Ambrogio Molteni


Somewhere in Eastern Europe during WW II. The Nazis have captured a Swedish scientist, whom they want to create weapons of mass-destruction for them, and then a group of local rebels will have to free him from the Nazis before they run out of time. To help them with this task, they have sought the aid of a couple of American pilots
Насилие в женской тюрьме
Эмануэль расследует нарушения закона и случаи пыток и жестокого обращения в тюрьмах небольшой страны с диктаторским режимом. По фальшивым документам ей удается проникнуть в самую крупную женскую тюрьму. Ее первый контакт с жесткостью режима травмирует ее… То, что она видит и вынуждена переносить, превосходит все ожидания!
Насилие в женской тюрьме
Эмануэль расследует нарушения закона и случаи пыток и жестокого обращения в тюрьмах небольшой страны с диктаторским режимом. По фальшивым документам ей удается проникнуть в самую крупную женскую тюрьму. Ее первый контакт с жесткостью режима травмирует ее… То, что она видит и вынуждена переносить, превосходит все ожидания!
Dolce gola
A couple experience some difficulties in their sex life when a German au pair girl arrives.
Cameriera senza... malizia
The truck driver Antonio strikes a deal with the mother superior of a religious institute: marry the student Olivia, and in return he will be able to buy an inn owned by the nuns.
Safari Rally
6000 km di paura, internationally released as Safari Rally, is a 1978 action-thriller film directed by Bitto Albertini.
Сестра Эммануэль
(as Palmambrogio Molteni)
В монашеский пансионат отправляется Моника, развратная и беспринципная девушка. Сестра Эммануэль, которая нашла в монастыре приют от грехов мира, пытается наставить её на путь истинный, но манипуляции Моники заводят Эммануэль в мир обмана и греха…
Сестра Эммануэль
В монашеский пансионат отправляется Моника, развратная и беспринципная девушка. Сестра Эммануэль, которая нашла в монастыре приют от грехов мира, пытается наставить её на путь истинный, но манипуляции Моники заводят Эммануэль в мир обмана и греха…
Crazy Desires of a Murderer
A group of hip friends gather at a Gothic castle owned by a wheelchair- bound older relative of one of the girls. One couple in the group, unbeknownst to the others, is smuggling heroin in some Chinese artifacts the protagonist has brought back from the Orient to give to her elderly relative. Meanwhile the deranged uncle of the protagonist, who supposedly killed the protagonist's mother (his own sister) and cut out her eyes, is wandering the catacombs spying on everyone. When one of the guests is murdered and her eyes subsequently disappear, suspicion naturally falls on the mad uncle. But is he being set up?
Crazy Desires of a Murderer
A group of hip friends gather at a Gothic castle owned by a wheelchair- bound older relative of one of the girls. One couple in the group, unbeknownst to the others, is smuggling heroin in some Chinese artifacts the protagonist has brought back from the Orient to give to her elderly relative. Meanwhile the deranged uncle of the protagonist, who supposedly killed the protagonist's mother (his own sister) and cut out her eyes, is wandering the catacombs spying on everyone. When one of the guests is murdered and her eyes subsequently disappear, suspicion naturally falls on the mad uncle. But is he being set up?
Желтая Эммануэль
Сексуально озабоченного пилота Джорджа Телора ограбили. Кроме этого, его еще жесткого избили, и он оказался в комфортабельной клинике. Возвращение к полноценной жизни возможно и за дело берутся две очаровательные красотки. Одной из них стала доктор Эми Вонг, а другой – секретарь авиакомпании Хелент Миллер.
Black Emanuelle 2
Emanuelle is now confined to a Manhattan psychiatric clinic with an acute case of extreme amnesia and depraved fantasies. Can her doctor unravel a Freudian nightmare of incestuous hungers, lesbian longings, rampant nymphomania, and inexplicable body painting to solve the shocking mystery of her bizarre sexual trauma?
Черная Эммануэль
Молодая, очаровательная и невероятно сексуальная девушка Эммануэль работает фотографом в редакции одного журнала. По работе ей приходится много путешествовать, чтобы собирать материалы для своих «горячих» репортажей. Из-за склонности к авантюризму она постоянно попадает в различные пикантные ситуации.
Enter the Devil
After a female art student purchases a life-size wooden sculpture of a crucifixion from an abandoned church, she has a vision of herself being nailed to a cross and soon becomes sexually tormented by the sculpture when it comes to life.
Patience Has a Limit, We Don't
Assistant Director
During the Civil War, corporal MacDonald from the Cavalry Regiment, is entrusted with a large shipment of gold. Along with the men accompanying him, Mac Donald decides to keep the cargo, and hides it for later rescue. He is the only one who knows where it is buried, but is killed in a skirmish. Now, Lieutenant Pollock will have the mission to find out where he hid the gold
Curse of the Red Butterfly
Six Bounty Killers for a Massacre
The Governor of Kansas hires six gunfighters to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the self-appointed sheriff of Abilene.
Kill Django...Kill First
Johnny fights the banker Burton, who tries to acquire with the help of the strange bandit Martinez, in an unlawful way, all the gold mines in the nearer environment.
Kill Django...Kill First
Johnny fights the banker Burton, who tries to acquire with the help of the strange bandit Martinez, in an unlawful way, all the gold mines in the nearer environment.
Zorro the Fox
A mix of swashbuckling and Spaghetti western: a light hearted adventure of Zorro in which the hero has to support good noblemen, sustained by the peones, against an ambitious landlord and a bad alcalde.
Radhapura – Endstation der Verdammten
Steve Weston, a diamond prospector in Ceylon, is robbed of his precious stones. Left without money, he gets hired in a mine where he finds Alfred, the man who stole his diamonds, in the guise of the ruthless overseer. He, having recognized his victim, tries to get rid of him by blaming him in turn for theft. Having thwarted the attempt, Steve organizes the escape from the mine with the complicity of other whites and the help of a guard who owes him a debt of gratitude.
Goldface, the Fantastic Superman
Goldface fights dr. Cobra's, aided by a bare chested African named Kotar. When Kotar's not punching folks, he's eating peanuts, bugging out his eyes, and speaking gibberish while referring to Goldy as "B'wana".
Goldface, the Fantastic Superman
Goldface fights dr. Cobra's, aided by a bare chested African named Kotar. When Kotar's not punching folks, he's eating peanuts, bugging out his eyes, and speaking gibberish while referring to Goldy as "B'wana".
Colt in the Hand of the Devil
Pat Scotty is hired to eliminate a gang of Mexican bandits led by El Condor. Scotty craftily earns the trust of the bandits, enabling him to trap them all, but in the meantime, genuine friendship and respect have developed between him and El Condor.
Три пули для Ринго
Стрелок Ринго женится и становится шерифом, но, сражаясь с бандой своего экс-компаньона, теряет зрение. Частично вернув себе возможность видеть, он будет успешно сражаться с негодяями, захватившими в заложники его жену и сына.
Последний стрелок
Джим Харт, отставной стрелок, он поклялся больше не убивать. Но сдержит ли он своё обещание, если его невеста и весь город в опасности...?
Death on the Fourposter
A group of friends decide to spend a weekend in a castle belonging to Riccardo, a moody and hyper-sensitive young artist. The only other inhabitants of the castle are a mysterious housekeeper, Caterina, and the demented Aldo. The group are joined by two friends: Serena and a young American medium, Anthony. During a seance Anthony predicts a tragedy, then leaves the castle, shocked by his own visions. An hour later, Serena is found strangled to death in bed. The others become gradually more and more diffident and suspicious, especially when another girl is murdered...
The Seven Tasks of Ali Baba
A wizard summons Ali Baba to transport a sacred crown to a nearby country. An evil ruler has taken over the land, and the crown is needed to free the people from his influence.
Vulcan, Son of Giove
A superhero battles lizard men and other monsters that are terrorizing the countryside.
Vulcan, Son of Giove
A superhero battles lizard men and other monsters that are terrorizing the countryside.
The Giant of Metropolis
Obro the muscleman goes to Atlantis and sinks a death-ray king who knows the secret of immortality.
История противостояния татарского хана Бурундая и предводителя викингов Олега.
The Seven Revenges
The leaders of Circassians and Kyrgyz face off in a tournament divided into seven challenges: only one will gain the supremacy.
David and Goliath
When the Philistines attack, the Israelites are hopeless against the fierce giant Goliath and don't know what to do. King Saul takes the advice of the prophets and sends an adolescent shepherd, David, into battle to conquer the oversized Philistine. David is victorious and becomes the King of Israel.
It Happened in the Penitentiary
Script Supervisor
A prison warden keeps a diary in which he writes about the convicts he meets and their lives.
Non c'è amore più grande
Second Assistant Director
While her new husband is away looking for work, the wife loses the child she was expecting and uses another woman's baby as a substitute so she won't have to upset her spouse when he returns.