Dr. Harry Trevor
Separately released feature version of the 1935 Serial, Call of the Savage.
Edgar's boss gives him a few days off as a reward for being promoted. His wife, Florence, mother-in-law and brother-in-law, think he has been fired for being too fat and, over his fruitless objections, put him on a strenuous reducing program that nearly kills him.
Doctor at Accident (uncredited)
A carnival showman tries to keep Japanese spies from sabotaging the Panama Canal.
Art Department Runner (uncredited)
Suave amateur detective Tom Lawrence--aka Michael Arlen's literary hero The Falcon--arrives in Hollywood for some rest and relaxation, only to find himself involved in the murder of a movie actor. There's no shortage of suspects: the costume designer to whom he was married, a tyrannical director, a beautiful young French starlet, a Shakespeare-quoting producer, even a New York gangster. Helping The Falcon solve the crime is a cute, wise-cracking cab driver and a pair of bumbling cops.
Edgar is so anxious to get brother out of the house that when a prospective fiancée arrives on the scene, Edgar reluctantly pays for an engagement ring.
Humphrey Wade
The Falcon travels to Mexico where he gets involved with murder and a mysterious painting.
Muggs and Glimpy, two East Side Kids in the army, return to their neighborhood, supposedly on furlough; actually, Muggs has been honorably discharged with a physical defect, but he tells no one of this. Danny, another East Side kid, is in jail because a large amount of medical supplies have been stolen from the warehouse where he works. Muggs see Spider, a new member of the gang, flashing a large amount of money around, and Muggs shrewdly turns toughie, boasting that he has a dishonorable discharge because of thievery. This leads Spider to confide in Muggs that he is the one who has been aiding in the theft of supplies from the warehouse, and he gets paid for the loot by Larry, operator of a nightclub where Muggs' sister, Milly, is an entertainer. Fingers, a henchman for Larry, kills Spider when he learns that Muggs has been let in on the operation. The police then suspect Muggs of killing Spider.
When a treasure hunter seeks a downed airplane in the jungles of Africa, he encounters one of the passenger's young daughter, now fully grown, and with a gorilla protector.
When a fed-up businessman tires of watching gold shipments disappear without a trace, he calls in the Trail Blazers (Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson and Bob Steele) -- a legendary trio of law enforcers -- to find the gold and figure out who's behind the thefts.
Fight Commissioner Bogart
Mexican club singer Lita Valdez is amazed to find that her younger brother Alberto is a talented boxer and is even more thrilled by his consistent success in the ring. Till he is forced to fight Jerry O'Leary, the man she loves. Caught between her devotion to both men, Lita tries her best to have the match canceled, but there is much more to the boxing racket than she had ever imagined...
Commissioner Lee
When a band of American Indians breaks a treaty with the federal government, U.S. Marshals Ken Maynard and Hoot Gibson hit the trail with captured outlaw Duke Dillon (Jack La Rue) to find out what sparked the uprising. They discover clues that point to corrupt Indian agent John Hampton (Kenneth Harlan), but meanwhile, the bandit Dillon pulls a fast one on the marshals, and soon everybody's getting ready for a showdown.
Doctor Stephen Andrews
When the night watchman at the bank is gunned down during a robbery, he fingers Barton as the trigger man. When the trial comes up in neighboring Carson City, Gil finds a witness named Shepherd who says that Barton was with him on the night of the murder. Gil gets Barton off, but Shepherd soon cashes a check from Gil at the bank and that raises questions. His father, Judge Phalen, starts an action against Gil, and when his father is shot dead, Gil is blamed for his murder.
A wild playboy is framed by crooks for a robbery he didn't commit and eventually lands in prison. There he becomes pals with the prison's most hardened criminal, who plans a daring escape.
Colonel of Marines
A young boy donates his pet, a police dog, to the army to be trained as a war dog.
Man (uncredited) (unconfirmed)
ША. 1916 год. Молодые актеры прибывают в маленький городок на гастроли, один из них Гарри Палмер - популярный американский комик и танцор. Во время гастролей герой знакомится с молодой актрисой Джо, и пробует ухаживать за ней, но девушка не проявляет к нему интереса. Путем всяческих хитросплетений он добивается ее расположения, и в итоге они создают творческий дуэт. В это время США вступает в войну в Европе. Гарри ломает пальцы, чтобы получить отсрочку и участвовать в запланированном шоу. Узнав об этом, девушка в отчаянии обвиняет своего любимого в трусости. Чтобы оправдать себя он идет в добровольцы, но его отстраняют в виду проблем со здоровьем. Тогда Гарри идет работать в состав театральных фронтовых бригад, поднимая боевой дух солдат веселым куплетом и зажигательным танцем.
Two con artists arrive in a western boom town that they think is ripe for the pickings, only to get swindled themselves.
John Carson
Shadows on the Sage is a 1942 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by Lester Orlebeck. The Three Mesquiteers, Tucson, Stony, and Lullaby arrive to help Sheriff Lippy fight the outlaws. But when the gang leader Curly Joe captures Tucson and notices the resemblance, he assumes Tucson's identity.
Maisie's Dance Partner (Uncredited)
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
John Edwards
Secret Service Major Steel is one of the few men in America aware of the fact that Captain Albright is also Captain Midnight, daring masked aviator dedicated to fighting gangsters and enemies of America.
Attorney Bruce King
Circumstances force naive Rita Adams into serving an unjust prison term, but she emerges from it a cynical criminal who rises to power in the local crime organization.
The evil and masked "Gargoyle" is sabotaging all of America's industrial plants. It is up to the Spider to save the country.
Harry Carlyle
On a scientific expedition to Siam young Billy Batson is given the ability to change himself into the super-powered Captain Marvel by the wizard Shazam, who tells him his powers will last only as long as the Golden Scorpion idol is threatened. Finding the idol, the scientists realize it could be the most powerful weapon in the world and remove the lenses that energize it, distributing them among themselves so that no one would be able to use the idol by himself. Back in the US, Billy Batson, as Captain Marvel, wages a battle against an evil, hooded figure, the Scorpion, who hopes to accumulate all five lenses, thereby gaining control of the super-powerful weapon
Matt Crandall
The Canadians have discovered a valuable substance called Compound X, which can cure infantile paralysis. When a country at war with Canada learns that Compound X also contains magnetic properties that could aid them in their warfare against the British, they send agents to infiltrate Canada and steal a large quantity of the substance. It's up to Sgt. King (Allan Lane) and his Mounties to track down the agents and put an end to their scheme.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois is a 1940 biographical film which tells the story of the life of Abraham Lincoln from his departure from Kentucky until his election as President of the United States.
"Tailspin Tommy" Tompkins and "Skeeter" Milligan are training young U. S. Army fliers for the newly-formed 'Sky Patrol,'a branch of the Army Reserves which operates along the borders and coast-lines, on the lookout for smugglers. Carter Meade, whose father is the Colonel in charge of the patrol, has a terror of firing guns and his father insists he conquer this fear. Tommy sends him out on patrol, on orders from Washington D. C., to stop any unfamiliar aircraft. Carter challenges an unmarked amphibian plane, which opens fire on him. Carter, afraid to shoot, bails out as his plane is shot down. Carter is missing, and Tommy and Skeeter are searching for him and the mysterious airplane.
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
Capt. Simmons (uncredited)
Из городка Тонто в Нью-Мехико выезжают на дилижансе несколько человек. Док Бун, пьяница, давно выгнанный из гильдии врачей. Даллас, проститутка, чьи сексуальные приключения так разозлили местных женщин, что те выгнали ее из своего не самого высшего общества. Хэтфилд, шулер, выдающий себя за джентльмена-южанина, у которого свои причины покинуть Тонто. Он тем не менее делает вид, что вызвался сопроводить беременную Люси к ее мужу, кавалеристу. Хенри Гэйтвуд, помпезный банкир, садится в дилижанс с небольшим саквояжем, который он не выпускает из рук. Сэмюэл Пикок, торговец виски, везет ящик образцов. Эти шесть человек составляют список пассажиров, а наверху сидит кучер Бак, верзила, ненавидящий индейцев, и крутой, грубый, но честный и простодушный Керли, представитель закона с дробовиком. Через какое-то время уже в пути к ним присоединяется Ринго Кид, у которого охромела лошадь. Дилижанс тронулся, ждите приключений!
Joe Travis
A just-married young woman attempts suicide after her husband tells her he really doesn't love her because he has become involved in an extortion racket, then finds herself becoming involved with the doctor who has saved her life and become attracted to her.
'John' in Room 530
A hard-working woman trying to support her family and working at a menial, low-paying job falls for a low-life and before she knows it, he has her working as a prostitute in a bordello.
Mr. Larkin - Jewelry Salesman
A respected citizen with secret ties to the local mob is faced with revealing his criminal connections to save two innocent people from execution
A young singer, Marge Dexter, becomes involved in trouble when she works in a nightclub in which two of the band-members are in reality undercover-police officers who believe that the club is the headquarters of a dangerous gang of crooks.
'Martin' the Chauffeur (uncredited)
A true-to-life gangster movie stirs up an all out mob assault on Hollywood.
District Attorney
A District Attorney decides to go after a doctor who is targeting young women and talking them into having illegal abortions.
State Attorney Ross
A detective must solve a case where a girl was murdered in a room--and all the doors and windows were locked from the inside.
Herbert Marvin
Millionaire Larry Duane is posing as his own chauffeur while touring the West and meets Molly Hennessey. They have a small romance until it is ended when her father strikes oil and moves his family east to satistify his wife's social aspirations. Larry also return east to close his estate for the summer, but stays on, still posing as the chauffeur, when he learns that Molly's family is renting the place.
Wilbur Crane
J. Carrol Naish plays a slimy villain again; this time he's running a casino on a ship and smuggling furs past the Coast Guard.
Crooked Dealer (uncredited)
The 1937 film version of Bret Harte's story, starring Preston Foster.
Bruce Redmond
Two safaris enter the African jungle intent on finding a white girl who is the heiress to a fortune. One safari, led by Jungle Jim, wants to make sure she gets the news that she is now a rich woman. The leaders of the other safari want to kill the girl so they can try to get hold of her inheritance.
Martin Blake (uncredited)
John Thompson is kidnapped by mobsters after quitting his job. Then he is arrested, tried, and sentenced to death for murders they committed. A suspicious detective thinks he is innocent and works to save his life.
Magee (uncredited)
Investigators set out to capture a gang of thieves transporting stolen cash through the U.S. mail.
City Editor
Pat's ability as a logging/mining camp fighter sets him up to box prizefighter Corrigan. Unknown to his supporters, he's actually in collusion with Corrigan to throw the fight - until he runs into reporter Maude.
Peter James
It opens in 1926 when three bank robbers, Theodore Kedrich, Jan Imarski, and Petra Lonelli, stage a daring daylight bank robbery and get away with a million dollars in cash. They are soon apprehended and sent to prison for ten years but the money is not recovered. Flash forward to 1936 when all three men have been released from prison and are about to be deported back to where they came from via the Deportation department at Ellis Island. They arrive by the ferry boat and already on hand to bid them adieu, and possibly learn where they stashed the missing money, is gang leader Dude and his three henchmen, Nails, Moxie and Bugs, and also Kendrich's niece Betty Parker there to bid old Uncle Ted a fond goodbye. Also on Ellis Island is a crook called Solo, who has an upper hand as he has stolen the credentials of a Treasury Agent named Peter James and has access to the prisoners, and has cut a deal with Kendrichs to get him off of Ellis Island.
'Million Dollar' Taylor
Young girls are cheated into rigged gambling games and then forced into prostitution to pay off their debts.
Frank Caswell
Government agents try to thwart smugglers, while some sort of plot unfolds, about a hidden treasure revealed by cursed coins.
Robert Martin
With a full Hollywood background and settings but more an expose of scandal-and-gossip magazines of the era, has-been actor John Blakeford agrees to write his memoirs for magazine-publisher Jordan Winston. When Blakeford's daughter, Patricia, ask him to desist for the sake of his ex-wife, Carlotta Blakeford, he attempts to break his contract with Winston.
Norman Carter
When a play's two producers are murdered, the playwright tries to solve the crime.
Bill Arden
An heiress with a penchant for speeding runs afoul of a traffic cop. Romance develops between the two, but it's soon complicated when he believes she is responsible for killing someone due to reckless driving.
Mr. Grimwood
A truck driver and a gold-digger meet at a swank hotel and both think the other is wealthy. A drama of greed and society.
15-Chapter Serial about a scientist that discovers a formula for making synthetic gold and the people that want it.
Terry Mallon
The Millionaire Kid is young Tommy Neville whose wealthy parents, Thomas and Gloria Neville are preparing to fight it out in divorce court.Tommy runs away from home. The private detective assigned to watch him tells Mrs. Neville he has been kidnapped. She immediately suspects her husband. Meanwhile, Tommy is selling newspapers in another city. He is attacked by a bully, and is rescued by gangster Terry Mallon and his daughter Kitty. Unaware of his identity, they take him to their beach home. Reporter Breezy Benson is sent to interview Mrs. Neville about the divorce, and is fired when she won't talk to him. He meets Kitty at the beach and is intrigued by her. He meets her father, who is curious but not suspicious as news of the alleged kidnapping has not been reported.
Capt. Petroff
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
Karl Jennings
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Assistant District Attorney Jeffery Powell has just sent an innocent man to prison for the murder of a gambler. Powell is in love with, Marion Courtney, but he's unaware that Marion is the sister of the innocent man he sent to prison. Marion gets herself committed to a women's prison to get proof from inmate, Evelyn 'Duchess' Thane, that her brother is innocent. Powell learns of Marion's plight and believes she's in love with the man he sent to prison.
Bert Graham
Madcap society girl June Bolton has a talent for trouble. Trying to evade a subpoena in connection with one of her misadventures, she winds up in jail and has to be bailed out by the family attorney, Dick Clayton. But June is soon in trouble again, this time involved with a mob boss and a shady lady. Exasperated by his wealthy client's reckless escapades, Clayton determines to quit... until he realizes he has fallen in love with the little madcap.
A half Mexican, half Irish gunman called The Irish Gringo and his pals come across a little girl wandering in the desert. It turns out her grandfather was murdered by a gang looking for the Lost Dutchman mine, a map of which is drawn on the shirt she is wearing, and now the outlaws are after her.
Ned Curtis
A 12-episode serial in which Tailspin Tommy evades volcanoes, anti-aircraft shells, and time bombs as he foils a plan by corrupt profiteers to steal an island's oil reserves.
Jack Thorne
When Buck is young his cattle stealing father is killed. Now grown Buck returns home still carrying the burden of his father's reputation. When he is framed for rustling, he finds an object that identifies Milt Fergus, the brother of his girl friend, as the rustler. Getting bailed out of jail he and his Uncle Ford have a plan to trap Milt.
Nick Conrad
Captain Matthews is paid 40,000 dollars in cash by Nick Conrad for his shipment of silk from China. About 15 seconds after he gets the cash, he's lured away on a false pretence and robbed by Conrad's henchmen. Newspaper reporter Jerry Mason witnesses the robbery and steals the cash from Conrad.
Baseball player Terry McCall is a very good baseball player, who doesn't mind bragging about his skills on the baseball diamond and also his off-the-field skills at wooing and winning women. An accident causes his luck to turn bad and results in him turning blind, but he later regains his sight after being instrumental in saving the life of Mickey Malone, the team's young mascot. He then promises Mary Malone, Mickey's sister, for whose affection he has been competing with a teammate, that he is through showing off and bragging. But, in the end, he is still blowing smoke.
Dr. Harry Trevor
Two competing teams of scientists search the African jungles for a secret formula.
Mr. Karns
An unscrupulous lawyer uses alcohol to swindle an innocent family.
Attorney Barrett
When a middle aged woman accepts a job at a day care center she comes across the child she gave up early in life.
Mr. Grant - Film Director of 'Midnight Patrol', Chs. 10-12
A young mechanic gets a job with a small airline, which he helps win a mail contract. A rival airline plots to destroy it in order to get the contracts for itself.
In this drama an older actress plays her last role. The aging thespian is terribly depressed and ready to kill herself when she finds out that an older more successful friend has vanished. The missing actress's family is in a real quandry. To help them, the other impersonates the older actress. Loose ends are knitted together and then she admits her ruse.
A former New York reporter (Peggy Shannon) is hired as editor of a failing, small town newspaper in California.
A stenographer who works at a large hotel finds herself caught in the middle of a major swindle.
District Attorney
A convicted murderer has been sentenced to death in the electric chair. He decides to spill the name of the man who hired him, but just before he does he's killed by a poison dart. A police detective and a pretty young newspaper reporter team up to find out the identity of the man behind the killings.
John Harper
A young woman has to pay the price for fooling around with men.
John Rinehart
The heirs to a family fortune are required to attend a seance at the spooky old family mansion. However, throughout the night members of the family are being killed off one by one.
The Baron is an aging, cynical lady's man. He has a key-chain with about 50 keys to different women' apartments in Paris. He selects one at random to see who he will sleep with at night. His adversary is a young Parisian artist (the next Picasso), Victor. Victor believes in love and he's going to marry his girlfriend Claudette as soon as he sells his first painting. The Baron seduces Claudette, seemingly to teach Victor a lesson. However, as might be predicted, he soon falls in love with Claudette himself.
Jimmy Delane
A reporter runs into a pretty young girl who has inherited her father's failing business. She wants to give it up, but he tries to convince her to make a go of it.
Colby Sherwood
Chet Thayer returns to his family and the loving arms of his long suffering sweatheart Marcia. Not being the faithful type he soon falls under the spell of the town vamp Jill Fenwick.
A pretty young lawyer discovers that her father needs an expensive operation to save his life. She goes to a nearby city and takes out an ad offering to marry whoever will pay her $5000, the cost of the operation. She soon finds herself involved with a newspaperman looking for a story, a drunken playboy and a con artist and his girlfriend out to fleece the playboy.
Washed-Up Star Telephoning in Brown Derby (uncredited)
Официантка престижного ресторана, который часто посещают работники кино, Мэри Эванс мечтает стать актрисой. Однажды вечером, обслуживая подвыпившего знаменитого режиссера Макса Кэрри, она его очаровывает и он приглашает ее на премьеру своего фильма в китайский кинотеатр Граумон. Купив за 50 долларов «драндулет», он с эпатажем подъезжает к кинотеатру и отдает его в качестве «чаевых» парковщику стоянки, а Мэри представляет зрителям графиней.
Прокутив всю ночь, он ничего не помнит на следующее утро. Доставившая его домой Мэри напоминает ему, что он обещал ей пробные съемки. Первое экранное испытание показывает, что девушка имеет гораздо больше амбиций, чем таланта и ей готовы отказать, но Мэри кроме амбиций еще и упорна…
John Welling
A reporter and a detective team up to solve the murder of a nightclub singer who had been involved in a divorce scandal.
Two young lovers caught up in the underworld decide to get out and go straight, but a gang leader has other plans for them.
Keep Laughing is a 1932 Comedy short
William Mortimer
A group of passengers are trapped in a runaway Pullman car.
Two aspiring actresses encounter mishaps during a shoot.
Stout Hearts and Willing Hands is a 1931 short comedy film directed by Bryan Foy. It was nominated for an Academy Award in 1932 for Best Short Subject (Comedy), but was disqualified.
Crashing Hollywood is a 1931 Comedy short.
Charlie Bates
A former All-American football star, now working as a steel mill supervisor in New Jersey, falls in love with the mill owner's wealthy, very spoiled daughter.
To avoid hostilities, Maryan, the ward of Doc May, a medicine show owner, induces Pop Garner, a circus owner, to join forces with her guardian. Doc May and Daphne, his wife, work as clowns; and Garry, a singing soldier of fortune, sings along with Maryan's act. Ruth, Maryan's partner, quits to get married; and Joe, who is jealous of Garry, replaces her with Trixie, his former assistant. When Garry announces his engagement to Maryan, Trixie persuades him to join a strip poker game in a drunken state and "compromises" him in the presence of his fiancée. Grief-stricken, Maryan falls during her act, and Garry, robbed of circus funds, is arrested. In spite of her injuries, Maryan, learning of Trixie's treachery, performs the act with her and forces a confession by threatening to drop her; Garry is released and is welcomed back to the show.
Ringmaster Joe
To avoid hostilities, Maryan, the ward of Doc May, a medicine show owner, induces Pop Garner, a circus owner, to join forces with her guardian. Doc May and Daphne, his wife, work as clowns; and Garry, a singing soldier of fortune, sings along with Maryan's act. Ruth, Maryan's partner, quits to get married; and Joe, who is jealous of Garry, replaces her with Trixie, his former assistant. When Garry announces his engagement to Maryan, Trixie persuades him to join a strip poker game in a drunken state and "compromises" him in the presence of his fiancée. Grief-stricken, Maryan falls during her act, and Garry, robbed of circus funds, is arrested. In spite of her injuries, Maryan, learning of Trixie's treachery, performs the act with her and forces a confession by threatening to drop her; Garry is released and is welcomed back to the show.
Husband / Bob Smith
A short drama about a married couple planning to go to Niagara Falls.
Ernest Hallam
Fighting the invasion of their small New England town by a big city--type nightclub, the Jazzland, a young newspaperman and his brother endeavor to learn the identity of the club's owner...
John Powell
A Silent Comedy film directed by Howard Bretherton.
While plotting together to win back their lovers, the rich Madeleine and the penniless Pierre fall for each other.
Donald Keefe
The story of a controversial white settlement in 1860s Spirit Lake, Iowa. Unbowed by the encroachment, Chief Sitting Bull vows to reclaim the land of his fathers. A long-thought-lost film finally surfaces after being unseen for over eight decades. Created and copyrighted by Sunset Productions in 1925 but not released until June 15, 1927, this silent epic features the superior Native American actor Chief Yowlachie (performing here under the name Chief Yowlache) as Sitting Bull.
Dr. John Waller
The handsome Dr. John Waller specializes in the ailments of women, or more specifically, wealthy widows.
Young Roman
The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
Prince Michael
Young orphan Victoria Sax becomes a grand duchess and is summoned to a remote kingdom.
Donald Gorham
A woman with a sordid past is redeemed by love in this silent melodrama from low-budget Sanford Productions.
Hilary Fenton
Railroad builder James Travers (George Nichols) wants his pretty daughter, Anne (Virginia Valli), to marry Herbert Landis, a young engineer (Eugene O'Brien). Unfortunately, Anne loves Landis...like a brother, and his rival, Hilary Fenton (Bryant Washburn), stands ready to snatch her up.
Prince Kynd
A farm girl learns she is a princess and is swept away by a tornado to the land of Oz.
Dr. Brooks
Arthur Randall becomes prosperous after divorcing his wife, Laura, and she now attempts unsuccessfully to win him back. Randall's son becomes ill, and he engages Joan Laird and her mother to care for the boy. Society misunderstands, and Joan is branded as a parasite. Laura kidnaps the boy, Bertie, and Joan gives chase. Laura's car goes over a cliff, and she is killed. Bertie survives the crash, however, and he and Joan attempt to find their way to a refuge. They become lost in the hills, and Joan manages to keep Bertie from dying until rescue comes.
Bryant Washburn
A comedy short directed by character Slim Summerville.
John Burleson
Valerie West, a beautiful artist's model, falls for wealthy artist Louis Neville. However, his aristocratic family doesn't approve of the relationship and persuades Valerie to promise that she won't marry him. She does, however, tell Louis that she will become his common-law wife on a certain date the following summer. Complications ensue.
Bryant Washburn (uncredited)
Mary's kid brother needs an operation and, in order to pay for it, Mary goes to a Hollywood studio and applies for a job as an actress. Mary is given a job as a waitress in the commissary, and gets to meet 40 actors, actresses and directors, none of whom tip big enough to enable Mary to earn enough money to pay for an operation. Will Mary become an actress and make some big money?
Jack Baldwin
Temptation film
Frederick Van Court, III
Tired of her friends and life as a society leader, Ninon Le Compte goes north to the Hudson Bay area to inspect trapping holdings inherited from her uncle.
A family of Russian Jews living in New York struggles to survive, while the mother strives to better their lives, but she finds that most of her efforts costs more then they are worth.
A picture depicting the engrossing adventures of a small town youth in Hollywood and showing the intimate home life of some of the screen's greatest stars.
Jimmie Jones
Heeding the pleas of Bobbie Brown, Jimmie Jones packs his trunk full of liquor to present to his desperate friend and hops on a train. Upon his arrival, Jones discovers that his cargo has been purloined in transit, and while attempting to replenish his supplies by bargaining with the local bootlegger, is detected by the local sheriff.
Henry Carpenter
Henry Carpenter and his wife Millicent are the envy of their exclusive suburban set because of their abundant wine cellar, a blessing in the face of the recent prohibition against alcohol initiated by the Volstead Act. In reality, Henry is down to his last few bottles, and, faced with an impending dinner party, he decides to save face by denouncing the evils of drink. His impassioned speech earns him the support of the Prohibition party for a Congressional seat. Henry is relishing his popularity when his aunt discovers twenty-one cases of rare wine in the cellar, forcing the candidate to choose between political and social success.
Augustus Billings
Augustus Billings has a domineering mother-in-law, and to get away from both her and his wife, he takes a trip, claiming that he is going off to check on Mexican oil investments. But he's really going on a cruise with Mrs. Dathis, who has purchased his yacht. To throw everyone off track, he uses the name Mr. Johnson. When he decides to repeat the trip, however, all hell breaks loose -- the jealous Mr. Dathis is out to get his hands on this Johnson character, while a real Mr. Johnson shows up in Mexico, and Mrs. Billings shows up with her mother, and the confusion continues from there.
Warren Kent
Salesman Warren Kent develops the idea of "The Unending Courtship" and manages to convince his new wife Betty of his theory, which entails their living separately and only meeting on Wednesday evenings, as they did while they were engaged. Warren's boss, however, who was never enamored of the idea, fires him when he bungles an account and loses the company a large order. On top of that, through a series of misunderstandings Warren comes to believe that his wife is pregnant and his mother-in-law believes that Warren is having an affair with Betty's friend Ethel. Things go downhill for Warren from there.
Buddy McNair
Buddy McNair is so enchanted by the newspaper photos of New York society beauty Mrs. Pat Dyvenot that he decides to leave Colorado with his newly inherited fortune, travel to New York, and win her heart. On the train, some gamblers, apparently aided by a pretty girl named Martha, cheat Buddy out of a large sum, and in New York, his lack of eastern polish makes him appear foolish.
Capt. Jefferson Strong
Yvonne von Krutz, a Belgian, lives with her German husband Karl, whom she was forced to marry, and her spirited little brother Jacques in a farmhouse on the Belgian countryside. With the German invasion of Belgium, Karl joins the German forces, and Jacques is taken to a reformatory to be trained as a munitions worker. When Karl is taken prisoner, Capt. Jefferson Strong, an American engineer, assumes the German's identity and discovers an underground supply of explosives near the von Krutz farm. By means of a tunnel, the Americans plan to mine the explosives. To save Jacques and a group of children from the munitions factory, however, Jefferson sends them across the American lines through the tunnel, but they lose their way, and he is forced to disable the mine. Jefferson is court-martialed, but King Albert of Belgium, who has befriended little Jacques, intercedes on his behalf. Learning that Karl has been killed, Jefferson pursues his budding romance with Yvonne.
William Manning Skinner
William Skinner is very pleased with the news his wife Honey is expecting their first child. He eagerly prepares for the new arrival, as he is sure it will be the next William Skinner Jr. When the bundle of joy finally arrives, much to his surprise, it's a girl. However, Honey and William are just as happy as if she were a he.
Prince Robin of Graustark
Graustark needs thirty million dollars to satisfy a Russian loan. The Prince of Dawsbergen, ruler of the adjoining principality, will advance the money if the young Prince of Graustark marries his daughter. Prince Robin, however, inherits an independent spirit, his father having been an American. He refuses absolutely to marry a Princess whom he has never seen. His councilors plead in vain. With the ruin of his country imminent, the boy ruler hastily sails for America to negotiate the loan, hoping at the same time to meet the girl of his dreams. The money is readily advanced by William W. Blithers, a self-made millionaire anxious to have his daughter marry into royalty. The daughter, however, avoids the Prince and he does not see her. He rescues a girl from drowning and falls in love with her. He believes her to be Blithers' daughter, but she does not reveal her identity.
The first film featuring Mildred Davis
Paul Hessert
Richard Craig and Paul Hessert, who work in the same office, are great chums. Both are in love, however, with the stenographer.
Lt. von Arnheim
The hero is a young soldier who is in love with two girls simultaneously. While on the battlefield, the soldier learns that one of his sweethearts has committed suicide. Only temporarily taken aback, he begins to dream of the blissful domesticity which he will enjoy with the other girl upon his return.
Archibald Graham
The Hon. Archibald Graham is expelled from college and his indignant father sends him to a little English village to study under the Rev. Harry Pemberton. Misunderstood by his father, he has grown up somewhat reckless and dissipated. All this is changed under the tutelage of the minister and he enters into the spirit of his studies with zeal.
Kent Harding
The Gilded Cage is a simple tale about two sisters: the pampered favorite and the put-upon, younger stepdaughter, played by Stonehouse. When the elder spurns her lover to marry wealth, she learns the error of her ways.
Gilbert Carthage
Gilbert and Lawrence Carthage are in love with Peggy Lorraine. George Duncan, a wealthy and unscrupulous bachelor, insults Peggy in Gilbert's presence. Being timid and retiring, he does nothing.
Rawley Plumston
Gloom overcasts the palace of Count Selim Nalagaski, governor general of Morovenia, Turkey. All efforts to make the count's elder daughter, the Princess Kalora, fat, synonymous with beauty in that country, have failed. Popova, the Princess's tutor, devises a terrible revenge because the count called him a Christian dog. He feeds the princess pickles to keep her thin.
Zelda Dunbar, a detective, on the trail of two notorious blackmailers, offers herself as their accomplice and is accepted by Eldridge and Mortimer. Zelda wins the heart of Kendrick, a rich bachelor. Zelda slips Kendrick a note saying her father is going to force her to marry a man she does not love. Kendrick takes the girl into another state.
Prince Lorenz
While traveling by train from Denver to Washington, DC, wealthy young Grenfall Lorry meets a beautiful young girl. When they are accidentally left behind in a mining town, they race through the mountains and finally catch it. They travel to Washington and have a great time, but they soon part. They meet again later in the small European country of Graustark, where Grenfall and his friend Harry rescue her from kidnappers, and they then discover that she is actually the country's Princess Yetiva. She is engaged to Prinze Lorenz of Asphan in order to pay off Graustark's enormous debt from the war, but Lorenz is murdered and Grenfall is framed for the crime. Complications ensue.
Sandy O'Connell
Jim Bradley is on trial for murder, and at the eleventh hour, Sandy O'Connell furnishes an alibi, swearing that Bradley was with him at the time the murder was committed. Sandy is a very common sort of fellow, and when Bradley asks him why he did it, he replies that when he was a homeless kid of the gutter, Jim Bradley was pointed out to him as the man who gave money for the burial of his mother and father.
Her Sweetheart
The story opens with an old couple in the evening of life, sitting by the fireside reminiscing the happenings of their younger days. How the young man had left his country home to seek work in the great city, and after many days of wandering had found employment as an office boy in the same office with the young lady. How she had taken an interest in him and before many days had become more than friends.
Mr. Hartley
In honor of his return from abroad, Mrs. Worthington invites her cousin, Brian Hartley, to dinner that evening, but forgets to tell him she has moved from her old address. He goes to the old home where he is met at the door by Celia Thayer, a guest of the Holbrooks, who now occupy the residence. None of the family being at home, Ceclia admits him, thinking he has been invited to dinner. When her hostess does not arrive the two have dinner together and become quite infatuated. Later it develops that the house was robbed while Mr. Hartley was there and, of course, he is suspected.
Jim Melcher
Jim Melcher, a swindler and a rogue, induces Rhoda, a society girl, to marry him. She later discovers his dishonest methods, but her sense of loyalty is so great that she stands by him. He is planning to pull off the biggest robbery of his career and insists that she assist him.
Gerald Livingston
A young man's sweetheart calls upon him to retrieve some incriminating love letters, but it all turns out to be a joke.
Arnold Cummins
Presenting Miss Irene Hough, who was recently voted the most beautiful telephone operator in America. Arnold Cummins, a millionaire, tells his wife of his love for another woman, and informs her that as soon as he can obtain a divorce he Intends to marry her. Mrs. Cummins is stunned.
Hawkins, the butler
Margery Trent, a beautiful girl, is trying to get possession of certain papers which will prove her identity. These papers are held by her uncle. She is in the act of entering the home of her uncle with a skeleton key, When Thomas Rockwell, alias "Tommyrot." a young author, happens along and helps her. They are caught in the house.
Count Le Febre
While dining in a café with his sweetheart, Ned Hallman nearly swallows a huge diamond which is in his glass of water. He is arrested when he takes it to an appraiser, and is taken to the home of Count LeFebre, who has reported the theft of the diamond and valuable papers.
Frankie Fane
Captain Fane, an English army officer stationed at Cairo, is in love with Lady Fiennis, who is treated most cruelly by her husband. Fane returns to England when he finds that she refuses to leave him. Five years later Fane's sister summons him to tell him that her son Frankie, who is only twenty-two years old, has decided to marry a widow many years his senior.
Ho Fing-Tang
A necklace belonging to Mrs. Stuyvesant is stolen from Lawyer Smirney's office. It was smuggled in from China years before. Chief Knox is notified and believes Smirney guilty when he finds a diagram in his pocket, and following it, finds a necklace. Ho Fing-Tang, a Chinaman, studying law in the office, is not suspected by Knox, but Spider, a newspaper reporter, believes differently. Ho Fing-Tang is injured and in a delirium keeps repeating "Huns 764." Spider goes to the office and from a book called "Hun's 129 Reports," he extracts the real necklace. The stones Knox found prove to be paste.
Mr. Sloane
A poor orphan's dream of luxuries and a mother's love, which eventually becomes a reality
The Man
The man meets and falls in love with a girl much younger than himself, and decides to cast off the woman with whom he had had a love affair. He goes to his old sweetheart and asks her to return his love letters. She does so on condition that he tell the new girl of their affair. He does not live up to his promise, but tells her that she is the first girl he has ever loved. In the meantime, he has lost his letters, and the new sweetheart, upon finding them, returns them to the owner. From this source she is advised to have nothing more to do with him unless she is convinced in her own mind that he is kneeling to her in spirit at all times.
Ethel Vandiver and her friend, Marie Le Farve, arrive at the former's country home. Ethel's father objects to her seeing Douglas, whom he thinks is a sweetheart. But, unknown to her parent, Ethel has married Douglas a year before. The day on which she arrives she receives a letter from her husband stating that he would rather see her dead than be separated from her any longer. A few hours later Marie is found dead in Ethel's room.
Captain Reynolds
Great-grandfather Huxley, an old soldier, is neglected by his grandson and wife. He feels he is in the way and seriously contemplates suicide. One night while the grandson's wife is giving a party, the house catches fire and the old man rescues their children from the burning building.
A clerk in a broker's office is accused of stealing a million dollars' worth of railroad bonds, but they are later found to be worthless, his innocence is proven, and he is given a promotion for his efforts.
Russell Shirley - the Bridegroom
Russell Shirley calls on Harriet Gorman, to whom he is engaged, and they happily plan for their wedding, which is to take place in a few days. On the night of the wedding the guests are assembled and the minister is half through with the ceremony, when Russell suddenly discovers that the ring with which to seal the marriage is not on his person and is nowhere to be found.
Bess abhors the sinfulness of her brothers, who are crooks of the worst kind, so one day, while they are planning some villainy, she takes some money which one of the brothers had placed on the table, leaves the house and disappears as if the earth had engulfed her. Bess goes to a distant part of the city, and rents a furnished room from a kindly-faced old lady, resolved to start life anew in a different environment. She secures employment in a large shirt factory and by diligent attention to work, becomes forelady and assistant to Williams, the owner of the factory. Jack, the weakling, completely worn out by the life he has led, is in the last stages of tuberculosis, when he accidentally meets Bess, and through helping him, her other brother, Frank, finds out where she is employed, and going to Williams, her employer, plays the "worried brother" part and tells him how Bess took the money and ran away from home.
The Prosecuting Attorney
A lawyer defends a woman accused of murdering her husband without knowing that the murdered man was his own brother.
Mr. Swift
As the result of a mistaken marriage, Mrs. Russell, broken in spirit and body, becomes ill and is ordered to the hospital by her physician. While her mother is ensconced in the hospital, her little daughter, Ruth, wanders aimlessly through the corridors and strikes up an acquaintance with Mr. Swift, a wealthy clubman, who is convalescing.
George Rosslyn
Kathleen Clifford, a wealthy widow, is undecided whom to marry. Ralph Fenton, a man of her own age, or George Rosslyn, a youth in his twenties.
While Ruth is on a visit of charity to one of the poor quarters of the city she is saved from insult by a young fellow of the slums. Out of gratitude she takes him to her home with the intention of having her father help him. Her father, however, forbids her to have anything to do with him and orders her to send him away.
Olga, a writer, at a loss to bring her book to a fitting climax, goes for celestial inspiration into church, where she kneels and listens to the wonderful music of Gustave, the organist. She meets him as he leaves the church, and they are instinctively drawn to each other.
The Man
It was mother who through false love had sinned. Years later on her deathbed, as the last sacraments were administered, she confesses the folly of her youth. Her husband, a straightforward, conscientious man, had loved the boy as his own. A few days later the priest gives the son a note his mother had left him. The few lines on the first page sting him to the heart, but he does not weaken and his conscience tells him not to turn the leaf of his absolute disaster.
Don Fernando
Don Fernando, smitten with Giulia, a Spanish dancer, persuades the young and innocent girl to run away with him. Valeska, the sister, finds a note on the table the following morning, telling her that Giulia has gone, never to return. Months later, however, Giulia returns to her home, having been deserted by her unfaithful lover. Giulia enters the convent. The sister meets Don Fernando some time later. He tries to influence the girl to marry him. Don Fernando's life is saved by Sister Valencia, who interferes just as Valeska is about to stab the villain. Valeska is later thrown into a dungeon by Fernando, who declares he will '"have her." The pretty Spanish girl does not stay in her prison long. Sister Valencia, discovering Valeska's whereabouts, gets her out of her prison in a clever way. Valeska then enters the convent, where her sister is overjoyed at the happy meeting, and ending.
Lois's Married Sister's Husband
A girl falls in love with a rich passerby. She breaks off her engagement, marries the rich man and moves to the city. After five years she feels very lonely, and goes to stay with her sister who lives a simple life with her family. She also sees her ex-fiance. When she is back in town, she realizes how empty her life is.
John Steppling is Billy McGrath in this popular series directed by Archer McMackin, of which this is the only existing example. Billy wants to be a Broadway producer but finds is isn't so easy.
Wash Bryant
Луиза разрывает помолвку с Чарльзом. Из мести Чарльз и его друзья решают остроить розыгрыш и превращают молочника Киса в шотландского лорда.
The Rent Collector
A grouchy landlord discharges a kind-hearted rent collector for failing to collect the rent from an impoverished widow. After dreaming that he himself is experiencing the sordid experiences of being destitute, the old man sees the error of his ways and becomes suddenly charitable.