси решают снять квартиру, но как это сделать при полном отсутствии материальных средств? Выход есть: найти обеспеченных парней с большими… квартирами. У девчонок есть и шарм, и обаяние, и им остается лишь одно: найти подходящую «жертву»…
A comedy about three men who have reached the lowest rung on the social ladder. This story about lust for life and miracles that are possible only with the aid of extraordinary women unfolds at a place which reflects life, love and death like no other.
A comedy about three men who have reached the lowest rung on the social ladder. This story about lust for life and miracles that are possible only with the aid of extraordinary women unfolds at a place which reflects life, love and death like no other.
Strange Behavior of Sexually Mature Urbanites at Mating Season
Follows a divorced couple and their separate, cyclonic sexual escapades, and all of the spin offs.