Walter Fitzgerald
Рождение : 1896-05-18,
Смерть : 1976-12-20
Walter Fitzgerald was a distinguished British character actor. He was born in 1896 in Devon. His first film was in 1932 in “Murder In Covent Garden”. His cinema highlights include “In Which We Serve”, “San Demitro, London”, “The Fallen Idol” and “Treasure Island”. He went to Hollywood in 1959 to make “Darby O’Gill and the Little People” for Walt Disney. He died in 1976 in London at the age of 80.
Director Senex
When two belligerent Dominators and their robotic servant Quarks land on the peaceful planet Dulkis planning to drop a radioactive seed into the planet's core to refuel their spaceship, the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe must attempt to inspire the pacifist Dulcians to resist.
Adaptation of the play Music at Midnight, set in the Iron Curtain.
Admiral Thomas
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
Herr Hempel
The thrilling, critically acclaimed account of Rudi Matt (James MacArthur), a young kitchen worker who is determined to conquer the Citadel -- the jagged, snowcapped peak that claimed his father's life.
Lord Fitzpatrick
Это сказка о стороже огромного поместья, который, упав в колодец, попадает в пещерное царство Маленького народца, которым правит король Брайан. После бурного праздника лепреконов открываются каменные стены, и король ведет своих подданных покататься на миниатюрных лошадках по чудесным пейзажам Ирландии. Позже Дарби выманивает у короля Брайана выполнение трёх желаний, но очень быстро понимает, что нужно быть очень осторожным, когда придумываешь, что бы такое пожелать.
Cyril Beattie
Set in a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War II, the film focuses on the brutality and horror that the allied prisoners were exposed to as the Japanese metered out subjugation and punishment to a disgraced and defeated enemy. This harrowing drama concentrates on the deviations of legal and moral definitions when two opposing cultures clash. Although fictional, this was one of the earliest films to deal realistically with life and death in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp during the Second War.
Sir John Dell
Returning from a business trip, toy salesman Simon Scott is caught attempting to smuggle a wristwatch bought for his wife's birthday through Customs. He is arrested and, due to a bungled defence by his solicitor, obliged to serve a three-month prison sentence. It is only the beginning of his woes; his employer, Colonel Wilson, is understanding, but he is ultimately forced to sack Simon, who discovers that finding another job under such circumstances is extremely difficult. But Colonel Wilson is determined to help his former employee find a solution.
A White Settler - Henry McKenzie
As Kenya's Mau Mau uprising tears the country apart, former childhood friends Kimani (Sidney Poitier), a native, and Peter (Rock Hudson), a British colonist, find themselves on opposite sides of the struggle in this provocative drama. Though each is devoted to his cause, both wish for a more moderate path -- but their hopes for a peaceful resolution are thwarted by rage, colonial arrogance and escalating violence on both sides.
Reginald Conway
The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore. Mitchell learns from his boss, Reg Conway, that if Ashmore does not recommend the plane, the company will be out of business and Mitchell out of a job, since the plane is not even insured as the firm's entire capital is tied up in the plane. Aloft, an engine catches fire and the passengers and other crew bail out, but Mitchell refuses to obey orders to jettison the plane in the Irish Sea.
Club Member
Обогнуть земной шар всего за 80 дней? Смешно! Даже лучшие паровые корабли Ее Величества Виктории не смогут сделать это. Но точный и пунктуальный Филеас Фогг заявил, что сможет. А когда члены лондонского престижного Реформ-Клуба попросят Фогга подкрепить его похвальбу солидной денежной ставкой, мы отправимся в путешествие Вокруг света в 80 дней!
Gestapo Comdt.
7 декабря 1942 года. Субмарина «Тунец» доставила шесть байдарок с экипажами английских коммандос к устью реки Жиронды и выпустила их в море. Диверсанты за несколько суток, на байдарках, должны доплыть до надежно охраняемого нацистами французского порта Бордо и с помощью магнитных мин подорвать максимальное количество транспортных кораблей противника на рейде с целью блокировки порта. Предполагается, что коммандос смогут проплывать около 30 километров за ночь, им придется прятаться минимум трижды перед тем, как атаковать свою цель…
The Dean
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Anthony Black
A workaholic newspaper editor lets his wife leave on the holiday without him just at that time some important news stories break, including a plane crash, the one which his wife took....
Rich Sadie Patch is marooned on a desert island after an emergency on her cruise-ship. With her are Irish stoker Pat, prickly young Jimmy Carrol, and bald and bookish Professor Gibble. All fancy their chances.
Henry Vining
A British girl disappears for three days after a frank talk with the wife of a Latin teacher she loves.
Warden (uncredited)
Это длинный и правдивый рассказ об океане и двух кораблях. Этот рассказ описывает долгое и яростное сражение. Здесь пойдет речь о двух кораблях потому, что один был потоплен и его пришлось заменить другим. Здесь пойдет речь о двухстах пятидесяти моряках. И наконец, самое главное - это правдивый рассказ. Место действия - океан, Северная Атлантика. Карта поведает вам, как он выглядит, но не откроет, что с ним могут сделать люди и что сам он может сделать с людьми... Сначала о корабле. Первом из двух. О том, который обречен. Это корвет. Новый тип конвойных кораблей. Опытный образец, созданный для того, чтобы хоть как-то встретить отчаянную ситуацию, возникшую на горизонте. Время действия - ноябрь 1939 года. Название корабля - Его Королевского Величества корвет «Компас Роуз». И, наконец, о людях. Некоторые, как и сам этот прекрасный корабль, обречены. Герои этого рассказа — мужчины и их корабли. И единственный злодей среди них — жестокое море.
Wing-commander Tim Mason leads a squadron of Lancaster bombers on almost nightly raids from England. Having flown eighty-seven missions he will shortly be retiring from flying, but the strain is showing. He tries to make sure his men concentrate only on their job and so keeps women away from the base, but then he himself meets naval officer Eve Canyon.
Sir Charles Craddock
A secret jet aircraft capable of traveling three times the speed of sound is being developed by a group of scientists. On the day of the test flight, one of the scientists dies in a mysterious accident, and there are many arguments concerning the flight itself; some think it should be ground-controlled while Heathley (James Donald) wants it to be a manned flight with himself at the controls. Conflict also arises when one of his fellow scientists, taking advantage of Heathley's lack of attention toward his wife, Lydia (Phyllis Calvert), makes some moves on her. Then there is the question of just who is the enemy agent on the project.
An underhand solicitor receives threatening notes, and the police are called in to protect him.
Mr. Wardle
Британская комедия, основанная на классическом произведении Чарльза Диккенса. «Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба» — первый роман писателя, рассказывающий о клубе чудаков, путешествующих по Англии и наблюдающих «человеческую природу». Основатель клуба и главный герой романа — Сэмюэл Пиквик, внешне наивный и смешной, но обладающий истинной человечностью.
Squire Trelawney
В поисках сокровищ легендарного пирата Флинта, британцы отправляются на отдалённый островок в Карибском море.В поисках сокровищ легендарного пирата Флинта, британцы отправляются на отдалённый островок в Карибском море.
Mr. Kedner
Эдварду - пятилетнему сыну живущих в Лондоне канадца Арнольда Болта и его жены Эвелин диагностирована тяжелая болезнь, требующая дорогостоящей операции за границей. Начинающему предпринимателю Арнольду Болту не хватает средств на операцию. Он решает инсценировать пожар в доме, чтобы из страховки покрыть расходы. Своими планами Арнольд Болт поделился со своим партнёром по бизнесу Гарри Семпкином, когда-то сидевшим в тюрьме за мошенничество. Годы проходят. Арнольд Болт становится богатым именитым финансистом, готовым на всё, чтобы защитить своего сына. Когда Эдвард находится под угрозой изгнания из подготовительной школы, лорд Болт становится её главным спонсором.
At the height of World War II, the Germans begin dropping a new type of booby-trapped bomb on England. Sammy Rice, a highly-skilled but haunted bomb-disposal officer, must overcome his personal demons to defeat this new threat.
Dr. Fenton
Когда работающий во французском посольстве в Лондоне дворецкий становится подозреваемым в смерти его жены, в качестве свидетеля выступает только впечатлительный мальчик.
First Lord
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Simon Fury
Penniless governess Blanche Fullerton takes a job at the estate of her rich relations, the Fury family. To better her position in life, Blanche marries her dull cousin, Laurence Fury, with whom she has a daughter. But before long, boredom sets in, and Blanche begins a tempestuous romance with stableman Philip Thorn. Together, they hatch a murderous plan to gain control of the estate.
Arthur Russell
The woman here is Sylvia Russell, who is a bit power mad and has some set goals. In order to achieve those goals she is sadistically devoted to her son and daughter, able to possess and direct them; subtly ruins her daughter's marriage by corrupting a servant girl and, then, uses her to compromise her son-in-law; slowly breaks her bumbling, unambitious husband's confidence, finds in her husband's executive friend the man she desires, and then poisons her husband in her own manner in their quiet English manor
Dr. Norris Pile
Fearing her husband could become a killer, a woman seeks a psychiatrist's help.
Bob Tyndale
An impending V.I.P. visit causes bustle in an English village, while the Ellis family struggles with private problems.
Walter Morley
Farmer Chris Lowe meets and falls in love with Molly , a chorus-girl. Despite the fact that she is a city girl through and through, she accepts his proposal of marriage and after the wedding goes to live on the farm. Chris realises that the transition for Molly will be difficult, and in an attempt to ease her into farm life, buys her a strawberry roan calf to look after. Unfortunately Molly finds the adjustment to rural life extremely difficult and does not settle down. She fails to integrate into the local community and starts to feel she has made a big mistake.
Chief Engineer Charles Pollard - M.V. San Demetrio
British drama documentary from 1943, based on the true story of the 1940 rescue of the tanker MV San Demetrio by parts of her own crew after she had been set afire in the middle of the Atlantic by the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer and then had been abandoned. When one of the lifeboats drifted back to the burning tanker the day after, and found that she still hadn't exploded, they decided to board her and put out the fires. Eventually, they managed to start the engine again and decided to try to reach Britain against all odds.
Inspector Milne
Equipped with an RAF uniform, an English accent, a photograph of his "wife" and a packet of Players (cigarettes), a German agent is parachuted into occupied Belgium to create anti-British propaganda. Unfortunately for him he chooses a night when the Belgian resistance are smuggling the crew of a British bomber home across the channel. Before he knows it he is landing on the south coast of England. With MI5 hot on his trail, the fugitive tries to contact his old German émigré friends in London. But they have all been interned on the Isle of Man. How will he escape back to Germany ?
Colonel Lumsden
История команды маленького корабля, знавшей о своей обреченности и все же честно выполнившей долг.
Set in Claverly Village, it follows the fortunes of the Rookebys (Clements) and the ne'r-do-well Appleyards (Williams) from the time of the Normans, 1588, 1804, 1914, and 1940. Made to support morale during the war, its message is basically that you can't suppress the British; they've been there since the beginning; they'll be there to the end.
Dockside Policeman
События фильма разворачиваются в самом начале войны, когда угроза со стороны фашистской Германии перестает быть призрачной. Британским контрразведчикам удается получить ценные сведения о местоположении группы немецких шпионов. Где-то в норвежском Бергене расположилась опытная команда фашистов под прикрытием, изображающая джазовый оркестр. В срочном порядке готовится спецоперация по обезвреживанию противника. В какой-то момент план английской контрразведки отклоняется от заданной схемы, в результате чего в Норвегию отбывает не опытный агент, а чудаковатый музыкант небольшого джаз-бэнда Джордж Хепплуайт. В отсутствии других вариантов приходится уговорить паренька послужить на благо родине.
Donald Walpace
A detective goes undercover and poses as a criminal to try to discover the reasons behind the murder of a night club owner.